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Complete the sentences using “used to”,”didn’t use to” or “would”
1. My parents …………………………………………… out when they were teenagers.
2. Every summer weekend we …………………………………..(not/go) sailing.
3. My mum …………………………………..have waist-length hair.
4. My grandfather …………………………………. a pipe when he was in his 50s. (not/smoke)
5. My grandparents ………………………………….live in the countryside when they were younger.
6. Tom ……………………………….. climb trees when he was a small kid.
7. I ………………………………………. work as a waiter in a pizza restaurant when I was a student.
8. My dad …………………………………….travel a lot when he was in the rock band.
9. Eddie …………………………….. ride a bike to work every day when he was in his 20s.
10. Mum …………………………………… bedtime stories for us before we fell asleep.
11. ………………………..Mike ……………………… be overweight before he took up running?
12. When we were kids, my sister and me …………………………………eat tons of sweets.
13. I ……………………………………………. to classical music when I was a teenager. (not listen)
14. I ………………………………play the guitar every evening when I still lived with my parents.
15. Cynthia …………………………………….be such a cheerful person but after her divorce she is so bitter.
16. ………………………………you ………………………………….run across corn fields when you were kids?

Complete the sentences below with the following verbs:

aren’t  get  got  am  was getting  wasn’t

1. I don’t mind living in a city now because I _________ used to the noise of the traffic.
2. I thought everyone was unfriendly at first because I _____________ used to their ways.
3. Did it take you long to _____________ used to the food in this country?
4. We’ve never _______________ used to the way that people kiss you on both cheeks.
5. A lot of Northern Europeans burn in the sun because they _______________ used to it.
6. Just as I ________________ used to the idea, she changed her mind.

Circle the correct option.

1. I find it hard to be / get used to speaking another language.
2. My grandfather haven’t been / got used to using the Internet yet.
3. Before we moved, I wasn’t / didn’t used to having a big room.
4. I think I’m used to see / seeing you with short hair now.
5. We’re slowly being / getting used to having new neighbours.
6. I can’t be / get used to going to bed early. It’s impossible!
7. I’ve been playing in a team for ages so I am / get used to training in the evenings.
8. I find exams very stressful. I can’t be / get used to doing them.

Write the phrases in the email.

 get used to (x2)  got used to  ‘m used to 
 ‘m getting used to  ‘m not used to

Hi Zac!
How’s it going? I’ve just finished my first week at university. It’s different from school, but I _________________ 1 it bit by
bit. I haven’t had my lectures yet – I ______________________ 2 having so much free time! We’re expected to study
independently though and I haven’t ______________________ 3 doing that yet. Things are more informal than school. I
______________________ 4 calling teachers “Sir” or “Miss” and I can’t _________________________ 5 using their first
names. It’s really strange.I have to give a presentation tomorrow. I’m really nervous. I don’t think I’ll ever
______________________ 6 speaking in public. Wish me luck!

Complete the text with be or get used to and the verb given in brackets.
I’m going to school in China as a part of an exchange programme. Things are certainly different here! School
starts at 7 o’clock. I’m half asleep at that time, but Chinese students 1 __________________________________ (get up)
early. We all cycle to school–I 2 __________________________________ (take) the bus. When we get there, we do twenty
minutes of gymnastics. Little by little, I 3 _______________________________ (do) exercise in the morning, and actually, I
quite like it. Most classes have about 60 students –but they’re very quiet. Chinese students 4 _____________________ (not
ask) questions. We have a break of two hours for lunch but there’s no canteen. I 5 ________________________ (not eat)
in the classroom because at home, it isn’t allowed.

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