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ZIMSEC Form 2 End of Term 1 Exam Paper 1 and Paper 2 questions Combined

Science Set 1


Choose the correct option from the four options A to D. All questions carry equal

1. If a solid dissolves in a liquid completely, how can the solid are recovered from
the solution?

A. Filtration B. Evaporation C. Sieving D. Winnowing

2. How can an iron needle which falls in a hay stack be retrieved?

A. By burning the hay stack. B. By blowing with air.

C. By using a magnet. D. None of the above.

3. Which one of the following statements describes concentration of a solute?

A. Number of atoms in a substance.

B. Number of solute particles in 1 litre of a solution.

C. Number of moles in a substance.

D. Mass of the solute particles.

4. Sand and water make up a_________________.

A. molecule B. mixture C. compound D. an element

5. Calcium hydroxide solution is ________________.

A. acidic B. a base C. neutral D. milky

6. Which pair of substances will give salt and water when they react?

A. Acetic acid and iron. B. Carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid.

C. Copper oxide and sulphuric acid. D. Citric acid and calcium carbonate.
7. A colourless liquid turns blue litmus paper to red when it is dipped into it. This
substance is most likely to be?

A. Neutral B. Water C. An acid D. A base

8. Which one of the following is a non- renewable resource?

A. Sugar cane B.Oil C. Gum trees D. Animals

9. What is the main feature of incomplete combustion of fuels?

A. Less fuel is used. B. Carbon monoxide is produced.

C. More energy is lost as smoke. D. Oxygen is used up.

10. Which ones of the following processes is a physical change?

A. Burning wood B. Souring milk C. Iron rusting D. Freezing water

11. Crystals of sugar will dissolve faster in water if ____________.

A. the mixture is stirred

B. the is mixture is heated but not stirred

C. the mixture is heated and stirred

D. the crystals are first crushed into powderand put in cold water

12. Which term best describes the process of soap making?

A. Solidification B. Neutralization C. Saponification D. Hydrogenation

13. Excessive release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere results in all of the
following except


A. global warming B. acid rain C. pollution D. cloud formation

14. Winnowing is a process of _______________.

A. controlling of weeds B. cutting of crops

C. water fruit plants D. Separation of grains from the chaff

15. Which of the following mixtures would you be able to separate using the
method of filtration?

A. Oil in water B. Cornflakes and milk

C. Salt in water D. Sugar in milk

16. Which amongst the following methods would be most appropriate to

separate grains from bundles of


A. Hand picking B. Winnowing C. Sieving D. Threshing

17. During summer, Divine, carries water in a transparent plastic bottle to his
school. The bottle still had

some water left in it. The following day, he observed some water droplets on the
inner surface of the

empty portion of the bottle.These droplets of water were formed due to


A. boiling and condensation B. evaporation and saturation

C. evaporation and condensation D. condensation and saturation

18. Which of the following is used in the reaction called saponification?

A. Strong base B. Strong acid C. Hydrogen D. Nickel

19. Chemically, fats and oils are _____________.

A. acids B. alcohols C. esters D. alkenes

20. An advantage of detergents over soaps is ____________.

A. detergents are biodegradable B. detergents do not precipitate in hard water

C. detergents are cheaper to make D. detergents always contain anionic heads

21. The most commonly used indicator in laboratory is _________.

A. methyl orange B. litmus C. phenolphthalein D. universal indicator

22. An element common in all acids is __________.

A. chlorine B. nitrogen C. oxygen D. hydrogen

23. Acid used in the manufacture of fertilizers and explosives is _________.

A. nitric acid B. sulphuric acid C. phosphoric acid D. hydrochloric acid

24. pH of black coffee is ____________.

A. 7 B. 8 C. 3 D. 5

25. Which of the following is the residual product in the formation of soap?

A. Glyceraldehyde B. Glycerol C.Glycerine D. Acrylonitrile

26. Soaps are_________based soapy detergents.

A. water B. kerosene C. oil D. acid

27. The characteristic property of an acid is due to the presence of___________.

A. hydride ions B. hydroxyl ions C. hydrogen ions D. oxide ions

28. A strong acid in solution is___________.

A. mostly molecules B. mostly ions

C. both molecules and ions D. mostly water

29. A weak acid in solution____________.

A. mostly molecules B. mostly ions

C. both molecules and ions D. less water

30. The pH of a carbonated drink is_____________.

A. less than 7 B. more than 7 C. equal 7 D. none of the above

31. An acid is ____________.

A. a proton donor B. a proton acceptor C. electron donor D. electron acceptor

32. When the litmus is added to a solution of vinegar it turns __________.

A. red B. pink C. remains colourless D. blue

33. Fossil fuels are rich in carbon and__________.

A. nitrogen B. hydrogen C. oil D. oxygen

34. Fossil fuels are important sources of energy in _________.

A. transport B. homes C. industries D. all of them

35. Burning of fossil fuels is leading towards ______________.

A. pollution B. global warming C. both a and b D. none of the above

36. Buried plants due to constant heat and pressure turn in to ____________.

A. wood B. coal C. fertiliser D. oil

37. During combustion of gaseous fuels, deficiency of air ___________.

A. tends to shorten the flame B. lengthens the flame

C. increases the flame temperature D. does not affect flame length

38. Combustion of fuel is a/an ___________ process.

A. auto catalytic B. none of these C. exothermic D. endothermic

39. Which one of the following is not a fuel?

A. Petrol B. Diesel C. Food D. Sand

40. Which one of the following is fuel of our body?

A. Petrol B. Diesel

C. Food D. Water


1. (a) Salt dissolves in water. Describe with the aid of diagrams how you would
obtain pure salt from a salt


(b) Water comes from different sources which include boreholes and wells. [5]

(i) Suggest one impurity that can be found from the water sources above. [2]

(ii) Suggest a suitable method of making water from each of the sources suitable
for drinking. [2]

b(c) Match the mixtures in I with their method of separation in column II.

Column I Column II
Oil mixed with water Sieving
Iron powder mixed with flour Hand picking
Salt mixed with water Decantation
Green beans mixed with dried grained Magnet
Rice flour mixed with kidney beans Evaporation

2. (a) Define the following terms

(i) Solute.

(ii) Solvent. [2]

(b) Complete the following statement.

Solute + Solvent? ? [1]

3. (a) An acid can be defined as any substance that dissociates to give hydrogen

(i) Write down any two properties of acids that you know. [2]

(ii) Examine the reaction below. [2]

(b) (i) Magnesium hydroxide + sulphuric acid A + B

Write down the names of the likely products A and B. [2]

(ii) What name do we give to this type of a reaction? [1]

(iii) Name any two acids that you know which are commonly used in the
laboratory. [2]

4. (a) Wood and coal are fuels that are widely used domestically and industrially.

(i) Discuss the social and economic effects of their use. [4]

(ii) What do you understand by the terms renewable and non- renewable
resources? [2]

(b) Write down an equation for incomplete combustion of ethanol. [3]

(c) (i) What do you understand by hydrocarbons? [2]

(ii) What is the principle of fire extinguishing?


Question 1

Materials: sand | soil, salt, water, teaspoon, beaker, spirit burner/Bunsen burner,
wire gauze, stand, funnel, filter paper, digital scale/triple beam balance.


Measure 100g of soil | sand.


Take teaspoonful of salt and thorough mix with the 100g of soil.


Using some or all of the apparatus and materials given design an experiment to
recover salt from its mixture with soil.

Question 2

You are provided with a mixture of salt, sand, oil and water. Write the steps
involved for the separation of salt, sand oil from the mixture by giving an activity
along with the diagram.

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