Assessment Brief 1 - Professional Practice

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Module code: BMA4005-20

Module title: Professional Practice

Assignment: A1. Digital Poster
Word count: 500
Contribution to module mark: 40% of overall grade
Assessment type: Individual
Weight 40%
Submission deadline: 11th September 2023 at 23:59/TBC

Module Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this module students should be able to:

LO1 Completion of a Professional Development (PD) Portfolio incorporating an updated CV, a

LinkedIn profile and reflective logging.
LO2 Familiarisation with professional self-profiling comprising of skills, experience/qualifications,
and knowledge.
LO3 Construction of a formative professional identity/personal brand.
LO4 Knowledge and understanding of the significance of professionalism and professional
practice, incorporating reflective practice.
Assessment Task
BMA4005: Assessment 1 – Digital Poster (40% of the total marks)
Digitally produce an Academic Poster (formatted to A1) entitled with your name and the
words My Professional Identity. Your word limit is 500 words (+/- 10%) and should have
both visual-appeal and be robust in content.
The poster should incorporate sections profiling your leadership and customer service skills
and aspirations.
The poster should also incorporate the following elements:
Your Strategy 2030 Bath Spa attributes:

 skills
 experiences
 qualifications
 career interests
 values
 and general interests

Also include well-chosen visuals and academic references, formatted according to Harvard.
Your references will not be included in the word limit and are best formatted in a smaller
font than the rest of the poster’s text.
Your poster should be individual, but you are encouraged to work collaboratively to
support one another through to the final digital production of your finished poster.

You will submit your poster on VLE (instructions to follow). The brief for Assessment 1 will
be covered in at least one of the workshops.

For all policies regarding submission of your work please refer to the Programme and Student

Submission Details
Slides should be submitted no later than midday, the day before you are due to present. It is
university policy to cap all late submissions at 40%.
Learning Materials/Resources:
Essential Resources:

Recommended Resources:

 Carter, M. (2013), Designing science presentations: a visual guide to figures, papers,

slides, posters and more. Cambridge MA: Academic Press. E-book available.
 D’Angelo, L. (2013), Academic posters: a textual and visual metadiscourse analysis.
Pieterlin: Peter Lang. E-book available.
 University of Adelaide (2009), ‘Academic posters: writing centre learning guide’.
Available at:
learningguide-academicposters.pdf [Accessed 20 September 2021].
 University of Stirling (2011), ‘Guide to creating academic posters using Microsoft
PowerPoint’. Available at:
.pdf [Accessed 20 September 2021].
BMA4005 – Assessment 1: Poster presentation marking criteria (40% of overall grade)
Criterion Fail 0-39% D 40-49% C 50-59% B 60-69% A 70-84% A+ 85-100%
Poor quality Satisfactory Sound quality Good quality Excellent quality Outstanding quality
Student Weak or A satisfactory or Overall, sound Good engagement Excellent Your engagement
engagement unsatisfactory ‘just enough’ engagement with the assessment engagement with with the
engagement with engagement with with the was evident. ‘Going the assessment was assessment was
the assessment the assessment assessment the extra mile’ was evident. I noted beyond excellent.
evident. evident. evident. To do noted. your enthusiastic Highest quality
well you needed approach. endeavour was
to engage more. apparent.
Content Weak on content. Satisfactory only Average in terms Above average in Excellence achieved Outstanding in
Superficial in terms of of content. An terms of content. in terms of content. terms of content.
handling of content. expected Interesting/stimulating Noteworthy quality. Original content
content. Lightweight content was content. Reasonably Very insightful. achieved.
handling of produced. insightful.
Leadership Added little to the Added something A useful aspect A significant aspect of An excellent aspect An outstanding
and poster. Poorly of value to the of the poster. the poster. Very well of the poster. aspect of the
customer worded. Reflected poster. Weakly Soundly worded. worded. Impressively poster. Expertly
service an undeveloped worded. Reflected It demonstrated Demonstrated an worded. worded.
profiling professional an a developing emerging professional Demonstrated a Demonstrated a
identity. underdeveloped professional identity and enhanced developed developed
professional identity. the viewer’s professional identity professional
identity. appreciation of it. and completed the identity and
viewer’s perfected the
appreciation of it. viewer’s
appreciation of it.
Creativity Little creativity Some creativity Average in terms Above average in Excellence achieved An outstanding
evident. More evident but of creativity. terms of creativity. in creativity. The standard of
thought was lacking in interest Think about how Thought applied to poster had a wow creativity achieved.
needed here. for the viewer. you could make making your poster factor for the An exceptionally
your poster interesting for the viewer. creative poster.
stand out from viewer.
the rest?
Aesthetics Visually Visually Visually sound. Visually pleasing. Very Visually excellent. Visually
and poor/weak. satisfactory only. Soundly well produced and An excellent outstanding. Also,
Structure Unsatisfactorily Produced and produced and structured. production and exceptionally well
produced and structured to a structured. structure. produced, and
structured. passable standard. structured.
Written Incomprehensible Comprehensible Generally, a A good standard of Excellence achieved An outstanding
Comms or unclear written and clearly written sound standard written in written quality of written
communication. communication. of written communication communication. communication
Errors evident. Generally, error- communication achieved. achieved.
free. achieved.
Academic/ Little or no The student An academic As for C, with a greater Evidence of wide As for A but
Harvard evidence of evidenced a approach was depth of academic academic reading including insightful
academic satisfactory use of evident, approach evident. . and a rigorous academic thinking.
reading/approach academic sources. including in academic approach.
. In-text and post- Harvard applied referencing.
script referencing satisfactorily to
errors evident. the poster.

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