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MANGIWET, PEd 9a THU CHAPTERS, PAGE IT] 2S DATE “ClinPreh 5. TOuRWAMENTS AND" ~ iocal peasants “picked up’ on the GAMES IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE THE Roman activities and qraduaily SEPARATION OF THE MASTERS AND developed their own forms of ball THE MASSES (500 10 |300) games: _ often integrated these games ts and Games in Medieval f Manes. Eurdpe. ‘ For example, the fassing af a ball Sports Activit bach_and_ forth cometimes —folk_games_played by local peasants. represented the conflict between) - tourhaments tage” for_kniqhts ~qood_and_evil and_nobles = light_ana. dacknev, of - archery contests ~ life and death . = activities in which animals were brutalized. During the early medieval period the “Roman Catholic Church spread _ The tournaments and archery contests +prough Europe - were, = Symbalic_ritualy were redefined in terms of Boman Catholic - ted to military training and beliefs. = the desire for ! entertamment = Sport and religion integrally udal_ aristocracy and connected. those “who served them - -The Boman Catholic Church accepted peasant hall games . The folk games and activities that : invilved the maiming of killing the. Peasant Ball Games animals emerged _in~ connechon with “occasionally invelved violence - ioral peasant_customs . Local priests encouraged games_by — Some local games of this period optning Church ground “on holidaus have interacting bishories Aha aay afleooans to_graup of pacticipanic. / As Roman soldiers and government - _ofticials moved throug roughout Ewope The game became a _baric_part ducing d_S*_cenjuries they af silage Mie : wilt” bath: 1 eae to_uce ta » their. leisute time... oS I ___oRiems* aay ——— MANGIWET, PED 13 THU [CHAPTER 5, PAGE 13] People, “played them whenever - Billiards - Snooker thece_ were festive community -Shuffle board rTennys _ gatherings - Hand bal! > Jai_alar Lames included Thraughout the period, women = music were ~ less apt being involved in lancing_and. -pligsical games and sport activities = religious service than men were Held these _games_in_conjunetion Woman's duty was fo be obedient with seasonal ceremones L° saints’ ano_submigzive - Seast days - Gender resinchons were grounded socal Ball Games Oa combination of: = contained the roots for many ~ celigious cleqama ~- the Poman —canteM porary gamessuch ar _Catholic Church taught that = soccer ~ field hockey luomen ha d_ inferior Status; = football “rugby. and > bowling > curling =Q male - Centered Family - baseball “cricket struct ure However, the ie Wi ill had. [ile cracls and few rules. walle of ther “Guclltae and ; - = their activities Seldom Local_ tradition uided play 1 d cand these tradifianc varied exertion for “the purpase forlof from_one_Community to the vel - entertain : next ee time. lady che" Port activities of the games and phusical activitie lasses were distinctively upperciae different from those peauanic! Womens were 4 = subject +0 mens control Access Fo equipment anal Focal = offen viewed as sex objects allowed the pobitt > models eauty. -ORIONS ly. versions &. ra aaa PPP POPPA AMAA ORAA HOH OHHH Hn ne es eee tere ees tes ee ee NA TSO OA ON MANGIWET, PEA 45 THU (CHAPTERS, PAGE |] pace women's involvement in active pursuits was limited Feminine beauty during this time. was defined if passive ferms ; ~The less active _@ woman, the more likely she was perceived as beaulttul = fa_meeting expectations for beauty , women avoided all but very lined _involtement _in_phystcal exercise - a the medieval times jouts and tournaments were limited to the Nobility - Kniahts who sullied their honor by inferior marriages were disbarred: ig they were bold enavgh to enter _a_touinament despite this lose of “status and were discovered , they Were beaten and their weapons were_proken - END _ORIQNS- at

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