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2020 - 2021

The academic year’s top focus: VISION BOARD

 To survive my first year without any track of failing grades A student that engage on going out of her comfort zone and to be able to
 To be able to stop myself from procrastinating cope up with this new normal and to be deeply rooted in basic principles and
 To practice saving money and avoid purchasing unnecessary stuffs to be able to think beyond parameters.

My Perfect Year Top Goals/Priorities Things to Avoid “Motivation is what gets you

School Focused + Motivated + Dedicated  Procrastination  Family

 Too much time in social media  Fun
Healthy Eating Exercise  Eating unhealthy foods
Body  Indulging on my seat all day without stretching  Money
 Essentials

Relationship Quality time with loved ones  Spending much time on gadgets instead of  High grades
bonding with loved ones
Personal Explore new things  Stressing myself  Flexible Hours

Steps To Achieve The Main Goals To Do List Every Week “Planning is what keeps you going”
 Check my email/messenger constantly for possible assignments,  Be organized on the study area
activities, and quizzes.  Create a reminder note for the assignments, activities, and quizzes.
 Pay attention to the teacher whenever he/she says something  Review the given modules of all subjects
 Study and understand the lessons well
 Be confident whenever you’re presenting  Give yourself time to relax
 Eat healthy foods
 Budget the allowance Daily  Drink plenty water
 Track my spending Reminders  Have enough sleep
 Keep your mind positive
 Be thankful for the blessings

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