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Afran qallo college

Second year HRM ( OHS) final exam 2016 time allowed : 1 hrs. Total weight:

Name--------'----‐------------------------------------------------ Id no---------'

Part I choose the best answer

1------is The costs can directly affect the organization

A. incapacity payments for lost earnings B. medical costs

C property damage loss of skills. , D. All

2-----is The costs can indirectly affect the organization

A time lost. B lost productivity C. loss of skills, D. medical costs

3------is Common workplace injuries in a business services environment

A. allergic reactions B puncture wounds and cuts. C shock D all

4---- are most commonly cause of injuries

A. lack of safety equipment B. Good ergonomics C. unrealistic time frames. D all

5-----Wich of the ff is common Measures to prevent common workplace accidents,

A. induction training to employees B. adopting correct posture. C taking breaks, D all

6----is the chance of something occurring that will result in injury or damage

A. Risk. B. OHS C PPE. D. ACT

7---- provide practical advice to organisations, employers and workers in specific

industries to help them meet their obligation

A code of practice. B PPE. C hazards. C. Risk

8-----The role of an OHS representative is to:

A Investigate incidents and accidents B Identify hazards C create hazards D all

9----'is a source, or potential source, of human injury, ill health or disease.

A hazards B PPE. C OHS D code of practice

10----The hazard identification plan for your organisation may include the following:

A Analysing injury and illness record. B. Analysing work processes.

C not Consulting with OHS representatives .D Gathering feedback from employees

Part II matching the following from column from A Cloumn B

Column A. Column B

1 --------Physical. A. Gloves,

2--------Psychological B. conflict and poor time management

3---------hazards. C. Standardize

4-------PPE. D. Dirct costs

5------Work Cover E. closing cabinet

6----- good housekeeping. . F. checklists to assist employers to evaluate safety

7----'The costs injury G human

8___5s. H. poor lighting

Part III Say true or false

1---'Risk is: the chance of something occurring that will result in injury or damage

2----'Hazards may include a source of potential harm in terms of ill health

3-----'OHS is stand for occupational human standards

4---' role OHS representative to identify hazards

5___ Codes of practice provide practical advice to organisations

6------every employees in organization protecting safety in the same ways

7-----occupational Overuse Syndrome used to be called repetitive strain injury

8----most of injuries in organization lack follows OHS guidelines

Part IV short answers and blank:Directions: Answer all the questions listed
below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:

1 Write the important information’s includedin OHS policies and procedures.(3 points)

2---------is the chance of something happening that will cause injury or damage(2point)

3, write types of hazards and explain (4)

4 .Describe the following words:- OHS (2point) and PPE (2point)

5. Write the role of an OHS representative (3points)

Bonus 1 write your presetation assignment questions and explain?

By yared. M good luck !!!

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