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o.rqfdq. qlffi w[ frrerr. qta stgr qTNI?[.

sf,gET rrq=T. qtqrd-+ 62004

oqro-ro'tz / sosZenstrr/{T-s'sl' / zozt, - q}qra, Ho zs / to / zozs
1. qc-wftn.
Trrrkr vns+tq ffid_orerq. qqqtyr
2. qrfl-$.
s+rKr ylrsfrtq/3fl-gErt srq ersrmetq/ffi eT{nYfrtq q-6rk{rf,q.
f{q-q:-"qqqm-3" rrsr fmo qffirFrflr t qFqfua *i d sqsr q I

ssd:-M{qrf,q q1crq sil-qhr. fusr qaraq. clrt-f, st?D'I( or qd vnsotq qa

oqrir z-sz / zozt / (cPP-lll ftmo o+ Rrerqq. 2o2s I

qqqr scntm Mn-{o ffiqrca-q crlcrq u;q}q, fusr q-ffiq, rTrtd
s{fla, q-{ ftd d grsr Ho 26 gq 27 q6ffi, 2o2s of "q<qrq-3" 116r ff{q
sftrqlFrnr or srTqar$q ci-qlqq f6-qr qr vrr t t

'{qEqFI-3 rril fuqq qffiFrdr" t' sffifl E}i d fuq frrertr}',

o.-{il-M, yilq-rflOfq} dsn MOfq} st google My Gov ftrq rN cIFn et n gq
"{gd q<qrq-3 rrEI fuq" o-t qrr;T IDr=IT drn t {q-d rrczrro ffgrafr sr.r{I
fff{q (d dr frdn sMFrnr t ynkm d sd..t I

E.rqr sq'm gilskE 1'q srad oTl-fr qte,rm) d Rtqr6T, o-{qrM'.

qllqrlsftqT dsn MSqt o) sq-ttm dqadq qffiFrnr q qnkn Ett d
fug qfua o-{i gv utrorFeo o-{i ?r-r {-E o-t t r sfuiFrdr d Tqfun fficrr
sftiil-fMf' of q-{{ g-{trN d sqrfuf, f6-{r 'rrg.n qTQ,I fr rrffi-kl I

sfrqrffi s) isgqrFrf,r qqro-r-tr{ qqFI fd=qr uil-g{T I

lga.q :- q'qFff, qa of tnrflqft. \r)

(d. gr;d )
, ffiq o-dq*e,T sTfero-rft
BaaI P1ETT' qwqtYr
y. Fqr6 'terc / sot /en-sRr/q[T-s'ol' / zozs, qtqrd ffi"; 23 /'to / zozt
1. ErrD' srrfttst, eflw 5q sfuE, qqqt{r e[rs{. Bzr[ RTHT f{qrtr. fdrilq. q}qrf, t
i. f{q str{rr. srrgffi. BEr[ frTc{T, q.s-. qtgr-d t
s..f{q Trgrrrir, qavfr, *rrrfir M*sra-q, qqq-eyr I
+. irfus. FrS ffiqroq ftfrqrrf, GTr*'r. qqstqr. qtql-d t
5. Hq-kr ffiq eftftm sqrd6'. wI frEIT. qqst€r I
o. ffiq .ndqter (err$.et.). s,,al frI€IT. r1.s.. TrflgET rtzt=I, q}qrf, I
q"-{raf \rq 3Tmg{fi E-rffi t-g I
f{q}q o-dqrer erlslorfr
s?zr frfeTT. qeqqtyr


qft'{ t. w}S
tii{t,1,1 ,1q6 ftr#ql$q
sr" Uniuerrity

Prof. Manish R. Joshi


D"O,No"a*Se/aocf(Cf'P-[) o41]' $cpternber, aoaS/r3 l{lffi{ 1945

Suhject: T* p*rticipate in the quiz canrpttitioil $n Chanclrnyaff-n- 3

R*spected l'faclamlsi r,

Inrlia's Ch*ndra1'aan*3 made history hy i:eing thc {irst tu l*nd r:n dre M*ou'$ s*uth pole
r:n August 13, ilosl. In order to en*ble people to explore aboitt *uuRtty's lunar missiou, SIyGov
h*s launched the Chnndrays"an 3 Maha Quiz" To participute in tlle 'Chandraya&n*3 Quiz'the
r:andidates need lo create an indir.iel:al *cc*unt on }.{y$ov. All the participants r*'ill r:u*eite a
prrrtieipatitil certificate that can be dorvnlntiled, anel the rrinners of the quiz will be reu'arded
*'ith cash prizes.

Tlre Higher Hducation Institutions heirrg csntres f<rr cruating, acrpiring nnd sharing
Itnowleelge are retluested to encour*ge th* fircultl', students and reseucher$ to p*rtieipatt in the
quiz being organirxd at MvGovplatl'orm, sr: *s to ensure participati*n t* the maxintum extent.

With kind rcgards,

Yours /-\
, J^

(Mtninh Jashi)
The Yiee-Chmccllors of all Univen*ities
The Principals nf all Collegesllnstitutes

qg'{ qrrt, qf Iokt irturg, l{rx

I Fox, -13118858 I E"moil : r*tv.urtf$nit.ln

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