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Have your self a merry Christmas vocabulary!

In this most festive time of the year, let’s welcome Santa with some festive vocabulary!

Advent \ ˈad-ˌvent \ - the period ahead of Christmas, usually around a month

in duration

The elder discussed the advent of the messiah and how it would usher in a
new world order.

carol \ ˈker-əl \ - a popular song of religious joy

Will carol singers be a thing of the past?

Christmas roast \ ˈkris-məs ˈrōst \ - a traditionally prepared roasted meat

or fish

Having ham as a Christmas roast is an old tradition in the USA.

sleigh \ ˈslā \ - an open, horse-drawn vehicle, for use on snow or ice

Santa Claus is riding on his sleigh to bring presents for children.

wrap \ ˈrap \ - to pack a Christmas present in decorative paper

We wrapped all the presents before sundown.

Christmas stocking \ ˈkris-məs ˈstä-kiŋ \ - a large sock traditionally hung

on Christmas Eve to be filled with presents

Santa leaves all of the presents in Christmas stockings.

Christmas cake \ ˈkris-məs ˈkāk \ - traditional fruit cake that’s made and
eaten for Christmas

I’m not a fan of the Christmas cake, but I have to pretend I like it not to
upset grandma.

Festive \ ˈfe-stiv \ - related to festivals and celebrations

This is a festive time of year.

Illuminations \ i-ˌlü-mə-ˈnā-shən \ - decorative lighting or lighting effects

Be sure to put up all of the illuminations before the Christmas Eve

Nativity \ nə-ˈti-və-tē \ - birth of Christ

The Fast of the Nativity lasts for twenty-eight days before Christmas.

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