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BIOS Installation - PC M450, M460, M470
2 Document Version / Disclaimer / Copyright

Document Version
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The content described herein requires superior understanding of our equipment and may
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Table of Contents 3

2 Installing the BIOS 5

2.1 BIOS installation for PC type M450 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1.1 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.2 BIOS installation (first part) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 BIOS installation for PC type M460 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.1 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.2 Changing the RAID settings for the BIOS installation . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.3 Changing the boot sequence for the BIOS installation . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 BIOS installation for PC type M470-2, mat. no. 10590552. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.1 Checking the local PC M470-2 - BIOS CD firmware version . . . . . 13
2.3.2 BIOS firmware installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 BIOS installation for PC type M470-2, mat. no. 10928110. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4.1 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4.2 BIOS login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5 Final work steps (for all PC types) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4 List of Hazard IDs 20

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Installing the BIOS 2 5

The BIOS installation is part of the complete imaging software installation, but can also
be performed independently.

 This is useful if the BIOS battery dies and is replaced or if the PC loses the BIOS configura‐
tion for another reason.
The installation of the BIOS takes about 20 minutes.

If the BIOS battery is dead, replace it before beginning the BIOS installation.

 Instructions for replacing the BIOS battery can be found in the document “Replacement
of Parts”. See CB-Doc

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6 2 Installing the BIOS

2.1 BIOS installation for PC type M450

If the imaging PC was replaced or the BIOS settings are lost (if the BIOS battery is dead, if

 there are any PC hardware problems, or if a manual restore of the default BIOS settings
was performed), then perform the BIOS firmware installation before performing the
work steps in the section "Recovery DVD restore (restoring the system)".

2.1.1 Prerequisites
n The system is off.
n Disconnect all network connectors from the PC.
n Disconnect the printer connector from the PC.

2.1.2 BIOS installation (first part)

n Switch on the system using the on button on the monitor trolley.
n As soon as text is displayed on the left monitor, press the “F2” key on the keyboard.
 The BIOS login window is displayed.
If the BIOS battery dies and is replaced, the BIOS setup password will be lost. In such a
 case, the BIOS login window will not be displayed. Instead, the main BIOS window will
be displayed.

Fig. 1: Bios_PW

n Enter the BIOS password and confirm it by pressing the “Enter” key.
n Open the DVD drive and insert the “BIOS VC01A” CD into the DVD drive.
n Press the “F9” key on the keyboard.
 “Load default configuration now?” is displayed.

 By loading the default BIOS configuration, the DVD drive is automatically set as the first
bootable device.

n Use the cursor keys to select [Yes] and press the “Enter” key.
 The default BIOS configuration is loaded.
 The boot sequence is changed.
 The CD-R drive is now the first bootable device.
 A boot-up from the CD-ROM disk is possible.
 The main BIOS window is displayed again.

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Installing the BIOS 2 7

n Select the <Advanced> menu with the cursor keys and press the “Enter” key.
n Select <USB BIOS Supported Devices> with the cursor keys and press the “Enter” key.
n Change the setting from “Auto” to “Keyboard/Mouse” using the cursor keys and press
the “Enter” key.
 In the line <USB BIOS Supported Devices>, “Keyboard/Mouse” is displayed.
n Press the “ESC” key to exit the “Peripheral Configuration” menu.
n If the BIOS battery died and was replaced, use the cursor keys to select the “Main”
menu, then select the line “System Time:” and press the “Enter” key.
 Enter the correct time (hour + “Enter” key, minutes + “Enter” key , seconds +
“Enter” key).
n If the BIOS battery died and was replaced, use the cursor keys to select the “Main”
menu, then select the line “System Date:” and press the “Enter” key.
 Enter the correct date (month + “Enter” key, day + “Enter” key, year + “Enter”
n If the BIOS battery died and was replaced, use the cursor key to select the <Security>
menu, then select the line “Set Setup Password:” and press the “Enter” key.
 Enter the correct BIOS password, published in the XP password list.
 Press the “Enter” key.
 Confirm the BIOS password in the next line and press the “Enter” key again.

DO NOT enter a system password!
Enter only the “Setup Password” (BIOS password).

n Press the “ESC” key until the “Exit” menu is displayed.

n Confirm the text line “Save Changes & Exit” by pressing the “Enter” key.
 The following message appears: “Save configuration changes and exit now?”
Fig. 2: Setup confirmation

n Confirm the [Yes] button by pressing the “Enter” key.

 The system boots and installs the BIOS settings. This takes a while.
n Wait until the following messages are displayed:
 BIOS installation done - System ready for software installation.
 Please remove the BIOS CD!
 Please turn off power or reset system.
 C:\>

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8 2 Installing the BIOS

n The DVD drive tray opens automatically.

n DO NOT remove the “BIOS VC01A” CD.
n Close the DVD drive tray. BIOS installation (second part)

n Switch off the system by pressing the “Reset” key located underneath the monitor trol‐
ley keyboard. Use a pen to press the “Reset” key.
- Pressing the “Reset” key switches off the system (and PC).
- Wait about 5 seconds.
- Switch on the system by pressing the ON switch on the monitor trolley.
 The PC boots from the CD-ROM disk.
 After the reboot, some scripts are executed and different messages are dis‐
played. The PC reboots automatically. Additional scripts are executed.
n Wait until the following messages are displayed:
 BIOS installation done - HIPAA installed.
 Please remove the BIOS CD!
n The DVD drive tray opens automatically.
 The PC reboots automatically.
 The syngo application software starts.
If the PC does not reboot automatically, switch off the system by pressing the “Reset” key

located underneath the monitor trolley keyboard. Use a pen to press the “Reset” key.
Wait about 5 seconds. Then switch on the system by pressing the ON key on the monitor

n Open the DVD drive tray and remove the CD-R from the drive tray.
n Close the DVD drive tray.
n Wait until the system is ready for use.
 The BIOS installation is finished.
 If the ASPIA image system is still installed and in good working order, then the
ASPIA image system will start and will display the syngo application and regis‐
tration window.
 If the ASPIA image system needs to be reinstalled, perform the work steps in
the document “Software Installation Recovery - PC M460” now.
n Otherwise shut off the system.

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Installing the BIOS 2 9

2.2 BIOS installation for PC type M460

If the imaging PC was replaced or the BIOS settings are lost (if the BIOS battery is dead, if

 there are any PC hardware problems, or if a manual restore of the default BIOS settings
was performed), then perform the BIOS firmware installation before performing the
work steps in the section "Recovery DVD restore (restoring the system)".

2.2.1 Prerequisites
n The system must be switched on.
n The patient browser contains no patients.
n Shut down the system via the menu bar: <Options>-<End Software Session>-<Shut‐
down> .
n Immediately after this, switch off the system by pressing the power off button on the
monitor trolley.
 Wait until the shutdown is finished.

 A shutdown via “Hibernation” is not sufficient prior to a “BIOS installation”.

2.2.2 Changing the RAID settings for the BIOS installation

To enable the BIOS installation, the following BIOS settings need to be changed:
n The BIOS settings must be changed to the default settings (<F9> key in BIOS main

 n

The RAID settings must be changed and the changes must be saved.
The boot sequence must be changed to allow the system to boot up from the
CD/DVD drive.
After the reboot, the BIOS installation starts automatically from the BIOS CD or DVD.

1. Switch on the system using the on button on the monitor trolley.

2. As soon as text is displayed on the left monitor, press the “F2” key on the keyboard.
 The BIOS login window is displayed.
Fig. 3: Bios_PW

3. Enter the BIOS password and confirm it by pressing the “Enter” key.
4. Press the <F9> key to set the BIOS to its default settings.

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10 2 Installing the BIOS

5. Select the menu <Advanced>.

6. Select the menu line <Advanced System Configuration> and press the “Enter” key.
7. Select the menu line <SATA Compatible Mode> and press the “Enter” key.
8. Select <Disabled> and press the “Enter” key.
 <SATA Compatible Mode> is now disabled.
9. Select the menu line <SATA RAID Enabled> and press the “Enter” key.
10. Select <Disabled> and press the “Enter” key.
 <SATA RAID Enabled> is now disabled.
11. Select the menu line <SATA AHCI Enabled> and press the “Enter” key.
12. Select <Disabled> and press the “Enter” key.
 <SATA AHCI Enabled> is now disabled.
13. To store the BIOS settings, press the “F10” key.
 The message window <Setup configuration> is displayed.
Fig. 4: Setup confirmation

14. Confirm the question “Save configuration changes and exit now?” by selecting [Yes]
and pressing the “Enter” key.
 The BIOS window disappears and the system reboots.
15. As soon as text is displayed on the left monitor, press the “F2” key again!
 The BIOS login window is displayed again.
Fig. 5: Bios_PW

2.2.3 Changing the boot sequence for the BIOS installation

 The work steps described in section “Changing the RAID settings for the BIOS installa‐
tion” must be performed prior to the following work steps.

1. Insert the BIOS CD “SP C06,07,08 M460” into the DVD drive and close the drive tray.
2. Enter the BIOS password and confirm it by pressing the “Enter” key.
3. In the upper menu line, select the <Boot> menu using the cursor keys and then press
the “Enter” key.

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Installing the BIOS 2 11

4. Using the up and down cursor keys, select the line <PCI BEV: P3 Optiarc DVD RW AD
7200> so that the characters in the line are highlighted.

Depending on which BIOS firmware version is installed, which type of DVD-RW drive is
installed, and the BIOS settings, the name displayed for the DVD-RW drive may differ. It

 may be <PCI BEV: P3 Optiarc DVD RW AD 7200> or it may be something else.

or it may be something else, such as:
<SATA CD: Optiarc DVD-RW-(S3)>

As long as the operating system is not running, the US keyboard layout is active.

 The “+” key is selectable on the keyboard by pressing key 4 or “Shift” (key2) + key 1.
The “-” key is selectable on the keyboard by pressing key 5 or key 3.

Fig. 6: Keyboard, US layout


5. Move the line <PCI BEV: P3 Optiarc DVD RW AD 7200> to the top position by entering
the “+” sign (highlighted line moves upward) or “-” sign (highlighted line moves down‐
 The line <PCI BEV: P3 Optiarc DVD RW AD 7200> is now in the top position.

 Do not change the boot sequences of the other displayed hard disk drives.

6. Press the “F10” key to save the BIOS change.

 The “Setup Confirmation” window is displayed.
Fig. 7: Setup confirmation

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12 2 Installing the BIOS

7. Confirm the text line <Save configuration changes and exit now?> by selecting [Yes]
and pressing the “Enter” key.
 The BIOS window disappears, and the PC reboots automatically.
 After the reboot the BIOS installation routine starts automatically.
 The message <Preparing System - Please wait...> and several additional mes‐
sages will be displayed on the left monitor.
 The BIOS installation needs approx. 10 minutes.
 Several installation scripts are executed and the PC reboots several times auto‐
8. Wait until the following message is displayed:
 Installation Done
 Please remove CD!
 Please Turn Off Power Or Reset System!
 D:\>
9. Open the DVD drive tray and remove the BIOS CD. Close the drive tray.
10. Press the keys “CTRL” + “ALT” + “DEL” to restart the system or switch off the system and
on again (ON/OFF keys at the monitor trolley).
 The system starts.
 The BIOS installation is complete.
 If the ASPIA image system is still installed and in good working order, then the
ASPIA image system will start and will display the syngo application and regis‐
tration window.
 If the ASPIA image system needs to be reinstalled, perform the work steps in
the document “Software Installation Recovery - PC M460” now.
11. Otherwise shut down the system.

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Installing the BIOS 2 13

2.3 BIOS installation for PC type M470-2, mat. no. 10590552

PC type M470-2, material no. 10590552:
After the release of the software clone installation DVDs, a newer version of the PC BIOS
firmware was released for PC type M470.

 With the software clone installation, the previous PC BIOS firmware version was reloa‐
After the software clone installation, an update of the BIOS firmware must be per‐

2.3.1 Checking the local PC M470-2 - BIOS CD firmware version

n Check the local available BIOS firmware CD “ASPIA SP C06/C07/C08 M470, material no.
 The CD must be labeled with version string “VC02C”
n If the local available BIOS firmware DVD is labeled with an older firmware version
string (i.e. VC02B), order the newest BIOS firmware CD.

2.3.2 BIOS firmware installation

1. Shut down the system via the upper syngo menu bar <Options> - <End Software Ses‐
sion> - <Shut Down> and press the “Off” key on the monitor trolley and wait until it is
2. Switch on the system using the on button on the monitor trolley.
3. As soon as text is displayed on the left monitor, press the “F2” key on the keyboard.
 The BIOS login window is displayed.
Fig. 8: Bios_PW

4. Enter the BIOS password and confirm it by pressing the “Enter” key.
 The BIOS main menu is displayed.
5. Insert the BIOS firmware DVD, material no. 10590555 and labeled with the firmware
version “VC02C” or higher, into the DVD drive.
6. Press the “F9” key on the keyboard.
 “Load default configuration now?” is displayed.
7. Confirm the “Yes” button by pressing the “Enter” key.
8. In the upper menu line, select the menu <Boot> using the cursor keys and then press
the “Enter” key.

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9. Using the up and down cursor keys, select the DVD drive (line <SATA CD: Optiarc DVD-
 The characters in the line are highlighted.

 Depending on the installed BIOS and the installed DVD drive, the displayed name of the
DVD drive (<SATA CD: Optiarc DVD-RW-(S3)>) may differ.

10. Move the highlighted line <SATA CD: Optiarc DVD-RW-(S3)> to the top position of the
displayed boot sequence list by pressing the [+] key or [-] key.

As long as the operating system is not running, the US keyboard layout is active.

 The “+” key is selectable on the keyboard by pressing key 4 or “Shift” (key2) + key 1.
The “-” key is selectable on the keyboard by pressing key 5 or key 3.

Fig. 9: Keyboard, US layout


11. Press the “F10” key to save the BIOS changes.

 The message appears: “Save configuration changes and exit now?”
Fig. 10: Setup confirmation

12. Confirm the question “Save configuration changes and exit now?” by selecting [Yes]
and pressing the “Enter” key.
 The system will be restarted and boots automatically from the previously inser‐
ted BIOS firmware installation DVD.
n The BIOS installation starts automatically.
 Some scripts are running. The system reboots several times. Ignore any mes‐
sage to remove the BIOS CD from the DVD drive.

 If a briefly visible message pops up that the BIOS CD can be removed from the DVD drive,
ignore it.

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Installing the BIOS 2 15

In rare cases the monitor trolley switches off when the Imaging PC reboots automatical‐

n In that case, wait 5 seconds and switch on the monitor trolley.
n The BIOS installation continues without further consequences..

n Wait until the first part of the BIOS firmware installation is finished and the following
text is displayed:
“Bios Installation Done.....”
“Please Remove BIOS CD!”
“Please Turn Off Power or Reset System!”
n DO NOT remove the BIOS CD. If the DVD drive tray opened automatically, close the
DVD drive tray.
n Press “CTRL” + “ALT” + “DEL” to restart the PC.
 The system reboots and the second part of the BIOS update starts.
n Wait until the following message is displayed:
“Bios Installation Done.......”
“Please Remove BIOS CD!”
“Please Turn Off Power or Reset System!”
n DO NOT remove the BIOS CD. If the DVD drive tray opened automatically, close the
DVD drive tray.
n Press “CTRL” + “ALT” + “DEL” to restart the PC.
 The system reboots and the third part of the BIOS update starts.
n Wait until the following message is displayed:
“Bios Installation Done - HIPAA Installed”
“Please Remove BIOS CD!”
“Please Turn Off Power or Reset System!”
 The BIOS installation is now finished.
n Press “CTRL” + “ALT” + “DEL” to restart the PC.
 The imaging PC boots up and starts now from drive C:\.
n During the startup of the Imaging PC, open the DVD drive tray and remove the BIOS
n Switch off the system via the upper syngo menu bar <Options> - <End Software Ses‐
sion> - <Shut Down> and press the “Off” key on the monitor trolley and wait until the
system is off.

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16 2 Installing the BIOS

2.4 BIOS installation for PC type M470-2, mat. no. 10928110

PC Type M470-2, material no. 10928110: The default BIOS settings of this PC type are
 identical with the BIOS settings needed for the normal operation of the ARCADIS imag‐
ing system. No special BIOS settings need to be programmed.

If the imaging PC was replaced or the BIOS settings are lost (if the BIOS battery is dead)
 or if there are any PC hardware problems, reload the default BIOS settings before per‐
forming the restore of the system software.

2.4.1 Prerequisites
n The system must be switched on.
n The patient browser contains no patients.
n Shut down the system via the menu bar: <Options>-<End Software Session>-<Shut‐
down> .
n Immediately after this, switch off the system by pressing the power off button on the
monitor trolley.
 Wait until the shutdown is finished.

 A shutdown via “Hibernation” is not sufficient prior to a “BIOS installation”.

2.4.2 BIOS login

1. Switch on the system using the power-on button on the monitor trolley.
2. As soon as text is displayed on the left-hand monitor, press the “F2” key on the key‐
 The BIOS login window is displayed.
Fig. 11: Bios_PW

3. Enter the BIOS password and confirm it by pressing the “Enter” key.
4. Press the <F9> key to set the BIOS to its default settings.
 A message window <Setup Confirmation> with the question “Load default con‐
figuration now? [Yes] [No]” is displayed.
5. Select [Yes] and press the “Enter” key.
 The default BIOS configuration is loaded.

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Installing the BIOS 2 17

6. To store the BIOS settings, press the “F10” key.

 The message window <Setup configuration> is displayed.
Fig. 12: Setup confirmation

7. Confirm the question “Save configuration changes and exit now?” by selecting [Yes]
and pressing the “Enter” key.
 The BIOS window disappears and the system reboots.
 If the ASPIA image system is still installed and in good working order, then the
ASPIA image system will start and will display the syngo application and regis‐
tration window.
 If the ASPIA image system needs to be reinstalled, perform the work steps in
the document “Software Installation Recovery - PC M460” now.
8. Otherwise shut down the system.

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2.5 Final work steps (for all PC types)

n Reconnect the PC's network connectors.
n Reconnect the local printer cables (power and USB connector).
n Reconnect all previously removed protective conductor wires.
n Connect the basic unit to the monitor trolley (X10 connector).
n Install and fasten all previously loosened covers.
n Disconnect the power plug from the wall socket.
n Perform a protective conductor resistance test of the system
 The protective conductor resistance must not exceed 0.2 ohms.
n Connect the power plug to the wall socket and switch on the system.
n Perform a short function check of the complete system.

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20 4 List of Hazard IDs

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