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Procedure for Performance Evaluation

Doc Type Internal
Policy Owner Management Representative & CISO
Policy Reviewer IMS Manager (Director Sales)
Policy Approver(s) Director Productions
Related Policies/Procedures
Storage Location Electronic Devices
Effective Date 01.11.2023
Next Review Date 01.11.2024


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00 01.11.2023 Initial Release

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR09 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 1 of 4

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or whole,
by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd.
Procedure for Performance Evaluation


To implement a system for periodic evaluation of the performance of the integrated management


All activities of the integrated management system.




QMS, EMS, OHSMS & ISMS standards - Clause 9: Performance evaluation.


Unit Head

The Unit Head are overall responsible for effective implementation of this procedure.

He / she is authorized to provide the resources needed for implementing this procedure.

Heads of Departments

They are responsible for the periodic performance evaluation of their respective functional areas.


Performance evaluation is key to continual improvement. Three categories of periodic performance

evaluation take place in our organization.
a. Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (of the performance of various processes)
b. Internal audit (of the performance of the entire quality management system), and
c. Management Review (of the performance status / inputs from the above two).

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR09 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 2 of 4

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or whole,
by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd.
Procedure for Performance Evaluation

6.a) Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation

6.a.1) General

The senior management of our organization determine.

a) what needs to be monitored and measured

b) the methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation needed to ensure valid results
c) when the monitoring and measuring are to be performed, and
d) when the results from monitoring and measurement are to be analyzed and evaluated.
This is mostly done as part of IMS planning.

Please refer the ‘Procedure for IMS Planning and Management Review (XXXX)’ for details.

The organization evaluates the performance and the effectiveness of the IMS processes, and retains
appropriate documented information as evidence of the results.

6.a.2) Customer satisfaction

Our organization monitors customers’ perceptions of the degree to which their needs and expectations
have been fulfilled.

Please refer the ‘Procedure for Monitoring & Review of Customer Satisfaction (IMS/SOP/F11)’ for details.

6.a.3) Analysis and evaluation

Our organization analyses and evaluates appropriate data and information arising from monitoring and
measurement periodically.

Appropriate methods, including statistical techniques, are used for data analyse.

The results of analysis are being used to evaluate:

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR09 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 3 of 4

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or whole,
by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd.
Procedure for Performance Evaluation

a) conformity of products and services

b) the degree of customer satisfaction
c) the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system
d) if planning has been implemented effectively
e) the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities
f) the performance of external providers
g) the need for improvements to the quality management system.

6.b) Internal audit

Our organization conducts internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether the
quality management system:

a) conforms to the organization’s own requirements for its quality management system, and to the
requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard
b) is effectively implemented and maintained.

Please refer the ‘ASPL-IMS-PR13 Procedure for Internal Audit for details.

6.c) Management review

The top management reviews the organization’s quality management system, at planned intervals, to
ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and alignment with the strategic direction of
the organization.

Please refer the ‘ASPL-IMS-PR14 Procedure for Management Review Meeting’ for details.


As per the procedures referred above.

Doc ID: ASPL-IMS-PR09 Version 1.0 Last Rev. Date: 01.11.2023 Page 4 of 4

This procedure is the sole property of Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd. and its reproduction, in parts or whole,
by any means is strictly prohibited except prior written consent from Addon Shareware Pvt. Ltd.

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