ECN A4 Key-Electoral-Activities 2024

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Electoral Key Electoral Timeline

Key Electoral Activities
Phase Project Start End
VISION 1. Legal a) Finalization of Electoral Reform 15 Jan 2024 29 Feb 2024
Framework and b) Review and development of Code of 01 Feb 2024 31 Mar 2024
Reform and Conduct for political parties/organizations/
Compliance associations
c) Consultation with His Excellency the 22 Jan 2024 02 Feb 2024
President on statutory dates in respect of
the conduct of GRV and Presidential and
To be a centre of excellence National Assembly Elections
in electoral management. d) Proclamation and gazetting of Dates for 01 Mar 2024 20 Mar 2024
e) Proclamation and gazetting of Nomination 26 Sept 2024 26 Sept 2024
Period, Names of Returning Officers and
MISSION Election Date
f) Publication in Gazette - nominated can- 31 Oct 2024 31 Oct 2024
didates/parties, polling days and polling
2. Stakeholders a) Submission of revised Electoral Calendar 06 Feb 2024 07 Feb 2024
Engagement to PLC
To conduct and manage b) PLC consultations - execution progress 10 Oct 2023 30 Nov 2024
of the Electoral Calendar
electoral and referenda processes for Namibian
c) Engagement with electoral stakeholders 01 Jun 2023 30 Nov 2024
citizens with a view to uphold electoral (e.g. Political Parties, OMAs, Media,
democracy. Pre- CSOs, Local and International
Election Organisations)
Pre- d) Finalisation of establishment of permanent 01 Aug 2023 30 Apr 2024
Election registration/polling facilities
3. Enhancement a) Design and development of customized 01 Apr 2023 01 Mar 2024
of Elections Software (Integrated Mobile Voters
Management Registration System - IMVRS)
System Modules - Voter Registration Module
b) System Integration & Testing Installation 01 Aug 2023 30 Nov 2023
and Testing of enhanced Software
(IMVRS) - Voter Registration Module
c) Mock Registration (IMVRS Pilot 15 Oct 2023 20 Nov 2023
Secrecy (of the Vote) Inclusiveness -Voter Registration) - Phase 1
• • d) Mock Registration (IMVRS Pilot) 15 Feb 2024 20 Feb 2024
– Phase 2, Voter Registration and Voter
Accountability Innovation Verification
• • 4. Recruitment a) Recruitment and appointment of Regional 01 Jun 2023 31 Oct 2023
Non-partisanship Respect for the Rule of Law and Training Electoral Officers (REOs)
• • b) Induction and training of REOs 15 Nov 2023 20 Dec 2023
Professionalism Service Mindedness c) Recruitment of voter registration officials 15 Jan 2024 29 Feb 2024
• • (Local & Aboard)
Integrity Accessibility d) Training of voter registration officials 18 Mar 2024 29 May 2024
(Local & Abroad)
e) Recruitment and training of polling offi- 01 Aug 2024 23 Nov 2024
cials (local & abroad)

2 3
Electoral Key Electoral Timeline Electoral Key Electoral Timeline
Key Electoral Activities Key Electoral Activities
Phase Project Start End Phase Project Start End
5. Election a) Design and development of 01 Nov 2023 30 Apr 2024 k) Publication for availability of Final 30 Sept 2024 30 Sept 2024
Result customised Election Results Voters Register
Management, Management Software
Political Party l) Release of Final Voters Register – 30 Sept 2024 30 Sept 2024
Registration b) Design and development of 01 Nov 2023 30 Apr 2024 Presented to Political Parties
and customised Party & Candidate
Nomination Management Module 8. Observer a) Observers and Media invitation and 01 Jul 2024 31 Oct 2024
of Candidates c) Setting-up & configuration of Voter Accreditation accreditation process
15 Sep 2024 30 Oct 2024 Elec-
Software and
Verification Module tion
Interfacing Nomination
d) Mock Exercise - Election 15 May 2024 30 Sept 2024 of Candidates
Results Management, testing and b) Proclamation: Commencement of 26 Sept 2024 26 Sept 2024
configuration Nomination period
e) Induction of political party/candidate 20 Aug 2024 20 Sept 2024 c) Last Day of Nomination: Independent 11 Oct 2024 14 Oct 2024
representatives on Candidate Candidates
Nomination Module
d) Final Day of Nomination: Political Parties 16 Oct 2024 16 Oct 2024
6. Voter a) Launch of 2024 Electoral Calendar 07 Mar 2024 07 Mar 2024 (Public Sitting - Chairperson)
and Civic and Voter Education Campaign
Education 9. Polling a) Procurement, design, printing and 01 Aug 2024 02 Nov 2024
b) Voter education campaign for GRV 07 Mar 2024 27 Nov 2024 delivery of Ballot Papers
and polling processes
b) Verification and signing-off of 21 Oct 2024 22 Oct 2024
7. Registration a) Dispatch of sensitive and non- 01 May 24 31 May 2024 Sample Ballot Papers by authorized
of Voters sensitive registration materials (Local political party and candidates’
and Abroad) representatives.
b) Deployment of GRV Teams (Local 01 Jun 2024 02 Jun 2024 c) Dispatch of sensitive and non- 03 Nov 2024 07 Nov 2024
and Abroad) sensitive electoral materials (Abroad)
c) Conduct of GRV - 52 days 03 Jun 2024 01 Aug 2024 d) Dispatch of sensitive non-sensitive 20 Oct 2024 20 Nov 2024
d) Demobilization of Teams (Local and 02 Aug 2024 04 Aug 2024 electoral materials (Local)
Abroad) e) Invitation of PLC Members 04 Nov 2024 08 Nov 2024
e) Production of Provisional Voters 05 Aug 2024 25 Aug 2024 observing preparation of MVRKs for
Register for display and objections issuance of duplicate voter cards
f) Publication in Gazette the availability 29 Aug 2024 29 Aug 2024 f) Preparation of MVRKs – issuing of 11 Nov 2024 16 Nov 2024
of Provisional Voters’ Register duplicate voter registration cards
(Notice) with copies provided to g) Issuance of Duplicate Voter 17 Nov 2024 24 Nov 2024
registered political parties Registration Cards (Sect 35)
g) Display and Objections against 29 Aug 2024 04 Sept 2024 h) Voting Abroad (Deployment of 13 Nov 2024 13 Nov 2024
inclusion of names on Provisional Teams, voting, and counting at
Voters Register polling stations)
h) Objections-Representation to the 29 Aug 2024 18 Sept 2024 i) Demobilization of Teams (Aboard) 14 Nov 2024 19 Nov 2024
Electoral Tribunal
j) Deployment of Teams (Local) 24 Nov 2024 24 Nov 2024
i) Last Day of ruling by Electoral 18 Sept 2024 18 Sept 2024
Tribunal k) Voting (Local) 27 Nov 2024 27 Nov 2024
j) Appeals and Ruling by Electoral 18 Sept 2024 27 Sept 2024

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Electoral Key Electoral
Key Electoral Activities
Phase Project Start End
l) Counting of votes, announcement 27 Nov 2024 29 Nov 2024
and collation of election results at
constituency level
m) Final verification, collation, 30 Nov 2024 30 Nov 2024
determination and announcement of
National Election Results
Dr. Elsie T. Nghikembua
n) Demobilization of teams (Local) 27 Nov 2024 30 Nov 2024 Chairperson

Post- 10. Electoral a) Performance assessment and 16 Dec 2024 31 Mar 2025
Election Process post-election review
b) Compilation of Performance 01 Mar 2025 31 Mar 2025
Assessment and Post-Election Report

Mr. Gerson U. Tjihenuna Mr. Evaristus Evaristus Dr. Emmerentia Leonard Dr. Gerson Sindano
Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner


Mr. Petrus Shaama

Chief Electoral and Referenda Officer (CERO)

Adv. Heidi F. Jacobs Ms. Zenia Klazen Mrs. Josefina M. Muhapi Mrs. Marilyn Kazetjikuria
Legal Advisor Director of Operations Deputy Director: General Services Deputy Director: Democracy Building
and Voters Education

Mr. Charles Matengu Mrs. Hilma Ashipala Mr. De Wet Siluka

Deputy Director: Security & Deputy Director: Internal Auditor Deputy Director: Corporate
Risk Management Communication & Marketing

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Private Bag 13352 Windhoek +264 61 376200

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