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Descriptive Essay


Introducir el tema a tratar (personaje) y utilizar adjetivos generales que se

desarrollaran mas tarde en el body.

Para llamar la atencion del lector, utiliza pregunta retorica : Would you like
to know more about her/him?


Recomendable dividir en tres párrafos, Utilizar conectores, detalles,

relación con la eprsona y ejemplos.

Connectors: Firstly/ In Fact, Additionally/ However/What’s more.


Reafirmar a la persona que se esta describiendo con sinonimos de las

palabras de la introduccion.

Volver a llamar la atencion del lector con un condicional: If you meet her,
you will…

Sin nuevas ideas

She’s so patient! She’s such a patient person

She tends to She finds it hard to

She always tries to She is determined to
She is the kind of person who She is good at… (strenghts)
She is not very good at….(weakness) She’s used to…

She’s the kind of person who

always look at herslef in every mirror she passes: vain
takes care to do thins carefully and correctly: conscientious
is prepared to accept new and different ideas: open-minded
doesn’t say what she really thinks: insincere

Descriptive Essay 1
other people often find different or inusual: eccentric
is fairly relaxed about most things Easy-going
is emotionally in control, not moody Well-balanced
never changes her opinion even when she’s Stubborn
clearly wrong:
expresses her ideas or opinions with confidence: Assertive
is always in good mood Cheerful
feels sure about her ability to do things: Self-confident
isn’t very sure about herself: Insecure
is determined to be successful: Ambitious
He’s good at
supporting his friends: Loyal
giving people advice because of his Wise

knowledge and experience:

keeping his head in a crisis: Calm

She’s not very good at

letting other peole share her friends: Possesive

showing her feelings or expressing her Reserved


He tends to:
behave like a child Immature

act without thinking Impulsive

get angry very easily Bad-tempered

think he is better and more important than Arrogant

other people :

expect good things to happen: Optimistic

She has got

a great sense of humour: Funny


Descriptive Essay 2
is a cold fish: distant, unfriendly

has a heart of gold: very kind, generous

is as hard as nails: shows no sympathy or fear

pain in the neck: annoying, difficult

Descriptive Essay 3

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