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Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategies of Travel

Agencies in Cabanatuan City

An Undergraduate Thesis presented to the

faculty of College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Wesleyan University - Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Aguilar, Raven Reigh B.

Galang, Samantha Nicole L.

Villena, Princess Hanna S.J.

December 2023

This undergraduate thesis entitled "Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategies of Travel

Agencies in Cabanatuan City" submitted by Raven Reigh B. Aguilar, Samantha Nicole L.

Galang, and Princess Hanna S.J. Villena, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, has been examined and is recommended for

acceptance and approval.

Research Adviser

The accomplishment of this study wouldn’t be possible without the help and support of

those around us so we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to them.

Above all, we want to express our sincere gratitude to the Almighty God for His

strength, direction, and blessings during our research journey. His unwavering grace has helped

us overcome obstacles and illuminated our path to finishing this thesis, serving as a constant

source of inspiration and strength.

We would like to thank our research adviser Prof. Girlie Pascual-Lagasca, for her

steadfast support and our statistician Dr. Ali G. Mamaclay, PhD for his dedication and

insightful feedback that helped in shaping this thesis. To our subject teacher, Prof. Maria

Donna Valenzuela for her patience and guidance in giving us resources that contributed to the

completion of this study. Their knowledge and encouragement helped us get through the

challenging phases of our research, and their constructive criticism greatly improved the quality

of this work. As future tourism professionals, we are truly grateful to the College of Tourism

and Hospitality Management at Wesleyan University-Philippines for giving us a great

environment to conduct this study and access to additional resources that are essential to this


Lastly, we would like to thank our respondents, the travel agencies who generously

shared their time to answer our questionnaires contributing hugely to the depth of this study.

This study is dedicated to the future researchers who would like to further conduct this

study. I hope that this research will provide future researchers with insight on unexplored aspects

of this topic. We hope that the challenges you overcome and the insights you get from reading

these pages will provide you with inspiration as you embark on your own academic trajectory.

Let this project be a testament to the strength of dedication, courage, and education. May you

build upon these foundations, shattering norms and igniting boundless passion. Your

contributions to the ever-expanding field of education will change the limitations of human

comprehension and affect the future. May your purpose be as true as your heart is pure.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our family for their unwavering belief,

understanding, and endless encouragement throughout this research endeavor. Their love has

been our source of strength and inspiration through those challenging times. We’re grateful to

our friends and peers for their assistance and support that has motivated us throughout the


Your confidence in my abilities, your comforting remarks in my darkest hours, and the

way you honored each accomplishment have been immeasurable. This achievement is equally

yours and mine. We are grateful to you for providing the constant support that allowed this study

to be accomplished. My achievement has been largely attributed to your love and support.

This study delves into the marketing strategies utilized by travel agencies in Cabanatuan

City, examining the effectiveness of both traditional and digital approaches. The goal is to

understand how consumers in the area make choices when planning and purchasing trips.

Through surveys conducted among a diverse group of Cabanatuan City residents, the research

uncovers specific factors, including the classic marketing mix elements of product, place,

promotion, and price, that sway consumer decisions. Additionally, the impact of marketing tools

such as sales promotions and payment methods is explored. The study offers practical insights

for travel agencies aiming to enhance their marketing strategies locally, shedding light on the

ongoing shift between traditional and digital marketing dynamics within the travel industry.

Notably, the travel agencies involved in this study lean towards the view that digital

marketing is more effective, though the results are closely contested.

Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………….i

Approval sheet …………………………………………………………………………………..ii




Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER I:..........................................................................................................................................................

Background of the Study....................................................................................................................................


Literature Review...............................................................................................................................................

Theoretical Framework......................................................................................................................................

Statement of the Problem...................................................................................................................................

Definition of Terms............................................................................................................................................

Significance of the Study...................................................................................................................................

CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................................................................

Research Design.................................................................................................................................................

Research Locale.................................................................................................................................................

Population & Sampling......................................................................................................................................

Scope and Delimitations of the Study................................................................................................................


Data Gathering Procedures................................................................................................................................

Data Management and Analysis........................................................................................................................

Ethical Considerations.......................................................................................................................................

CHAPTER III........................................................................................................................................................

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data............................................................................................

Summary and Conclusion..................................................................................................................................


A. References..........................................................................................................................................................

B. Questionnaire.....................................................................................................................................................................

C. Permission/Consent Letter...............................................................................................................................................

D. Data Gathering Pictures...................................................................................................................................

E. Authors’ Curriculum Vitae..............................................................................................................................

Background of the Study

The tourism industry continues to evolve as more time passes by and the professionals

employed in this particular field are working on how to keep up with the constant change of

trends. According to Hassan and Rahimi (2016), tourism is the world’s largest industry that

continuously contributes to the global economy. Although this competition is created between

tourist sites, it has increased year after year in this industry (Becken & Simmons, 2002). The

increasing competition among tourism destinations is a major trend that seems to become more

and more relevant over time (Mariani & Baggio, 2012). Globalization, technological

development and increasing competition among destinations are leading to fast changes in the

markets and destination management organizations should be able to anticipate these changes

through more market research. (Vitouladiti, 2012). By encouraging more visitors, using

marketing strategies can considerably aid a tourist site and/or a tourism business, and is a key

factor in boosting competitiveness on both the regional and national levels. Marketing strategies

in the form of sales promotion are therefore crucial in the current environment for influencing

more tourists to participate in tourism-related activities.

As technology continues to evolve over time, various businesses within the tourism

industry, especially travel agencies, have learned the benefits of digital marketing, allowing

themselves to market their products and services on the internet as it is believed to have the

ability to reach a lot more customers. While some people understand that there are traditional

marketing strategies that are still useful and more effective than the more popular and more

modern method that the business world has today.

With that being said, this study aims to examine the effectiveness of using digital and

traditional marketing strategies when it comes to the travel Agencies in Cabanatuan City, by

investigating which marketing strategies attracts more customers and their preference of

marketing methods when it comes to choosing a travel agency, as well as which among those

two generates more benefits to the travel agency considering the different factors that contribute

to the agency’s success.


This comparative study on traditional and digital marketing for travel agencies addresses

the need to adapt to a rapidly changing business environment. Its objectives include evaluating

the impact of digitalization on the travel industry, providing practical insights for more efficient

marketing, examining the role of data-driven decision-making, and assessing marketing's local

and global reach. By comparing traditional and digital marketing, the study aims to assist travel

agencies in effectively engaging consumers, maximizing ROI, and staying competitive in an

evolving environment.

Literature Review

Traditional Marketing in terms of Product

It is without a doubt that a lot of travel agencies are shifting from traditional marketing to

digital marketing as they enter the digital age of the tourism industry. While digital marketing

offers a lot of advantages that could keep up with the constant changes of trends these past

couple of years, there are still travel agencies that stick with their traditional ways. According to

Xianyun Gao and Teresia Rajala in their research “Online vs. Traditional Travel Agency: What

influences travel consumers choices”, while online travel agency among the targeted audience is

more preferable due to its accessibility, effectiveness, convenience, wider choices of products

and services available and etc., there are still consumers who would choose travel agencies who

do things traditionally because they trust them more. The reason for their easy trust is because of

the opportunity of physical interaction during business transactions, the chance of getting tailor

made products and services, and trustworthiness in personal information security. Therefore,

travel agencies who market their business traditionally appeal more trustworthy to some

consumers (Gao & Rajala, 2013).

Furthermore, the same study stated that out of those who did not opt for online agencies,

36% expressed a preference for traditional agencies due to the appeal of receiving personalized

products and services. They valued the opportunity to combine various customized product

options. Conversely, among those not favoring traditional agencies, 34% stated that the limited

selection of products and services was not enticing enough for them to choose this type of


Additionally, a research entitled Sanjay Bhayani and Nishant V. Vachhani on “Internet

Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing: A Comparative Analysis” explained that, in terms of

product, traditional marketing was said to be preferred over e-marketing considering that online

marketing can only provide an implicit image of the product. While traditional marketing gives

consumers more opportunity to examine their product in person, therefore, lessening the worry

of the consumer and their purchasing decision will be firmer.

Traditional Marketing in terms of Place

Since Bhayani and Vachhani explored the 4P’s marketing mix in their research, they also

defined traditional marketing in terms of place. As stated in the research, conventional,

customary, and traditional marketing has the opportunity to decorate their physical stores in

order to create a specific atmosphere that can attract consumers. E-marketing, on the other hand,

makes it impossible to create a real sensation since a website is just a virtual image. However,

internet marketing also has the advantage of having a wider reach as compared to a locality

based store with a physical address.

According to Gao and Rajala’s research, among all of the respondents who favored

purchasing from traditional travel agencies, the primary consideration was not the location. For

33% of these respondents, the convenience of accessibility to traditional travel agencies was a

crucial factor influencing their choice to buy from them. Additionally, 19% of respondents who

preferred traditional travel agencies highlighted that the less convenient accessibility of online

travel agencies played a role in their decision not to choose them.

As stated by L. Abanag (personal communication, June 5, 2020), traditional marketing

strategies include events that allow businesses to participate and interact directly with customers.

Customers also tend to be more trustworthy if you speak with them directly and can share your

knowledge, such as intriguing locations to visit because you've been there, can help them out

right away by giving advice (J. Imayaho, personal communication, June 4, 2020)

Traditional Marketing in terms of Promotion

According to another related study titled "A Study on Travel From Traditional Marketing

To Digital Marketing in India 2023" by K. Ashok Kumar, Cheekolu Kaveri, Dornapathi

Bhanusree, Degala Sai Pavan, traditional marketing allows you to reach a wide audience to build
brand awareness, establish credibility and attract more customers. It can also reach a wider

audience if you place your advertisements in public areas many people regularly visit. Posting

billboards or bus advertisements throughout the area can build brand awareness and attract more

potential customers.

Brochures can provide details about a company or explain the features of a product,

which you can distribute at events or when visiting clients. Potential customers can keep these

handouts with them or store them for later reference when they want to learn more about a

company or product. Face to face meetings, marketers can use face-to-face or virtual meetings to

meet with clients and nurture leads. For sales and customer retention, face-to-face

communication is highly effective. A survey by Management. Events found that 79% of top-

level executives use face-to-face meetings for lead generation. Print Advertisements: The saying

"print is dead" has been around for a while. But for marketing, print may be the way to go. Print

advertisements allow you to reach more prospective customers through outlets like newspapers

or magazines. If you're hoping to build more awareness in the community, showcasing

advertisements in the newspaper can help others learn more about the brand, its location and its

products. (Kumar et al., 2023).

In terms of promotion, the speed of getting the message of advertisement, news or any

type of information to consumers is very quick through the internet. In conventional or

traditional marketing, the message would receive attention during a limited amount of time like

in case of advertisements aired on TV or sent out pamphlets and hand-outs. Therefore, according

to them, the message to the consumers can exist for longer duration on the business’s website

and it is easily reached and handy to the consumers 24/7 (Bhayani & Vachhani, 2014).

In a rapidly changing world, the creation of new trends is inescapable; the tourism

business is no different. Thus, in order to stay ahead of the competition, travel agencies that

provide assistance with travel and tourism-related services must be very competitive (Acop et. al,

2020). However, there are still studies in the Philippines which states the importance of

traditional marketing to various local travel agencies.

In addition, according to a Nielsen consumer survey, catalogs and flyers have the most

influence on consumers' purchasing decisions, with a top rating of "most effective" from 62% of

the 9000 participants, or 5580 people. Additionally, print advertisements are regarded as more

reliable, credible sources of information, and have a deeper emotional connection.

Traditional Marketing in terms of Price

As per the research conducted by Gao and Rajala, 42% of the survey participants

indicated that they opt not to choose a traditional travel agency due to unfavorable factors

such as pricing, sales practices, or payment methods. This reason ranked as the third most

commonly selected factor in the "reasons for not booking at traditional travel agencies."

Interestingly, the study found that the price doesn't appear to be a significantly influential

factor for respondents who selected travel agencies employing traditional marketing

methods over those utilizing digital marketing.

Digital Marketing in terms of Product

In Gao and Rajala's study, the product component of the marketing mix emerges as a

highly appealing factor influencing customers' preferences when planning or purchasing their

trips. The set of products offered by online travel agencies plays a significant role as a service

element that attracts customers. The broader range of choices available, along with the flexibility

to combine various options, makes online travel agencies preferable to many customers.

Additionally, the opportunity to purchase free-style products adds to the attractiveness of online

travel agency services.

Digital Marketing in terms of Place

Technology and the internet have created a revolution in tourism marketing. The internet

not only inspires and provides consumers with information on potential travel destinations, but

also enables them to take immediate action by booking online. And, this is only the beginning of

their online engagement, as the internet continues to play a role during the vacation as well as

long after the visitor returns home. Mobile devices are a primary source of influence on the

decisions visitors make while they are exploring and enjoying their destination and allow

frequent contact with friends and family. Travelers send immediate reports about their trip

experiences through email, text messaging, and social networks. Once they return home, they

leave ratings and reviews online to assist other people in their trip planning (Albattat, 2020).

Mill and Morrison (1985) define the customer buying process as the following stages:

need awareness, information search and alternative evaluation, purchase, and post-purchase

evaluation. A major concern at this point is the ease with which information, such as travel

destination and schedule, may be obtained. As a result, web marketing enables travel businesses

to deliver considerably more comprehensive and easy travel information without regard for time

or distance. Because of these capabilities, which eliminate such a significant barrier for travel

agency salespeople, online marketing has emerged as a new development area of marketing

management for travel agencies (Albattat, 2020).

Digital Marketing in terms of Promotion

In spite of the many advantages and benefits that digital marketing can offer, there is still

the matter of challenges that travel agencies encounter during the utilization of online marketing.

For example, the research paper “The Challenges of Implementing Social Media Marketing in

the Tourism Industry: A Systematic Review” identified a number of challenges that could be

encountered by businesses in the tourism industry when using digital marketing such as

uncertain return on investment, lack of credibility and reliability as an information source, lack

of technological knowledge, issues around developing social media presence, and failure to

define marketing objectives in terms of organizational challenges, and empowered tourism users,

competitive business environment, and fear of negative comments in terms of environmental

challenges (Al-Haidari et al., 2021).

Social media tools are changing the way people communicate. Advances in mobile

technology have made social media more accessible, allowing it to become a part of people’s

daily lives and routines (Buted et. al, 2014). With that being said, the use of digital marketing

strategies, which includes social media platforms, have increased over the years carrying a fair

share of benefits and drawbacks for businesses in the travel industry.

Facebook utilization of the key informants includes posting and sharing of packages on

their page, joining Facebook groups to market packages, receiving and answering queries and

paid advertisements. Facebook is just one of the platforms a business can use for their marketing

strategies to reach a wider audience not just because it is free of charge but also easy to navigate

(Acop et. al, 2020).

Furthermore on social media, Instagram, according to Maglaya (personal communication,

March 10, 2020), is where they post photographs and short video clips of places and attractions

that they advertise in order to attract more clients to their organization. Images carry stories,

which distinguishes Instagram from other networks. You can communicate with clients across

many platforms and boost cross-channel engagement by using this site (Millwood, 2016).

Furthermore, younger travelers like everything to be sent to their e-mail addresses because they

are busy during the day and can check their e-mails during their free hours, after work, and

before work (Acop et. al, 2020)

Digital Marketing in terms of Price

Based on the survey conducted by Gao and Rajala (2013), respondents who opt for online

travel agencies over traditional ones highlight the significance of pricing. A substantial 56% of

these respondents expressed that they find online travel agencies more attractive due to factors

like comparatively lower prices, sales promotions, and favorable payment methods. Price-related

marketing elements emerge as the second most influential factor for traveling consumers when

planning and purchasing their trips through online travel agencies.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical foundation in this thesis is crucial for comprehending and tackling the

research inquiries in question. It relies on well-established theories, models, and concepts to

create a solid groundwork for investigating the effectiveness of traditional and digital marketing.

One of the theories that provide a solid foundation for a study revolving around the marketing

strategies is the Marketing Mix (or the 4P’s). The Marketing Mix is a widely embraced

marketing theory. It comprises four components, all commencing with the letter "P": Product,

Price, Place, and Promotion.

1. Product - Successful marketing commences with a thorough understanding of your own

offering, whether it's an intangible service or a tangible product that satisfies the needs of

a specific customer segment.

2. Place - Traditional marketing places significant emphasis on getting your product in front

of your target audience at the right time and location, while also ensuring it's

appropriately priced. In the marketing realm, the placement of your product plays a

critical role.

3. Promotion - Promotion encompasses the strategies employed to raise awareness and

market your product to the intended audience. Any method that contributes to the

product's visibility and exposure, whether it involves billboard advertising or the setup of

a Facebook ad campaign, falls under the umbrella of promotion.

4. Price - The overall cost of the product is contingent upon your in-depth product

knowledge. Price serves as the pivotal factor in considerations such as supply and

demand dynamics, profit margins, and related aspects.

The Marketing Mix serves as a valuable instrument for assessing the effectiveness of

both traditional and digital marketing strategies of travel agencies in Cabanatuan City as it allows

researchers to gain a holistic understanding of the merits and drawbacks of each strategy,

facilitating a comparative analysis to discern the superior approach.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine and compare the effectiveness of traditional and

digital marketing to the travel agencies in Cabanatuan City. It should answer the

following questions:

1. What is the most common marketing strategy?

1.1. Traditional Marketing

1.2. Digital Marketing

2. How may traditional marketing be described in terms of:

2.1. Product

2.2. Place

2.3. Promotion

2.4. Price

3. How may digital marketing be described in terms of:

3.1. Product

3.2. Place

3.3. Promotion

3.4. Price

Definition of Terms

Some of the terminologies related to the study are defined by the following meanings or

definitions for better understanding.

Digital Marketing - It is the use of digital technology that conveys promotional and

campaign messages about the product and services. It is the use of online marketing tools,

in order to reach your target audience and promote the product and services, that involves

websites, search engines, mobile devices and social media applications.

Marketing Strategy - a plan in identifying what marketing goals and objectives will be

pursued and achieved by understanding the needs of the consumers and creating a distinct

image for the competitive advantage. It is a way of investigating and using tactics to

promote a product and services to attract more consumers.

People - An individual human being that has certain capacities and attributes. It is a

consumer or a tourist which is the target of every travel agency and their marketing, they

are the one that is being offered by tour packages.

Place- It is any point,an area, spot or space, such as building, area, town, or city. It is a

public area, wherein many people regularly visit and has a wider audience where

advertisements were placed.

Product- It is an item, service and a thing that is produced by labor made available for

consumers and offered for sale. It is a variety of tour packages that is being offered to

the consumers, according to their standard of choice.

Promotion - It is a marketing tool that is used as a strategy to promote a product and

services, that can influence the consumers to buy the product that is being offered. It is a

use of communication through fliers, leaflets, billboards etc. that can influence consumers

to buy the products and services.

Traditional Marketing - it is any type of marketing that doesn’t involve the use of

technology. It is a form of promotion that is offline and reaches their target audience

through the use of traditional promotions through newspapers, print ads, billboards,

leaflets and fliers.

Travel Agencies - it is a company that provides tourism related services and products for

the tourists. It is an agency that is involved in selling, arranging and customizing

transportation, accommodations and tours for the customers.

Travel Agents - It is a representative that acts and is entrusted on behalf of its client and

is entitled to negotiate, and make decisions. It is a person whose job is to create, arrange

and personalized travel for their clients.

Significance of the Study

The goal of this study is to determine and compare the effectiveness of traditional and

digital marketing of the selected five travel agencies in Cabanatuan City. The researchers believe

that this study will be beneficial to the following:

To travel agency managers, This study is especially beneficial to them as it allows them

to be educated about what is productive in terms of meeting the goals of their travel agency, as

well as to be aware on how to stay on top of constantly shifting trends in the tourism industry.

To tourism students, This study will look into the comparison of the effectiveness of

various traditional and digital marketing utilized by travel agencies, thus, giving the tourism

students knowledge about how to handle strategic marketing when it comes to working in a

travel agency as it is within their variety choices of fields in the tourism and hospitality industry.

To aspiring tourism professionals, This study will allow them to examine and explore

different marketing strategies that are essential to the success of travel agencies in the tourism

industry, knowledge that they can store until they are able to make use of their skills once


To the researchers, In addition to this study being a partial requirement to fulfill the

semester, it should also serve as a guide that will allow them to broaden their knowledge about

the marketing aspects of the tourism industry.

To future researchers, This study will serve as a future reference and guide to those who

are conducting a further investigation on a similar topic.


Research Design

The researchers used a descriptive, comparative study. It analyzes the benefits and

drawbacks of both traditional and digital marketing, comparing their effectiveness to decide

which is more likely to promote travel firms productively. According to Shrutika Sirisilla, This

form of investigation offers a comprehensive and precise depiction of the traits and actions

exhibited by a specific population or subject. Through the observation and systematic collection

of data related to a particular subject, descriptive research aids researchers in acquiring a more

profound comprehension of a specific issue. The insights gained from this type of research are

valuable and can serve as a foundation for informing subsequent studies. Descriptive research

includes surveys/questionnaires, fact-finding inquiries of sampled respondents. The main feature

of this strategy is that the researchers have no control over the variables; they can only describe

what has occurred or is occurring.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in the selected travel agencies in Cabanatuan City.

Cabanatuan City is the largest urban center in Nueva Ecija and one of the largest in Central

Luzon, making it an ideal place to set up viable businesses such as tourism facilities. The

location of the study was chosen to promote the convenience in the research process to both the

researchers and the respondents, as well as to prioritize their comfort for a more well-established

communication. Should there be any complications regarding setting a schedule for which they

are available, the survey process will proceed online as an alternative for a more flexible


Population & Sampling

There are about sixty (60) recorded travel agencies operating within Cabanatuan City.

Out of the 60, the researchers of this study plan to interview five (5) respondents. The sampling

method that will be used by the researchers to select five travel agencies will be purposive

sampling. Purposive sampling will be employed to produce the sample research under

discussion. This method, which falls under the category of non-probability sampling techniques,

selects sample members based on their knowledge, relationships, and competence in a research

topic (Freedman et al., 2007).

The sample members chosen for this study should have a connection to the phenomenon

under investigation, sufficient and relevant work experience in the field of tourism, active

participation in several tourism initiatives, and, of course, adequate experience in the utilization

of both traditional and digital marketing techniques in the tourism industry to properly conduct a

comparative analysis of the two.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study began in the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023 and

throughout the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024. It is only limited to the

five DOT accredited travel agencies within Cabanatuan City with sufficient experience in

utilizing both traditional and online marketing, thus, travel agencies already established

for at least 7 years. The selected travel agencies are: (1) ABEE Travel and Tours, (2)

JAFS Travel and Tours Inc., (3) SSP Travel and Tours, (4) Perfect Get-Away Tours and

Travel, and (5) Moirah’s Travelight Tours and Travel. The researchers will be using

questionnaires and surveys with a set of questions relevant to the acquisition of data and

converting it into essential information displaying the results of the study.


The researchers will be using questionnaires to gather responses of the respondents.

Questionnaire is a formalized instrument for collecting information directly from the

respondents. It is best used for descriptive research studies such as this current study to better
interpret the responses from the questions. The questionnaire will be filled with queries

answerable by yes or no and 4-point Likert Scale.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers gathered the following data used in this study with the help of

surveys/questionnaires. The data were gathered by going to the travel agencies mentioned and

giving them questionnaires to be answered to accumulate the needed data. The researchers went

first to ABEE Travel & Tours and showed the employees the consent letter from the College of

Hospitality and Tourism Management before conducting the actual survey, and did the same

exact procedure in this particular order: Moirah’s Travelight Tours and Travel, JAFS Travel and

Tours Inc., Perfect-Get-Away Tours and Travel, and SSP Travel and Tours.

The survey will take place in person to be answered by the managers and travel operators

of each agency chosen.

The questionnaire is entirely newly developed by the researchers themselves and thus

requires a comprehensive pre-testing process to assess its ability to yield study results as

effectively and efficiently as possible.

Data Management and Analysis

The data collected in the study was organized and examined by the researcher using

various statistical instruments.

Below is the scale range for the 4-point Likert Scale:

Point Scale Verbal Description

4 4.00 - 3.25 Strongly Agree

3 3.24 - 2.50 Agree

2 2.49 - 1.75 Disagree

1 1.74 - 1.00 Strongly Disagree

The study employed the following tools:

1. Frequency and percentage counts will be employed to identify the predominant and

most frequently used marketing strategies by travel agencies participating in our surveys.


where as

% = Percent

f = Frequency

n = Total number of respondents

2. The mean rating method, specifically the weighted mean, will be utilized to assess the

effectiveness of each marketing strategy concerning product, place, promotion, and price.



where as

x = Weighted Mean

Σ = Summation

w = The weights

x = The values

n = Total number of respondents

3. The average weighted mean will be used in order to determine the total rating of each

of the marketing strategies mentioned which will help discern the more effective

approach among the two.


average weighted mean=Σ

where as

Σ = Summation

x = Weighted Mean

n = Total number of items

Ethical Considerations

Prior to participating in the study, respondents were sought for their approval or

consent. A formal letter, bearing the signatures of the college dean and their respective

research adviser, was crafted by the researchers to persuade and alleviate any concerns

the respondents may have had. Assurances were provided that all collected information

would be treated with confidentiality. The authors ensured accurate citation and

acknowledgment of data sources, including books, journals, and online references, by

adhering to proper and correct procedures.


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

The gathered data undergoes tabulation and calculation to decipher the

significance of the findings, analyze the inferences drawn, explore implications and

applications of the results, offer recommendations for procedural enhancements, and

identify distinctions or resemblances between the current findings and conclusions of

other studies along with the underlying reasons.

Table 1
The marketing strategy utilized by the establishment

Marketing strategy Frequency Percentage

Traditional 7 47%

Digital Marketing 8 53%

Total 15 100%

Table 1 presents the marketing strategies used by the respondents. Out of 15

respondents within the 5 travel agencies selected, 7 or 47% utilized traditional marketing
for their establishment, followed by 8 or 53% that employed digital marketing. This

result indicates that while the findings are close, digital marketing is most used by the

travel establishments in Cabanatuan City, thus being the most common marketing

strategy. The travel agencies that employed traditional marketing are JAFS Travel and

Tours Inc. and Perfect Get-Away Tours and Travel. Meanwhile, the travel agencies that

utilize digital marketing are ABEE Travel and Tours, SSP Travel and Tours, and

Moirah’s Travelight Tours and Travel.

Table 2
Traditional Marketing in terms of Product

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal Description

1. Traditional Marketing
establishes a more
trustworthy description 3.00 Agree
of the product.

2. Traditional Marketing
allows the customer to
fully examine the 3.33 Strongly Agree
product in accordance
with their specific

3. Traditional marketing
provides additional
options to their product. 3.26 Strongly Agree

4. Traditional marketing
piques the interest of
customers about the 3.33 Strongly Agree
product (i.e. tour

Total 3.23 Agree

Table 2 displays the data interpreted regarding the effectiveness of traditional

marketing in terms of product. 46% or 7 of the respondents agreed that this particular

marketing strategy indeed establishes a more trustworthy description of their product. 4

or 27% strongly agreed, while another 4 respondents moderately disagreed, resulting in a

weighted mean of 3.00. Regarding the capability of the customer to fully examine the

product according to their specific expectations, having the highest responses, 10 or 67%

of the respondents agreed. Meanwhile, 5 of the respondents (33%) strongly agreed. The

last statement tackles how traditional marketing piques the interest of customers about the

product. 7 of the respondents (47%) answered the highest sentiment level, 6 of them

agreed, while only two moderately disagreed, gaining a total result of 3.33.

Despite having the lowest rating, this particular strategy still establishes a decent

amount of trust when it comes to accurately describing their product, especially when

they are able to analyze and examine the product in person, which in turn allows them to

consider the specific expectations that their product offers. Furthermore, travel agencies

consider the use of traditional marketing for the reason that through in person they would

be able to add options to their product, and the fact that they are able to put in additional

features in the products they market. Finally, having the highest rating, travel agencies

trust the effect that traditional marketing has as it frequently piques the interests of

customers about the product especially when it comes to tour packages.

According to Lucid Advertising (2023), traditional marketing plays an important

role in reaching their target market in a personal level, thus capturing their interests and

establishing a trusted relationship with them. They will choose businesses that they feel

have a genuine interest in their well-being and lives.

Overall, traditional marketing is proven to be effective in terms of product with all

15 respondents agreeing on the fact

Table 3
Traditional Marketing in terms of Place

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal Description

1. Traditional Marketing
encourages more walk-
in customers. 3.20 Agree

2. The aesthetic of the

place itself contributes
to the effectivity of 3.53 Strongly Agree
traditional marketing.

3. Being in the physical

store makes the
transaction much easier. 3.60 Strongly Agree

4. Going to offices and

having face to face
interactions allows for a 3.66 Strongly Agree
more trusting employer-
client relationship.

Total 3.50 Strongly Agree

Table 3 presents the tabulated data which corresponds to the effectiveness of

traditional marketing in terms of place. In this table, it shows that statement number 4 got

the highest weighted mean with 3.66 showing that travel agency employees strongly

agreed to the fact that going to offices and having face to face interactions allow for more

trusting employer-client relationship. On the other hand, statement number 1 got the

lowest weighted mean with 3.20 which pertains to the fact that traditional marketing does

encourage more walk-in customers but despite it being the lowest, the verbal description
shows that travel agency employees still believe that traditional marketing brings in more

walk-in customers.

According to a study entitled The value of traditional travel agency in the digital

age by Rouya Liao, the results show that traditional travel agencies have improved many

aspects of their business models and increased the value they provide in order to maintain

their place in the value chain. Additionally, even while it is possible to plan a trip on your

own, there are certain situations in which travelers express a clear need to use a

traditional travel agency. It is also acknowledged that traditional travel agencies have

both emotive and cognitive value, with the former influencing travelers' willingness to

visit the store and pay for the services.

The data confirms that face-to-face communication is effective, although setting

up a meeting takes time; in contrast, one can send and receive messages from others

regardless of time or location constraints. However, face-to-face communication is seen

to solve issues more rapidly since people get a response right away and interpersonal

behaviors like body language enhance the conversation. Some of the visitors find that

human encounters have a certain interpersonal warmth that they value. The relationship

that was built through face-to-face communication between the service provider and the

client during the service delivery process is what accounts for the cozy nature of

traditional travel agencies' offerings. According to Devece et al., it demonstrates the

value of relationship marketing in the travel agency industry. One of the best aspects of

the valued service offered by a traditional travel firm is this human touch.

Ultimately, the respondents strongly agreed that traditional marketing is effective

in terms of place, resulting in a total weighted mean of 3.50.

Table 4
Traditional Marketing in terms of Promotion

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal Description

1. Traditional marketing
leaves a more memorable
impression. 3.20 Agree

2. Traditional Marketing
communicates more
information through the 3.40 Strongly Agree
provided materials.

3. Hard copy materials can

be easier to
process/remember. 3.46 Strongly Agree

4. Promotions via traditional

marketing can be more
convenient for the 3.13 Agree

Total 3.30 Strongly Agree

Table 4 reveals the interpreted data regarding how traditional marketing does in

terms of promotion. Firstly, statement 3 having the highest weighted mean shows how

travel agency employees believe that hard copy materials can be easier to remember
garnering a score of 3.46. The lowest weighted mean being the statement 4 having a

score of 3.13 shows how travel agency employees believe that promotions via traditional

marketing can be more convenient for the audience.

According to the article entitled Digital vs. Traditional marketing in the tourism

industry, older media, such as film, television, radio, billboards, in-person print and

placement, and POP (point of purchase), are all covered by traditional marketing

communications. These conventional marketing strategies can reach a large audience and

have a clearly defined lifespan.

With a total weighted mean of 3.30, it is strongly agreed upon that traditional

marketing is effective in terms of promotion.

Table 5
Traditional Marketing in terms of Price

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal Description

1. Traditional marketing
provides more price
transparency. 3.40 Strongly Agree

2. Traditional marketing
offers exclusive
packages depending on 3.20 Agree
the season.

3. Traditional marketing is
3.06 Agree

4. Traditional marketing is
affordable to execute.
3.20 Agree

Total 3.22 Agree

Table 5 displays the data representing how traditional marketing is effective in

terms of price. In the table, it presents how traditional marketing provides price

transparency for their customers. 9 respondents agreed while the remaining 6 strongly

agreed, resulting in a mean rating of 3.40. Moreover, it also shows the data regarding the

traditional marketing being cost-effective. 12 respondents agreed, 2 respondents strongly

agreed, and only 1 moderately disagreed, resulting in a weighted mean of 3.06.

Traditional marketing in terms of price raised a lot of contradictions especially

with previous studies and articles continuously stating that traditional marketing is

considered to be more expensive than other marketing strategies. However, in this study,

the researchers found out that traditional marketing according to the travel agencies

mentioned earlier had decent findings in regards to the price, stating that traditional

marketing is affordable and cost-effective in spite of the necessary expenses in buying the

needed materials to carry out their marketing strategy. Furthermore, traditional marketing

is shown to have more price transparency and offers exclusive packages depending on the

season—expressing the different benefits that the strategy has when having face-to-face

interactions with travel agency employees.

With a total weighted mean of 3.22, it is agreed upon by the respondents that

traditional marketing is indeed effective in terms of price.

Table 6
Digital Marketing in terms of Product

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal Description

1. Digital marketing allows

products to be more
customizable depending 3.33 Strongly Agree
on the target market.

2. Digital marketing
contributes to the overall
appearance of the 3.40 Strongly Agree

3. Digital marketing
establishes a greater
brand credibility for 3.40 Strongly Agree
the agency’s product.

4. Digital marketing
perfectly showcases the
product they offer. 3.33 Strongly Agree

Total 3.37 Strongly Agree

Table 6 displays the data regarding how digital marketing does in terms of

product. 10 or 67% of the respondents agreed that digital marketing allows products to be

more customizable depending on the target market, while 5 or 33% strongly agreed,

resulting in a weighted mean of 3.33. In terms of how digital marketing contributes to the

overall appearance of the product, 9 of the respondents agreed and 6 strongly agreed,

gaining a weighted mean of 3.40. Furthermore, 7 respondents strongly agreed that digital

marketing establishes a greater brand credibility for the agency’s product and another 7

simply agreed. However, there was one respondent that moderately disagreed, resulting

in a weighted mean of 3.40. Lastly, the table discusses how digital marketing perfectly

showcases the product they offer. 8 or 53% agreed that it does, 6 or 40% strongly agreed,

and 1 or 7% moderately disagreed, having a weighted mean of 3.33.

Digital marketing, especially in terms of product, is frequently featured on either

side of the spectrum; sometimes it is viewed positively, sometimes it is the opposite,

causing plenty of confusion and uncertainty for businesses such as travel agencies to

proceed with such an unpredictable marketing strategy. Such is shown in the

interpretation of the table above, with the highest rating being both statement 2 and 3, and

the lowest being statement 1 and 4. According to Digital Delane (2023), digital marketing

is a vital and powerful tool in establishing a decent brand credibility which in turn

contributes to the overall appearance and reputation of the product they offer, enabling

them to demonstrate the quality of their product.

Overall, digital marketing is strongly agreed upon to be effective in terms of

product with an average weighted mean of 3.37.

Table 7
Digital Marketing in terms of Place

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal Description

1. Digital marketing allows

the ability to track and
measure campaigns in 3.60 Strongly Agree

2. Digital marketing has

multiple platforms to
fully advertise the 3.80 Strongly Agree

3. Online platforms allow

customer journey
mapping more tangible 3.53 Strongly Agree
and definable.

4. The internet allows more

interaction with the
customers. 3.46 Strongly Agree

Total 3.60 Strongly Agree

This table presents the data interpreted regarding how digital marketing is

effective in terms of place. Firstly, statement 2 got the highest weighted mean with a

score of 3.80 proves that travel agency employees believe that digital marketing has

multiple platforms to fully advertise the product. On the other hand, statement 4 got the

lowest weighted mean that shows the travel agency employees agree to the fact that the

internet allows more interaction with the customers.

Thus, it is strongly agreed upon that digital marketing is effective in terms of

place with a total weighted mean of 3.60.

Table 8
Digital Marketing in terms of Promotion

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal Description

1. Digital marketing is able

to reach the specified
target market of the 3.60 Strongly Agree
agency easily.

2. The utilization of
collaborations (such as
with social media 3.53 Strongly Agree
influencers) aid in the
promotion of the

3. Digital marketing helps in

the growth of a tourism
destination. 3.73 Strongly Agree

4. Digital marketing allows

better market testing
such as when the agency 3.73 Strongly Agree

has a product under beta-

Total 3.65 Strongly Agree

Table 8 interprets the data regarding the effectiveness of digital marketing in

terms of promotion. The third and fourth statement tied with the highest weighted mean

of 3.73. In terms of how digital marketing helps the growth of a tourism destination, 11

or 73% of the respondents strongly agreed and the rest (4 or 27%) agreed, resulting in a

weighted mean of 3.73. Similar to the previous interpretation, 11 of the respondents

strongly agreed and 7 of them agreed that digital marketing allows better market testing

such as when the agency has a product under beta-phase. The second statement in the

table tackled the utilization of collaborations. 8 or 53% of the respondents strongly

agreed and 47% or 7 respondents agreed, garnering the lowest weighted mean in the

table, 3.53.

Digital marketing, when it comes to promotion, stands out with one of the highest

collective weighted means in the research. This marketing approach is well-adapted to

the promotion aspect and is frequently cited as an exemplary method for effectively

promoting businesses in the contemporary era. According to the insights of Elyse Lupin

(2021), digital marketing is indispensable for the tourism and hospitality sector. Just like

any other product or service, consumers increasingly turn to online platforms for valuable

information and reviews related to accommodations, hotels, restaurants, and activities at

various destinations. Consequently, companies stand to gain significantly by

implementing on-brand and efficient digital marketing strategies to both retain existing

customers and attract new ones.

Thus, it is strongly agreed upon that digital marketing is indeed effective in terms

of promotion with an average weighted mean of 3.65.

Table 9
Digital Marketing in terms of Price

Questions Weighted Mean Verbal Description

1. Digital marketing makes

comparison shopping
very easy. 3.53 Strongly Agree

2. Digital marketing is cost

3.40 Strongly Agree

3. Digital marketing
provides an exclusive
discount when booked 3.53 Strongly Agree

4. Digital Marketing offers

affordable packages for
massive group booking. 3.53 Strongly Agree

Total 3.50 Strongly Agree

This table represents the data gathered and calculated about the effectiveness of

digital marketing in terms of price. Firstly, 8 respondents (53%) strongly agreed that

digital marketing makes comparison shopping very easy while the remaining 7 simply

agreed, resulting in a weighted mean of 3.53. Secondly, 7 respondents strongly agreed

that digital marketing is cost-effective, another 7 agreed, while only 1 respondent

moderately disagreed, garnering a weighted mean of 3.40. Thirdly, the statement gained a

weighted mean of 3.53 with 8 or 53% respondents strongly agreeing and 7 or 47%

agreeing that digital marketing provides an exclusive discount when booked online. And

lastly, with the same results as the previous statement, 8 respondents strongly agreed and

7 respondents agreed that digital marketing offers affordable packages for massive group


The respondents that answered the provided questionnaires mostly answered

‘strongly agree’ in this category resulting in 3 statements getting the highest weighted

mean & the lowest having a verbal description strongly agree as well.

Overall, the respondents strongly agreed that digital marketing is effective in

terms of price with an average weighted mean of 3.50.

Summary and Conclusion ( asan yung summary nyo)

Upon interpreting the data, it is evident that the predominant marketing approach

is digital marketing, showing a slight margin of 6%. Regarding product effectiveness,

digital marketing receives a rating of 3.37, surpassing traditional marketing's rating of

3.23. Similarly, in the category of place, digital marketing is favored with a rating of 3.60
compared to traditional marketing's 3.50. For promotion, traditional marketing holds a

rating of 3.30, whereas digital marketing excels with a rating of 3.65. In terms of price,

traditional marketing is rated at 3.26, while digital marketing secures a rating of 3.50.

Overall, digital marketing proves significantly more effective for travel agencies in

Cabanatuan City, boasting an overall rating of 3.53, in contrast to traditional marketing's

rating of 3.32.

In conclusion, while there is no evident, negative effect that traditional marketing

can inflict upon their travel agencies but is actually quite the opposite with the positive

feedbacks from the respondents, digital marketing is still preferred as it is shown to be a

lot more effective in accurately marketing their establishments and their products and

services proven by their years of experiences.


This study focuses on which marketing strategy is advisable and/or preferred for travel

agencies in Cabanatuan City in terms of their effectiveness. With the result of the findings in

table 1 presenting which of the two approaches is the most common, it is advisable for travel

agencies to convert to digital marketing—if they haven’t already—in order to boost their

establishments’ performance. In traditional marketing, the aspect of price garnered the lowest

total weighted mean of 3.22. Thus, it is recommended that travel agencies should switch to a

more cost-effective and inexpensive strategy in order to gain more profits and contribute more

transparency to their customers. In digital marketing, on the other hand, the aspect of product had

the lowest total weighted mean, resulting in a still decent 3.37 rating. Considering that travel

agencies are quite hesitant in the effects that digital marketing has in terms of their product is

because of how the internet always provides false information, thus making the customers

reluctant in trusting the products they see online. It is recommended that they create a user-

generated content wherein past customers could share their experiences with the products that

the travel agencies offer. This user-generated content allows the official channels to provide

authentic and relatable testimonials, building trust among potential customers.

It would be wise to conduct another research with the same aim only with the

surrounding cities such as Gapan, Tarlac, etc. in order to compare the results if the travel

operators and managers of the cities of Nueva Ecija share the same sentiment. With that being

said, the tourism industry in the province will greatly improve with the use of the most effective

approach to reach potential clients which in turn will boost the economic status.

Since digital marketing was decided to be the better strategy, it would also be advisable

to conduct a research on which digital marketing tools would be more useful and engaging in

terms of customer perspective. This will serve as an extension to this research study in order for

the travel agencies to further improve their strategies.

For the travel agencies in Cabanatuan City who still utilizes traditional marketing, while

this approach is still effective to this day, it would be wise to take the results of this research

study into account and consider shifting to digital marketing in order to better managing and

operation of the establishments in terms of 4P’s of the Marketing Mix.


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and tourism related issues.

B. Questionnaire

Survey/Questionnaire for

Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategies of Travel Agencies in Cabanatuan


Employee Name (optional): ________________________________________

Establishment Name: ________________________________________

Which marketing strategy does your establishment utilize?

☐ Digital Marketing
☐ Traditional Marketing

Part 1: Traditional Marketing

Traditional Marketing

Put a check in one of the boxes for each question which best describes your answer.

Strongly Agree Moderately Disagree

Agree Disagree

A. Product

1. Traditional Marketing establishes a more

trustworthy description of the product.

2. Traditional Marketing allows the customer

to fully examine the product in accordance
with their specific expectations.

3. Traditional marketing provides additional

options to their product.

4. Traditional marketing piques the interest

of customers about the product (i.e. tour

B. Place

1. Traditional Marketing encourages more

walk-in customers.

2. The aesthetic of the place itself contributes

to the effectiveness of traditional


3. Being in the physical store makes the

transaction much easier.

4. Going to offices and having face to face

interactions allows for a more trusting
employer-client relationship.

C. Promotion

1. Traditional marketing leaves a more

memorable impression.

2. Traditional Marketing communicates more

information through the provided

3. Hard copy materials can be easier to


4. Promotions via traditional marketing can

be more convenient for the audience.

D. Price

1. Traditional marketing provides more price


2. Traditional marketing offers exclusive

packages depending on the season.

3. Traditional marketing is cost-effective.

4. Traditional marketing is affordable to


Part 2: Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Put a check in one of the boxes for each question which best describes your answer.

St A Mo Di
ro g der sa
ng r ate gr
ly e ly ee
A e Dis
gr agr
ee ee

A. Product

1. Digital marketing allows products to be

more customizable depending on the target

2. Digital marketing contributes to the

overall appearance of the product.

3. Digital marketing establishes a greater

brand credibility for the agency’s

4. Digital marketing perfectly showcases

the product they offer.

B. Place

1. Digital marketing allows the ability to

track and measure campaigns in real-time.

2. Digital marketing has multiple

platforms to fully advertise the

3. Online platforms allow customer

journey mapping more tangible and

4. The internet allows more interaction

with the customers.

C. Promotion

1. Digital marketing is able to reach the

specified target market of the agency

2. The utilization of collaborations (such as

with social media influencers) aid in the
promotion of the product.

3. Digital marketing helps in the growth of a

tourism destination.

4. Digital marketing allows better market

testing such as when the agency has a
product under beta-phase.

D. Price

1. Digital marketing makes comparison

shopping very easy.

2. Digital marketing is cost effective.

3. Digital marketing provides an exclusive

discount when booked online.

4. Digital Marketing offers affordable

packages for massive group booking.

C. Permission/Consent Letter

D. Data Gathering Pictures

E. Authors’ Curriculum Vitae


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