Minutes 4-8-2024

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Monday, April 8, 2024

Minutes, SOT Meeting, 3:30 P.M.

Grant M. Bowler Elementary School
1415 W. Whipple Ave. Logandale, NV 89021

Voting Members in Attendance

Taci May – Parent Kelby Robison – Principal
Emily Pack – Parent Veronica Zinovitch – Asst. Principal
Jane Solomon - Parent Tamara Harding – Teacher
Jessie Bush - Teacher Darlene Millington – Staff (Absent)

I. Welcome and Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes
1st— Tamara Harding 2nd— Darlene Millington

III. Review Norms

IV. Public Comment on Agenda Items


V. Informational Items
Follow ups:
MVEF Scholarship money leftovers – Scholarship was denied
because they decided to go another way.
Grade level standards –Did the link get put on the website?

VI. Training

VII. School Performance Continual Improvement Plan

No changes needed right now. No changes in the budget. We
are fully staffed. Budget is tight right now and we are waiting
until Aug. to see next year’s allotments.
VIII. Principal Update:
A. Mayday dances-- Possible options for the future were
B. Testing is going on right now. All three older grades will be
doing MAPS and SBAC and should be done by May. MAPS gets
results immediately.
C. 5th grade go to tour the Middle School and they are very excited.
D. Discussion about typing classes. Kids really need this skill
earlier because of how much they are on chrome books at the
earlier grades, but the time to fit that into curriculum pacing
just doesn’t exist. Taci volunteered to contact the state board.

IX. Non-Agenda Items

Kindergarten round up is at the end of this year instead of
Kelby will be the principal over Perkins Elementary as well
starting next school year.

X. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items:

XI. Future Agenda Items:

Bus line up—Possibly move to Lyman. Some of the playground
may be taken out but we have plenty of room. There possibly
will be extra parking where Kinder playground is.

XII. Next Meeting / Adjourn

May 13 @3:30
Adjourn: 1st- Emily Pack 2nd- Taci May

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