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EE-211: Electrical Network Analysis

Lab 10: Single Phase Transformer Open and Short Circuit

1. Connect meter input I2 as shown in Figure 7-4 and note that it short-circuits secondary
winding 5-6. Select setup configuration file ES17-2.dai. Turn on the power and slowly adjust
the voltage control to obtain the value of current Is on Secondary side meter I2 given in
Figure 7-4.(Must not exceed then 0.20 A)

2. Record the values of primary voltage and current, and the value of the short circuit secondary
current in winding 5-6.

EPRI=________V IPRI= ________A ISEC=_______A

Figure 7-4. Determining The Ratio of Primary Current to Secondary Current.

3. Return the voltage control to zero and turn off the power. Calculate the ratio of primary current
to secondary current.

IPRI/ISEC = __________

4. Is the ratio approximately equal to N2 / N1?

Yes________ No________
5. Connect meter input I2 so that it now short-circuits secondary terminals 3-4 . Turn on the
Power Supply and slowly adjust the voltage control knob for the same value of current
used in step 10. Once again, record the values of primary voltage and current, and the secondary
winding current.

EPRI ________V IPRI _________A ISEC ___________A

6. Return the voltage control to zero and turn off the power. Again, calculate the ratio of primary
current to secondary current. Is it equal to N2 / N1?

Yes _________ No________

7. Set up the transformer circuit shown in Figure 7-5. It will be used to show how exciting
current is affected when the transformer core becomes saturated. Since the exciting current
is so small, the corresponding voltage across a sense resistor R, ER, will be used to illustrate its
variation. Connect the transformer primary terminals to Power Supply terminals 4 and 5 through
sense resistor R. Connect meter inputs E1, E2, and E3 to measure the transformer voltages, ER,
EPRI, ESEC, respectively. Connect meter input I1 to measure the primary current, IPRI.

8. Select setup configuration file ES17-3.dai. Turn on the power and use the output voltage
control to obtain values for EPRI (E2) equally spaced at about 10% intervals over the
complete control knob range. At each voltage adjustment, click the Record Data button to
enter the measurements in the Data Table.

Do not leave high currents circulate through the transformer
primary coil over a long period of time. Take all your
measurements requiring a primary current higher than the
transformer coil nominal value within two minutes. Let the
transformer cool down for 15 minutes after the Power Supply
is turned off.

9. When all data values have been recorded, rotate the voltage control fully ccw, and turn off the
Power Supply.
Figure 7-5. Effect of Core Saturation on Exciting Current.

10. Display the Graph window, select E1 (ER) as the X-axis parameter, and E2 (EPRI) as the
Y-axis parameter. Make sure the line graph format and the linear scale are selected. Observe
the curve of primary voltage versus exciting current, represented by E1. Does the exciting
current increase more rapidly after the rated voltage is exceeded?

Yes _________ No________

11. Does the curve illustrate that the transformer core becomes saturated?

Yes________ No________

12. Review the measured data to determine how the primary-to-secondary voltage ratio was affected
when the transformer core became saturated.


13. Ensure that the Power Supply is turned off, the voltage control is fully ccw, and remove all leads
and cables.


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