ASPL-IMS-PR05 Procedure For Environmental Aspect Impact

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Procedure for Environmental Aspect Impact

Policy Owner Management Representative
Policy Reviewer IMS Manager (Director Sales)
Policy Approver(s) Director Productions
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Storage Location Electronic Devices
Effective Date 01.11.2023
Next Review Date 01.11.2024


Page Revision
Description of Change Prepared by
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00 01.11.2023 Initial Release

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR05 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 1 of 4

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.
Procedure for Environmental Aspect Impact

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this procedure is to identify, assess, and manage environmental aspects within Addon
Shareware to ensure the company's commitment to environmental sustainability in its operations.

2. Scope:
This procedure applies to all activities, processes, and functions conducted within Addon Shareware,
including but not limited to software development, hardware maintenance, and office operations.

3. Definitions:
Environmental Aspects: Elements of Addon Shareware activities, products, or services that can interact
with the environment.
Environmental Impacts: Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, resulting from
Addon Shareware activities.
Severity: The degree of harm or damage that can occur due to an environmental impact.
Probability: The likelihood of an environmental impact occurring.
Significance: The importance or consequence of an environmental aspect considering its severity and
Control Measures: Actions taken to eliminate or mitigate the environmental impacts.

4. Procedure:
4.1 Identification of Environmental Aspects:

List of Addon Shareware activities:

Software development
Hardware maintenance
Office operations

Identified Environmental Aspects:

a) Emissions to air (e.g., server cooling systems)
b) Releases to water (e.g., disposal of cleaning agents)
c) Releases to land (e.g., waste disposal)
d) Use of raw materials and natural resources (e.g., energy consumption)
e) Use of energy (e.g., electricity consumption)
f) Energy emitted (e.g., noise from server rooms)
g) Generation of waste and/or by-products (e.g., electronic waste)
h) Use of space (e.g., office space utilization)

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR05 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 2 of 4

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.
Procedure for Environmental Aspect Impact

4.2 Evaluation of Environmental Aspects:

For each environmental aspect identified, assess the severity and probability using the following criteria:

Severity Criteria:
1 - Negligible: Minimal or no impact on the environment or health.
2 - Minor: Limited impact with easily manageable consequences.
3 - Moderate: Noticeable impact that requires attention and management.
4 - Major: Significant impact that may cause environmental harm or health risks.
5 - Critical: Severe impact with potential long-term consequences on the environment and health.

Probability Criteria:
1 - Rare: Highly unlikely to occur.
2 - Unlikely: Low likelihood.
3 - Possible: May occur under certain circumstances.
4 - Likely: A realistic chance of occurrence.
5 - Almost Certain: Very high likelihood.

4.3 Determination of Significance:

Calculate the significance of each environmental aspect by multiplying the severity and probability
scores. Establish the following thresholds for significance:

Low Significance (1 to 8): Address through routine operational procedures.

Moderate Significance (9 to 15): Implement control measures and monitor regularly.
High Significance (16 and above): Immediate corrective action required; consider continuous
improvement initiatives.

4.4 Control Measures:

For aspects deemed significant, define and implement appropriate control measures to manage and
mitigate environmental impacts.

4.5 Life Cycle Perspective:

Consider the life cycle perspective for each aspect, from procurement of hardware to end-of-life

4.6 Responsibility:
IT Manager: Overall responsibility for the procedure
Environmental Officer: Identifying, assessing, and implementing control measures
Employees: Follow environmental practices and report concerns

4.7 Criteria for Taking Action:

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR05 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 3 of 4

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.
Procedure for Environmental Aspect Impact

Define criteria for taking action based on significance, e.g.:

Immediate corrective action for significant issues
Continuous improvement initiatives for moderate significance

5. Documentation and Records:

Maintain records of identified aspects, assessments, and control measures. Document changes made to
the matrix over time.

6. Review and Update:

Conduct regular reviews of the matrix and update as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and alignment
with environmental objectives.

7. Approval and Communication:

Approval by IT Manager. Communicate the procedure to all employees through training sessions and
internal communications.

8. Training:
Provide training to employees involved in identifying, evaluating, and managing environmental aspects.

9. References:
Refer to ISO 14001 standards and other applicable environmental regulations.

10. Revision History:

Maintain a revision history table to track changes made to the procedure.

11. Records
ASPL-IMS-6.1.2 Environmental Aspect Impact Matrix

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR05 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 4 of 4

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.

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