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PROJECT OWNER: ANOWARA FASHIONS LTD. DIST: NARAYANGANL AEPORT1DNo_ Ee 002877 REPORT Ot ‘THE SUB SOIL INVESTIGATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIX STORIED BUILDING AT KHATIAN NO: 207, 208, RS. DAG NO: 16, 15, 17, SADAG NO: 8, 7, 8, JL. NO: 02, MOUZA: HAJIGANJ 3 PS: NARAYANGANJ SADAR, DIST: NARAYANGANJ, BANGLADESH, f°" JULY, 2020 Report Prepared By: EQUITY SOIL ENGINEERING ‘Advance engineering survey & Geotechnical services, Sollst Lab, Digital suey, Hycographi, GPS & GIS. ‘haan Ofer aula Staton Mosié Rood, Sou Knut, Chto, Contact No: 0171588878, of833791547 al:, Dhaka Offico 568 Shanda Mail (Ground Feo) West Shavarspara, pur, Ohaka-1218. (Contact No: 01844010270, landigaisuvoy@gmal oon ‘ EPORT ON HE SUBSOLVESTEATON For ANOWARA FASHIONS LTD. same 3R SENL ACES 2 % 30 eo a a a a a w » io 130. RCE se Ue sino rd Ens Bai 14) Sete Sow at (a BaD Sata! {30 Inman nore Set To Stems 117 Pinay Coven Stet 172 Sac Conan Steet 120, Beem Selene {30 Rottnest eon uns 20 Emus Sach tego fsa ets 1a Gorin pele oT Vda {25 Beng O! Sloe Pando Pecos, RCCPIe Bo conten ‘0 Sepa BO Rens may Big Gonsuekadnse «soe Bhs OcSeron | 3 dina Umesh Se ‘0 Simao reeen : En sa nn es a 3 a8 eSd~foekad ton! y Testy terneng = Ef s.a1nTRODUCTION The subeoll Investigation isthe explraton of sll wih the hep of sanded eld epimers tat are cennnony pero. Geotechnical Investigations ar peor by ou echnical ram obtain isomatin tn he pysel properties of sl eartweris ad eundates fr proposed sutures ard forrepar of stesso farhwors and stucires caused by subcuface codons. Ths type of investiga is caled a ste Invesigalon. Subsurface exprsion Usual inates sail sampling ard labor tets of th sol saris ‘eevd. To ban nomato about th sol condion Dew he suze, some for of subsite exploration Is routed. Methods of cheering tho sis below th sae, obaing samples, and dtemining physi Properies of te sls and rcks include tet ps, renchng (pricy for loat fats and side planes, tong, ann st els). These cn ao be used ody conmnan sas pro developmen eet {o aod negative envcnmartal impacts Ater preliminary esigaon by ur tecnica tam for he proposed Sle Nrayangan,. we have decided fo parm to (umber bora up 10 100-0" deph as per cent Incr. Rll fll ad ebro ost win equted analysis cae ot by ou teil eam and 2 ‘et ascusion, commendation and dtl report has prepared as flows: 20NETEHODOLOGY a ‘iets ‘Nib OF Baa Salon PEFBNBC) ‘ssl OLBernG Mata \Waehbeh Fens Test (SP) SaipeCaleton Diu Sopa | | Uracil yea Paratrchek abso Teta ara Repo ‘AO PROJECT OWNER: ANOMARA FASHIONS LTD. “aPROJECTDETALS: THE SUB SOIL INVESTIGATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIX STORED BULDING AT KHATIAN No 207,208, RS.DAG NO: 16,15, 17, SADAG NO: 7, 8, JL NO:02, MOUZA: HAGAN 5: NARAYANGANJ SADAR, DST: NARAYANGARU, BANGLADESH. “The main cape of is nvesigaton works Detomining the nature of the sol athe so ands satatin Cbiaring dtd ard urdstubed sal sales for sual entation and approprateiboratay ei, Delrin th dopth and rau of sol fad when encoureed Pesforing somerset uch a te clr ad tere ofl an epat el day tts Exloratin of ound wae table recut of standard penoraion et (SPT) tan ital of 0" ep wth he coecten of distur sl _sanplesup oe final depth exploraicn fa each boring From th fld tis and atraoy tests dent paraneter of soil sample fs obtied and necessary ‘uaon be donee deen lite ad owas baring capac oso 6.0 SUBSOIL INVESTIGATIONS: hat Sheen Gre ere pe 64 Surface Investigations 6 Ste nspecton cari out assse general ste condition ere are ay nip proiems hat igh Bs ding te conto tr on, (i) Usual te engineer s required to insect he so fo appreciate actual sit and ound problars wih ter reerence to eral, vegetation, swamps, water ol, satrap fomaLore wher i psed Subsutac inesigans, @ Gourd or sol invesigaton by means of bring, samping,tsing et. and also as to deeming he ‘Stalgaphy and pene proprio al undeying the roe! si Sutsrace inesigatons cons of Boing: This eter ting or advancing a olen the ground 5 Seping: This refers to removing sl fom tho fale. The sargles cen be dassfed as dtd or undstsbed sales Tet: This ree © detemining the properes om th so The test can be peromed either at labarsory ova at, 62ethods of Sua exprafonpecess may be groped ino he yes of cs such as: connaissance, expan ind dead inesaton. The reconassance metiod indies geoysel measure fousiog oe rotin, while extra matheds melve vous lrg ecques, ied imesignos should conga (ior ad or exits (est ps cing export borne) sanping (Grand water measurements, (il tess. {3 Examples of the various types fied investigation are Feld tein (9 CPT, SPT, name pring, WST, pressure metres, dso ssp ad tet, eld vane tests al pemesbity ts) (i) Sol samping ordescpton te sol ad latory ets; (Geos water messurements to deterring te ound wale tabe or he poe pessueprofle hee fctaton (0) Geophysical mestigatons (e.9. sesml profi. round penta rade, resistin ‘essrements nd down ae ogg) (Ware salt, fr exam detemina te beng capaty oh behavior det on pope elements such a anor, Where run cotanaon or oi goss expected, infomation shal be gathered fom the releventsounes, Ths oman shal be aan nto accours when planing the ground ivesignon 6.4 Number and location of investigation pits ‘Te beans el nvesgaton ois, gps and brs shal be sett on bas ofpeinnay Investors aa fnton of he gelogal ondons, te ers of shuckre ane enpiecing Ftlens mote. When slectng he cans ofiestgaton ports he lng sad eae The investaon points shu be arangedin such pation ta the satiation canbe aseaed coos he St, 8 Th ivesigaton pos fra baking or stu shoul be pled a cca pons ela to the shape, stucural behav an expected loa dstbuton (9. a comer cl he funaton are 5) Fox oa sturtures,rvesigaton pons stew be aranged at feat offs he ere Ine, ‘epening onthe overt wit ofthe str, sch ae an embankment aio acu, Wor stuctires ono ea sopes and sos inh ein (nung excevaens),nvesinon pots should ao be ararged ouside he poet ava, these being loztod eo hatte siaily of he stpo cre eso assessed. uber anchorages ae ital, uo corieaton should be gen fie Maly stress he roe transer zone \) The inestiation points shoul be aranged so hat hy dono pest a azad oh stu, he (Gotstucen oc te sureunngs 0 9. a a esa of ho charges they may ease. be youd and Gurewatr condor, The area considered inthe design vestigations shoud enon io the neihtong are » distance where "a armflinfuence one eighorng seas expected. whee ground condos ate le, na a ae ‘tame Se rah ‘Seon

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