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Bretherick's Handbook of Reactive

Chemical Hazards 8 ed. Eighth Edition

Urben P.G. (Ed.)
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How to use the Handbook

To seek
1. Stability data on single specific compounds: look in Section 1 using either the chemical name index (Appendix 4) or the empirical
molecular formula at right of second title line (Carbon; then Hydrogen if present; other elements follow alphabetically) to locate the
page. Membership of a general group is shown by a See other . . . cross-reference.
2. Data on possible violent interaction between two or more compounds: determine which appears “more reactive” and find it as in 1
above. Then look down the subentry titles for the other compound(s) involved which may be given as a single compound or as one of a
group The latter are listed in Appendix 6.
3. General data on a class or group of compounds, or information on identity of individuals in a known hazardous group: refer to
the Alphabetical Section 2. There is a classified index in Appendix 6.
4. Structure associated with explosive instability: See EXPLOSIBILITY
5. Information on general topics: use the indexes in Appendix 6.
6. Fire-related data: this is tabulated in Appendix 2.
7. Information on a compound identified by its CAS Registry number: there is a numerical index of CAS numbers vs Serial numbers
in Appendix 5.
Do not assume that lack of information means that no hazard exists. Look further at related structures, using Appendix 6.
See rear end paper for What the handbook provides.
Readers are encouraged to submit details of new reactive hazards for inclusion in later editions. There is a page you can copy for this
purpose at the end of book.
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Bretherick’s Handbook of
Reactive Chemical Hazards
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Bretherick’s Handbook of

Reactive Chemical
Eighth Edition

Edited by
P G Urben

Assisted by
M J Pitt
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Sheffield
Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom
50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States

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This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be
noted herein).

Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding,
changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary.

Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any
information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

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ISBN: 978-0-08-100971-0

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Publisher: John Fedor

Acquisition Editor: Kostas Marinakis
Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Jane Watson
Production Project Manager: Paul Prasad Chandramohan
Cover Designer: Mathew Limbert
Typeset by SPi Global, India
Preface to the Eighth Edition

Chemical safety studies mostly concentrate on toxicity. But acci- contributions until his death. Now myself of declining sight,
dental poisoning is rare, and, when it happens, as at Bhopal, the and some years retired thus losing contact with chemical reality,
poison was often broadcast by a violent reaction. Explosion and this will be my last edition. It is hoped that a successor can be
fire, the latter also frequently preceded by loss of containment, found, or will present themselves.
are more often what kill and injure chemical workers, even if Originally, Bretherick attempted to cover all aspects of hazard
not as often as the roads to and from work. by reaction, except explosive, propellant and pyrotechnic formu-
Explosion hazards, though well-demonstrated, may be for- lations in their intended use, but proliferating theoretical safety
gotten over the decades - so, a century after its explosivity was publications have caused us to focus more on the “undoctored inci-
shown, an explosive comparable with TNT may be regarded as dents that actually occurred.”
just another solvent. Much of the evidence is anecdotal and empirical so (re)
Fifty years ago, the late Leslie Bretherick, a working chemist searchers are warned that, although a reported explosion
in industry, resolved to assemble a compendium of known violent undoubtedly happened, the given explanation may not be correct.
and explosive reaction hazards, leavened by occasional touches of In particular, attribution to minor components or impurities is
humour. This he later organised by empirical formulae, for suspect, these may catalyse reaction, but do not provide major
chemical nomenclature changes, but formulae do not. energies. Neither should it be assumed that all listed components
Twenty-five years since, his sight failing, he handed over of a mix contributed to the mishap.
responsibility to me, also an industrial chemist, ably assisted You, reader, remain ultimately responsible for your safety:
by Dr. Martin Pitt covering Chemical and Biological Engineering Search, read and think, before experimenting, to avoid present
material. Leslie Bretherick wished to uphold the insights of prac- harm to yourself and others. And, to protect future others, please
titioners, not the fears of Safety Professionals. Even now, he is report any mishaps you may have, and any errors and omissions
still responsible for half of the content, and oversaw my you may find in this compendium.

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Basics xiii (Entries Arranged in Alphabetical Order)
Kinetic Factors xiii
Adiabatic Systems xiv APPENDIX 1 Source Title Abbreviations used
Reactivity vs. Composition and Structure xiv in Handbook References 1403
Reaction Mixtures xv
Protective Measures xv APPENDIX 2 Tabulated Fire-related Data 1409

APPENDIX 3 Glossary of Abbreviations and

Section 1 Technical Terms 1427

SPECIFIC CHEMICALS 1 APPENDIX 4 Index of Chemical Names and

(Elements and Compounds Arranged in Formula Order) Synonyms used in Section 1 1431

APPENDIX 5 Index of CAS Registry

Numbers vs Serial Numbers in Section 1 1477

APPENDIX 6 Index of Section 2 Titles

Classified by Type 1493

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Aims of the Handbook together with the later recent RSC Laboratory Hazards Bulletin
and Chemical Hazards in Industry. Additionally, various safety
This compilation has been prepared and revised to give access to a
manuals, compilations, summaries, data sheets and case histories
wide and up-to-date selection of documented information to
have been used, and fuller details of the sources used are set out
research students, practising chemists, safety officers and others
in Appendix 1. References in the text to textbooks listed in
concerned with the safe handling and use of reactive chemicals.
Appendix 1 are characterised by absence of the author’s initials
This will allow ready assessment of the likely potential for
after the surname.
reaction hazards which may be associated with an existing or pro-
Data taken from the Internet has been included when it fulfills
posed chemical compound or reaction system.
two of the following three criteria: The Editor finds it credible; the
A secondary, longer-term purpose is to present the information
source is authoritative; the hazard or incident was not previously
in a way which will, as far as possible, bring out the causes of, and
interrelationships between, apparently disconnected facts and inci-
Information on toxic hazards has been specifically excluded
dents. This is designed to encourage an increased awareness of
because it is available elsewhere in many well-ordered and readily
potential chemical reactivity hazards in school, college and uni-
usable forms. However it should be remembered that many of the
versity teaching laboratories, and to help to dispel the relative
compounds included in this Handbook show high reactivity of one
ignorance of such matters which is still in evidence in this
sort or another toward other materials, so may in general terms be
important area of safety training during the formative years of
expected to be reactive even in brief contact with animal
technical education.
organisms or tissue (including yours), with possible toxic effects,
Others involved in a more general way with the storage,
either acute or chronic. Toxicity has, however, been considered
handling, packing, transport and distribution of chemicals, or
when a chemical reaction not forseeable by the average student
emergencies related thereto, are likely to find information of rel-
generates a volatile poison – there is no warning that sulfides
evance to their activities.
and acids generate hydrogen sulfide, frequent cause of fatality
though that is, but generation of carbon monoxide by interaction
of alkali and dried milk is covered.
Scope and source coverage No attempt has been made to include details of all flammable
This Handbook includes all information which had become or combustible materials capable of burning explosively when
available to the Editor by early 2014 on the reactivity hazards mixed with air and ignited, nor of most incidents related to this
of individual elements or compounds, either alone or in combi- most frequent cause of accidents, such information again being
nation. Appropriate source references are included to give access available elsewhere. However, to focus attention on the potential
to more expansive information than that compressed into the nec- hazards always associated with the use of flammable and espe-
essarily abbreviated text entries. cially highly flammable substances, some 560 gases and liquids
A wide variety of possible sources of published information with flash points below 25°C and/or autoignition temperature
has been scanned to ensure maximum coverage. Primary sources below 225°C have been included in the text, their names prefixed
have largely been restricted to journals known to favour or spe- with a dagger. The numerical values of the fire hazard-related
cialise in publication of safety matters, and the textbook series spe- properties of flash point, autoignition temperature and explosive
cialising in synthetic and preparative procedures. (flammability) limits in air where known are given in the tabular
Secondary sources have been a fairly wide variety of both Appendix 2. Those elements or compounds which ignite on
specialised and general textbooks and encyclopaedic collections exposure to air are included in the text, but not in the Table.
(notably those of Mellor, Sidgwick, Pascal and Bailar in the
inorganic area, Houben-Weyl in the organic and organometallic
General arrangement
areas, and both Kirk-Othmer and Ullmann in the industrial area).
Section 50 of Chemical Abstracts, the CAS selection Chemical The information presented on reactive hazards is of two main
Hazards, Health, & Safety, the Universities’ Safety Association types, specific or general, and these types of information have been
Safety News (now lapsed), the CIA CISHC Chemical Safety arranged differently in their respective separate Sections 1 and 2.
Summary, (publication of which ceased in 1986 after 56 years), Specific information on instability of individual chemical
and the IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin have been rich sources, compounds, and on hazardous interactions of elements and/or

x Introduction

compounds, is contained in the main formula-based Section 1 of No attempt has been made, however, to list all combinations of
the Handbook. For an example of an unstable compound, reactants which can lead to the formation of a particular main entry
see Ethyl perchlorate, p. 208 compound.
For an example of a hazardous interaction between 2 compounds, In a multi-reactant system where no identification of an
see Nitric acid: Acetone, p. 926 unstable product was possible, one of the reactants had to be
or 2 separate examples involving the same compound, selected as primary reactant to prepare and index the main entry,
see Nitric acid: Acetone, or: Ethanol, pp. 926, 927 with the other material(s) as secondary reactant(s). No strictly
and one involving 3 compounds, logical basis of choice for this is obvious.
see Hydrogen peroxide: Nitric acid, Thiourea, p. 126 However, it emerged during the compilation phase that most
General information relating to classes or groups of ele- two component reaction hazard systems of this type involve a
ments or compounds possessing similar structural or hazardous fairly obvious oxidant material as one of the reactants. Where this
characteristics is contained in the smaller alphabetically based situation was recognised, the oxidant has normally been selected
Section 2. as primary (indexing) reactant, with the other as secondary
See ACYL NITRATES, p. 1161 reactant, following the colon.
PYROPHORIC METALS, p. 1354 See Potassium permanganate: Acetic acid, etc., p. 1026
References in the text to these general classes or groups of mate- In the markedly fewer cases where an obvious reducant has
rials is always in small capitals to differentiate them from refer- been involved as one reactant, that was normally selected as
ences to specific chemicals, the names of which are given in primary reactant.
normal roman typeface. See Lithium tetrahydroaluminate: 3,5-Dibromocyclopentene,
Some individual materials of variable composition (sub- p. 29
stances) and materials which cannot conveniently be formulated In the relatively few cases where neither (or none) of the reac-
and placed in Section 1 are also included in this general section. tants can be recognised as an oxidant or reducant, the choice was
See BLEACHING POWDER, CELLULOSE NITRATE, pp. 1186, 1192 made which appeared to give the more informative main entry
Both theoretical and practical hazard topics, some indirectly text.
related to the main theme of this book, are also included. See Chloroform: Acetone, etc., p. 97
See DISPOSAL, EXPLOSIBILITY, pp. 1216, 1228 Where some hazard has been noted during the preparation of a
GAS CYLINDERS, OXYGEN ENRICHMENT, pp. 1241, 1329 specific compound, but without it being possible to identify a spe-
Several topics which bring together incidents involving a cific cause, an entry for that compound states ‘Preparative hazard’,
common physical cause or effect but different types of chemicals and back-refers to the reactants involved in the preparation.
are now included in Section 2. See Sulfur dioxide, p. 1106
See CATALYTIC IMPURITY INCIDENTS, p. 1190 Occasionally, departures from these considerations have been
GAS EVOLUTION INCIDENTS, p. 1241 made where such action appeared advantageous in bringing out a
relationship between formally unrelated compounds or hazards. In
all multi-component cases, however, the secondary reactants
(except air and water) appear as formula entries back-referred to
Specific chemical entries (Section 1)
the main entry text, so that the latter is accessible from either
A single unstable compound of known composition is placed in the primary or secondary reactants.
main first section and is located on the basis of its empirical See Dimethyl sulfoxide: Acyl halides (main entry), p. 220
molecular formula expressed in the Hill system used by Chemical Acetyl chloride: Dimethyl sulfoxide (back reference), p. 180
Abstracts (C and H if present, then all other element symbols
alphabetically). The use of this indexing basis permits a compound
Grouping of reactants
to be located if its structure can be drawn, irrespective of whether a
valid name is known for it. A representation of the structure of There are advantages to be gained in grouping together elements
each compound is given on the third bold title line while the name or compounds showing similar structure or reactivity, because this
of the compound appears as the first bold title line. References to tends to bring out the relationships between structure and activity
the information source are given, followed by a statement of the more clearly than separate treatment. This course has been adopted
observed hazard, with any relevant explanation. Cross-reference widely for primary reactants in Section 2, and for secondary reac-
to similar compounds, often in a group entry, completes the entry. tants where one primary reactant has been involved separately
See Trifluoroacetyl nitrite, p. 156 with a large number of secondary materials. Where possible, the
Where two or more elements or compounds are involved in a latter have been collected together under a suitable general group
reactive hazard, and an intermediate or product of reaction is iden- title indicative of the composition or characteristics of those
tifiable as being responsible for the hazard, both reacting sub- materials.
stances are normally cross-referred to the identified product. See Chlorine: Hydrocarbons, p. 820
The well-known reaction of ammonia and iodine to give explosive Hydrogen peroxide: Metals, Metal oxides, Metal salts, p. 966
nitrogen triodide-ammonia is an example of this type. The two Hydrogen sulfide: Oxidants, p. 976
entries This arrangement means, however, that some practice will
Ammonia: Halogens, p. 980 be necessary on the user’s part in deciding into what group
Iodine: Ammonia, p. 1016 an individual secondary reactant falls before the longer-term
are referred back to the main entry under the identified material advantages of the groupings become apparent. The formal group
Nitrogen triiodide-ammonia, p. 1019 titles in Section 2, classified in Appendix 6, will be of use in
Introduction xi

this connection. However, it should be noted that sometimes been used as main entry titles, but they have often been included
informal group titles are used which do not appear in these in the entry texts. Rarely, on the grounds of brevity, names not con-
Appendices. forming strictly to IUPAC principles but recommended for che-
micals used in industry in BS 2474: 1983 have been used. The
prefix mixo-, to represent the mixtures of isomers sometimes used
General group entries (Section 2)
as industrial materials, is a case in point.
In some cases literature references relating to well-defined groups Some of the rigidly systematic names selected by the Associ-
of hazardous compounds or to hazard topics have been found, and ation for Science Education for their nomenclature list in 1985
these are given, with a condensed version of relevant information from the IUPAC possibilities, and some of the systematic indexing
at the beginning of the topic or group entry, under a suitable bold names used by Chemical Abstracts since 1972, are given as syn-
title, the latter being arranged in alphabetical order in Section 2. onyms in the Index of Chemical Names. This should assist those
Cross references to related group or sub-group entries are also coming into industry and research with a command of those
included, with a group list of the names and serial (not page) nomenclature systems but who may be unfamiliar with the current
numbers of the chemicals appearing in Section 1 which lie within variety of names used for chemicals. The inclusion, where pos-
the structural or functional scope of the group entry title. Com- sible, of the CAS Registry Number for each title compound should
pounds which are closely similar to, but not in strict conformity now simplify the clarification of any chemical name or synonym
with, the group definition are indicated by a prefixed asterisk. problems, by reference to the Registry Handbook or other CAS
The group entries thus serve as sub-indexes for each struc- source. An index of CAS numbers is given in Appendix 5.
turally based group of hazardous compounds. Conversely, each In connection with the group titles adopted for the alphabeti-
individual compound entry is back-referred to the group entry, cally ordered Section 2, it has been necessary in some cases to
and thence to all its strict structural analogues and related con- devise group names (particularly in the inorganic field) to indicate
geners included in Section 1 of this Handbook. Note that these in a very general way the chemical structures involved in various
group lists of chemicals are now in alphabetical (not formula) classes, groups or sub-groups of compounds. For this purpose, all
order, and give the serial number (not page number) for the elements have been considered either as METALS or NON-METALS,
chemical. and of the latter, HALOGENS, HYDROGEN, NITROGEN, OXYGEN, and
These features should be useful in attempts to estimate the sta- SULFUR were selected as specially important. Group names have
bility or reactivity of a compound or reaction system which does then been coined from suitable combinations of these, such as
not appear in this Handbook. The effects on stability or reactivity the simple
of changes in the molecular structure to which the destabilising or METAL OXIDES, NON-METAL SULFIDES
reactive group(s) is attached are in some cases discussed in the N-HALOGEN COMPOUNDS, NON-METAL HYDRIDES
group entry. Otherwise such information may be gained from com- METAL NON-METALLIDES, COMPLEX HYDRIDES
parison of the information available from the individual compound or the more complex
entries listed collectively (now in alphabetical order, with serial METAL OXOHALOGENATES
number) in the group entry. AMMINECHROMIUM PEROXOCOMPLEXES
Care is, however, necessary in extrapolating from the OXOSALTS OF NITROGENOUS BASES
described properties of compounds to others in which the user METAL OXONON-METALLATES
of this Handbook may be interested. Due allowance must be made Organic group entries are fairly conventional, such as
for changes in elemental reactivity up or down the columns of the HALOALKENES
Periodic Table, and for the effects of variation in chain length, NITROARL COMPOUNDS
branching and point of group-attachment in organic systems. DIAZONIUM SALTS
Purity of materials, possible catalytic effects (positive or neg- Where necessary, such group names are explained in the
ative) of impurities, and scale of operations may all have a direct appropriate Section 2 group entry, of which a classified listing
bearing upon a particular reaction rate. These and other related is found in the Appendix 6.
matters are dealt with in more detail in the following Introductory
Cross reference system
The cross-reference system adopted in this Handbook plays a
With the direct encouragement and assistance of the Publishers, an large part in providing maximum access to, and use of, the rather
attempt has been made to use chemical names which conform to heterogeneous collection of information herein. The significance
recent recommendations of IUPAC. While this has not been an of the five types of cross-reference which have been used is as
essential part of the compilation, because each title name has follows.
the corresponding structural and molecular formula adjacent, it See … refers to a directly related item.
seems nonetheless desirable to minimise possible confusion by See also … refers to an indirectly related item.
adopting the unambiguous system of nomenclature presented in See other … refers to listed strict analogues of the compound etc.
the IUPAC publications. See related … refers to listed related compounds (congeners) or
Where the IUPAC name for a compound is very different from groups not strictly analogous structurally.
a previously used recent trivial name, the latter is included as a See entry … points to a or the relevant reference in Section 2.
synonym in parentheses (and in single quotes where no longer CROSS REFERENCES IN CAPITALS REFER TO
an acceptable name). Generally, retained trivial names have not SECTION 2
xii Introduction

Information content of individual entries One aspect which, although it is absent from most entry texts,
is nevertheless of vital importance, is that of the potential for
A conscious effort has been made throughout this compilation to
damage, injury or death associated with the various materials
exclude much fringe information not directly relevant to the
and reaction systems dealt with in this Handbook.
involvement of chemical reactivity in the various incidents or
Though some of the incidents have involved little or no
observations, while giving enough detail to allow the reader to
damage (see CAN OF BEANS, p. 1189), others have involved personal
judge the relevance or otherwise of the quoted reference(s) to
injuries, often of unexpected severity (see SODIUM PRESS, p. 1371),
his or her particular reactivity problems or interests.
and material damage is often immense. For example, the incident
It must be stressed that this book can do no more than to serve
given under Perchloric acid: Cellulose derivatives, (reference 1,
as a guide to much more detailed information available via the
p. 1191) involved damage to 116 buildings and a loss approaching
quoted references. In all but a few cases it cannot relieve the
3M dollars at 1947 values. The death-roll associated with reactive
student or chemist of their moral and now legal obligation to them-
chemical hazards has ranged from 1 or 2 (see Tetrafluoroethylene:
selves and to their co-workers, to equip themselves with the fullest
Iodine pentafluoride, p. 906) to some 600 with 2000 injured in the
possible information from the technical literature resources which
incident at Oppau in 1921 (see Ammonium nitrate, reference 4,
are widely available, before attempting any experimental work
pp. 990, 991), and now to several thousand, with more than
with materials known, or suspected, to be hazardous or potentially
100,000 injured, by methyl isocyanate fumes at Bhopal in 1984
so. It could be impossible for you after the event.
(reference 7, p. 1320).
THE ABSENCE OF A MATERIAL OR A COMBINATION This sometimes vast potential for destruction again empha-
OF MATERIALS FROM THIS HANDBOOK CANNOT BE sises the need to gain the maximum of detailed knowledge before
TAKEN TO IMPLY THAT NO HAZARD EXISTS. LOOK starting to use an unfamiliar chemical or reaction system.
Reactive Chemical Hazards

This introductory chapter seeks to present an overview transformed an established uneventful procedure into a
of the complex subject of reactive chemical hazards, violent incident. For examples of the effect of increase in
drawing attention to the underlying principles and to proportion,
some practical aspects of minimising such hazards. It see 2-Chloronitrobenzene: Ammonia Sodium 4-
also serves in some measure to correlate some of the topic nitrophenoxide
entries in the alphabetically arranged Section 2 of the For the effect of increase in concentration upon reaction
Handbook. velocity, see Dimethyl sulfate: Ammonia
Nitrobenzene: Alkali (reference 2)
The effects of catalysts (which effectively reduce the
BASICS energy of activation), either intentional or unsuspected, is
All chemical reactions implicitly involve energy changes also relevant in this context. Increase in the concentration
(energy of activation + energy of reaction), for these are of a catalyst (normally used at 1-2%) may have a dramatic
the driving force. The majority of reactions liberate energy effect on reaction velocity.
as heat (occasionally as light or sound) and are termed exo- See Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid: Acyl chlorides, etc
thermic. In a minority of reactions, the reaction energy is 2-Nitroanisole: Hydrogen
absorbed into the products, when both the reaction and its HYDROGENATION CATALYSTS
products are described as endothermic. The presence of an unsuspected contaminant or catalytic
All reactive hazards involve the release of energy in impurity may affect the velocity or change the course of
quantities or at rates too high to be absorbed by the imme- reaction. For several examples,
diate environment of the reacting system, and material see CATALYTIC IMPURITY INCIDENTS
damage results. The source of the energy may be an exo- In the same context, but in opposite sense, the presence
thermic multi-component reaction, or the exothermic of inhibitors (negative catalysts, increasing energy of acti-
decomposition of a single unstable (often endothermic) vation) may seriously interfere with the smooth progress of
compound. a reaction. An inhibitor may initiate an induction period
All measures to minimise the possibility of occurrence which can lead to problems in establishing and controlling
of reactive chemical hazards are therefore directed at con- a desired reaction. For further details and examples,
trolling the extent and rate of release of energy in a reacting see INDUCTION PERIOD INCIDENTS
system. In an industrial context, such measures are central Undoubtedly the most important factor affecting
to modern chemical engineering practice. Some of the reaction rates is that of temperature. It follows from the
factors which contribute to the possibility of excessive Arrhenius equation that the rate of reaction will increase
energy release, and appropriate means for their control, exponentially with temperature. Practically, it is found
are now outlined briefly, with references to examples in that an increase of 10°C in reaction temperature often
the text. doubles or trebles the reaction velocity.
Because most reactions are exothermic, they will tend to
accelerate as reaction proceeds unless the available cooling
KINETIC FACTORS capacity is sufficient to prevent rise in temperature. Note
The rate of an exothermic chemical reaction determines the that the exponential temperature effect accelerating the
rate of energy release, so factors which affect reaction reaction will exceed the (usually) linear effect of falling
kinetics are important in relation to possible reaction reactant concentration in decelerating the reaction. When
hazards. The effects of proportions and concentrations of the exotherm is large and cooling capacity is inadequate,
reactants upon reaction rate are governed by the Law of the resulting accelerating reaction may proceed to the point
Mass Action, and there are many examples where changes of loss of control (runaway), and decomposition, fire or
in proportion and/or concentration of reagents have explosion may ensue.

xiv Reactive Chemical Hazards

The great majority of incidents described in the text may phases of a reaction system; proportions of reactants and
be attributed to this primary cause of thermal runaway reac- rates of addition (allowing for an induction period); use
tions. The scale of the damage produced is related directly of solvents as diluents and to reduce viscosity of the
to the size, and more particularly to the rate, of energy reaction medium; adequate agitation and mixing in the
release. reactor; control of reaction or distillation pressure; use of
See RUNAWAY REACTIONS an inert atmosphere.
Reactions at high pressure may be exceptionally haz- See AGITATION INCIDENTS
ardous owing to the enhanced kinetic energy content of In some cases it is important not to overcool a reaction
the system. system, so that the energy of activation is maintained.
See HIGH-PRESSURE REACTION TECHNIQUES See Acetylene: Halogens (reference 1)
Although detailed consideration of explosions is outside
the scope of this Handbook, three levels of intensity of
explosion (i.e. rates of fast energy release) can be discerned ADIABATIC SYSTEMS
and roughly equated to the material damage potential.
Because process heating is expensive, lagging is invariably
Deflagration involves combustion of a material, usually
applied to heated process vessels to minimise heat loss,
in presence of air. In a normal liquid pool fire, combustion
particularly during long-term hot storage. Such adiabatic
in an open situation will normally proceed without
or near-adiabatic systems are potentially hazardous if
explosion. Mixtures of gases or vapours with air within
materials of limited thermal stability, or which possess
the explosive limits which are subsequently ignited will
self-heating capability, are used in them. Insufficiently sta-
burn at normal flame velocity (a few m/s) to produce a ‘soft’
bilised bulk-stored monomers come into the latter category.
explosion, with minor material damage, often limited to
See 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene: Sodium hydroxide,
scorching by the moving flame front. Injuries to personnel
may well be more severe.
If the mixture (or a dust cloud) is confined, even if only
by surface irregularities or local partial obstructions, signif-
icant pressure effects can occur. Fuel-air mixtures near to
stoicheiometric composition and closely confined will
develop pressures of several bar within milliseconds, and
material damage will be severe. Unconfined vapour explo-
sions of large dimensions may involve higher flame veloc- REACTIVITY VS. COMPOSITION AND
ities and significant pressure effects, as shown in the STRUCTURE
Flixborough disaster. The ability to predict reactivity and stability of chemical
See DUST EXPLOSION INCIDENTS compounds from their composition and structure is as yet
PRESSURE INCREASE IN EXOTHERMIC DECOMPOSITION limited, so the ability accurately to foresee potential hazards
VAPOUR CLOUD EXPLOSIONS during preparation, handling and processing of chemicals
Detonation is an extreme form of explosion where the and their mixtures is also restricted. Although some consid-
propagation velocity becomes supersonic in gaseous, liquid erable progress has been made in the use of computer pro-
or solid states. The temperatures and particularly pressures grams to predict hazards, the best available approach for
associated with detonation are higher by orders of mag- many practical purposes appears to be an initial appraisal
nitude than in deflagration. Energy release occurs in a based on analogy with, or extrapolation from, data for
few microseconds and the resulting shattering effects are existing compounds and processes. This preliminary
characteristic of detonation. Deflagration may accelerate assessment can be supplemented with calorimetric instru-
to detonation if the burning material and geometry of con- mental examination, then bench-scale testing procedures
finement are appropriate (endothermic compounds, long for thermal stability applied to realistic reaction mixtures
narrow vessels or pipelines). and processing conditions, should any doubt of safety
See Acetylene (reference 9) persist. A wide range of equipment and techniques is
ENDOTHERMIC COMPOUNDS now available for this purpose.
Factors of importance in preventing such thermal COMPUTATION OF REACTIVE CHEMICAL HAZARDS
runaway reactions are mainly related to the control of DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETRY
reaction velocity and temperature within suitable limits. DIFFERENTIAL THERMAL ANALYSIS
These may involve such considerations as adequate heating MAXIMUM REACTION HEAT
and particularly cooling capacity in both liquid and vapour REACTION SAFETY CALORIMETRY
Reactive Chemical Hazards xv

It has long been recognised that instability in single of oxidant for the particular reaction. It will be essential to
compounds, or high reactivity in combinations of different determine by a suitable diagnostic procedure that the
materials, is usually associated with particular groupings of desired reaction has become established, to prevent build-
atoms or other features of molecular structure, such as high up of unused oxidant and a possible approach to the oxygen
proportions or local concentrations of oxygen or nitrogen. balance point.
Details of such features associated with explosive insta- See OXYGEN BALANCE
bility are collected under the heading EXPLOSIBILITY. Reducants (rich electron sources) in conjunction with
An approximate indication of likely instability in a com- reducible materials (electron acceptors) feature rather less
pound may be gained from inspection of the empirical frequently than oxidants in hazardous incidents.
molecular formula to establish stoicheiometry. See REDUCANTS
See HIGH-NITROGEN COMPOUNDS Interaction of potent oxidants and reducants is
OXYGEN BALANCE invariably highly energetic and of high hazard potential.
Endothermic compounds, formed as the energy-rich See Dibenzoyl peroxide: Lithium tetrahydroaluminate
products of endothermic reactions, are thermodynamically Hydrazine: Oxidants
unstable and may be liable to energetic decomposition with REDOX REACTIONS
low energy of activation. ROCKET PROPELLANTS
See ENDOTHERMIC COMPOUNDS Similar considerations apply to those compounds which
contain both oxidising and reducing functions in the same
molecular structure.
So far as reactivity between different compounds is con- Water is, after air, one of the most common reagents
cerned, some subdivision can be made on the basis of the likely to come into contact with reactive materials, and
chemical types involved. Oxidants (electron sinks) are several classes of compounds will react violently, particu-
undoubtedly the most common chemical type to be larly with restricted amounts of water.
involved in hazardous incidents, the other components See WATER-REACTIVE COMPOUNDS
functioning as fuels or other electron sources. Air (21% Most of the above has been written with deliberate pro-
oxygen) is the most widely dispersed oxidant, and air- cessing conditions in mind, but it must be remembered that
reactivity may lead to either short- or long-term hazards. the same considerations will apply, and perhaps to a greater
Where reactivity of a compound is very high, oxidation degree, under the uncontrolled reaction conditions pre-
may proceed so fast in air that ignition occurs. vailing when accidental contact of reactive chemicals
See PYROPHORIC MATERIALS occurs in storage or transit.
Slow reaction with air may lead to the longer-term Adequate planning is therefore necessary in storage
hazard of peroxide formation. arrangements to segregate oxidants from fuels and redu-
See AUTOXIDATION cants, and fuels and combustible materials from com-
PEROXIDATION INCIDENTS pressed gases and water-reactive compounds. This will
PEROXIDES IN SOLVENTS minimise the possibility of accidental contact and violent
PEROXIDISABLE COMPOUNDS reaction arising from faulty containers or handling opera-
Oxidants more concentrated than air are of greater tions, and will prevent intractable problems in the event
hazard potential, and the extent of involvement of the of fire in the storage areas.
common oxidants See STORAGE OF CHEMICALS
Perchloric acid Unexpected sources of ignition may lead to ignition of
Chlorine flammable materials during chemical processing or han-
Nitric acid dling operations.
may be judged from the large number of incidents in the STATIC INITIATION INCIDENTS
text involving each of them, as well as other OXIDANTS.
At the practical level, experimental oxidation reactions
should be conducted to maintain in the reacting system a PROTECTIVE MEASURES
minimum oxygen balance consistent with other processing The need to provide protective measures will be directly
requirements. This may involve adding the oxidant slowly related to the level of potential hazards which may be
with appropriate mixing and cooling to the other reaction assessed from the procedures outlined above. Measures
materials to maintain the minimum effective concentration concerned with reaction control are frequently mentioned
xvi Reactive Chemical Hazards

in the following text, but details of techniques and the essential and absolute minimum of effective eye pro-
equipment for personal protection, though usually excluded tection, via the safety screen, fume cupboard or enclosed
from the scope of this work, are obviously of great reactor, up to the ultimate of a remotely controlled and
importance. blast-resistant isolation cell (usually for high-pressure oper-
Careful attention to such detail is necessary as a second ations). In the absence of facilities appropriate to the
line of defence against the effects of reactive hazards. The assessed level of hazard, operations must be deferred until
level of protection considered necessary may range from such facilities are available.
Section 1
Specific Chemicals
(Elements and Compounds arranged in formula order)

This section gives detailed information on the hazardous prop- be invidious, most appear to have ben compiled my (mis)
erties of individual chemicals, either alone or in combination information (ne)scientists at their computers, connected to
with other compounds. The items are arranged in order of the world wide web, but not to a practised chemist who is
the empirical formula (at right of second bold title line) which familiar with the material in question. Fortunately, the manu-
corresponds to the chemical name, or a synonym within paren- facturer’s data sheets, now supplied even by laboratory supply
theses, used as the first line bold title of each main entry; houses, are steadily improving and mean that reference to
(nomenclature is now rather promiscuous since the systema- other similar sources is less needful
tisers have contrived to give many materials two or even three The first reference(s) and data given under the title lines
new names since the first edition was published, while the refer to the hazards of the title material alone, or in the presence
name used where chemicals are handled, as opposed to in of air, unless stated otherwise. Where other (secondary) che-
lecture rooms, will be something else again). The 3 part micals are involved with the title compound in a reactive
number within square brackets at the left of the second title line incident, the name(s) follows in roman characters under the
is the CAS registry number, now being widely used to provide bold title entry. As in previous editions of this Handbook,
a reliable basis for establishing equivalence between differing where these secondary chemicals are described in group terms
chemical names and trade names for the same chemical com- (e.g. Polynitroaryl compounds), reference to the alphabetical
pound (but note that one compound, within the terms of this group entries now in Section 2 may suggest other analogous
work, may have numerous CAS numbers by virtue of isotopic possibilities of hazards. References to original or abstract liter-
composition, undefined stereo- and regio-chemistry or variant ature then follow, and sufficient of the relevant information
solvation levels). Lack of content within the square brackets content is given to allow a general picture of the nature and
indicates that a registry number has not yet been located, (or degree of hazard to be seen.
may not exist if CAS considers the compound insufficiently Two features relevant to entries for pairs of reactive che-
characterised, which is highly probable for materials which micals arise from the work of Prof. T. Yoshida in developing
exploded during analysis) and (ion) after the number indicates a method for the calculation of maximum reaction heats
that the main ion only has been located, rather than the specific (MRH) possible for binary (or ternary) mixtures of chemicals,
title salt. Where possible, an alpahanumeric representation of and the publication of his tabulated results. Where available for
the structure of the title compound is given at the centre of combinations existing in this text, these data are given opposite
the third title line, otherwise a drawn structure. the name of the secondary chemical in the form MRH 2.9/22.
A † prefixed to the chemical name indicates the existence This means that the calculated reaction heat is maximal at
of tabulated information on fire-related properties in 2.9 kJ/g in a mixture containing 22% wt of the secondary
Appendix 2. The † prefix is also appended to the entry reactant with 78% of the main (bold title) compound. The
(and any synonym) in the index in Appendix 4 of the che- second feature is the inclusion of the secondary entry ‘Other
micals appearing as title lines. Immediately under the title reactants’ under which the extent of the information available
lines some references to sources of general safetyrelated data in Yoshida’s book for some 240 title compounds is given. More
concerning use and handling precautions for the title chemical detail on the origin of these figures is given in Section 2 under
are given. The references to the series of MCA Safety Data the entry MAXIMUM REACTION HEAT.
Sheets are given in parentheses because the whole series All temperatures in the text are expressed in degrees
was withdrawn in 1980, apparently on grounds other than Celsius; pressures in bars, mbars or Pa; volumes in m3, litres
obsolescence of the technical content. Since these data sheets or ml; and energy as joules, kJ or MJ. Where appropriate,
are no longer available, alternative references are given where attention is drawn to closely similar or related materials or
possible to the Data Sheets available from the National Safety events by See or See also cross-references. Finally, if a title
Council (NSC), Chicago; the Fire Protection Association compound is a member of one of the general classes or
(FPA), London; to the appropriate page of ’Handling Che- groups in Section 2, it is related to those by a See other
micals Safely 1980’ (HCS 1980), published in Holland; or cross-reference. If the compound is not strictly classifiable, a
to the new Laboratory Hazard Data Sheet series being pub- See related cross-reference establishes a less direct link to
lished by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), now in Cam- the group compound index lists in Section 2, such compounds
bridge. No new datasheets have been included since 1990, being prefixed in the lists by an asterisk. In relatively few cases,
since distinction between the proliferation of sources would literature references (or further references) for individual


compounds are in the alphabetical entries in Section 2, and a Details of corrections of typographical or factual errors, or
See entry cross-reference leads to that entry with the literature of further items for inclusion in the text, will be welcomed, and
reference. An alphabetical index of the chemical names used as a page which can be photocopied for this purpose will be found
bold titles in Section 1, together with synonyms, is given in at the back of the book.
Appendix 4.
0001 Silver Iodoform
[7440-22-4] Ag In contact with finely divided (reduced) silver, incandes-
cence occurs.
Ag Grignard, 1935, Vol. 3, 320

Other reactants
Acetylenic compounds MRH Acetylene 8.70/99+ MRH values for seven combinations, largely with catalyt-
See ACETYLENIC COMPOUNDS ically susceptible materials, are given.
Yoshida, 1980, 103
See Aziridine: Silver Ozonides
Bromine azide
See Bromine azide
Peroxymonosulfuric acid
See Peroxymonosulfuric acid: Catalysts
See 3-Bromopropyne: Metals
Peroxyformic acid MRH 5.69/100
See Peroxyformic acid: Metals
Carboxylic acids
See other METALS
Silver is incompatible with oxalic or tartaric acids, since the
silver salts decompose upon heating. Silver oxalate explodes
at 140°C, and silver tartrate loses carbon dioxide. 0002 Silver—aluminium alloy
Koffolt, J.H., private comm., 1965 [11144-29-9] Ag—Al
Ag Al
Chlorine trifluoride MRH 1.42/36
See Chlorine trifluoride: Metals Combustion and explosion hazards of the powdered alloy
used in batteries were studied. Increase in silver content
leads to higher values of the ignition temperature and
Copper, Ethylene glycol COI [1][2].
See Ethylene glycol: Silvered copper wire
1. Popov, E. I. et al., Chem. Abs., 1977, 87, 205143
2. Popov, E. I. et al., Chem. Abs., 1980, 94, 35622
Electrolytes, Zinc
See other ALLOYS
Causes of spontaneous combustion and other hazards of
silver—zinc batteries were investigated.
Britz, W. K. et al., Chem. Abs., 1975, 83, 150293
0003 Silvered copper
Ethanol, Nitric acid [37218-25-0] Ag—Cu
Action of silver on nitric acid in the presence of ethanol
may form the readily detonable silver fulminate. Ag Cu
Luchs, J. K., Photog. Sci. Eng., 1966, 10, 334
See Nitric acid: Alcohols
See Ethylene glycol: Silvered copper wire
Ethyl hydroperoxide See related ALLOYS
See Ethyl hydroperoxide: Silver
0004 Silver—thorium alloy
Ethylene oxide MRH 3.72/99+ [12785-36-3] (1:2) Ag—Th
See Ethylene oxide: Reference 4
Ag Th
Hydrogen peroxide MRH 1.59/99+
See Hydrogen peroxide: Metals See PYROPHORIC ALLOYS


0005 Silver tetrafluoroborate 1. Taradoire, F., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr., 1945, 12, 94–95
[14104-20-2] AgBF4 2. Pascal, 1960, Vol. 13.1, 1004
+ −
Ag F B F 0008 Silver chloride
F [7783-90-6] AgCl

+ −
Ag Cl
Preparative hazard
Experimental directions must be followed exactly to
prevent violent, spontaneous explosions during prepa- Aluminium
ration of the salt from silver oxide and boron trifluoride See Aluminium: Silver chloride
etherate in nitromethane, according to the earlier method
[1]. The later method [3] is generally safer than that Ammonia
in [2]. Exposure of ammoniacal silver chloride solutions to air or
1. Meerwein, H. et al., Arch. Pharm., 1958, 291, 541–544 heat produces a black crystalline deposit of “fulminating
2. Lemal, D. M. et al., Tetrahedron Lett., 1961, 776–777 silver” (mainly silver nitride), with silver diimide and silver
3. Olah, G. A. et al., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 1960, 14, amide also possibly present [1]. Attention is drawn [2] to
295–296 the possible explosion hazard of a method of recovering
See other SILVER COMPOUNDS silver from chloride by passing an ammoniacal solution
of the chloride through an ion exchange column to separate
the Ag(NH3)+ ion, prior to elution as the nitrate [3]. It is
essential to avoid letting the ammoniacal solution stand
0006 Silver tetrafluorobromate
for several hours, either alone or on the column [2].
[35967-89-6] AgBrF4
1. Mellor, 1941, Vol. 3, 382
2. Kauffmann, G. B., J. Chem. Educ., 1977, 54, 132
F 3. Ranganathan, S. et al., J. Chem. Educ., 1976, 53, 347
+ −
Ag F Br F See Silver nitride

See METAL POLYHALOHALOGENATES 0009 Silver azide chloride

[67880-13-1] AgClN3

0007 Silver bromate − 2+ − +

Cl Ag N N N
[7783-89-3] AgBrO3
It is shock sensitive when dry.
+ O O
Ag Br Frierson, W. J. et al., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1943, 65, 1698

0010 Silver chlorite

Other reactants
MRH values for 16 combinations with oxidizable materials [7783-91-7] AgClO2
are given.
+ –
Yoshida, 1980, 133 Ag O O
Sulfur compounds MRH Sulfur 2.0/12
The bromate is a powerful oxidant, and unstable mixtures
with sulfur ignite at 73°C–75°C, and with disulfur Alone, or Iodoalkanes
dibromide on contact [1]. Hydrogen sulfide ignites on The salt is impact-sensitive, cannot be finely ground, and
contact with the bromate [2]. explodes at 105°C. Attempts to react silver chlorite with

iodo-methane or -ethane caused explosions, immediately in Acetic acid MRH 2.80/22

the absence of solvents, or delayed in their presence. The salt solvated with acetic acid is impact sensitive.
Levi, G. R., Gazz. Chim. Ital. [2], 1923, 53, 40 Mellor, 1956, Vol.2, Suppl.1, 616
See Aromatic compounds, below
Hydrochloric acid, or Sulfur
It explodes in contact with hydrochloric acid or upon Alkynes, Mercury
rubbing with sulfur. Concentrated solutions of the perchlorate in 2-pentyne or
3-hexyne (where complexes are formed) explode on
Mellor, 1941, Vol. 2, 284 contact with mercury.
Comyns, A. E. et al., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1957, 79, 4324
Finely divided carbon, sulfur, or red phosphorus are oxi-
dized violently by silver chlorite.
Aromatic compounds MRH Aniline 3.47/11,
Pascal, 1960, Vol. 16, 264 toluene 3.51/9
See other CHLORITE SALTS Silver perchlorate forms solid complexes with aniline, pyr-
See other SILVER COMPOUNDS idine, toluene, benzene, and many other aromatic hydro-
carbons [1]. A sample of the benzene complex exploded
0011 Silver chlorate violently upon crushing in a mortar. The ethanol complex
also exploded similarly, and unspecified perchlorates dis-
[7783-92-8] AgClO3 solved in organic solvents were observed to explode as well
[2]. Solutions of the perchlorate in benzene are said to be

Ag+ O O dangerously explosive [3], but this may be in error for
Cl the solid benzene complex. The energy released upon
O decomposition of the benzene complex has been calculated
as 3.4 kJ/g, some 75% of that for TNT [4].
An explosive compound and powerful oxidant. 1. Sidgwick, 1950, 1234
2. Brinkley, S. R., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1940, 62, 3524
Sorbe, 1968, 126
3. Peone, J. et al., Inorg. Synth., 1974, 15, 69
4. Stull, 1977, 22
Ethylene glycol MRH 2.68/17
See Ethylene glycol: Oxidants
Carbon tetrachloride, Hydrochloric acid
Silver perchlorate and carbon tetrachloride, in the presence
Other reactants of a little hydrochloric acid, produce trichloromethyl per-
MRH values for 17 combinations, largely with oxidizable chlorate, which explodes at 40°C.
materials, are given. 491M, 1975, 368
Yoshida, 1980, 69 See Trichloromethyl perchlorate
Dropwise addition of the amine to the salt led to an
0012 Silver perchlorate explosion (possibly initiated by heat liberated by complex
[7783-93-9] AgClO4
491M, 1975, 368

Ag + O Cl O Diethyl ether
After crystallization from ether, the material exploded vio-
lently upon crushing in a mortar. It had previously been
considered stable since it melts without decomposition [1].
It melts without decomposition, although the enthalpy of
the conversion to silver chloride and oxygen appears to Heim, F., Angew. Chem., 1957, 69, 274
be about 0.5kJ/g. An explosion while grinding the salt
(which had not been in contact with organic materials)
Dimethyl sulfoxide
has been reported. A powerful oxidant.
The crystalline complex solvated with 2DMSO explodes
Anon., Angew. Chem. (Nachr.), 1962, 10, 2 with extreme violence if rubbed or scratched.

Ahrland, S. et al., Acta. Chem. Scand. A, 1974, 28, 825 0014 Silver difluoride
See Dimethyl sulfoxide: Metal oxosalts [7783-95-1] AgF2

Ethanol MRH 3.30/13 – 2+ –

F Ag F
See Aromatic compounds, above

Other reactants
MRH values for 20 combinations with oxidizable materials Boron, Water
are given. Mixtures of boron and silver difluoride function as deto-
nators when in contact with water.
Yoshida, 1980, 81
Tulis, A. J. et al., Proc. 7th Symp. Explos. Pyrotechnics,
1971, 3(4), 1–12
The perchlorate forms complexes with 2, 3, or 4 mols of
oxathiane, which explode upon heating. Dimethyl sulfoxide
See Iodine pentafluoride: Dimethyl sulfoxide
Barnes, J. C. et al., J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 1982, 4, 103–113

Tetrachlorosilane, or Tetrabromosilane, or Titanium Hydrocarbons, or Water

tetrachloride, and Diethyl ether It reacts even more vigorously with most substances than
Reaction gives explosive volatile organic perchlorates, does cobalt fluoride.
probably ethyl perchlorate. Priest, H. F. Inorg. Synth., 1950, 3, 176
Schmeisser, M., Angew. Chem., 1955, 67, 499 See other METAL HALIDES

Tetrasulfur tetraimide 0015 Silver amide

See Tetrasulfurtetraimide–silver(I) perchlorate [65235-79-2] AgH2N
See other OXIDANTS
Ag N
0013 Silver fluoride H
[7775-41-9] AgF
Extraordinarily explosive when dry.

+ −
Brauer, 1965, Vol. 2, 1045
Ag F See Nitrogen triiodide—silver amide
Calcium hydride
See Calcium hydride: Silver halides 0016 Silver N-nitrosulfuric diamidate
[] AgH2N3O4S
Boron reacts explosively when ground with silver fluoride; –
silicon reacts violently. O
+ +
Mellor, 1941, Vol. 3, 389 O N –
Titanium S
Interaction at 320°C is incandescent. N H
Mellor, 1941, Vol. 7, 20 H
See other SILVER COMPOUNDS The silver salt of the nitroamide is explosive.

Sorbe, 1968, 120 0020 Silver iodate

See other N-METAL DERIVATIVES [7783-97-3] AgIO3
+ O O

0017 Silver phosphinate
[] AgH2O2P Metals MRH Potassium 1.50/25, sodium 1.92/35
Sodium: Iodates
See Potassium: Oxidants
Ag P Other reactants
H O H MRH values for 16 combinations with oxidizable materials
are given.
Explosive, but less sensitive than the azide or fulminate. Yoshida, 1980, 194
Luchs, J. K., Photog. Sci. Eng., 1966, 10, 335 Tellurium
See other METAL PHOSPHINATES Interaction is violent.
Pascal, 1960, Vol. 13.2, 1961
0018 Diamminesilver permanganate
[] AgH6MnN2O4 0021 Silver permanganate
[7783-98-4] AgMnO4
H O Mn O +
+ Ag O Mn O
H N Ag
O O−
Sulfuric acid
It may explode upon impact or shock. The moist salt exploded during drying over the concen-
trated acid in a vacuum desiccator (presumably owing to
Pascal, 1960, Vol. 16, 1062 the formation of traces of manganese heptoxide from
See other AMMINEMETAL OXOSALTS reaction with sulfuric acid vapor).
491M, 1975, 369
See other OXIDANTS
0019 Dihydrazinesilver nitrate
0022 Silver nitrate
[31247-72-0] AgH8N5O3
[7761-88-8] AgNO3
N N O− O
+ O
+ O Ag+ N+
N N O O−
HCS 1980, 822
The salt explodes at 1.5°C.
A potent oxidant, forming explosive mixtures with many
Gall, H. et al., Z. Anorg. Chem., 1932, 206, 376 combustibles.

Acetaldehyde Ammonia, Ethanol

Aqueous silver nitrate reacts with acetaldehyde to produce A silvering solution exploded when disturbed. This is a par-
explosive silver fulminate. ticularly dangerous mixture because both silver nitride and
silver fulminate could be formed.
Luchs, J. K., Photog. Sci. Eng., 1966, 10, 336
MCA Case History No. 1733
See Ethanol, below
Acetylene and derivatives
Silver nitrate (or other soluble salt) reacts with acetylene
Ammonia, Sodium carbonate
in the presence of ammonia to form silver acetylide, a
A mixture of the components in gum arabic solution
sensitive and powerful detonator when dry. In the
(marking ink) exploded when warmed.
absence of ammonia, or when calcium acetylide is added
to silver nitrate solution, explosive double salts of silver Vasbinder, H., Pharm. Weekblad, 1952, 87, 861–865
acetylide and silver nitrate are produced. Mercury(I)
acetylide precipitates silver acetylide from aqueous
nitrate. Ammonia, Sodium hydroxide
During preparation of an oxidizing agent on a larger scale
Mellor, 1946, Vol. 5, 854 than described [1], addition of warm sodium hydroxide
See 1,3-Butadiyne, below solution to warm ammoniacal silver nitrate with stirring
See Buten-3-yne, below caused an immediate precipitation of black silver nitride,
See METAL ACETYLIDES which exploded [2]. Similar incidents had been reported
previously [3], including one where explosion appeared
to be initiated by the addition of Devarda’s alloy (Al—
Acrylonitrile Cu—Zn) [4].The explosive species separates at pH values
See Acrylonitrile: Silver nitrate above 12.9, only produced when alkali is added to ammo-
niacal silver solutions or when silver oxide is dissolved
with ammonia [5]. The Sommer and Market reagent
Aluminium mixture used to identify cellulose derivatives led to a
Be warned that a mixture of aluminium powder and silver severe explosion [6].
nitrate is potentially as dangerous as silver nitrate mixed 1. Milligan, T. W. et al., J. Org. Chem., 1962, 27, 4663
with magnesium, both being capable of producing >8 kJ/g. 2. MCA Case History No. 1554
Laing, M., J. Chem. Educ., 1994, 71, 270 3. Morse, J. R., School Sci. Rev., 1955, 37(131), 147
See Magnesium, Water; below 4. Baldwin, J., School Sci. Rev., 1967, 48(165), 586
5. MacWilliam, E. A. et al., Photogr. Sci. Eng., 1977, 21,
Ammonia MRH 1.46/29 6. Anon., Univ. Safety Assoc. Safety News, 1977, (8),
A bottle containing Gomari tissue staining solution 15–16
(ammoniacal silver nitrate) prepared two weeks previ- See Silver nitride
ously exploded when disturbed. The solution must be pre- See also Ammonia: Silver compounds
pared fresh each day and discarded immediately after use, See also SILVERING SOLUTIONS
with appropriate precautions [1]. A large quantity of See also TOLLENS’ REAGENT
ammoniacal silver nitrate solution exploded violently
when disturbed by removing a glass rod [2]. However,
it has now been shown that neither the solid precipitated
A finely divided mixture with excess nitrate ignited when
during addition of ammonia to the nitrate, nor the redis-
shaken out onto paper.
solved complex, is sensitive to initiation by very severe
shocks. This was so for fresh or aged solutions. The solids Mellor, 1941, Vol. 3, 470
produced by total evaporation at 95°C or higher would
explode only at above 100 kg cm shock force. A pH value
above 12.9 is essential for separation of explosive precip- 1,3-Butadiyne
itates, and this cannot be attained by the addition of See 1,3-Butadiyne: Silver nitrate
ammonia alone [3].
1. MCA Case History No. 2116 Buten-3-yne
2. CISHC Chem. Safety Summ., 1976, 47, 31 See Buten-3-yne: Silver nitrate
3. MacWilliam, E. A. et al., Photogr. Sci. Eng., 1977, 21,
See SILVER-CONTAINING EXPLOSIVES (reference 2) Chlorine trifluoride
Silver(I) oxide: Ammonia, etc. See Chlorine trifluoride: Metals, etc.

Chlorosulfuric acid Organic materials

Interaction is violent, with nitrosulfuric acid being formed. The vent lines of a reactor in a chemical plant handling
silver nitrate and many other chemicals exploded after a
Mellor, 1941, Vol. 3, 470
hammer blow. It was concluded that an oxidation by silver
nitrate was the most probable cause. Ammonium citrate
and sodium dithionite were each shown capable of forming
Disilver ketenide shock-sensitive explosive mixtures with the nitrate.
See Disilver ketenide—silver nitrate
U.S. Chem. Safety & Hazard Invest. Board, Report 2003-
08-I-RI, 2004
Ethanol MRH 2.55/12 See Sodium dithionite, below
Reclaimed silver nitrate crystals, damp with the alcohol
used for washing, exploded violently when touched with
a spatula, generating a strong smell of ethyl nitrate [1]. Other reactants
The explosion was attributed to the formation of silver ful- MRH values for 19 combinations with oxidizable materials
minate (which is produced upon the addition of ethanol to are given.
silver nitrate solutions). Ethyl nitrate may also have been Yoshida, 1980, 194
involved. Alternatives to avoid ethanol washing of
recovered silver nitrate are discussed [2], including the
use of 2-propanol [3]. Another case of explosion during fil- Phosphine
tration of silver nitrate purified by progressive dilution Rapid passage of gas into a conc. nitrate solution caused an
with ethanol of its aqueous solution has been reported. Ini- explosion, or ignition of a slower gas stream. The explosion
tiation was by agitation of the slurry on a glass frit with a may have been caused by rapid oxidation of the precipi-
spatula [4]. tated silver phosphide derivative by the coproduced nitric
1. Tully, J. P., Ind. Eng. Chem. (News Ed.), 1941, 19, 250 acid or dinitrogen tetraoxide.
2. Luchs, J. K., Photog. Sci. Eng., 1966, 10, 334 Mellor, 1941, Vol. 3, 471
3. Garin, D. L. et al., J. Chem. Educ., 1970, 47, 741
4. Perrin, D. D. et al., Chem. Brit., 1986, 22, 1084; Chem.
Eng. News, 1987, 65(2), 2 Phosphonium iodide
See Silver fulminate See Phosphonium iodide: Oxidants

Magnesium, Water MRH 6.94/30

An intimate mixture of dry powdered magnesium and
To assess the suitability of plastic storage containers for
silver nitrate may ignite explosively on contact with a drop
distribution of silver nitrate, behavior under fire exposure
of water [1][2].
conditions of various polymers in contact with the salt
1. Marsden, F., private comm., 1973 was examined. All the tested polymers burned vigorously.
2. Lyness, D. J. et al., School Sci. Rev., 1953, 35
491M, 1975, 366
(125), 139
Silver acetylide
Nonmetals MRH Carbon 2.46/10, phosphorus (y) 3.89/ See Silver acetylide—silver nitrate
18, sulfur 1.67/16
Under a hammer blow, a mixture with charcoal ignites,
while mixtures with phosphorus or sulfur explode—the Sodium dithionite
latter violently. An explosion and fire was initiated by tapping a vent line. It
was concluded that silver nitrate almost certainly was the
Mellor, 1941, Vol. 3, 469–473 initiating oxidant, reacting with other materials that would
have passed as dust into the vent. These included
ammonium citrate, sodium dithionite, various organics,
Olefins and ammonia. Although reaction with ammonia, producing
Ag+ complexes C¼C bonds (which include aromatic and fulminating silver or silver azide, could not be precluded,
acetylenic bonds). It is sometimes possible to isolate silver sodium dithionite showed the easiest initiation of any
nitrate thus complexed by organic ligands. If approaching unstable mixture tested, self-heating from about room tem-
oxygen balance, such complexes will be explosive. There perature. This mixture and the thermally more stable one
could presumably be a hazard here if silver nitrate-doped with ammonium citrate both proved shock sensitive.
silica were used for preparative, and not just analytical, U.S. Chemical Safety and Investigation Board, Report No
chromatography. 2003-08-I-RI, 2004

Thiophene Mellor, 1940, Vol. 8, 336

A black solid is produced from these two reagents under the See Silver azide chloride
influence of ultrasound (but not otherwise), which explodes
violently upon warming. It is apparently not silver acetylide.
Southern, T., private communication, 1990 Metal oxides or Metal sulfides
Pure silver azide explodes at 340°C, but the presence of
Titanium less than 10% of copper(I) or (II) oxides or sulfides,
A titanium-containing sludge from a nitric acid bath was copper(I) selenide, or bismuth(III) sulfide reduces the det-
separated; before it was completely dry, it exploded, killing onation temperature to 235°C. Concentrations of 10% of
a worker. Investigation showed the dry sludge to be a pow- copper(II) oxide, copper(I) selenide, or sulfide further
erful explosive sensitive to heat, friction, and impact, com- reduced it to 200, 190, and 170°C, respectively.
posed of a ratio of about 60:40 silver nitrate:titanium. Kurochin, E. S. et al., Chem. Abs., 1974, 83, 201390
Shanley, E. S., Chem. Eng. News, 1990, 68(16), 2
See Titanium: Nitric acid
Photosensitizing dyes
0023 Silver azide In a study of dye-sensitized silver azide, it was found that
many dyes caused explosions in the initial stages.
[13863-88-2] AgN3
Aleksandrov, E. et al., Chem. Abs., 1974, 81, 31755
+ – + –
Ag N N N
Sulfur dioxide
As a heavy metal azide, it is considerably endothermic
Mixtures of the slightly soluble azide with liquid sulfur
(DHf° +279.5 kJ/mol, 1.86 kJ/g). While pure silver azide
dioxide became explosive at elevated temperatures.
explodes at 340°C [1], the presence of impurities may
cause explosion at 270°C. It is also impact sensitive, and Mellor, 1940, Vol. 8, 349
explosions are usually violent [2]. Its use as a detonator See other ENDOTHERMIC COMPOUNDS
has been proposed. Application of an electric field to See other METAL AZIDES
crystals of the azide will detonate them at down to –100° See other SILVER COMPOUNDS
C [3], and it may be initiated by irradiation with electron
pulses of nanosecond duration [4].
1. Mellor, 1940, Vol. 8, 349; 1967, Vol. 8, Suppl. 2, 47 0024 Silver trisulfurpentanitridate
2. Gray, P. et al., Chem. & Ind., 1955, 1255 [] AgN5S3
3. Kabanov, A. A. et al., Russ. Chem. Rev., 1975, 44, 538
4. Ryabykh, S. M. et al., Chem. Abs., 1984, 100, 194549 Structure unknown.
See other IRRADIATION DECOMPOSITION See 1,3,5-Trichlorotrithiahexahydro-1,3,5-triazine:
Solutions in aqueous ammonia become explosive around
Mellor, 1940, Vol. 8, 349 0025 Silver(II) oxide
[1301-96-8] AgO
Chlorine azide
2+ 2−
See Chlorine azide: Ammonia, etc. Ag O

Silver azide, itself a sensitive compound, is converted by
ethereal iodine into the less stable and explosive compound Hydrogen sulfide
known as iodine azide. Similarly, contact with nitrogen- See Hydrogen sulfide: Metal oxides
diluted bromine vapor gives bromine azide, often causing See other METAL OXIDES
explosions. See other SILVER COMPOUNDS
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