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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part

A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental
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Influence of organic loading rate on methane

production in a CSTR from physicochemical sludge
generated in a poultry slaughterhouse
a a b
Luis A. López-Escobar , Sergio Martínez-Hernández , Grisel Corte-Cano & Juan M. Méndez-
Instituto de Biotecnología y Ecología Aplicada (INBIOTECA), Universidad Veracruzana,
Xalapa, Veracruz, México
División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba, Orizaba,
Veracruz, México
Published online: 16 Oct 2014.

To cite this article: Luis A. López-Escobar, Sergio Martínez-Hernández, Grisel Corte-Cano & Juan M. Méndez-Contreras
(2014) Influence of organic loading rate on methane production in a CSTR from physicochemical sludge generated in a
poultry slaughterhouse, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental
Engineering, 49:14, 1710-1717, DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2014.951258

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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (2014) 49, 1710–1717
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1093-4529 (Print); 1532-4117 (Online)
DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2014.951258

Influence of organic loading rate on methane production in a

CSTR from physicochemical sludge generated in a poultry



Instituto de Biotecnología y Ecología Aplicada (INBIOTECA), Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz, M exico
Division de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigaci
on, Instituto Tecnol
ogico de Orizaba, Orizaba, Veracruz, M
Downloaded by [Sergio Martinez] at 15:42 20 October 2014

The influence of the increase of the organic loading rate (OLR) on methane production in a continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR)
from physicochemical sludge generated in a poultry slaughterhouse was evaluated. Total solid (TS) to obtain OLR of 1, 5, 10 and
15 g VS L¡1 day¡1, with hydraulic retention times of 29, 6, 6 and 4, respectively, were conditioned. The results showed a decrease in
pH levels and an increase in the theoretical volatile fatty acids (VFA). While the yield of methane production decreased from 0.48 to
0.10 LCH4/g VSremoved, respectively, the OLR-10 managed on average 38% removal of volatile solids (VS) and a yield biogas
production of 0.81 Lbiogas g¡1 VSremoved and 1.35 L day¡1. This suggests that the OLR increases in an anaerobic system from
physicochemical sludge only inhibits the methanogenic metabolism, because there is still substrate consumption and biogas
Keywords: Anaerobic digestion, CSTR, inhibition, methane production, OLR, pH, physicochemical sludge.

Introduction loading rate of 1 kgVS m¡3 reactor d¡1 and a hydraulic

retention time (HRT) in a range of 20–40 days.[7]
Anaerobic digestion is a bioprocess that converts organic On the other hand, when the OLR is increased, the
matter into energy in biogas form, using microbial consor- level of pH decreases (<6.5) and the anaerobic system is
tia (hydrolytic, acidogenic and methanogenic) that involve acidified, due to an increase in the concentration of vola-
a series of biochemical reactions.[1] At the same time, they tile fatty acids (VFA).[8–10] This suggests that the metha-
can produce stabilized organic materials that can be used nogenic consortia metabolism is inhibited, because the
as fertilizers or soil improvers. Actually, such mechanisms optimal pH for methanogens is around 7, without caus-
that inhibit the methanogenic metabolism from anaerobic ing hydrogen consumption.[11] A similar work showed
digestion, with the aim of producing hydrogen have been that the biogas yield and methane percentage decreased
explored.[2–5] In this sense, there have been studies to inves- (0.85–0.65 L g¡1, and 58–50%, respectively) when the
tigate the effect of environmental parameters such as pH, OLR increased (0.8 to 3.4 g L¡1 d¡1) in a thermophilic
temperature and the organic loading rate (OLR), defined continuously stirred-tank reactor (CSTR).[12] It has also
as the mass of substrate added per day per reactor vol- been shown that an increase in the solids retention time
ume,[6] on inhibition of the methanogenesis process. Gen- (SRT) (3–20 days) decreases the OLR, increasing the
erally, anaerobic digestion processes work with an organic methane percentage (4 to 55%) and decreasing the hydro-
gen percentage (68 to 4%) in a CSTR fed with synthetic
wastewater containing glucose.[13] It has been observed
that the methane yields in anaerobic digestion and varies
Address correspondence to Juan M. Mendez-Contreras, Divi- according to the OLR of flow rate of the anaerobic
on de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigaci on, Instituto Tec-
nologico de Orizaba, Av. Tecnol ogico No. 852, Col. Emiliano
Zapata, C.P. 94320, Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico; E-mail: Some waste biomass (barley, potato, cow dung and organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW)) have
Received May 3, 2014. been used for the production of methane.[7,12,15,16] In this
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article can be regard, physicochemical sludges generated in the treat-
found online at ment of wastewater from a poultry slaughterhouse are a
Organic loading rate on CH4 production from physicochemical sludge 1711

potential resource for the methane production, because it hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 25–29 days. Then
is a waste with high concentration of organic matter, CSTR-1 and CSTR-2 with two useful volume-scales (6 L
abundance and low cost feedstock.[17] However, few and 1.2 m3, respectively), were compared with the experi-
researchers have focused on studying this waste and mental units (lab-scale reactors) when they were imple-
anaerobic digestion. For example, it is known that anaer- mented and operated at OLR 1 gVS L¡1 d¡1, during the
obic digestion was used to stabilize the physicochemical experimental strategy of this study. To set up the experi-
sludge generated in the treatment of wastewater from a mental units, methanogenic seed sludge (inoculum)
poultry slaughterhouse, with an OLR of 1.76 KgVS m¡3 obtained from CSTR-1 was used, with a pH of 7.23 § 0.2,
d¡1,[18] while Ruiz-Espinoza et al.[17] tested OLRs of 1, 2 total theoretical VFAs of 1.4 § 0.8, total solids (TS) and
and 3 KgVS m¡3 d¡1, respectively, watching these load solid volatile (VS) of 15 and 9 g L¡1 respectively, and an
levels achieve a biogas production on average of 2.14, 3.6 ammonia nitrogen concentration of 7.85 § 0.97 g N -
and 5.2 L d¡1, respectively, both studies conducted in a NH4 kg¡1.
Nevertheless, there is no information available on the
behavior of pH, VFA, biogas yield and methane composi-
Experimental unit
tion, with OLRs <3 KgVS m¡3 d¡1, with physicochemical
sludge. As such, determination of the influence of OLR To test the different OLRs, lab-scale reactors in semi-con-
Downloaded by [Sergio Martinez] at 15:42 20 October 2014

increase in the methane production from physicochemical tinuous flow (glass bottles of 500 mL total volume) were
sludge still must be reported. At the same time, it is impor- inoculated with a useful volume of 350 mL of seed sludge
tant to know if the OLR can be used as a variable that from CSTR-1. The reactors contained ports for biogas
allows stable operation of an anaerobic process regardless sampling, feeding and unloading. The reactors were main-
of the scale of a CSTR. In this sense, the aim of this tained to an orbital mixer value of 110 rpm and a tempera-
research was focused on the study of methanogenesis inhi- ture of 28 § 2 C. The amount of biogas produced was
bition, when the OLR increases from physicochemical recorded daily using the water displacement method.
sludge generated in the treatment of wastewater from a
poultry slaughterhouse, evaluating the pH, total theoreti-
cal VFAs, biogas composition and methane yield as
Experimental setup
response variables. In addition the OLR was calculated in
terms of the concentration of total solids (TS), not by the The experiments were divided into two periods: the first,
flow rate. stabilization of the anaerobic system and the second, an
increase in the OLR. All experiments units were operated
to an -OLR of 1 gVS L¡1 d¡1, for a period of 25 days until
Materials and methods its stabilization. Subsequently, the experimentation time to
evaluate treatments (increase OLR) was 36 days (Table 2).
Inoculum and substrate To evaluate the influence of OLR on the methane produc-
tion, OLRs of 1 (TC), 5 (T1), 10 (T2) and 15 (T3) gVS L¡1
The organic substrate chosen was sludge generated at d¡1, respectively, were tested, corresponding to an HRT
a wastewater treatment plant from a poultry slaugh- of 29, 6, 6 and 4 days, respectively. The OLR calculation
terhouse, located in Veracruz State, Mexico. In the was made in terms of TS concentration, not of flow rate,
plant, the treatment used is a coagulation-flocculation which was calculated as Q D A £ V/C, where Q (L day¡1)
process, also called advanced primary treatment is the flow rate, A is the OLR (gVS L¡1 d¡1), V (L) is the
(APT), classifying the sludge generated as physico- reactor useful volume and C (gVS L¡1) is the feed
chemical. Its characteristics are shown in Table 1. concentration.
Two continuous-flow stirred tank reactor (CSTR-1 and Then raw physicochemical sludge was prepared with dif-
CSTR-2, respectively) with built-in fiberglass (Fig. 1), ferent concentrations of TS (34, 34, 70 and 70 g L¡1, respec-
were operated and monitored for more than one year, with tively) and the percentage of VS remained constant (88 §
an OLR of 1 gSV L¡1 d¡1 in a semicontinuous and a 0.2%). The experimental conditions are shown in Table 2.
The response variables used were pH, alkalinity, total theo-
Table 1. Characterization of poultry slaughterhouse sludge. retical VFA and methane percentage (% CH4) present in the
Parameters Units Value generated biogas. Also in order to define the OLR, which
better promotes the inhibition of the methanogenic process,
pH 6.7 § 0.2 substrate removal efficiency (%VSremoved, (g substrate
TS % m v¡1 2.5 § 0.3 removed [g substrate fed]¡1) £ 100); substrate removed
VS % m v¡1 2.1 § 0.4 (gVS, g substrate fed- g product); yields biogas (Ybiogas,
N-NH3 g N- NH4 kg¡1 TS 4.49 § 1.2
L-biogas [g substrate removed]¡1) and methane (YCH4,
(Data are given as mean § SD, n D 5). L-methane [g substrate removed]¡1) were determined.
1712 Lopez-Escobar et al.
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Fig. 1. Anaerobic Digestion System in a CSTR. a) Hydraulic diagram, b) Pilot-Set of 6 L, c) Pilot-Set of 1.2 m3.

Analytical methods ammonia nitrogen was analyzed according to method

4500-NH3.[19] The biogas contents, including O2, N2 and
The TS, VS and alkalinity were analyzed according to CH4 were analyzed using a gas chromatograph (Thermo
standard methods.[19] The pH was monitored using a pH Scientific Focus GC), equipped with a Heliflex AT-Mole
meter (Orion250a model). Total theoretical VFA concen- Sieve column (30 m long £ 0.53 mm diameter) and a ther-
trations were determined according to Jenkins et al.,[20] mal conductivity detector. Temperatures of the injection
using Eq. 1: port, oven and the detector were 250, 35 and 121 C,
respectively. Helium was used as carrier gas with a flow-
Alct ¡ AlcB rate of 60 mL min¡1.
VFA D (1)
0:83  0:85
Statistical analysis
where Alct is the total alkalinity titration to pH 4.3, AlcB is
the partial alkalinity titration to pH 5.7; 0.85 is a factor, The values presented in the tests are the average of four
assuming that 85% of the volatile acids (which are mostly replicas and were analyzed by ANOVA test with a confi-
acetic an propionic acids) have been titrated at pH 4.3; dence level of 99.95% (P D 0.05), using Duncan’s post hoc
finally 0.83 is a factor, also assuming that 83% of the vola- tests to determine a possible significant difference between
tile acids is titrated to the total alkalinity endpoint. The treatments.
Organic loading rate on CH4 production from physicochemical sludge 1713

Table 2. Operational conditions in lab-scale CSTR for evaluation of increasing OLR.

Operational time (days)

Treatment OLR (gVS L¡1 d¡1) Period-1 Period-2 HRT (days) pH TS (g L¡1) VS (g L¡1) Temp. ( C)
TC 1 25 36 29 7.73 34 30 27 § 2
T1 5 25 36 6 7.81 34 30 27 § 2
T2 10 25 36 6 7.66 70 63 27 § 2
T3 15 25 36 4 7.76 70 63 27 § 2

Results and discussion regardless of the scale of work, using physicochemical

sludge as a substrate.
The startup of CSTR pilot-scale reactors as a source
of inoculum Effect of the OLR in the behavior of the pH and VFAs
The removal of volatile solid was evaluated for more than After 36 days of operation during increasing the OLR in
one year (%VS) (Fig. 2), along with the production and semi-continuous mode, the results show that levels of pH
composition of biogas in both anaerobic reactors (CSTR- and VFA up to 5.7 § 0.01 and 5.53 § 0.14 g L¡1, respec-
Downloaded by [Sergio Martinez] at 15:42 20 October 2014

1 and CSTR-2), with an OLR 1 gVS L¡1d¡1. A 38% tively were obtained (Table 4). In terms of pH, T1 had no
removal of VS was used as the operational criterion to significant difference with regards to TC, both maintained
meet the vector attraction reduction requirement indicated values close to neutrality. The final concentration of VFA
by the US EPA.[21] Reactor CSTR-1 had an average VS in T1 was 3.99 § 0.21 g L¡1; some studies suggest that this
removal of 67%, whereas the CSTR-2 removal was 53% level does not inhibit mesophilic methane production.[9–23]
(Fig. 2), keeping the two systems above 38%. The average The increment of OLR in T2 and T3 is related to the
values of biogas production in the CSTR-1 and CSTR-2 decrease in pH levels (6 and 5.7, respectively) and the final
reactors were of 5.51 and 575 LBiogas d¡1 with methane concentrations of VFA (5.06 and 5.53 g L¡1, respectively).
yields of 0.52 and 0.42 LCH4 g¡1SVremoved, respectively. The maximum decrease in pH achieved in T3 was pre-
The yields found in these assays (Table 3) coincide sented on day 52 of experimental operation and remained
within the range of values reported for conventional anaer- in the range of 5.7 § 0.01 until the end of the experiment
obic digesters.[22] Also, these values were used to compare (Fig. 3). These results showed a significant effect of the
pilot-scale anaerobic systems (CSTR-1 and CSTR-2) oper- OLR (Fo D 157.04) over the pH variable.
ated with OLR-1, with lab-scale anaerobic systems with The results shown in this study are similar to those pre-
OLR-1 (TC) (Table 3 and Fig. 2). The behavior in meth- sented by Blume et al.,[24] who obtained a decrease in pH
ane yields and removal of VS values was similar between values of 7.5 to 5.5 when propionic and acetic acid concen-
lab-scale and pilot-scale anaerobic systems when both trations increased from 1.2 and 0.3 g L¡1 to 6.1 and 8 g
were operated with OLR of 1 gVS L¡1d¡1. This suggests L¡1, respectively, by increasing the OLR with maize silage
that the OLR can be used as a variable that allows the sta- in a lab-scale CSTR. On the other hand, it has been
ble operation of the anaerobic system in a CSTR, reported that higher concentrations of VFAs in anaerobic
systems have pH levels of 5 to 6. It has also been reported
that through the concentration of VFA, the possible inhi-
bition of the methanogenic metabolism can be pre-
dicted.[23] Further, it is noted that inhibition of this process
occurs when the pH levels are between 5.5 and 6.[14] This is
because the methanogenic consortia grow in a relatively
narrow range of pH (6.5–7.8). However, there are studies
that mention that some acidophilic species such as Metha-
nobacterium espanolae grow at a pH between 5.6 and 6.2,
but are unable to produce methane at pH 4.7.[25] These
results suggest that T1 could not inhibit the metabolism of
an anaerobic methanogenic system operated at semi-con-
tinuous conditions and fed with physicochemical sludge.
Duncan’s post hoc test showed that T2 exhibited a signifi-
cant difference regarding TC and T1 according to pH lev-
Fig. 2. %VS removal efficiency with OLR of 1 gVS L¡1 d¡1. pH els achieved (pH D 6.05). This could indicate that the

CSTR-1 ( ), pH CSTR-2 (&), CSTR-1 (~), CSTR-2 (&), buffer capacity of the system fails to control the concentra-
¡38% SV-US-EPA (& & &). tion of VFAs (5.06 g L¡1).
1714 Lopez-Escobar et al.

Table 3. Summary of operational performances of pilot-scale CSTR-1 and CSTR-2 reactors.


OLR Biogas Biogas yield Methane yield

Reactor HRT (d) pH (gVS L¡1 d¡1) VS removed (%) production (L d¡1) (L g¡1VSremoved) (L g¡1VSremoved)
CSTR-1 25–29 7.16 1 67 § 4 5.51 § 0.26 0.86 § 0.1 0.52 § 0.06
CSTR-2 25–29 7.03 1 53 § 4 575 § 13 0.71 § 0.07 0.42 § 0.04
(Data are given as mean § SD, n D 85).

Effect of OLR on the biogas and CH4 production (Fig. 4a) that biogas production decreased in the T1, T2
and T3 as operating days passed. This behavior is observed
During the stabilization phase the four treatments showed
in other studies, indicating that the growth rate of the
an average 0.15 L d¡1 of biogas and a methane concentra-
methanogens consortia (Archeas) is less than the acidogenic
tion of 60%. The increment of OLR occurred from day 25
(bacteria) (0.0167 and 0.083 h¡1, respectively).[14]
of experimental operation in T1, T2 and T3. This coin-
In this regard, the values shown in Table 3 indicate sig-
cided with an increase in the biogas volumes reported at
Downloaded by [Sergio Martinez] at 15:42 20 October 2014

nificant differences of the OLR factor on biogas yields (Fo

the end of the operation, which were of 0.38 (T1), 1.35
D 46.65) and methane yields (Fo D 248.69). This indicates
(T2) and 0.86 (T3) L d¡1, respectively, (Fig. 4a), compared
that the methanogenic phase is not capable of withstand-
to the treatment control which was 0.19 L d¡1, while the
ing high OLR. By contrast, the acidogenic anaerobic sys-
final average of methane concentration was 64 (TC), 60
tem studies indicate whether they are able to withstand
(T1), 31 (T2), and 20 (T3)%, respectively (Fig. 4b). At the
high OLR.[8] This can be supported with the values shown
end of the experiments, the percentage of CH4 in T1
in Table 2, which shows that the TRH in the TC was
showed no significant difference with regards to the TC;
29 days, and 6, 6 and 4 days for T1, T2 and T3,
however, with T2 and T3 there were significant differences
(Fo D 2188.15), showing decreases from 57 to 31% in T2
The behavior of our study is comparable with the
and from 61 to 20.15% in T3 (Fig. 4b).
results found by Lee et al.,[8] in a methanogenic reac-
These results indicate that the OLR factor had a signifi-
tor simultaneously fed with a residual substrate from
cant effect on the methane production of the methanogenic
an acidogenic fermenter, at the same time fed with
metabolism, using physicochemical sludge as substrate.
food waste in the form of OFMSW. In this study a
These results are consistent with previous studies, which
stable pH was maintained in the range of 7.4–7.9,
suggest that an overload (maize silage  4.1 g dry organic
between the OLRs of 4.16 and 8.4 gCOD L¡1d¡1,
matter L¡1 d¡1) in a conventional anaerobic digestion sys-
operating without pH regulation using an alkali chemi-
tem, used in a CSRT, caused process instability and the dis-
cal buffer. Afterwards, with OLR of 11.8 gCOD
appearance of aceticlastic Methanosaetaceae, which
L¡1d¡1 acidification in methane, fermentation abruptly
predominated at lower OLRs.[24] Such would be related to
occurred, and the pH dropped from 7.42 to 6.4 due to
an increment in the concentration of VFAs produced in the
the accumulation of VFAs after 90 days of semi-con-
acidogenic phase.[9,24] This behavior was also found in our
tinuous operation, indicating that the decrease in pH
experiments (Figs. 4a and 4b). At the beginning of the over-
is attributed to the accumulation of acetate and propi-
load a correlation was observed between the increase of the
onate, resulting in the reduction of methanogenic activ-
OLR and the biogas production (R2 D 0.99). This could be
ity. This coincided with a decrease in the percentage of
attributed to a synergy between the microbial communities
CH4 (80–20%).
in the anaerobic system.[13] However, it can be observed

Table 4. Final values obtained at conclusion of experiments.

Consumption Yield

Ta OLR b pH Alkalinity c VFAs d Efficiency e VSremoved f YBiogsg YCH4h

TC 1 7.41 4.03 2.57 59.96 0.25 0.75 0.48
T1 5 7.28 3.93 3.99 37.07 0.81 0.47 0.29
T2 10 6.05 3.86 5.06 41.79 1.67 0.81 0.25
T3 15 5.70 3.90 5.53 29.23 1.76 0.49 0.10
a D treatment; b D gVS [L d]¡1; c D g [L as CaCO3] ¡1; d D g [L as HAc.] ¡1; e D %VSremoved; f D grams;
g D LBiogas [g VS removed]¡1; h D Lmethane [g substrate removed]¡1. (Data are given as mean § SD, n D 4).
Organic loading rate on CH4 production from physicochemical sludge 1715
Downloaded by [Sergio Martinez] at 15:42 20 October 2014

Fig. 3. OLR effect on a) pH and b) VFAs. TC ( ), T1 (&), T2
Fig. 4. Behavior of a) biogas, b) CH4-concentration, during the

increase of OLR. Control ( ), T1 (&), T2 (~), T3 (!).
(~), T3 (!).

pH and %VSremoved variation operated in a semi-continuous manner, fed by pre-digested

sludge in an acidogenic fermenter with OLR of 4.16, 8.4,
The final pH and its average variation (DpH D pHinicial – and 11.8 gCOD L¡1 d¡1 and removals of 88.1, 86.3 and
pHfinal) in the treatments are observed in Figure 5. The 83.3%, respectively.[8] This could happen due to the mass
final pH was conditioned by the acid concentration. The transfer between anaerobic microorganisms and the sub-
final pH in the control treatment was 7.4 § 0.02, while for strate, which is affected by the high concentration of total
treatments 1, 2 and 3 it was 7.2 § 0.71, 6.0 § 0.12 and 5.7 solids, causing a decrement in the efficiency of organic
§ 0.01. The largest decrease in DpH in T2 (1.61) was material removal.[26,27]
observed, reaching a pH of 6.05 (Fig. 5). In T3, a signifi- Other studies suggest that the acidogenic consortia (bac-
cant acidification was not observed, which may be attrib- teriae) are responsible for keeping the efficiency of elimina-
uted to the acidity caused by the weak and organic nature tion of VS because the rate of growth is higher in regard to
of OLRs in acidogenic anaerobic systems, which reached a the methanogenic consortia (Archeas),[14] as in the case of
threshold between 5 and 5.5. On the other hand, the final T2 in our study, with final pH values of 6. Therefore, is
values of organic material removal (% VSremoved), as well possible that the methanogenic consortia could be kept at
as the average removed variation (D%VSremoved D a minimum concentration but sufficient to degrade part of
%VSremoved-initial –%VSremoved-final) are shown in Figure 5b. the metabolites produced by the acidogenic consortium.
It was found that the VS removal efficiency decreased as This maintained the anaerobic metabolism of the 38% VS
the OLR increased. removal criterion for the vector attraction reduction
However, the VS removal efficiency was less than 38% requirements indicated by the US EPA.[21]
when the OLR was more than 15 gVS L¡1 d¡1. The delta The results found in this study using physicochemical
values in T1 and T2 were lower (26.75 and 26.67) com- sludge as organic substrate in CSTR reactors indicated
pared with T3. These results indicate that for greater delta that increased OLR had a negative influence on produc-
value, the VS removal efficiency will be low. A similar tion and yields of methane. However, the biogas produc-
study showed similar behavior in a methanogenic reactor tion and the removal of organic matter expressed as %SV,
1716 Lopez-Escobar et al.

substrate and mixed cultures as inoculum (Table 5). For

example, inhibition of methanogenesis has happened by
controlling pH at acidic levels (5.5, 5.9 and 5.0) with the help
of external acidic agents and as organic substrate cheese
whey (CW), cheese whey powder (CWP), and organic frac-
tion of municipal solid waste (OFMSW).[28–30] Also, pre-
treatment of a methanogenic inoculum achieved the
inhibition of methane production in anaerobic digesters,
maintaining acidic pH levels (5.5 and 5.2–5.8), using
OFMSW and food waste as substrate. [8,9]


Our results suggest that the OLR can be used as a variable

allowing stable operation of anaerobic digestion, regardless
of the scale of work. Also, the OLR promotes the inhibitory
Downloaded by [Sergio Martinez] at 15:42 20 October 2014

mechanism of the methanogenic activity in the CSTR reac-

tors, using physicochemical sludge as substrate produced
during the wastewater treatment from a poultry plant pro-
cessor. In addition, the calculation of the OLR in terms of
TS allowed evaluation of flow rates with high organic mat-
ter concentrations (10 gVS L¡1 d¡1) per unit of volume
and low HRT (< 6 days). At these conditions, low pH lev-
els in T2 and T3 (6 and 5.7, respectively) as well as a
decrease in methane concentration up to 20% was observed.
However, generated biogas in T2 values higher than
38% VSremoved was seen, despite having presented acido-
genic conditions. In contrast the experiment tests TC and
Fig. 5. Effect of the OLR on final values of the pH and % VS T1 kept their pH levels neutral (7) and presented a con-

removed. a) pH ( ), DpH (&), b)%VSremoved. (~), D%VSremoved. stant methane concentration (62%). Future studies could
(!). use this operational strategy for promotion of conditions
that allow the production of biohydrogen, without using
was not inhibited in its entirety. These results are of great external acidic agents that will influence the fall of pH in
interest given the nature of substrate used (physicochemi- anaerobic reactors (CSTR).
cal sludge) considered complex because its high concentra-
tion of organic material (85% VS) and the presence of salts
of aluminum and iron.[22] It is important to mention that Funding
according to our knowledge, there are no studies in the lit-
erature using this type of substrate. L
opez-Escobar acknowledges support from a PhD schol-
However, some studies with similar results could be men- arship from the Council of Science and Technology of
tioned from experiments operating in continuous and semi- Mexico (CONACyT) with CVU (Grant holder) 168870/
continuous anaerobic systems, using residual biomass as 168870. In addition, he acknowledges the support from

Table 5. Data reported in literature for anaerobic digestion operated at low pH and with other waste biomass.
Temp HRT CH4
Substrate Inoculum ( C) (Days) OLR pH (L g¡1 d¡1) References
* y
OFMSW Anaerobic seed sludge 55 1.3 38.4 5.5 ND [29]
* z
CWP Anaerobic seed sludge 37 6 to 3.5 95 to 163 5.9 ND [28]
* z
CW Composting with waste food 30 1 20 and 30 5 ND [27]
Waste food **
Anaerobic granular sludge 37 4 to 10 15.10 to 37.75 5.2 – 5.8 ND [12]
** z
OFMSW Anaerobic seed sludge 55 3.6 to 1.3 19.5 to 58.5 5.5 3.1–7.67 [11]
§ y
Physicochemical sludge Anaerobic seed sludge 26 6 to 4 5 to 15 5.7 0.45 to 0.1 This study
Untreated, *pH control with external acidic agents, **inoculum-pretreated, ygVS L¡1 d¡1, zgCOD L¡1d¡1, ND D No Detected, OFMSW D
Organic fraction municipal solid waste, CWP D cheese whey powder, CW D cheese whey.
Organic loading rate on CH4 production from physicochemical sludge 1717

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