Pastor Tom Vineyard's Letter To Oklahoma City Council

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November 14, 2011 Dear Mayor Cornett and City Councilmen: I am writing to you today with regard to the

vote that will take place tomorrow concerning adding sexual orientation to the current wording of Section 105Equal Employment Opportunity and Section 401Discrimination in the Citys employee non-discrimination policy. I want to make sure that you are aware of certain things before making your decision as to how to vote. First of all, as I understand it, Mr. Ed Shadid is responsible for bringing this as a proposal. Recently, someone who had to work at the OKC Pride Festival that the city allows to take place each year brought to me some information that he picked up at that event. I will include it for your perusal. As well, I would like to ask you to please consider some statistics that studies have found regarding the homosexual population. These were put together by Dr. Frank Joseph, MD. Only 2% of the population of the United States is homosexual, yet the average yearly income of a homosexual is $55,430 while the average income of a heterosexual in the general population is $32,144. 49% of homosexuals hold professional/managerial positions while only 15.9% of the general population of heterosexuals hold such positions. Those two facts in and of themselves are all the proof that is necessary that homosexuals are not being discriminated against. Another thing that should be considered is the general behavior of homosexuals. The man that I know that had to work during the Gay Pride Parade reported a massive amount of nudity and open sex by those participating and observing. Additionally, the homosexual group North American Man and Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a child-molesting homosexual group whose cry is Sex before 8 before its too late. The Lesbian Avengers group prides itself on trying to recruit young girls. That homosexual 2% of the American population is responsible for committing more than 33% of all child molestations in the U.S. (Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, pp. 327-37.) Another way to put that is that 1 in 20 homosexuals is a child molester. Judge John Martaugh, Chief Magistrate of the New York City Criminal Court, stated, Homosexuals account for half of the murders in large cities. (Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Rights Are Concern for Some," Post-Tribune, 18 December 1992.) The November 3, 2002, World Net Daily reported that John Muhammed and John Lee Malvo (the DC Snipers) were homosexual lovers.

Andrew Cunanan who murdered Gianni Versace was a homosexual who had gone on a killing spree of 5 murders that included his wealthy gay lover and Versace who was also a homosexual. Captain William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police Department stated, 30,000 of the sexually abused children in Los Angeles were the victims of homosexuals. (Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Rights Are Concern for Some," Post-Tribune, 18 December 1992.) (I would like to ask Mr.

Shadid if these are among the citiesNew York City, Los Angeles--that he is wanting Oklahoma City to be like, to follow after, and to stay up with.)
May I also remind you of the recent Penn State scandal involving former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky who was caught sodomizing a 10-year-old boy in the locker room shower and, according to radio host Mark Madden, is rumored to have been pimping out young boys to rich school donors. In another study, 43% of homosexuals surveyed admitted to having 500 or more partners in their lifetime. 28% admitted to 1,000 or more partners in their lifetime. This would explain why homosexuals account for between 70-80% of the hepatitis cases in San Francisco, 66% in New York City, 56% in Toronto, and 42% in Montreal. It would also explain why 78% of homosexuals are affected by sexually transmitted diseases. (Again, would Mr. Shadid

explain if these are among the cities he refers to Oklahoma City needing to keep pace with?)
Do we want to add the massive increase in health cost to the city of Oklahoma City by being forced to hire or keep employed someone with costly health issues resulting directly from their degenerate lifestyle? During the Clinton Administration, Mr. Gary Aldrich, an FBI agent who worked at the White House, wrote a book entitled, Unlimited Access. In the book, he recounted the behavior of homosexuals who worked in the White House and the frustration that the permanent staff had in having to work around their behavior. The White House supervising carpenter at the time, Mr. Woody DiGuiseppe, had come to him with a complaint because two of his employees were prohibited from doing their work in an office that was occupied and being used by two homosexuals doing their thing on the desk after normal office hours. A female employee had mentioned to him as well a discovery she made involving two lesbian staffers in the shower of the ground floor ladies restroom. (Unlimited Access: an FBI agent inside the Clinton White House, by Gary Aldrich, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, D.C., Copyright 1996, p.38-42) There is also the case of Representative Jon Hinson, R-Miss., arrested on the charge of attempted oral sodomy in a Capitol House office building mens room. He had also been arrested in 1976 on a charge of committing an obscene act at the Iwo Jima monument in Washington. (Oklahoman, March 14, 1981, p. 10) (Again, is this the kind of behavior Mr. Shadid

is wanting to promote in city offices and restrooms?)

The truth is when our country was founded, homosexuality was referred to as the unmentionable sin. It is not mentioned in our Constitution because of the influence of Sir William Blackstone (Commentaries on the Laws of England): ...the infamous crime against nature, committed with either man or beast...a subject the very mention of which is a disgrace to human nature...a crime not fit to be named...that horrible crime not to be mentioned among Christians. Perhaps this is why General George Washington, Commander of the Colonial Army, approved the court martial of Lt. Fredrick Gotthold Enslin for attempting to commit sodomy. He was sentenced and dismissed from service with infamy, and was drummed out of the camp. (Head Quarters, V. Forge, Saturday, March 14, 1778, stored at Library of Congress.) Mr. James Wilson, a signer both of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, was appointed by President Washington as an original justice on the United States Supreme Court. He was responsible for laying much of the foundation of American Jurisprudence and was co-author of Americas first legal commentaries on the Constitution. When Wilson came to the subject of sodomy in his legal writings, he was too disgusted with it even to mention it. He thus declared, The crime not to be named [sodomy] I pass in total silence. (Courtesy, Homosexuality in the Military) Consider likewise the words of John David Michaelis, who authored a four-volume legal work in 1814, outlining why homosexuality must be more strenuously addressed and much less tolerated than virtually any other moral vice in society: If we reflect on the dreadful consequences of sodomy to a state, and on the extent to which this abominable vice may be secretly carried on and spread, we cannot, on the principles of sound policy, consider the punishment as too severe. For if it once begins to prevail, not only will boys be easily corrupted by adults, but also by other boys; nor will it ever case; more especially as it must thus soon lose all its shamefulness and infamy and become fashionable and the national taste; and thennational weakness, for which all remedies are ineffectual, most inevitably follow not perhaps in the very first generation, but certainly in the course of the third or fourth.To these evils may be added yet another, viz. that the constitutions of those men who submit to this degradation are, if not always, yet very often, totally destroyed, though in a different way from what is the result of whoredom. Whoever, therefore, wishes to ruin a nation, has only to get this vice introduced; for it is extremely difficult to extirpate it where it has once taken root because it can be propagated with much more secrecyand when we perceive that it has once got a footing in any country, however powerful and flourishing, we may venture as politicians to predict that the foundation of its future decline is laid and that after some hundred years it will no longer be the samepowerful country it is at present. (Courtesy, Homosexuality in the Military) Mr. Michaeliss statements have proven accurate in light of the 1787 book The Decline and Fall

of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon, that listed among the 7 reasons for Romes fall an increasing interest and obsession with sexual perversions [homosexuality]. As well, there was the research presented to the US House of Representatives in 1963 by Mrs. Patricia Nordman of DeLand, Florida, in which she listed the 45 goals of Communism to take over America. Number 26 was to present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as normal, natural and healthy. The fact is that during this last generation, America has been fed a lie about the sin the Bible calls sodomy. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1 that their natural use had been changed to that which is against nature. While God condemns the sin, He still loves the sinner. During the 15 years that I was privileged to be a missionary, I had the opportunity of meeting a missionary who had been, before her salvation, a lesbian. God saved her. She married (a man), has children, and is now serving on the mission field. During the time that I have been privileged to pastor Windsor Hills Baptist Church, I have had the opportunity of meeting a pastor who had been saved out of homosexuality. He is now married (to a woman), and has children and grandchildren. The evidence is overwhelming that there is absolutely no need or that there should be no consideration of including sexual orientation in the equal employment opportunity and discrimination sections of the citys employee non-discrimination policy. I humbly call upon you to do what is right for all of the citizens of our great city, not a small portion who are seeking preferential treatment and status. Sincerely, Tom Vineyard Pastor TV:sgb Attachment

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