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Final Project Part II – International

Advertising Campaign Plans Book

Czech Republic - McDonalds

Harvin Brook, Timothy Humphreys, Maxwell Blackledge, Kait

Withers, Isaiah Helms


Table of Contents:

Ⅰ: Executive Summary

ⅠI: Hofstede's Six Cultural Dimensions and Localized Approach

III: Czech Republic Geography, Economic System, and Political System

IV: Summary of Branded Content and Background Information

V: SWOT Analysis

Ⅵ: Qualitative Research Report and Recommendations

Ⅶ: Advertising Objectives of Ad Campaign

Ⅷ: Primary Consumer Target Market

Ⅸ: Campaign Theme

X: Creative Strategies in US and Czech Market

Ⅺ: Media Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics

Ⅻ: Measuring of Campaign in Foreign Market

XIII: Reference Page


Our goal for our advertising campaign is to effectively improve the advertising

campaigns of McDonald’s in the Czech Republic by focusing on the positive health implications

that McDonald’s in the Czech Republic offers consumers. Our primary target audience will be

consumers ages 15-30 years of age. This will be our main target for consumers due to this age

demographic making up the majority of registered social media users, which we plan to have as

our main mode of communication. This paper will explain the differences between the American

McDonald’s and the Czech Republic consumer’s, as well as the differences between consumers

in these countries, and how that leads to different advertising objectives and approaches. Our

advertising goals are to show Czech consumers the positive health implications compared to

competitors, since health is one of the most important values to Czech consumers, as well as

persuading non McDonald’s consumers to choose McDonald’s over non fast food establishments

or competitors such as KFC. Our big idea is to show how McDonald’s is a place that anyone can

enjoy, no matter their diet, beliefs, ethnicity, etc… and that it will be shown in our slogan “Good

Food, Healthy Food, World Food.” To execute our creative strategies will have three different

ads be a part of this campaign, a print ad, a social media ad, and transit advertising. Finally to

measure the success of our campaign we will look at both the financial gains our campaign has

made, as well as the emotional gains we have made.



When it comes to power distance the Czech Republic has a somewhat high power

distance, with a score of 57. This means that the Czech citizens accept a hierarchical order in

which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. “Hierarchy in an

organization is seen as reflecting inherent inequalities, centralisation is popular, subordinates

expect to be told what to do and the ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat.” However, in the United

States, there is a slightly lower power distance value, scoring at 40, this means that Americans

believe that citizens are more viewed as equals compared to how the Czech views themselves as

unequal where they have power inequalities (Hofstede Insights).

The Czech Republic’s highest score is within the uncertainty avoidance category, with a

score of 74. A country, such as Czech, that has a high uncertainty avoidance score maintains

rigid codes of belief and behavior and are intolerant of unorthodox behavior and ideas. This also

leads to a very strong emotional need for rules, and for these rules to be taken seriously. A final

trait of the Czech being a high scoring country for this category is that security is an important

element in this country. On the other hand, the United States has a relatively low score in this

dimension, with a score of 46. This means that Americans tend to be more tolerant towards new

ideas or opinions, no matter who they come from. This idea should not come as a shock since

American’s first Amendment's Right is the right to freedom of speech. American’s also do not

require a lot of rules within society compared to the rules of the Czech citizens (Hofstede


The Czech Republic has a relatively low individualism score when compared to the

United States (Czech scored a 58 while the United States has a score of 91). While the Czech

Republic has a relatively low score compared to the United States, they both share similar

qualities, such as, they have societies that are loosely-knit in which individuals are expected to

take care of themselves and their immediate families only. However, in America this idea is more

present and also more extreme, with citizens not relying on authorities too much. This score also

associates Americans as being less shy, meaning, Americans are accustomed to doing business or

interacting with people they don’t know well. Consequently, Americans are not shy about

approaching their prospective counterparts in order to obtain or seek information (Hofstede


The Czech Republic scored close to an average masculinity-femininity score, with a

score of 57. This means that the Czech Republic is considered to be a masculine society,

however, since the score is only 57 this isn’t the dominant factor of the way of life. For the

Czech this score means people have to, ‘live in order to work’, managers are expected to be

decisive and assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and performance and conflicts are

resolved by fighting them out. In America, the masculine-feminity score is very similar to the

Czech’s Republic, with a score of 62. Like the Czech Republic, America is viewed as more

masculine, and paired with America’s high individualism score Americans all show their

masculine drive in their own way. Also due to this the phrase “the winner takes it all '’ is very

common throughout American culture, especially in areas of high competition, such as school or

sports. This is very important because while the Czech Republic and America have very similar

scores in this category, Czech citizens do not share that view since they are more of a collectivist

culture compared to the United States (Hofstede Insights). Despite not sharing an individualistic

view on society like Americans, the masculinity/femininity dimension of culture will be the

easiest to use when advertising to the Czech population because of the closely aligned scores

from both countries. We can use this information to research McDonald’s ads in America and

point out parts that display masculine traits and use them to help us structure our McDonald’s ad

campaign to our Czech market.

Short vs. long-term orientation. The Czech republic also has a relatively high score in this

dimension, with a score of 70. This means that the Czech Republic has more of a pragmatic

orientation, meaning that people believe that truth depends very much on situation, context and

time. This causes Czech citizens to have the ability to adapt traditions easily to changed

conditions, they have a strong propensity to save and invest, and they have a strong perseverance

in achieving results. On the other hand the United States has a significantly low score in this

dimension, with a score of 26. This low score means that Americans are not a pragmatic society,

meaning that they are very practical and have a ‘can-do’ mentality. American’s also have very

strong beliefs on what they determine to be ‘good’ and ‘evil’ and due to them being a highly

individualistic country, there is not a standard for if something is truly right or wrong, everyone

will have their own opinion (Hofstede Insights).

Indulgence versus restraint. The Czech Republic has a significantly low score in this

dimension, with a score of 29. This low score means that Czechs are generally not that indulgent,

and tend to be cynical and pessimistic. These restrained societies do not put a strong emphasis on

leisure time and control the gratification of their desires. On the contrary, the United States has a

relatively high score, with a score of 68, meaning that Americans live in an indulgent society.

This means that citizens have a tendency toward a relatively weak control over their impulses

(Hofstede Insights).

Localized approach- Our group has chosen to do a localized approach for our campaign.

We chose this approach because the Czech Republic and the United States have very different

values when it comes to the cultural dimensions. This is the best approach for us because it will

allow us to change our campaign to focus on the needs of Czech citizens. For example, if we

chose a standardized approach, our campaign would fail almost immediately because American

campaigns for McDonald’s focus on the idea of being indulgent, trying new things, and the idea

of individuality. However, these American values do not fit in the Czech Republic, this is why a

localized approach would be best for us because this will allow us to take the values of the Czech

people and incorporate them into our campaign, rather than having our campaign based on the

values of Americans.


When it comes to advertising and developing creative concepts and strategies for a brand,

geography is one of the most important factors to study. The Czech Republic is located in

Central Europe, which is important because the Central Europe area covers more than one

million square kilometers and it's home to 150 million people.It is important to note because The

Czech Republic, being in central Europe, is a landlocked country. This location allows for many

different marketing opportunities to occur. One of these advantages is that since the Czech

Republic is a part of the European Union, and more specifically, the Schengen Zone, which is

primarily countries from Central Europe, all remaining borders have been removed between

these countries (Investment Forum). This allows complete free movement of capital, goods,

people and services across the 28 EU member states. Because of this opportunity, the Czech

Republic is able to buy and sell within the euro area because the removal of these borders and a

shared currency makes it easier, cheaper and safer for businesses to interact with other countries

within the European Union compared to the rest of the world.


Another way that the location of the Czech Republic will influence our marketing

strategies are the beliefs and values of Central European consumer’s. A study done by the found

that, “According to Eurobarometer, animal welfare is an important issue for EU citizens [9].

Transport and slaughter conditions reducing suffering are aspects important for consumers [13].

Citizens also consider that both transport conditions, and animal slaughter, are under the

umbrella of European legislation [8]. Nevertheless, it seems that despite the legislative

regulations, consumers consider that improvements are needed” (Eurobarometer, 2023).This is

important to note because this study has shown that when it comes to the production of food,

Central European consumers strongly care about how their food got on their plate. This is

important to note because typically when you think about fast food chains the quality of food and

the process in which the food gets to those chains typically has a negative perception. We can

take this into our marketing strategy by first strongly promoting the vegetarian options on the

menu and the healthy implications of those products. Secondly, we can take this information into

our marketing strategy by positively promoting menu items including meat. To positively

promote these menus we have to include that all our meats are fresh, and that all our products

were obtained humanely and as naturally as possible. Being as transparent with our consumers

about how we acquire the food will only be advantageous. That is one thing that in the US that

McDonalds tends to lack is transparency about the process of how they acquire their food.

This same study, Eurobarometer, also found the demographics of the Czech Republic

being “women's representation was higher (above 60%) than average in the Czech Republic...

Consumers were relatively evenly spread by age; the group of consumers with less than 36 years

old represented 38.2 %; the group of consumers between 36 and 55 years old represented 34.3%;

and the group of consumers above 55 years represented 27.5%” . We can use this information

when moving forward in creating our marketing plan, when choosing the consumer

demographics that we plan to reach.


McDonald’s is a well-known company around the globe, with annual revenues of

$23.183B worldwide in 2022 (Macrotrends, 2023). The first McDonald’s opened in the Czech

Republic on March 20, 1992, on Prague’s Vodičkova Street. Currently, there are 110 in the Czech

republic with 3700 employees throughout the country 400 of them managers and 3300 being

employees. McDonald’s has become a popular fast-food chain within the Czech Republic, by

2021 over 55 million customers visited the fast-food restaurants and its gross sales reached

almost CZK 7 billion, which is equivalent to 312,948,650.00 U.S dollars (Radio Prague

International). When it comes to differences between McDonald’s in the Czech Republic and

America there are quite a few, the first can be seen on the menu. The Difference is the Czech

Republic offers beer, which is unheard of in America for fast food. Another difference is that

McDonald’s in the Czech Republic takes a healthier approach and offers 4 different salads for

consumers to purchase, as well as 3 different veggie options, such as a sandwich and wrap

(McDonald's ČR). This is because the consumers in this country have a higher value on the

health implications of fast- food than American fast-food consumers. McDonald’s main

competitor in the Czech Republic is KFC, “The competitive chain KFC has also positive

economic profit. However, the profit of the company fluctuates significantly while revenue of the

company (McDonald’s) grows stable for the period of the company’s existence in the Czech

market.” The consumer base has a strong health conscious mind while making purchasing

decisions, and prefers more finer dining options over fast food establishments.


Strong service brand, product consistency, build on a franchise model, provides

consistent user experience worldwide. McDonald's market share in terms of output is currently

46% of the fast food market. In the Czech Republic, McDonald's employs 3700 people.

McDonald’s in the Czech Republic has not shown any single drop in the operating profit for the

last few years, when in America it has (Radio Prague International).

Weakness, the coffee reputation from Mccafe ranks lower than competitors. Coffee

selections are lower compared to more valued brands such as Starbucks, however consumers

prefer McCafe over a coffee cart. It is perceived as unhealthy and junk food, which discourages

consumers from dining in. Consumers value McDonald’s and their products very similarly to

their competitors. McDonald’s has a declining brand image on a global scale.

Opportunities, the Coffee market from McCafe, taking advantage of current and new

marketing trends based upon social media platforms. Create more health positive menu items and

focus on advertising campaigns that emphasize the idea of health and positivity. This will help

McDonald’s in the Czech Republic break the brand image they have of being unhealthy and

labeled as ‘junk food’ while also positively setting them aside from their competitors, which will

give this company a higher value in the eyes of consumers. Expanding their beer options on the

menu, this will also help them separate themselves from competitors and will cater to the need

for beer throughout the consumers, since the Czechs consume more beer per capita than any

other country in the world.

Threats, very competitive market, very similar in price and quality to their competitors,

consumers are more likely to go to fine dining locations, consumers are starting to be more

health conscious and they have an unhealthy reputation. As a medium-sized, open, export-driven

economy, the Czech Republic is heavily dependent on foreign demand, especially from the

Eurozone, this puts their markets at threat if there are international conflicts with the countries

that they import their goods from. KFC serves as their main threat when it comes to competition,

they are considered to have the same product value and similar price value as McDonald’s.

McDonald’s in the Czech Republic should adopt strategies that focus on their McCafe

and create new campaigns that will help rebrand their coffee image in this country. They should

also focus on rebranding themselves as a healthy food option. To do this effectively, this

company should take advantage of marketing on FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, as

these are the most popularly used social media platforms that are used in the Czech Republic. To

do this I think they should follow a diversification strategy because this strategy is typically used

when launching a new product and or new line of products and since the competition is

competitive McDonald’s in the Czech Republic needs to rebrand itself and create new products

and advertising campaigns that will significantly set them aside from their competitors, and give

consumers a reason to choose them over other companies.


We collected qualitative research with a mix of American students who have studied and

lived in Prague, Czech Republic for an extended period of time. We collected demographic data

on our participants, age, ethnicity, gender, and occupation. The age range of our participants

ranges from 20 years old to 23 years old. I collected this data through a questionnaire that was

sent out via email, social media, text messages, LinkedIn, and group chats on social media


Starting with age, we collected data that shows three 20 year olds, four 21 year olds, four

22 year olds, one 23 year old, etc.The majority of our participants are students although

occupations do vary. We had a variety of occupations: 9 full time students, 1 full time nanny, 1

full time social worker, 1 research assistant, 1 waitress. Ethnicity statistics include: 1 Asian

Indian, 9 Caucasian White, 1 European Polish, 1 Lebanese, and 1 Mixed Race. Next statistic we

collected was gender, our results concluded: 6 females, 1 female cisgender, 5 males, and 1


We implemented a question regarding the culture of The Czech Republic: How would

you say Czech’s enjoy their free time? This was a great question to ask because a common theme

that I picked up on is that Czechs tend to value leisure time much more than Americans do. A big

part of Czech culture is socializing over a beer. This is one thing that was mentioned by 9 of the

respondents of the survey and it happens to be that the Czechs drink the most beer per capita in

the world. “Drinking, eating, and spending time with friends” is a quote from one of the

respondents that helps enforce the cultural practice of leisure and socializing that the Czech

culture indulges in. Personally being over there I can attest to this type of behavior, it was

extremely common to see people out and about at pubs, gardens, parks all day long socializing

and eating together. I also think that money and time is valued a lot more in the United States

than in Czech culture. Americans are punctual and claim that their time is worth a lot of money

unlike Czech’s who tend to take more personal time off and also have government mandated

vacation and call in sick days for people working in their economy.

One of the questions that was asked was “Would you agree that McDonalds advertises

heavily in Prague and the majority of the participants voted that they agree. This is one thing that

is important to understand the Czech market and the consumer base there. Advertising

restaurants on public transportation was popular in Prague due to the heavy traffic and use of

these public services such as trams and metros and that is quite an efficient way to advertise your

product to your consumer base.

I asked the question: “what do you value most in a product?” I asked this question with

the understanding this was from their perspective as a study abroad student and their personal

experience with Czech culture while being a part of their market this past summer. The majority

of respondents voted “Good and Fair Price”. I think this is an accurate representation of how

Czech consumers prioritize good and fair prices over things such as quality, accessibility, and

status and brand. This finding also reinstates the low indulgence score of Czech People. This

shift in cultural trends definitely leads to a different advertising strategies and marketing

strategies since the consumer base over there values certain things over others.

Lastly, one of the research questions we asked was “What makes McDonalds different

from competitors such as Burger King?” Burger King as we know is an international brand and

alongside KFC is a top competitor in the fast food market in Czechia. Once again I asked that

the participants respond as from their perspective that they are still overseas. One common theme

among answers is that the participants believed that McDonalds is easily accessible and has such

a strong reputation globally that they’ve upheld it well throughout the years. One participant

mentioned that “It’s the classic fast food chain, and it feels like it was the first”.This answer is

fascinating because out of Burger King and McDonalds, Burger King is actually the older brand.

It's amazing to see the widespread popularity and marketing strategies by these corporations that

have established this false pretense and given McDonalds this “first of a kind” connotation when

in reality it really isn't.


The first idea that our group had for an advertising recommendation was the new

cauliflower chicken sandwich that CFA just came out with. The idea behind the cauliflower

sandwich is a healthier spin on the buns for the CFA chicken sandwiches. The citizens in the

Czech Republic value healthier options for good foods compared to the average McDonalds

consumer around the world. While doing our research on the McDonald's brand in the Czech

Republic we found out that the Czech’s McDonald’s website comes with a built-in nutrition

tracker for each food item they offer. Another difference is that McDonald’s in Czech takes a

much healthier approach and offers 4 different salads for consumers to consume, as well as 3

different vegetable options, such as a sandwich and wrap. This is because the consumers in this

country have a higher value on the health implications of fast food than American fast food

consumers. We also found out that the Big Mac was the most popular option on the menu. I

believe that the very best option for an advertising campaign in the Czech Republic would be

centered around a healthier option that still has the same amazing flavors and sizes that the

regular McDonald’s menu offers. I would suggest that McDonald’s in the Czech Republic comes

out with an alternative Big Mac that offers cauliflower buns and more healthier options than the

regular Big Mac. I believe that this would appeal to not only the Czech citizens who value their

health but also attract people all around the world who are conscious of their eating habits and

want to make a change in their diet while also enjoying the amazing flavors in the Big Mac. Due

to our target market being Czech’s aged 15-30, we want to focus our advertising campaign

mostly on social media. We plan on doing this through social media advertising on platforms

such as: Facebook, and Instagram. We also will also utilize public transportation ads through

buying space on public buses, trams, and metros to display our ad.


The advertising objective for this ad campaign is to remind the Czech consumers that

McDonald’s values the health of their consumers, and to persuade consumers that McDonald’s

has a higher value then their competitors, since they value consumer health concerns. Studies

completed by Ing. Emmanuel Selase Asamoah shows that, “Czech consumers are rational,

practical and very demanding in their expectations of global fast food chains operating in the

Czech Republic. They do not expect much from the local micro and small fast food firms.” and

“They see promotions as extra incentives and added value for money spent.” Because consumers

are very rational and conscious of their consumer behaviors, our campaign will focus on

informing them of the benefits of our new campaign compared to competitors, and to persuade

them to purchase our products. We want as many people to be able to view and be aware of this

new campaign. We want to be able to reach as many consumers as possible because we believe

that many Czech consumers will benefit from products in our new campaign, but the brand

image of being an “unhealthy” food chain discourages consumers from purchasing McDonald’s.

With reaching the maximum number of consumers the perception and brand image of

McDonalds will start to positively change. We believe that the majority of consumers will prefer

the Czech campaign rather than American campaigns because American food consumers are

more focused on the speed in which they receive their food, rather than the quality and the

freshness of their food. A study done by THE GLOBAL FOOD, HEALTH, AND SOCIETY shows

that, “fast food is so popular in America because the time between placing your order and

receiving your food is very short. The reason behind why fast food companies are able to churn

out orders so quickly is because almost everything in the fast food process has become

mechanized. Almost everything on the menu was mass produced in a factory somewhere and

then frozen and shipped out to the thousands of nearby storefront.” This study has shown how

consumers in America value speed and convenience over quality of food and the freshness of the

food. This is why we believe that our campaign would do better in the Czech Republic Market

than the United States.


Our primary consumers for this campaign are consumers ages 15 to 30 years old who live in the

Czech Republic. We anticipate that this demographic will be our primary consumers because in Czech

consumers between the ages of 15 to 30 make up the majority of social media users in the Czech

Republic, and that platform is our main form of advertising. Due to this we plan to focus our social media

campaign to match the values of consumers within this demographic, as they are the main target. To do

this we will highlight the deals and menu hack items, that will be later talked about in part X, throughout

the mobile platform to pull in consumers from this demographic. This will help our campaign since many

of the ages in this demographic are either still in schooling, or just got out of it, typically meaning they

have low sources of income, so we plan to highlight the deals throughout our campaign on social media to

attract these consumers. We also anticipate that the majority of our primary consumers will live in Prague,

as this is the largest city in the Czech Republic, as well as the capital, with 1.309 million citizens as of a

2023 census (2023 World Population Review). Our secondary consumer group would be consumers ages

30-55. We chose this age demographic because a study done by the National Library of Medicine has

found that citizens ages 36-55 make up about 35% of Czech consumers. We chose to make our secondary

consumer group ages 30-55 to include the population that ages vary between 30-36 to give us a higher

reach percentage for our campaign. We also anticipate that the majority of our secondary consumers will

also live in or on the outskirts of Prague.



Our campaign’s theme, or big idea, is emphasizing the idea of positive health and

rebranding McDonald’s as the healthy fast food option in the Czech Republic. Our campaign

slogan is, “Good food, Healthy food, World food.” We chose this slogan for our campaign

because we wanted to keep it short so that consumers would be able to remember this slogan

easily, which would make them more likely to get it stuck in their head compared to a longer

slogan. We also choose this slogan because it highlights three different ideas we are

incorporating into our campaign. The ideas we are highlighting through this slogan are that

McDonald’s offers healthy, good quality food that people can enjoy no matter who they are. Our

brand positioning for McDonald’s in the Czech Republic is “Our goal is to be Czech’s healthiest

fast food establishment, with good quality food you feel like you are at a high class restaurant.”

Part of this brand positioning we adapted from the United States McDonald’s campaign for the

Cardi B and Offset meal, where this campaign gave the idea that these two had been dining at a 5

star restaurant, and then at the end the consumers see that they are actually dining in at

McDonald’s. Due to this having high success we are incorporating that into our campaign, but

we will be putting a higher emphasis on the health benefits of McDonald’s over competitors. Our

brand statement is “To the Czech consumers, McDonald’s is the brand of healthy and good

tasting fast food with several health benefits such as several vegetarian options and always fresh

meats that will make your taste buds burst to life.”

Creative Strategies within the U.S market heavily incorporate the idea of creative

risk-taking and the incorporation of ‘pop culture.’ We can see this idea of risk taking with pop

culture by McDonald’s by the incorporation of celebrity “famous meals,’ such as the Cardi B and

Offset meal, as well as the Cactus Plant Flea Market adult Happy Meals. Another risk we saw the

U.S McDonald’s make recently is creating a virtual ‘Camp McDonald’s’ on their mobile apps.

‘Camp McDonald’s’ offered user’s a variety of different deals, menu hacks, and other perks that

were made only on the mobile app. The goal of this was to increase the amount of traffic flow

that their mobile apps had, while also increasing sales, from consumers using these deals offered

at ‘Camp McDonald’s.’ Overall, McDonald’s in the U.S focuses on the idea of creativity and

offering consumers an experience they won’t get anywhere else. To continue to execute our

creative strategies we will continue to ‘step outside of the box’ of typical fast food advertising.

We want to highlight the idea that at McDonald’s your inner child will come out, no matter what

your age is. To do this we will continue to launch adult happy meals that spark the same level of

joy in adults as the kids happy meals do for kids. For this we will focus on incorporating regular

size menu items into these meals, and we will keep the idea of a toy or treat in these boxes,

however, the surprise item will be something targeted towards adults, such as nostalgic items for

them, such as a rubix cube, or nostalgic toy figures that will elicit the idea that at McDonald’s

they can still be a kid, and let all of their adult worries and stress go out the window. The main

advertising appeals that will be focused in our campaigns are emotional appeals, such as feeling

youthful, and feeling a sense of happiness when visiting a McDonald’s.

For the execution of our creative strategy we chose a social media ad, print ad, and ads on

public transportation. For our print ad we chose to keep it simple by having a veggie burger with

our slogan “Good Food, Healthy Food, World Food.” We chose this because it highlights the

heart of our campaign, focusing on the health positives of McDonald’s. The veggie burger shows

that ‘unhealthy’ burgers are not just the only option on our menu, and we want to highlight to the

public. Our second ad we chose for our campaign is on social media, primarily on Instagram,

Facebook, and Twitter, as they are the top social media platforms in the Czech Republic. For this

ad we decided to take aspects from the American campaign and implement them into this ad. We

are targeting the youth appeal and the emotion of happiness. To do these our post is focusing on

Adult happy meals and the creativity you can feel from these meals. We also included bright

vibrant colors in this post to help highlight the energy and sense of happiness that these meals

portray. Finally, our last advertisement that we chose to create was ads on public transportation,

as we found that this was a powerful form of advertising from our research. For this ad we are

also incorporating the idea of celebrity endorsement by creating celebrity meals. For this we

chose to create a “Eva Herzigová” meal, as she is a top celebrity in the Czech Republic, and is

known as one of the top actresses and supermodel in the country. This ad will help increase sales

in the short term and brand awareness in the long term, by having an influential member of this

country support the ad.


Our main focus will be put into our social media campaigns since an average of 78

percent of Czechs are daily internet users, and almost every Czech internet user aged between 15

and 29 years old was registered on at least one social network in 2022 (Statista). With this part of

the campaign we plan to reach about 3.5 million citizens, as a study done in February 2023 has

found there were 4.1 million registered Instagram users in the Czech Republic. We do not expect

the campaign to reach every single user on this site, however we plan to reach around 75% of

registered users. We plan to spend close to $15 million on this campaign, since studies have

found that Instagram ads cost around $0.20-$2.00 on average per click. We plan to allocate

around 7-8 million dollars on buying space for our ads on Instagram and Facebook. We then plan

to spend the rest of our money we allocated for this campaign to create the ads we are posting

(Statista). Our next part of this campaign is to incorporate ads on the side of public

transportation. We found that this is an effective way to market your brand based upon our

qualitative research. For this campaign we plan to spend between 4-6 million dollars on this

campaign. We plan to spend this amount because production can cost $2,000 to $3,000 for a

single wrap for a bus (Queiroz), and we plan to incorporate this ad on 2,000 buses across the

country, since there are about 20,000 registered buses in the country, and we want our ads to be

placed on 1/10 of these buses (Statista). We plan to put the least amount of our money and effort

into our print campaign, roughly about 2 million people. The government has placed newspapers

and magazines into a lower-band VAT rate (10%) to try to offer some support, showing that out

of these three strategies won’t have the most impact (GOV.UK).


Milichovsky, Franti ´ ˇsek has completed a study that studies the different aspects of the

Czech Republic market, and studied the different aspects between what makes a campaign

successful in the Czech Republic and the study has found that in order to have a successful

campaign you must look at, “customers´ satisfaction, count of complaints, profit per customer,

fixed and variable costs, costs per order” (Franti ´ ˇsek). This study showed that a campaign’s

success is not solely dependent on the financial success and how much a campaign has made a

company. This study further showed how success is also based upon the overall consumer

satisfaction, and how consumers thoughts on a campaign is what makes or breaks the campaign.

To measure the success of our campaign we will look at two separate factors, economic impacts

and perception from the Czech citizens. To measure the economic success of our campaign we

will use the ROI, Return on investment equation, which is (Sales Growth - Marketing Cost) /

Marketing Cost = ROI. To measure the emotional perception of our campaign we will use

sentiment analysis, which is a common metric that measures the polarity and intensity of the

emotions expressed by your audience in response to your marketing messages. We will use

Google Natural Language API, a site that performs sentiment analysis on your social media

posts, reviews, or feedback. This research had also found that it is, “important to create

long-term relationships with all stakeholders, which significantly influence long-term business

success and knowledge of their needs and wishes” (Franti ´ ˇsek). This part of the research

doesn’t necessarily show how a campaign is measured by consumer’s, but it shows how to have

a successful campaign. Incorporating this into our marketing plan will allow us to be successful

because if we incorporate some of the beliefs of the stakeholders, which are the ones listed

above, we are more likely to have a positive outcome with pleased stakeholders, which will

allow for funding to support more campaigns to be run in the future.


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