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I. Do you work or are you a student? Currently, I am a

sophomore student studying at HUFI University, majoring in
business administration.
2. Have you ever applied for a job? No, I haven’t. For the reason
that I’m only sophomore student, so I don’t have enough
skills and experience.
3. If you are a student, what job would you like to do? (11)
4. If you are already working, what job do you do? (16)
5. What would your ideal job be? My ideal job would be a well-
paid job and working with foreigners.

6. Would you move to another country to do your job? Yes, I

would. If I move to another country to do my job, I will have
the opportunity to visit famous tourist attractions and I can
also know more international friends with colleagues.
7. Are there many job opportunities for young people in your
country? Yes, there are. Currently, there are many jobs in
Vietnam that are lacking human resources.
8. Would you do a job you didn't like just because the money was
good? No, I wouldn’t. Because if I did the job that I didn’t
like, I would be quickly bored.

9. Would you do a very badly-paid job if you loved it? Yes, I

would because taking these jobs give me a great sense of
10. Do you like working with other people or do you prefer to be
independent? I like working with the other people . Well, I
am quite social so it is very easy for me to make friends with
others in my company.
11. Have you ever had a part time job? Yes, I have. I work as a
waiter with a team in a restaurant
12. Why did you choose that job? I choose that job for the reason
that I want to improve my teamwork and communication
13. Have you travelled to another country? No, I havent’t because
I don’t have enough financial conditions to travel there.
14. Where did you go on your last vacation? On my last vacation, I
went to Nha Trang beach with my family, we went there by
car and we had many activities in there like swimming, sun
bathing and eating seafood I likes Nha Trang and I hoped
we can go to Nha Trang again.
15. How long have you known your best friend? I have known my
best friend since 10th grade and that’s a girl, she is really nice
and easy to get along with, she always makes me laugh with
her sense of humor.
16. What kind of job do you want in the future? I want to be a
telesale staff because I enjoy interacting with different types
of clients and establish a sound relationship in this area.

1. What's your favourite gadget? My favorite gadget is mobile
2. What do you think is the most important advance in technology?
I think the Internet is the most important in techonology for the
reason that it makes our lives easier, faster and simple. For
example the Internet provides us with valuable data, facts and
knowledge to help us grow personally, socially and
3- Are there any gadgets that you think are a waste of money or
time? I think point and shoot cameras because with the
smartphone cameras getting better day by day, it almost makes
no sense buying and carrrying these cameras along all the time.
4. In what ways can technology be bad? It may lead to
psychological and physical issues, such as eyestrain and
difficulty focusing on important tasks
5. How often do you get a new mobile phone? Seldom
6. Do you have a laptop or tablet? I have a laptop and I always
use it for studying and entertaining all time.
7. Do you ever listen to music on an MP3 player? No, I haven’t.
I have never heard of it, I only listen to music on my phone
and my laptop.
8. What do you think about people downloading music, films
and TV series? It’s an illegal act, if people download music,
films and TV illegaly, the creator will not get any money
from their hard work.
9. Who is the inventor you like best? I have many favorite
inventors for many different things but I like Thomas
Edison because if we didn’t have light bulb we wouldn’t
have light on a screen, lampost, torch and many other
10. What do you think is the most important invention? I think
the most invention is computers because they help people
do lots of work easier and more quickly such as looking
up a new work, shopping online or reading news
happening in the world.
11. What is your favourite piece of technology? That would
probably be my smartphone because I use it for chatting
with my friends, studying or listening to music.
12. What are some problems that come with new technologies?
Remote Internet speed and conection or Phising and Data
Privacy Issues.
1. Have you ever been camping? Yes, I have What was it like? It
was so benefit, it’s a good exercise makes me more
productive and when I get back home, it will make me
healthier in every sense of the word.
2. What's your favourite kind of holiday? It’s Tet holiday, I love
spending with my family, it’s great way to relax and enjoy
ourselves, we do many activities like: having a big feast,
enjoying the flowers festival, watching lion dacing…
3. Do you prefer to visit places own? Yes, I do because planning a
holiday in my country gives me the opportunity to know in
depth my origins and history and traveling in my country is
usually cheaper than going abroad thanks to the shorter

4. Have you ever been on a cruise? No, I haven’t but if there’a

chance, I should certainly try
5. Do you enjoy sightseeing in a new place? Yes, of course
because when I travel there, I can enjoy this moment with my
friend and do many activities with them like: taking photo,
going to the cafe to chill and seeing the sights…
6. Would you ever go on a self-catering holiday?

7. Is the place you come from a tourits area? yes, my place I come
from is Nha Trang city where is famous for tourist attraction.
8. Would you like to work in the tourist industry? Yes, I would love
to work in tourism! It would be fun to help people plan their trips
and see the different destinations
9. What do you do first when you travel to a new city/country?
Find a few locals and ask them where they eat/drink. It takes
a bit of time and effort.
10. What has been your best vacation? My best vaction is going to
Nha Trang with my family, we go to the beach everyday, eat
homemade food, and go swimming

I I . Where would you like to travel to? I would like to travel to

Japan for the reason that I want to wear kimono, eat sushi
and know more on Japanese culture.
12. What is your dream vacation? A dream vacation for me is
being with my loved ones, having a great time, cracking jokes
and simply cherishing every moment I get with them
13. What do you like to do when you are on vacation/visit a new
place? I'm a foodie, so I would probably go out and have a
taste of local street food.

14. What should tourists see or do in your town or city? I think they
should research about their destination as they can before
their departure, this will help them learn more about the
culture and what is considered polite as well as rude.
15. Are you planning to go anywhere nice on vacation this year? My
friend and I are planning to go to Hanoi in this summer
vacation . We will bought airline tickets and book the hotel
1. What was the last thing you bought? It’s a laptop,, it has black
color the size of its is about 14inch as a usual laptop and the
brand is Ac-er.
2. Do you usually buy things from small local producers or big
international companies? Yes I do, I usually buy my clothes from
small local producers because it’s cheaper and give me sense of
2. Do you think logos are important in business? Yes, of course, it
grabs attention, makes a strong first impression, it is the
foundation of your brand identity, separates you from
3. What kind of clothes do you like to buy? Well, I prefer casuals
because I feel flexible and comfy. I also wear a pair of jeans on
a regular basis as I can easily mix and match them with a T-
shirt and sneakers
4.Which types of technology do you have at home? We have lots of
types of technology like phones, computers, electric lightning, air
6. Do you think people have too much stuff? Yes because many
people are emotionally attached to their possesions. It can be
difficult to part with things, especially those that have had a
place in your life.
7. How often do you buy something you don't need? Honestly, I
rarely buy unnecessary things. As a student, I want to save a lot
of money to spend on my studying.
8. What's your favourite website, and why? I knew many website
like Fb, Instagram… but Hoc24 is the best web I chose for
study. In Hoc24, I knew many new teacher and other
knowledge. It helps me understand better. It is an interesting
and useful website.
9. What is something you used to do, but don't anymore? I think it’s
watching TV because now I have my own laptop, so I can watch
anything I like on it.
10. What is something you do now, that you didn't used to do?
Sleeping late. As a student, I need to stay up late to study and
finish my deadline.
11. Can you describe the logo of your favourite product?
12. How can we convince someone to shop less/spend less time online?
Don’t say get off the computer or get off the phone, if we want
them offline, we should plan something for them to do like going
for walks, visiting tourist attractions, talking about life and
1. Would you like to go on an expedition somewhere? Yes, I would.
Well I am a curious girl, so I wwant to explore something new,
learn how to deal unexpected problem
2. Where would you not like to go exploring and why? I wouldn’t
like to go exploring caves for the reason that I’m afraid of the
dark and deep, narrow places
3. What three personal things would you put in a time capsule?

₋ Family photo album: memorises of a life lived

₋ My favorite books
₋ A handwritten note to the person who open the time capsule and
wising them good fortune
4. Which three objects do you think best illustrate our lives at the
moment? I think that watch, phone and jewel. First, is the
watch, we don’t hate being late and we always want to check
what time is it. Second is the phone, in the phone there’s all
our photos and something really important for us. Finally is
jewel because it can help us beautiful, stylish, special and
5. Is the place you come from a place of historical interest? Nha
Trang City is the place I come from and there has Ponagar
Cham Towers. It consits of four towels. They are located on
Cu Lao Marble Hill, two kilometers north of Nha Trang, they
were built between 8th and 13th centuries.
6. Which ancient civilisation would you like to have lived in? I
would like to live Ancient Egyptians. In Ancient Egyptians,
people creared their own writing system and built first
finishes tone building and they excelled in art, architecture,
medicine and paiting.
7. If you went back in time for a short visit, what would you miss
most? I would miss the sounds and smells hitting my sense and
the landscapes that I had witnessed
8. List three things that you used to do when you were younger.
When I were younger, I used to have long hair and go outside
with my cousins to play games like volleyball, hide and seek.
For me childhood is a fun time that I never forget
9. What sorts of games do you like to play? I like to play role
playing game like plant vs zoombie. This game is so fun, when
I defeat the zoombies, I can obtain a sense of satisfaction.
10. What is your favourite game? (9)
11. How often do you play games? About twice a week, after
finishing my homework, I play games to relax and
12. What is your town famous for? I’m from Nha Trang City, so it’s
famous for a beach. The beach is wonderful with sunlight and
a line of coconuts grown along the beach and it’s great to
spend time lying on the beach in the morning and having
dinner on the sand in the evening.
13. What is a museum you have enjoyed visiting? Why? I have
enjoyed visiting War remmants Museum because I want to
learn about the past and histories of numerous issues.
14. Do you like visiting historical places? Absolutely yes for the
reason that thoes are place beautiful and breathtaking when I
visit thoes places I can gain a deeper understanding.

1) . Have you ever been to a zoo? Yes, I have for the reason
that it alowed me to see animal that I had no knowledge
2) Does your hometown have a zoo
nearby? Yes, it does. That’s
Vinpearl zoo
3) What kind ofanimals do you like best? I like the best animal
a dolphin. Because it is very cute and friendly with person.
Beside it is very intelligent and maybe it help person when
met dangerous on the beach.
4) Are there any insects or reptiles that you're afraid of? Yes,
I’m scared snake
5) What's your favourite type of natural location? When it
comes to a natural environment, to my mind, jungles are
second to none.,
6) Is there a park that you like to spend time in? Yes, there are.
Sometimes, I spend time in park with my friend we do
many activities like: going for a walk, sitting on a stone
chair to talking,…
7) can you see from the windows in the place you live? Yes of
course, from the window I can see the garden in front of
my house and I can see people who walk at the street.
8) Do you belong to a conservation or environmental club or
society? Yes I belong to environmental club in school. The
club empowers students to participate the enviromental
activities and project like planting native plant, starting a
vegetable garden or creating bird box…
9) Would you live in another country if you could? Which one
and why? If I could I I would live in Switzerland, because
of the natural beauty , I love the scenery in Switzerland it’s
so quite and poetic, if there’s a chance, I want to try going
there once.
10) What would you ask someone famous if you met them?
My idol is Taylor Swift and if I met her, I would ask my
question in the way that they feel comfortable, I will ask
her things like: what was your drive, what inspired you to
do whatever.
11) If you won a lot of money, would you stop working or
studying? If I won a lot of money, I would stop studying
and I will use these money to invest a market stall.
12) Would you like to be famous? If so, what would you
want to be famous for doing? I want to be famous for
meeting celebraties and having a lot of money give my
family better life
13) Do you like wild animals? Yes of course and I take a
keen interest in watching wild animal
14) What is your favourite wild animal? My all time
favorite wild animal is lion. I admire how fierce lions and
how they value unity whenever they hunt prey
15) What is the best place in Vietnam to enjoy nature like
waterfalls, beaches, lakes, mountains, or forests? i think Ha
Long Bay is the best place in Viet Nam. Ha Long Bay is
one of seven natural wonders in the world. It is located in
Halong city, Quang Ninh province. The ideal season to
visit is in thee summer, it has a lot of cave and sight to visit
and Ha Long Bay is the ideal place to visit after hard

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