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Village Records-

by- SG

Village Records are those documents and records of any village whuich is maintained
by Collector of district under direct control of state Government. Accordingly under UP
Revenue Code 2006- There is a mention of various Village records which are as follows

1. List of Villages
2. Map and Field Book (Khasra)
3. Record of Rights (Khatauni)
4. Kisan Bahi (passbook)

1. List of villages.-

Section 29 provides for The List Of Villages Shall be prepared by The Collector and
he will maintain a Register, in the form prescribed, containing list of all villages in his
district and shall show therein-

(a) the areas which are liable to fluvial action;

(b) the areas which have precarious cultivation; and

(c) such other particulars as may be prescribed.

The register prepared by The Collector shall be revised every five years or at such
longer intervals as may be prescribed.

2. Map and Field Book.-

Section 30 provides for map and field book .Map is embarkation of boundaries on paper
showcasing place to place of any particular territory,
Accordingly Field Book (Khasra) is Any map showcasing Boundaries with some more
details for separating one agricultural field from other agricultural field ,Or Seperating
agricultural field from Non- agricultural field will be considered as Field Book.

According to section 30 The Collector shall maintain, in the manner prescribed, a map
and a field book (khasra) for each such village and shall cause to be recorded therein,
annually, or at such longer intervals as may be prescribed, all changes in the boundaries
of the village or survey numbers, and shall also cause to be corrected, any errors or
omissions which are, from time to time, detected in such map or field book (khasra) and
the minjumla number shall be divided physically in the manner prescribed and revenue
records including map and khasra shall be corrected accordingly.

3. Record of Rights ( Kahatauni) – Section 31

The Collector shall maintain, in the form and manner prescribed, a record of rights
(khatauni) for each village, which shall contain the following particulars, namely-
(a) the names of all tenure holders together with survey numbers or plot numbers
held by them and their areas;
(b) the nature or extent of the respective interests including shares of such persons
and the conditions or liabilities, if any, attaching thereto;
(c) the rent or revenue, if any, payable by or to any such person;
(d) particulars of all land (other than holdings) belonging to or vested in the State
Government, Central Government, Gram Panchayat or a local authority;
(e) such other particulars as may be prescribed. (2) Shares of the co-tenure holders
shall be determined in the manner prescribed.
4. Kisan Bahi. – Section 41
(1) Every time when a record of rights (Khatauni) is prepared under this Chapter,
the Collector shall as soon as may be, cause to be supplied to every tenure-holder, a
Kisan Bahi containing such particulars as may be prescribed.
(2) The Kisan Bahi shall be a consolidated pass-book for all the holdings held by a
tenure-holder in the district.
(3) In the case of a joint holding, it shall be sufficient for the purpose of this section
if Kisan Bahi is supplied only to such one or more of the recorded co-tenure holders
as may apply for it.
(4) The tenure holder shall be liable to pay such cost for the Kisan Bahi and in such
manner as may be prescribed.
(5) Every person holding Kisan Bahi shall, from time to time, be entitled, without
any extra payment, to get the amendments made in the record of rights (Khatauni)
incorporated in his Kisan Bahi.
(6) Whenever a bank or other public financial institution advances loan to a tenure
holder on the basis of a representation of the tenure holder that he is a holder of the
holdings recorded in the Kisan Bahi, it shall endorse the details of the loan so
advanced in the Kisan Bahi.
(7) The tenure holder shall also submit to such bank or other financial institution an
affidavit declaring that he has not taken any other loan (which remains wholly or
partly unpaid) on the security of the holdings comprised in the Kisan Bahi nor has
he transferred the holding or any share therein to any person in any other manner
(8) Any tenure holder who in such an affidavit makes any statement which is false
and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, shall
be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extent to
three years and shall also be liable to fine.
(9) Such bank or other financial institution shall also endorse the final repayment of
the loan on the Kisan Bahi.

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