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Betty Levin


The family Salicaceae is the willow tree family of flowering plant .The traditional household
( Salicaceae sensu stricto ) included the willow , poplar , aspen , and white
basswood .Genetic studies summarized by the Angiosperm evolution Group ( APG ) have
greatly expanded the circumscription of the family unit to stop 56 genera and about 1220
species , including the Scyphostegiaceae and many of the old flacourtia family .In the
Cronquist system , the Salicaceae were assigned to their have parliamentary procedure ,
Salicales , and contained three genera , Salix , genus Populus , and Chosenia ( now a
synonym of Salix ) .Recognized to be closely related to the violet family and family
Passifloraceae , the family is placed by the APG in the order Malpighiales .Under the new
circumscription , all member of the family are tree or shrubs that have simple leave with
jump arrangement and temperate members are usually deciduous .Most penis have serrate
or dentate leaf margins , and those that have such toothed border all display salicoid tooth ;
a salicoid tooth being one in which a venous blood vessel enters the tooth , expands , and
terminates at or near the vertex , near which are spherical and glandular gibbousness called
setae .Members of the family often have flowers which are reduced and inconspicuous , and
all have ovaries that are higher-ranking or half-inferior with parietal placentation .==
Genera by subfamily and tribe == Salicaceae is divided into three subfamilies , with
Salicoideae further divided into six tribes .=== Salicoideae === === Samydoideae === ===
Scyphostegioideae === Dianyuea C. Shang dynasty et al .Scyphostegia Stapf === Incertae
sedis === Ahernia Merrill Macrothumia M.H.Alford Mocquerysia Hua Oncoba Forsskahl
†Saxifragispermum Reid & Raymond Thornton Chandler †Utkholokia ( Cheleb . )Iljinskaja &
Chelb .== acknowledgment == == External links == mass medium related to Salicaceae at
Wikimedia Commons Data related to Salicaceae at Wikispecies

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