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Procedure for Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

Doc Type Internal
Policy Owner Management Representative & CISO
Policy Reviewer IMS Manager (Director Sales)
Policy Approver(s) Director Productions
Related Policies/Procedures
Storage Location Electronic Devices
Effective Date 01.11.2023
Next Review Date 01.11.2024


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00 01.11.2023 Initial Release

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR06 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 1 of 5

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.
Procedure for Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is to ensure the health and safety of
employees, protect data integrity, and maintain business continuity at Addon Shareware.

2. Scope:
The assessment will cover all activities within the office, including software development, server
maintenance, and general office operations.

3. Activities:
a. Software development
b. Server maintenance
c. Office operations
d. etc.

4. Associated Hazards:
a. Software development: Eye strain, ergonomic issues.
b. Server maintenance: Electrical hazards, data security risks.
c. Office operations: Slips, trips, and falls.
d. etc.

5. Impact:
a. Software development: Eye strain, musculoskeletal issues.
b. Server maintenance: Data loss, electrical shock.
c. Office operations: Minor injuries.
d. etc.

6. Severity (1 to 5):
Define severity levels:
1: No injury or minor discomfort.
2: Minor injuries or discomfort requiring first aid.
3: Injuries requiring medical attention.
4: Serious injuries or long-term health issues.
5: Fatalities or severe irreversible health issues.

Assign severity:

a. Software development: 2
b. Server maintenance: 4
c. Office operations: 1

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR06 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 2 of 5

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.
Procedure for Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

7. Probability (1 to 5):
Define probability levels:

1: Rare - unlikely to occur.

2: Unlikely - could occur in specific circumstances.
3: Possible - could occur occasionally.
4: Likely - could occur frequently.
5: Almost certain - likely to occur frequently.

Assign probability:
a. Software development: 3
b. Server maintenance: 2
c. Office operations: 3

5X5 4X5 3X5 2X5 1X5

5X4 4X4 3X4 2X4 1X4

5X3 4X3 3X3 2X3 1X3

5X2 4X2 3X2 2X2 1X2

5X1 4X1 3X1 2X1 1X1

8. Risk Level Criteria:

Risk is calculated by multiplying the severity and probability ratings. Define risk levels based on the total
score obtained. This will help categorize risks into different levels of significance.

Risk Level = Severity × Probability.

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This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.
Procedure for Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

Low Risk (Total Score 1-4):

Routine monitoring and standard procedures may be sufficient.

Moderate Risk (Total Score 5-8):

Additional control measures and periodic reviews are required.

High Risk (Total Score 9-12):

Immediate action is required to reduce risk.
Detailed investigation and implementation of control measures are necessary.

Very High Risk (Total Score 13-16):

Work should not proceed until significant control measures are implemented.
Urgent intervention and comprehensive risk reduction are necessary.

Extreme Risk (Total Score 17-25):

Work must stop immediately until the risk is eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level.
Critical intervention and a thorough review of processes are mandatory.

Determining Significant Risks:

Significant risks will be determined by assessing the product of severity and probability. If the resulting
score exceeds a threshold of 12, the risk will be considered significant and appropriate risk management
strategies will be implemented.

9. Present Practice:
Describe current safety measures in place for each activity, such as ergonomic workstations for software
developers, data backup procedures for server maintenance, and floor hazard signage for office

10. Additional Control Required:

Propose additional control measures:
a. Software development: Regular breaks, ergonomic training.
b. Server maintenance: Electrical safety training, regular data backup checks.
c. Office operations: Improved signage, periodic safety training.

11. Risk Residual:

Reassess the risk after implementing control measures to ensure that the residual risk is at an acceptable

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This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.
Procedure for Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

12. Review and Documentation:

Conduct a review with relevant stakeholders and document findings, recommendations, and actions
taken. Share this information with employees and management.

13. Monitoring and Review:

Establish a process for regular monitoring of implemented controls and periodic review of the hazard
identification and risk assessment to ensure continued effectiveness.

14. Records
ASPL-IMS-6.1.3 Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Matrix

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This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or
whole, by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt.

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