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Highway Materials

Assignment #1

Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
Student Identification Number: 2824475
HIGHWAY MATERIALS Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
4300:468/568 Student Identification Number:2824475

Problem 1

Draw a schematic of a typical asphalt pavement structure.


Figure: Typical Asphalt Pavement Cross Section

Problem 2

The following crushed aggregates are commonly used in pavement construction:

Granite, Diabase, Limestone, Sandstone, Shale, and Quartzite. Classify these aggregates
according to their geological formation. Comment on their strength and durability.


Sl Aggregate Classification Comment

No. Name Strength Durability
1 Granite Igneous Good Good
2 Diabase Igneous Good Good
3 Limestone Sedimentary Good Good
4 Sandstone Sedimentary Fair Good
5 Shale Sedimentary Poor Poor
6 Quartzite Metamorphic Good Good

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HIGHWAY MATERIALS Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
4300:468/568 Student Identification Number:2824475

Problem 3

- Mention two desirable characteristics of aggregate shape?

- What term would be given to an aggregate having length and width dimensions
approximately equal, but six times larger than particle thickness?

- If you measure the bulk and apparent specific gravities of an aggregate sample,
which one should be higher and why?

- A fine aggregate angularity test is run on 2 aggregates with identical specific

gravities. After running the test, the weight of the material in the cylinder is 140
gram for Aggregate A and 150 gram for Aggregate B. Which aggregate is expected to
have better rutting resistance? Briefly explain.


- Two Desirable characteristic of aggregate shape is:

1. Angular Shaped
2. Rough (Sandpaper like) Surface

- Superpave mix design specifies 5:1 dimensional ratio for aggregates to be considered as
“Flat & Elongated”. Since the given dimensional ratio of the aggregate is higher (i.e. 6:1)
than the superpave specified ratio, so the aggregate can be termed as “Flat & Elongated”.

- Apparent specific gravity will be always higher than the bulk specific gravity of a given
aggregate. Since bulk volume of an aggregate is higher than the apparent volume, it will
always give a lower ratio than the apparent specific gravity.

Apparent Specific Gravity =

Bulk Specific Gravity =

Apparent Volume = Vs × γw = (Volume of Solid) × (Unit Weight of Water)
Bulk Volume = (Vs+Vpp) × γw = (Volume of Solid + Volume of water permeable pores) ×
(Unit Weight of Water)

- From FAA Test, we know,

Uncompacted Air Void = 100

Here, Volume (V) & Specific gravity (G) is equal for both aggregates. But Aggregate A
has less weight (i.e. 140 gm) than Aggregate B (i.e. 150 gm). So, aggregate A will have
more uncompacted air void than aggregate B. It means that aggregate A is more angular
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HIGHWAY MATERIALS Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
4300:468/568 Student Identification Number:2824475

than aggregate B. It also means aggregate B has more rounded shaped particles. Rounded
shaped particles are more prone to rutting under loading. So, aggregate A will have better
rutting resistance than aggregate B.

Problem 4

Calculate the specific gravity values (bulk and apparent) and the absorption for the
following fine aggregate?

Weight of SSD sand = 500.0 g

Weight of flask with water only = 623.0 g
Weight of flask with sand and water = 938.2 g
Weight of dry sand = 495.5 g



A = Weight of Dry Sand = 495.5 g

B = Weight of flask with water only = 623.0 g
C = Weight of Flask with sand & Water = 938.2 g
D = Weight of SSD Sand = 500.0 g

Apparent Specific Gravity =

. . .


= 2.748

Bulk Specific Gravity =

. . .


= 2.681

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HIGHWAY MATERIALS Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
4300:468/568 Student Identification Number:2824475

Absoption = 100
. .
= 100

= 100

= 0.908 %


Apparent Specific Gravity =2.748

Bulk Specific Gravity = 2.681
Absoption = 0.908%

Problem 5

The following laboratory bulk specific gravity and absorption values were obtained for
an aggregate sample that consists of 60% coarse aggregate and 40% fine aggregate:

Coarse aggregate portion: Bulk dry specific gravity = 2.65; absorption = 1.4%
Fine aggregate portion: Bulk dry specific gravity = 2.81; absorption = 1.9 %

a) What is the bulk specific gravity of the blend?

b) What is the absorption of the blend?



For Coarse Aggregate,

Aggregate Portion, P1 = 60%
Bulk Specific Gravity, G1 = 2.65
Absorption, A1 = 1.4%

For Fine Aggregate,

Aggregate Portion, P2 = 40%
Bulk Specific Gravity, G2 = 2.81
Absorption, A2 = 1.9%

Specific Gravity of the Blend =

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HIGHWAY MATERIALS Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
4300:468/568 Student Identification Number:2824475

. .
= . .
. .

. .


= 2.717

Absorption of the Blend =

. .
= . .
. .

. .


= 1.56 %


Bulk Specific Gravity of the Blend = 2.717

Absorption of the Blend = 1.56%

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HIGHWAY MATERIALS Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
4300:468/568 Student Identification Number:2824475

Problem 6

Given the following sieve analysis results:


2 in 0
1 ½ in 0
1 in 6.2
3/4 in 13.1
1/2 in 12.1
3/8 in 11.3
#4 21
#8 7.5
#16 6
#30 3
#50 2
#100 1
#200 0.8
Pan 1.6

a) Fill the following table:

Cumulative Percent
Weight Percent
Sieve Weight Weight
Retained Passing
Size Retained Retained
(lb) (%)
(lb) (%)
2 in 0
1 ½ in 0
1 in 6.2
3/4 in 13.1
1/2 in 12.1
3/8 in 11.3
#4 21
#8 7.5
#16 6
#30 3
#50 2
#100 1
#200 0.8
Pan 1.6

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HIGHWAY MATERIALS Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
4300:468/568 Student Identification Number:2824475

b) Determine the maximum and nominal maximum aggregate sizes according to the
Superpave criteria.
c) Plot the aggregate gradation using a 0.45 power chart. Include the maximum density
line and aggregate gradation bands according to the Superpave criteria (Use



Cumulative Percent
Weight Percent
Sieve Weight Weight
Retained Passing
Size Retained Retained
(lb) (%)
(lb) (%)
2 in 0 0 0.00 100.00
1 ½ in 0 0 0.00 100.00
1 in 6.2 6.2 7.24 92.76
3/4 in 13.1 19.3 22.55 77.45
1/2 in 12.1 31.4 36.68 63.32
3/8 in 11.3 42.7 49.88 50.12
#4 21 63.7 74.42 25.58
#8 7.5 71.2 83.18 16.82
#16 6 77.2 90.19 9.81
#30 3 80.2 96.69 3.31
#50 2 82.2 96.03 3.97
#100 1 83.2 97.20 2.80
#200 0.8 84 98.13 1.87
Pan 1.6 85.6 100.00 0.00

b) According to Superpave Formula,

Maximum Aggregate Size = 1 ½ inch
Nominal Aggregate Size = 1inch

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HIGHWAY MATERIALS Mir Shahnewaz Arefin
4300:468/568 Student Identification Number:2824475


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