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3 Selection

Information to be Obtained from the Subject

a) Selection procedures that the subject had to go through before being appointed to the


Initial screening

The first selection process is initial screening that helps to determine whether the individual
is minimally qualified for employment. The main purpose is so that the candidates that are clearly
unqualified will be eliminated if they don’t meet the requirement from the selection process.

Application review

The second process is application review such as via form or resume. This is to examine the
details of applicant for those that meet the selection criteria. The method that are commonly used is
by submitting their resume because it’s essentially acts as a summary of person’s background and
experience. Other methods that could be used is by application form that usually contains the
summary of the candidate’s relevant education.

Employment/Job test

The third selection process is job test that is needed to be conducted and performed by the
candidates. For example, they might be required to complete certain assessment to solidify their
validity on their competency and sustainability for the job.

b) His/her Letter of Appointment


Dear Tengku Iskandar,

Respectfully referred to the above

2. Pleased to be informed that if you agree to accept the offer, you are required to report
yourself at




DATE:1 JULY 2022

TIME:8.00 A.M. ~4.00 P.M.


I. Identity Card and Birth Certificate

II. Malaysian citizenship certificate or evidence, others that confirm Malaysian
citizenship such as mother/father's citizenship (if applicable)
III. Original school graduation certificate: SRP/LCE, SPM/MCE/SPM(V)/GCE/OSC/FMC,

For further inquiry please contact us 04 – 2299233 or email me at

Thank you

HR Tasks to be Performed by the Team

a) Determine an appropriate selection process for the position describing the sequence of

methods to be conducted

Recruiting qualified and skilled personnel

By using the procedure staffing and of securing qualified subject with the skills of
dental technologist assistant that are helped by proper selection. With the selection procedure
taken place, the company may choose the best applicant from the collection of the candidate that
has applied for the position.

Reducing employee/worker problems

Proper staff selection will greatly decrease the issue that are being experienced. For
example, difficulties such as absence without concrete reasoning, employee turnover and laziness.
The workers will be pleased of their work that could indirectly also improve the relationship in their
work-field. Some of the results that are produced will be increased in revenue, benefits,
management more inclined to give rewards to staff and other perks.

Increasing the productivity of the company

The productivity of the company will undoubtedly expand by using the most suitable
method by being critical in choosing the qualified employee to work for the company. The firms
need to choose their applicant carefully because it’s to guarantee that the candidate that has been
choose is indeed competent and meet the variety of benchmark that have been set so that they
could give contribution to the company.

Keeping the cost of training and development to a minimum

A competent worker would provide a greater grasping power which in turn would
make the candidate selection training cost became lower. This causes the employee to be able to get
a grip on the work’s technique quicker. Next, the organization can produce multiple training
programs based from the people differences and lowering the training time.

b) Propose at least ten (10) interview questions intended to gauge information on the traits,

behaviour, and competencies of the candidates, describing the purposes for each question
1. Tell me why are you suited for the job?
Many people seem to fall for this question because of how simple it sounds. It served to give
a chance for the candidate to give an explanation about themselves and what they could
contribute to the company.
2. What do you know about the company?
This question determines whether the interviewer is serious about working with the
organization and is aware of its mission and vision.
3. For what reasons that you want to work with us
The reasoning behind this question is to find out whether the interviewee is serious in
applying for the position.
4. What is your strength?
By asking this question the interview wanted to know the past achievement of the employee
and able to gauge the full potential that are hidden within them. It also helps them know if
the candidate has any experience regarding the job.
5. Tell me about your weaknesses
It is to dig out if the answer that are given is honest and able to avoid the flaw of the
6. Why the company should hire you?
It is so that they could give reasons that would further prove themselves as a worthy
7. Could do well in an environment that requires teamwork?
The interviewer wanted to know if the candidate able to communicate with other employee
because since there be times the candidate will work with teammates.
8. What’s your dream job?
Just curious about your ambitions and whether you'd enjoy working as dental technologist.
9. What can you bring to the company?
In order to ascertain that the employee could prove themselves as a valuable asset which
will create quality product for the firm.
10. How would you deal with any challenges that you might encounter in work?
Its main purpose is to determine if the problems that occurred could be solved by the critical
thinking of the worker.

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