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Observation of the body structure of turtles (Eura ambirinensis) at the Laboratory of Biological
experimental garden of Makassar State University

Rika Laura1*
ICP of Biology Education, Group V, Biology Education, Makassar State University

The practical unit turtle body structure (Euora ambirinensis ) aims to identify and describe the turtle body structure and
function of the organs that make up the turtle system (Euora ambirinensis). using surgical Board tools and 1 set of
surgical tools, cotton swab, anesthetic bottle and chloroform. Reptiles are any of the vertebrate or vertebrate animals.
Features common reptiles are covered in dry skin, breathe using their lungs and lay eggs whose embryos are enveloped
by an amniotic membrane. One of the sciences developed is about the structure of the turtle's body it represents a reptile.
Tortoise (Euora ambirinensis) is a species of reptile with order of Chelonia. turtles have diverse habitats. The turtle is a
unique type of reptile that has a shell as its toolprotection from carnivores. Turtle shells are divided into carapaces as its
upper part and plastron as its lower part. the process of turtle respiration can be done with the help of rib muscles and
muscles between the ribs. the turtle shell is a collection of meat and fat that makes the turtle very slow to move, the turtle
shell consists of 50 bones with ribs, shoulder bones and vertebrae that fuse to form a hard external bone. turtles have the
capacity to regenerate damaged bone and kertain tissue in the shell. the layer of epidermis around the wound grows
under the dead bone to replace the damaged part. The design of the turtle's body is on the solid shell deviates radical
than the design of other tetrapods. The dorsal part of the tortoise shell that is, the carapace consists mainly of costal bone
plates and nerves that continue with the ribs and thoracic spine underneath. Mostly the carapace originates from the
endoskeletal ribs. Types of skeletal systems are known on vertebrates, exoskeleton consisting of dermal bone and
endoskeleton formed from cartilage.
Keywords: Euora ambirinensis; Reptile; Turtle body structure;

Indonesia is a tropical forest country with sufficient biodiversity high. Various types
of flora and fauna are protected and not protected living in the forests of Indonesia and many
benefits to humans. Indonesia it has 511 species of reptiles, 150 of which are endemic. The
reptile is group of cold-blooded vertebrate animals whose scales fill the entire body and also
is a group of creeping animals ectothermic animals with body temperature that has a
dependence on the environment of its habitat. Some species of reptiles also have the ability to
acclimatize in a dry place on the ground and often seen sunbathing under the Rays the sun.
Reptiles have scaly skin. The scaly skin will minimize the loss of fluid from the body
(dehydration) so that reptiles can living in a dry habitat (Fatmawati et al., 2022).
Reptiles are included in vertebrates that are generally tetrapods,however, in some of
them limb reductionor disappear altogether as in serpentes and partly lacertilia. Reptiles that
do not have limb reduction generally have 5 fingersor pentadactylus and his clawed fingers.
Its skeleton in reptilesUndergoes Complete ossification and breathing with the lungs. The
complete reptile digestive system includes the digestive tract anddigestive glands. Reptiles
are generally carnivores (meat eaters). System digestion in reptiles begins from the oral
Parts of the oral cavity supported by the upper and lower jaw. In the oral cavity there are also
the tongue is attached to the tongue bone with a bifurcated tip. All reptiles have teeth except
those of the order testudinata. At the moment jouvenil, reptiles have egg teeth to tear the
eggshell to hatching (Maya & Rizki, 2021).
Turtles live in various types of habitats such as oceans, rivers, swamps, forests even
the Meadows. Turtles have a variety of diversity among them is a freshwater turtle that has
characteristic membranes on its toes make it easy for them to swim in the water and not
drown. In addition, there are also land turtles that live more on land than in water but still
need water. In addition, there are also semi-aquatic turtles that has two habitats, namely land
and water environment. Kurakura is one of the reptiles that are easily recognizable because of
the turtle has a distinctive body shape (Aristawati et al., 2022).
Turtles have the characteristic of having a shell or shell serves to protect the internal
organs in turtles and protect it from carnivorous animals. The tortoise shell is called carapace
on its upper part and plastron on its lower part. Carapace and the plastron is connected to the
sides of the turtle by a bone structure called bridges. The turtle's carapace and plastron can
serve as distinctive identifiers identify the type of turtle (Setiadi, 2015).
The Shape of the turtle shell gives visitors a very helpfulabout how the turtles live and
give a sign where habitat of the turtle. Most land turtles live with a shelllarge and dome-
shaped ones that make it difficult for predators tocrush the Shell between the FANGs. The
majority of the turtlesAquatics has a flat and grooved shell that helps in swimming and diving
(Nopriyanti et al., 2023).
Shell or tortoise shell is a form of beauty for turtles that are characteristic for turtles.
Beauty in the shell turtles come from patterns that are shaped or there are patterns. Turtle it
also has no teeth but has hard bones to chew on. Mechanism motion in turtles is to use the
front legs and hind legs to walk. Turtles walk very slowly because they carry shells great on
his body. How to walk the tortoise prefer leg strength. Then for the hind legs for turtles are
used as steering direction and both legs are used also in making nestseggs because the eggs
are stored under the sand (Susanto & Sjamsu, 2017).
The design of the turtle's body is on the solid shell deviates radical than the design of
other tetrapods. The dorsal part of the tortoise shell that is, the carapace consists mainly of
costal bone plates and nerves that continue with the ribs and thoracic spine underneath.
Mostly the carapace originates from the endoskeletal ribs. Types of skeletal systems are
known on vertebrates, exoskeleton consisting of dermal bone and endoskeleton formed from
cartilage Euora ambirinensis (Hirasawa et al., 2013).
Turtles breed by laying eggs (oviparous). In its habitat, the resulting eggs are usually
placed in a pile of sand by its mother. The eggs will hatch in about two months using solar
thermal assistance. Uniquely, the temperature of the sand also determines the sex of the
turtles that will be born. Typically, temperatures above average will produce female turtles
and if the temperature is below average will produce turtles male (Saputro & Haryadi, 2021).
In general, turtles can be divided into twolarge groups of Cryptodira group that
generally can insert the head into his shield and group Pleurodira whose head and neck were
simply deflected into side by side hiding. Turtles of the Pleurodira group can be easily
recognized. Apart from the neck that can not be inserted into his shield, also from part of the
shield his stomach which has intergular pieces (Diba et al., 2022).
The method of the turtle body structure unit practicum is where the practitioner prepares the
tools and materials from this unit, namely, a surgical board and a set of surgical tools, cotton wool,
anesthetic bottles, chloroform and turtles (Euora ambirinensis). before that, they were able to study
the structure and function of the turtle body and conduct practicum based on work procedures in each
unit of their activities. the first observation is the structure of the turtle's body (Euora ambirinensis)
external anatomy and practice is able to describe parts of the external structure of the turtle's body. for
example, bone and Shell, the shell is formed from two main components namely, the upper shell and
the base (plastorn). practice directed to photograph and picture the results of these observations.

Table 1. Observation of the body structure of the tortoise (Euora ambirinensis)
No. Observation Picture Description
1. Karapas 1. Cervical
2. Vertebral
3. Pleural (costa)
4. Marginal
3 5. Supracudal

2. Plastron 1. Gular
2. Humeral
2 3. Pactoral
4. Axillary
3 5. Abdominal
6. Inguinal
7. Femoral
7 8. Anal

The practicum conducted was observation of kurakura's body structure as a
representative of reptiles. This practice also observes and describes the structure and
functions of the organs that make up the turtle system.Tortoise (Euora ambirinensis) is used
as experimental material in this practicum because this turtle has a characteristic that makes it
interesting to be observed is to have a shell. Tortoises are also used as ingredients experiment
because it is easy to find, cheaper and efficient in observation compared to other reptiles
The main characteristics of the turtle is to have a shell or shell to protect it from
predators or predators, and to protect the inside it. Turtles can also get into their shells by the
neck can be shortened so that it is able to fit into the Frog, chest and bones the pelvis is in the
shell, moves slowly when walking, does not has teeth, but has a hard muzzle mouth so that it
can used as a replacement for teeth.
Turtle shell is divided into 2 parts, namely carapace and plastron. Carapace is the
upper shell while the plastron is a shell lower part or abdomen. Each layer is divided into 2
layers again. The first layer is the outer layer which is mostly in the form of scales with a
large size and hard with an arrangement resembling a genting. Second layer is the inner
layer of bone plate-shaped tightly arranged like shell. Part of the turtle's carapace the parts
observed are cervical, vertebral, pleural, marginal, supracaudal. The sections on the plastron
observed are gural, humeral, pectoral, axylary, abdominal, linguinal, femoral, and anal.
The shell on the turtle as a place of limbs and head composed of ribs, vertebrae and
dermal bones. Integument on the tortoise fused into a protective bone used as a cross section
the entrails. Appendicular skeleton in turtles is unique because it is located in ribs than the
outside like other types of vertebrates. As for the frame in turtles consists of cervical vertebrae,
scapula, humerus, theoracic vertebrae, coracoid, peripheral plate, expanded rib, pubis, ischium,
and femur.
The design of the turtle's body is on the solid shell deviates radical than the design of
other tetrapods. The dorsal part of the tortoise shell that is, the carapace consists mainly of
costal bone plates and nerves that continue with the ribs and thoracic spine underneath.
Mostly the carapace originates from the endoskeletal ribs. Types of skeletal systems are
known on vertebrates, exoskeleton consisting of dermal bone and endoskeleton formed from

Turtles have a distinctive feature that has a shell cover his body used to avoid attacks
from animals another. In the turtle shell is divided into two parts, namely the carapace and
plastron. Carapace is the upper part of the shell while the plastron is the lower part on the
shell. An important Organ in turtles is the Shell, which consists of the carapace and plastron
are to protect the internal organs such as the apparatus digestion as well as other soft organs.
Parts of the turtle carapace the parts observed are cervical, vertebral, pleural, marginal,
supracaudal. Part of the plastron observed is gural, humeral, pectoral, axylary, abdominal,
linguinal, femoral, and anal.

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Nopriyanti, R., Listira, J. A., Valentina, D. F., & Irawati, W. (2023). Effect of Rote Tortoise
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1. urutan di daftar pustaka.
2. Laporan sementara (Foto copy/ Scand Hitam Putih).

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