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MASTER PLUMBER Licensure Examination

Final Pre-Board

PLUMBING CODE Rating _______

1. The sanitary drainage system for public health reason, must discharge
a. waterway b. public storm drainage c. public sewer d. ground

2. Sleeves protecting pipe that pass through foundation wall should be this
a. two size larger than the pipe c. three sizes larger than the pipe
b. same size as the pipe d. one size larger

3. The pipe material not suitable for use in in-house plumbing for a potable
water system is
a. brass pipe b. concrete pipe c. galvanized iron pipe d.
plastic pipe

4. The pipe materials not suitable for used in the service of hot water system
a. copper pipe b. black iron pipe c. galvanized iron pipe
d. brass pipe

5. What is the minimum capacity of water tank needed for a complete water
closet flushing
a. 3 gallon b. 4 gallon c. 5 gallon d. 7 gallon

6. The water retained in a fixture trap after flushing is called

a. trap seal b. mechanical seal c. dry seal d. back flow

7. It is a public space, public park or thoroughfare less than three (3) meters
but not less than two meters in width which has been dedicated or deeded
to the public for use.
a. court b. alley c. car park
d. yard

8. Identify a connection in which a ball is held in or cup like shell that allow
movement in any direction.
a. universal joint b. ball joint c. screwed joint d. bell &
spigot joint
9. A vent pipe connecting from a branch of a drainage system to a vent stack
a. looped vent b. branch vent c. yoke vent d. dry

10. A fitting into which the end of a pipe is screwed for the purpose of closing
the end of the pipe is called:
a. blank flange b. blind flange c. cap
d. plug

11. A stop valve place in a service pipe near its connection with the water
main is called
a. service cock b. corporation cock c. stop cock d.
gate valve

12. Identify the extended portion of a pipe that is closed at one end to which
no connection are made on the extended portion; thus permitting the
stagnantation of water or air therein,
a. clean out b. dead end c. faucet d. lateral line

13. A valve in which the flow of water is cut-off by means of a circular disc
that fits against the valve end. The place of movement of the disc is
parallel to the normal direction of flow of water which is turned through a
tortuous passage to direct the flow to the face of the disc.
a. gate valve b. globe valve c. check valve
d. foot valve

14. It is that part of a plumbing system extending from a point of about 1.20
m to 1.50 m from the inner face of the foundation wall of a building to any
point of discharge.
a. house drain b. house sewer c. lateral d.
storm drain

15. A receptacle designed and constructed to separate and prevent the

passage of oil, grease, lard or other materials into the drainage system
a. interceptor b. grease trap c. manhole d.
catch basin

16. An outhouse or structure used for deposition of excrement in rural area

a. septic vault b. privy c. leaching cesspool
d. latrine

17. The vertical distance between the dip and the crown weir of a trap is
a. seal b. goose neck c. fixture drain
d. leader
18. A pit or receptacle at its lowest point of a basement floor to which the
liquid waste are drained
a. sub drain b. sump pit c. underground tank d. house

19. A vertical pipe usually used for the storage of water frequently under
a. riser pipe b. stand pipe c. pressure pipe d. service

20. An arrangement of venting so installed about one vent pipe will serve two
a. unit vent b. side vent c. circuit vent d. back vent

21. A vent in that portion of a vent pipe system through which liquid waste
a. wet vent b. individual vent c. stack vent d. yoke vent

22. It is that portion of the rainfall or other precipitation which runs off on the
ground surface after a storm and for such short flood following a typhoon
a. splash flood b. surface water c. storm water
d.ground water

23. Revocation of permit cancellation and rejection of new application for

plumbing permit are imposed for the following ground.
a. improper conductb. bad faith c. violation of the code d. all of the

24. When there is changes in the direction of flow in soil or waste line from
horizontal to vertical , the bend to use is;
a. short quarter vent b. single sanitary tee c. tee d. all
of these

25. The prohibited fittings such as double hub or double tee branch are not
allowed in:
a. vertical soil pipe b. horizontal soil pipe c. vent pipe d. none of
the above

26. Joints and connections in pipes shall be made permanently:

a. gas tight b. water tight c. air tight d. all of

27. Roof terminal of any stack or vent shall be extended above highest
opening, at any distance away any door, window or air shaft.
a. 3 meters b. 2 meters c. 1 meter d. 2 ½
28. The distance of vent pipe from a trap shall be not more than these length
a. 5 ft b. 4 ft c. 6 ft d. 3 ft

29. A portion of the pipe which is for a short distance is sufficiently enlarge to
receive the end of another pipe, it is called:
a. grove b. hub c. slit d. mouth

30. Any part of the piping system in a roughing-in installation other than the
min, riser or stack:
a. extension b. branch c. lateral d. reserve

31. For offices, factories, school and colleges, one water closet, one floor
drain and one lavatory shall be required for every number of females:
a. every 20 females b. every 30 females c. every 10 females d. every 40

32. For offices, factories, school and colleges, one water closet, one floor
drain and one lavatory shall be required for every certain number of males:
a. every 40 males b. every 50 males c. every 60 males d. every 70

33. Back vent pipe line which connect directly with individual trap underneath
the fixture and extended to a branch or main at any point higher than
fixtures, this is sometime called:
a. local vent b. wet vent c. individual vent d. side vent

34. The battery of fixtures in any of two or more similar adjacent fixtures
which discharges to a common pipe called:
a. horizontal branch b. lateral pipe c. main soil stack d.main drainage pipe

35. Provision in the Code which spell that all pipe, cast iron, and steel pipe
copper, vitrified, concrete and asbestos pipe should conform to the
approved Philippine standard of ASTM standard specification.
a. Section 162 b. Section 163 c. Section 100
d. Section 165

36. It is specified in Section 169 of the NPC that all joints on vitrified pipe and
cement pipe shall be:
a. poured joint b. slip joint c. caulk joint d.
wipe joint

37. When a basement drain inlet is subjected to backflow such drain shall be
equipped with a suitable valve
a. checked valve b. back water valve c. gate valve d. relief valve
38. The roof terminal of any stack or vent within 3m of any doors, window, air
shaft shall extend at least:
a. 0.30 mm b. 0.60 mm c. 0.90 mm d. 120 mm

39. The distance of vent from trap seal shall not be more than:
a. 1.20 m b. 0.60 m c. 1.50 m d. 1.00 m

40. When fixtures discharge to the branch soil pipe; with eight fixtures, such
branch shall be provided with a relief vent ½ the diameter of soil pipe and
installed later on fixtures connection.
a. infront of first fixtures c. infront of third fixtures
b. infront of second fixtures d. infront of 4th fixtures

41. The size of house sewer, house drain and horizontal branches in plumbing
instillation is determined by the number of fixtures units and on the
percentage slope of pipe branch fixtures such as:
a. 2 % b. 3% c. 4% d. all of these

42. If a plumbing system is to be tested by air, an air pressure application is

maintain for 10 minute for each section at pressures:
a. 1½ psi b. 2½ psi c. 3 psi d. 3½

43. The longest branch vent pipe permitted in plumbing is not to exceed
a. 50 ft b. 25 ft c. 30 ft
d. 40 ft

44. The National Plumbing Code is approved on this date:

a. January 25, 1959 b. June 18,1955 c. Feb. 28, 1958 d. June 18,

45. The Law passed to regulate the trade of Master Plumber is known to be:
a. RA 544 b. RA 1364 c. RA 1378 d. RA 4565

46. The drainage system is designed, constructed and maintained so as to

guard against
a. obstruction b. clogging c. deposit of solid d. all
of these

47. The prohibited traps for/in plumbing fixtures are the type:
a. Full S-trap c. trap with movable internal part
b. Bag type trap d. all of these

48. The cause of trap seal losses can be attributed to:

a. evaporation b. capillary attraction c. wind effect
d. all of these

49. Rain water leaders when place inside the building shall be made of the
a. galvanized iron pipe b. Asbestos cement pipe c. Cast iron pipe d.
PVC pipe

50. What section of the National Plumbing Code that allows reprocity in the
practice of the Plumbing Profession between the Philippines and other
a. Section 9 b. Section 20 c. Section 21 d. Section 22

51. A pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack below the floor and
below horizontal connection to an adjacent vent stack at a point above the
floor and higher than highest spill level of fixtures for preventing pressure
changes in the stacks.
a. yoke vent b. relief vent c. wet vent d. stack vent

52. An open, unoccupied space, other than a court, unobstructed from the
ground to the sky, except where specifically provided in the Code.
a. yard b. air gap c. atmosphere d. outer

53. A hose connection with two-gated outlets permitting two connections of

the same or smaller coupling diameter to be taken from a single supply
line. Also, a pipe fitting of three branches.
a. wye b. vent c. bend d. elbow

54. Any joint or seam obtained by the joining of metal parts in a plastic molten
a. welded b. soldered c. flared d. threaded

55. That portion of a vent pipe through where wastewater also flows through.
a. yoke vent b. relief vent c. wet vent d. stack vent

56. The pipe connection upward for the soil or waste stack to a vent stack for
the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the vent stack is:
a. back vent b. yoke vent c. side vent d. relief vent

57. A faucet opened or closed by the fall or rise of a ball floating in the surface
of water is called:
a. float valve b. bibb c. ball cock d. top faucet

58. A controlled outlet of a pipeline used to discharge water or detritus:

a. overflow b. blow-off c. faucet d. by-pass
59. The part of a plumbing system other than the main riser or stack.
a. lateral b. vent c. branch d.

60. A metallic sleeves, caulked or other wing joined to an opening in a pipe,

into which a plug is screwed that can be removed for the purpose of
cleaning and examining the interior of the pipe.
a. flashing b. ferrule c. clean out d. cap

61. A receptacle attached to a plumbing system other than a trap in which

wastes may be collected or retained for ultimate discharge into the
plumbing system.
a. fixture b. catch basin c. roof drain d.

62. The level in a fixture at which water begin to overflow the top or rim of the
fixture is called:
a. grade line level b. flood level c. flow level d.
crown level

63. In plumbing a secondary pipeline, in sewerage a common sewer to which

no other common sewer is tributary. It received sewage only from building
a. lateral line b. interceptor linec. house drain d. house service

64. It is water which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary and for domestic
purpose and meet the requirement of the health authority having
a. distilled water b. palatable water c. potable water d. spring

65. As provided by the NPC, plumbing installation shall be commenced

starting from the date of issuance by the plumbing authority to within the
period of
a. 1 month b. 3 months c. 5 months d. 6 months

66. An additional surcharge imposed to upon any master plumber for every
plumbing installation, repair or alteration made without first securing
plumbing permit before commencing the same.
a. 10% surcharge b. 30% surcharge c. 50% surcharge d.100%

67. What vent pipe installation in the building which has no connection
whatsoever, with the plumbing fixtures?
a. bleeder pipe b. ventilating pipe c. side vent d.exhaust

68. The code provide that joint of protruding pipe thru roof shall be made by
the use of such kind of metal
a. copper sheet b. lead sheet c. galvanized iron sheet d. all of these

69. Circuit and looped vent are permitted only to branch soil or waste pipe
with specific number fixtures like water closet, urinal, and other which will
not exceed:
a. 6 fixtures b. 8 fixtures c. 5 fixtures d. 10 fixtures

70. Clean-out installation in a vertical waste or soil stack is placed at

a. at the foot of the vertical pipe c. above vertical pipe
b. below each branch d. above roof extension

71. The distance between the hot and cold water rise when hot water is
installed should be:
a. 150 mm b. 200 mm c. 100 mm d. 50 mm

72. The design, construction and maintenance of septic tank are essentionally
the responsibilities of:
a. Sanitary Engineer b. Civil Engineer c. Master Plumber d. DOH

73. The National Plumbing Code was approved by the President when?
a. June 18, 1959 b. January 28, 1959 c. June 18, 1955 d. June 28,

74. Roof extension of soil and waste stack shall run full size and extend at
this height for purposes other than weather protection
a. 0.30 m b. 1.50 m c. 0.60 m d. 0.90 m

75. The waste pipe leading to the ejector or other appliances for raising
sewage to the street sewer and where water closet is installed should be
provided with vent. What is the size of this vent required?
a. 100 mm diameterb. 150 mm diameter c. 50 mm diameter d. 75 mm

76. What is the minimum fixture unit for each family dwelling on premises
abutting on sewer or with a private sewage disposal system?
a. one water closet and one lavatory c. one water closet and
one shower head
b. one water closet and one slop sink c. one water closet and
one kitchen sink
77. What is that part of a vent line which connects directly with an individual
trap underneath or behind the fixture and extends to the branch or main,
soil or waste pipe at any point higher than the fixture or fixture trap it serve?
a. continuous vent b. circuit vent c. main vent d. back vent

78. What is the maximum fixture units of a 4% slope, 4 inches house drain can
a. 120 FU b. 150 FU c. 160 FU d. 170 FU

79. What is the name of receptacle in which liquids are retained for a
sufficient period to deposit settleable materials?
a. cesspool b. slop sink c. septic tank d. catch

80. What is the minimum nominal diameter of a mop sink drain?

a. 2 ½ inches b. 3 inches c. 3½ inches d. 4 inches

81. What is the developed horizontal distance of vent from the trap?
a. 3 ft b. 4 ft c. 5 ft d. 6 ft

82. What is the maximum fixture units that can be drained of a house sewer
one (1) foot in diameter with a slope of 4%?
a. 4200 FU b. 6240 FU c. 5040 FU d. 7440 FU

83. What Section in the National Plumbing Code that specifies the size of
house, drains and horizontal branches?
a. Section 240 b. Section 241 c. Section 242
d. Section 243

84. What do you call the flow of water into the water supply system from any
source other than its intended sources?
a. in-flow b. back flow c. siphonage d. back

85. What do you call the length along the center line of the pipe and fittings?
a. equivalent length b. total length c. developed length d. pipe

86. What is the minimum branch interval of a soil or waste stack?

a. 5 ft b. 6 ft c. 8 ft d. 10 ft

87. What is the common pipe to be used for change of direction from
horizontal to horizontal in the plumbing system?
a. sanitary tee b. ⅛ short bend c. wye d. long
swept bend
88. The distance between trap and vent should not be more than
a. 5 ft b. 6 ft c. 7 ft d. 4 ft

89. If the vent is near any door, window, air shaft or scuttle of a building, it
should be extend over the highest opening by how much?
a. 3 ft b. 5 ft c. 4 ft d. 6 ft

90. The air pressure in the drainage pipe greater than atmospheric pressure is
a. back pressure b. air vent c. back siphonage d. none of

91. The valve required for hot water tank to prevent excess pressure is
a. relief valve b. check valve c. pressure relief valve d.
none from above

92. The pipe or shaft which is used to remove foul or congested air from a
fixtures of a room and conveys the same to the atmosphere is called
a. ventilating pipe b. crown vent c. local vent d. back vent

93. A vent which also serve as a drain is called

a. wet vent b. local vent c. loop vent d. back vent

94. A fitting or device so constructed as to prevent the passage of air gas and
same vermin through the pipe, without affecting the flow of sewage
a. trap b. stack vent c. trap seal d. check

95. The pipe which conveys waste water and water carried waste without
fecal matter
a. waste pipe b. wet stand pipe c. vent pipe d. wet vent

96. A vent serving the building drain and public sewer is

a. SVTR b. VSTR c. loop vent d. relief vent

97. The valve which automatically closes the flow of water in a reverse
a. globe valve b. check valve c. float valve
d. angle valve

98. The greatest stress which the material can stand without permanent
deformation is called
a. ultimate stress b. tensile stress c. working stress d. none from
99. A vent for single fixture or battery of fixtures which is connected into the
same stack, into which the fixtures discharge
a. unit vent b. local vent c. wet vent d. continuous vent

100. Identify the method of installation not allowed in a lateral line to

avoid pressure and retardation of flow of waste water causing deposition
of solid.
a. sharp curve b. elbow c. gate valve d. cross-connection

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