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Observing Nervous Tissue Based on its Structure, Function and Characteristics using a
Binocular Microscope in the Laboratory of Biological Experimental Garden.

Siti Nurhalizah.M 1*
ICP of Biology Education, Group V, Biology Education, Makassar State University

In this practice, the purpose of neural network units is to identify and describe the structural characteristics of neural
networks and their functions, as well as distinguish their structural characteristics. if this exercise uses improvised tools,
namely; binocular microscopes, preserved tissue preparations, glass covers. and know how each tool works. Tissue is a
collection of cells that have the same structure and work together to perform a specific function. There are many types of
networks where each network has a structure and how each works differently from other networks. this nerve tissue is one
of the tissues in the human body and animals, the nervous system consists of nerve tissues which are a collection of cells
that have the same shape and perform the same function so that they form a nerve network. Nerve tissue is an important
tissue in the body because is a network in charge of managing information. Neural networks function to detect, analyze,
use, transmit all information generated by sensory stimuli from the external and internal environment. Nerve tissue helps
regulate body functions. All functions of the body can be run because adalanya nervous system that manages information.
The nervous system plays a role in managing the information obtained from environment, both external and
internal.Information obtained from the external environment can be in the form of heat, cold, itching, pain, and see too
lots of light. For example, if we are exposed to fire, the skin will feel hot. The nervous system will perform its function by
managing information obtained in the form of heat will then cause or produce a reaction that will be issued for example
directly flush it with water.

Keywords: Neural Network; Mikroscope; System Neural

The nervous System is a combination of Electrical and chemical signals which daapat
make nerve cells or neurons are able to communicate with the other neurons. Nervous System
consists of millions of cells that have the form structure and the same function in managing
information in the form of impulses in the form of stimuli obtained both from outside and
from within so that can be given a response (Meutia et al., 2021).
Nerve tissue consists of cells that have the same shape and perform the same function.
Cells in the nervous tissue called neurons or nerve cells and cells that help neurons are called
glial cells or neuroglia. Neuron in charge of converting stimuli into electrical signals called
potentials nerve action (impulse) in the form of stimulation and channel it to other neurons or
to other networks. Other cells that play an active role in the nervous system is the cell glia or
neuroglia that are responsible for helping neurons in carrying out function (Zuliani et al.,
2021). Neural networks in the nervous system is very important because it continues the path
impulses (stimuli) from the arrival of stimuli such as stimuli from the senses brought to the
central nervous system. Nerve tissue also delivers impulses to organs effector in charge of
responding to stimuli. The neural network consists of two cells that play the role of nerve
(neurons) and cells that help, accompany and nourish nerve cells called neuroglia or glia cells
(Handayani et al., 2023).
About 300 billion cells, divided into thousands of different types, make up the human
nervous system. Neuroglial cells and nerve cells (neurons) are the two mainand separate
classes (or glia). The primary means of communication in the neurological system is the
neuron. In the central nervous system (CNS) and to othercells in the peripheral nervous
system, neurons t ransmit information. (PNS). Glial cells support this network of
interconnected cells, creating a circuit of mind-boggling intricacy. Glial cells have a
crucial yet varied role in supporting the neurons (Knott & Zoltan, 2018).
Compared to other tissues, nervous tissue is not divided into distinct tissue types.
Although it does have glia and neurons, which are two different cell types, it is all basically
nervous tissue. Gray matter and white matter are signs of distinct specializations within the
neural tissue, not different types of nervous tissue. However, not every piece of nerve tissue
serves the same purpose. Additionally, unlike other biological processes, which are firmly
contained within specific organs, some functions are not entirely restricted to brain areas. Not
merely the function of cells in one nucleus or region, but also the connections between cells
over large areas must be considered while studying the CNS. Most electrochemical signaling
in the body is generated by the nervous system, but how those signals are used varies
depending on the area (Zizkovic et al., 2022).
Information detection, analysis, and transmission are the nervous system's three
primary tasks. Sensory organs gather unprocessed data before transmitting it to the brain for
processing. The signals are then sent along motor and autonomic channels to control bodily
movement and manage internal physiology by several brain centers. Neurons that transmit
electrochemical signals known as action potentials are principally responsible for mediating
these activities (Nerve impulses). In addition to neurons, the nervous system also contains
neuroglial cells, which perform a number of immunologic and supporting roles as well as
support neuronal activity (Bayram-weston et al., 2022).
Nerve cells or neurons are an important and basic part of the system nervous. The cell
body in neurons is the most influential part. Nerve cells related to the generation, conduction,
and transmission of impulses. So, when functional disorders of the nervous system then
involved is the cell nerve or neuron, there is a problem in the neuron (Golchin et al., 2023).
The nervous System is divided into two systems, the central nervous system and
peripheral nervous system. The central nervous System is the nervous system that receives
and process all the information obtained from all parts of the body. System the central nerve
consists of the brain, spinal cord and nerve cells orneuron. The peripheral nervous System is
a nervous system of the conscious nervous system and the unconscious nervous system.
Conscious System governed by the brain while the system is not consciously regulated by
autonomic systems such as the heart and digestive tract (Marcos & Kusumastuti, 2016).
A cell in a unicellular animal has a particularly difficult job because it must perform
every biological activity. The tremendous workload of the cell was lessened as simple
unicellular creatures evolved into more complex multicellular ones. Multicellular creatures
have undergone structural changes, particularly in several organs, such as the digestive and
circulatory systems. On the one hand, this advancement might make the cell's job easier.
Onthe other hand, animals now need to be able to coordinate (Amin et al., 2017)
In the practical unit of nerve tissue students are able to understand the function of the
tools that will be used, the tools used are binocular microscopes, glass covers, stationery,
preservative preparations myelinated nerve tissue aoxn and schwanna cells, olygendrocytes,
mucosal and as for the methods and practical steps that will be done is the first to prepare the
preparation and observe the preparation of nerve tissue then observe the muscle tissue under
the objective lens of the microscope in accordance with its magnification, if the practice has
been obtained nerve tissue clearly, then the student is expected to photograph the results, then
if the image is complete and provide an overview of the results of the photomicroscope on the
paper that has been provided and then describe the object to train the ability to observe
muscle tissue in a binocular microscope.

Tabel 1. Observation of Neural Networks
No. Observation Picture Description
1. 1. Cytoplasm
1 2. Nucleus
3. Dendrit

2. 1. Dendrit
2. Call body
3. Cytoplasm

This experiment is titled "Neural Tissue." A neural network or nervous system is a
biological system made up of networks of nerves that transmit signals and information in the
living body. Nervous tissue is responsible for regulating and coordinating important activities
in the body, including muscle movement, sensory perception, and vital functions such as
heartbeat, respiration, and digestion. This experiment was conducted with the aim that
students can identify and describe the structural characteristics of cells in nerve tissue,
compare the structural characteristics of cells in nerve tissue, and students can compare
images of cells in nerve tissue from direct observation with images from photo micrographs.
Nervous tissue is a collection of cells that have the same shape and perform the same
functions that make up the nervous system, where neural networks function in receiving,
managing, and transmitting information in the form of impulses or stimuli to nerve cells
(neurons) or to other organs other body. This practicum is done by observing the nerve tissue
by using nerve cell preparations on the microscope with magnification 10×10 and 10×40.
Observations made on the preserved preparations of nerve tissue cells were observed
the parts that make up the nerve cells so that they can run its function. clear sections of nerve
cells observed using a microscope namely dendrites, cell bodies, nuclei, cytoplasm, and axons.
The first observations observed on nerve cell preparations with a magnification of 10x40 can
be noted the parts of nerve cells are dendrites, cell bodies, and axons. Second observation
performed also using different nerve cell preparations and observed is part of the nerve cell
cytoplasm, cell body, and dendrites.
From the analysis of observations of oligodendrocyte preparations, it can be
concluded that the structure and components of oligodendrocyte cells consisting of cell
bodies, dendrites, and cytoplasm play an important role in forming and maintaining myelin in
nerve fibres in the central nervous system.In these observations, we can see the main
structures of nerve cells, namely dendrites, cell bodies, and cytoplasm. In the observation of
nerve tissue preparations, dendrites are seen as fine branches that spread from the cell body in
different directions. The cell body is usually seen as a large round or oval structure, in which
there is a nucleus and cytoplasm containing many ribosomes. The cytoplasm is usually
seen as a colourless area with organelles
Dendrites are the short branches of a cell neurons that are at the edges of neurons
close to the cell body. Dendrites are found in it receives impulses and sends them to the cell
body. The cell body is an important part of a nerve cell, where in the cell body there is a
nucleus cell, cytoplasm, and nucleolus. Cell body as a place to manage information has been
transmitted by dendrites. Cytoplasm is found in the cell body in which contains nissi grains
contained in RNA in it. The item works in synthesizing proteins. In addition to the cytoplasm,
there is also the nucleus in charge in regulating cell activity. Axon is part of the nerve cell it
has a long shape, longer than dendrites, as well as thin. Axon in charge in sending
information to various other nerve cells or to organs others.
In addition to the nervous System there are nerve cells or neurons. There are also
other cells glial cells called oligodendrocytes found in the central nervous system nor the
peripheral nervous system. Oligodendrocytes produce the myelin sheath yag isolated axons of
neurons, although there are also some oligodendrocytes not involved in myelination.
also play a role in fixing damage to the nervous system. In addition, there are schwan cells
which are supporting nerve cells in the form of fat that serves to produce myelin or nerve
sheath. Schwan cells wrap around the Axon several times to form myelin sheath.
The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the peripheral
nervous system. System the central nerves include the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the
central part coordination in the body, which is located in the bones of the skull and shrouded
by a tissue called the meninges. The spinal cord there on the vertebrae. Meanwhile, the
peripheral nervous system is a system nerves are made up of the conscious system and the
unconscious system. The conscious system controls activities whose work is regulated by the
brain, while the autonomic nerves control activities that the brain cannot regulate such as heart
rate. Peripheral nervous system the unconscious consists of sensory neurons and motor
neurons contained between the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is the
nervous system it connects all parts of the body with the central nervous system.

Nerve cells or neurons consist of dendrites that are short branches of neurons that
function to receive impulses and send them on cell body. Cell body is part of the nerve cells
in charge manage information stored by dendrites. In the cell body there is a cytoplasm and a
cell nucleus. The Axon is the longest part of the nerve cells that transmit information to other
neurons or to other body organs.
Neurons are nerve cells in charge of managing information on nervous system in which
there are parts of the dendrites in the form of short branches that receive impulses, the cell
bodies that are main place to manage impulses, and the Axon in the form of the longest part
transmit information to other neurons or other organs. Neuroglia that is, glial cells that are in
charge of helping neurons carry out their functions as providing nutrients and as phagocytic.
Observation using a microscope looks more clearly part of the nerve tissue is observed, while
when using photomicroscope image is less clear on the chart-tissue section nervous.

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