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Name: Sneha

Skilled DevOps Engineer with 7+ years of hands-on experience supporting, automating build and deployment process, leveraging
configuration management, log management, monitoring critical applications, scripting, orchestration of microservices, optimizing
infrastructure in AWS, CI/CD, and DevOps processes.

 Experience on AWS Services like VPC, Amazon EC2, Elastic Load Balancers, ASG, Cloudformation, Cloud Watch
metrics, Amazon S3, R53, Cloud Front, Beanstalk, RDS, SQS, SNS, EKS.
 Proficient on Kubernetes architecture, including the control plane and worker nodes.
 Expertise in Kubernetes encompassing object management (such as pods, services, deployments, and config maps)
and advanced networking skills, including service discovery, load balancing, and ingress controllers.
 Proficient in K8s storage and security concepts, encompassing knowledge in volumes, persistent volumes, storage
classes, as well as best practices in RBAC, Pod Security Policies, and network policies.
 Proficient in troubleshoot complex Kubernetes issues, such as networking problems and pod scheduling failures.
 Worked on software development lifecycle (SDLC) Methodologies Waterfall, and Agile.
 Experienced on Branching, Merging, and Tagging concepts in Version Control tools like Subversion, Bitbucket and
 Used Maven as build tools on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
 Worked on web servers like Apache and application servers like Tomcat to deploy code.
 Proficient in implementing Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) within the software
development lifecycle (SDLC) using Agile methodology.
 Implemented CI/CD pipeline involving Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes for complete automation from commit to
 Automated Build and deployment process, across Java, .Net, Angular projects using Jenkins, Bamboo and GitHub.
 Extensively worked on Jenkins by installing, configuring and maintaining for the purpose of CI and for End-to-End
automation for all build and deployments.
 Created new jobs and managing required plugins, configuring build triggers and post build actions including
notifying build reports.
 Managing Jenkins master and slave nodes for successful builds.
 Configured cronjobs in Jenkins to run nightly jobs.
 Working with development and QA teams to fix build and deployment issues in all environments.
 Experience to create and maintain artifact repositories like Nexus and JFrog Artifactory other tools.
 Worked with Docker and Kubernetes in AWS – EKS. Created docker images for apps from Docker files and pull
images from Artifactory.
 Proficient in Terraform and Writing terraform scripts to create IAM roles to grant access on S3 buckets for K8S service
accounts using IRSA.
 Worked on writing automation scripts to provision infrastructure in AWS using configuration tools like Terraform.
 Proficient in the design, deployment, and management of cloud infrastructure using infrastructure-as-code tools like
Terraform and CloudFormation and Proficient using Linux operating systems.
 Worked with the team to configure VPCs for environments also worked peering between VPC, Nat gateways.
 Launching Amazon EC2 Cloud Instances using Amazon Web Services (Linux/Ubuntu) and configuring launched
instances with respect to specific applications.
 Creating/Managing AMI/Snapshots/Volumes, Upgrade/downgrade AWS resources (CPU, Memory)
 Proficient on writing helm charts and templates.
 Extensively worked on IAM Roles and Policies, users and Services to protect AWS services.
 Extensively worked on Monitoring tools like New Relic, cloud watch, datadog, Prometheus and Grafana.
 Creating and maintain Elastic Search clusters, Kibana and Logstash (ELK) to capture and analyze logs.
 Skilled in multiple programming languages such as Java, Python, NodeJS and complemented by experience in
modern scripting including bash and shell scripting.
 Capable of working independently and as well as a part of a team.

Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India - 2016


Cloud Services AWS, Azure and GCP

Orchestration tools Kubernetes, Helm, Docker
Configuration Management Ansible, terraform, AWS CloudFormation
Log Management ELK (Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana)
Monitoring Tools Prometheus, Grafana, New Relic, Datadog and Amazon CloudWatch
Continuous Integration Jenkins, Bamboo
Version Control Subversion, GIT, GitHub
Build Tool Maven
Programming Languages Java, Python, NodeJS and PHP
Scripting Languages Bash, shell and Python
Corporate Repositories Nexus
Web Server Nginx
Application Server Tomcat


Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Certificate ID: LF-zjh0g76sqi July 2023

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Validation Number: October 2023
Associate 34B327720B4EQ6C5


naviHealth, Tennessee, USA. (Nov 2022– Till date)

Role: DevOps Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Responsible for day-to-day management of all Dev, QA, Staging, Perf, and Prod for various applications.
 Managed source code for various applications using GIT, overseeing the creation of branches and ensuring seamless
production releases through proficient merging and conflict resolution.
 Deploying applications on Kubernetes using helm and Docker images.
 Extensively used Jenkins for automating Builds and Deployments in GIT.
 Integrated SonarQube with CICD pipeline to do code quality checks for Java applications.
 Created jobs to automate CICD tools (Jenkins), which includes packaging code, creating virtual machines and
containers, update existing stacks, restarting servers, applications, and services, deploying artifacts to server.
 Installed and configured Kubernetes cluster using kops and kubeadm.
 Extensively worked in deploying and managing applications on KUBERNETES clusters.
 Extensively Used MAVEN for creating War/Ear files.
 Creating and building DOCKER images, containers and writing docker file to create custom images and did
troubleshooting for Implemented Microservices using Docker.
 Experience with infrastructure-as-code tooling such as Terraform.
 Hands on experience on various AWS services like EC2, S3, EBS, VPC, IAM, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, Route53,
Security Groups, Route Tables.
 Created detailed AWS Security groups which behaved as virtual firewalls that control inbound and outbound traffic
allowed to reach one or more AWS EC2 instances.
 Extensively worked on AWS Console for Terminating/Stopping/Creating EC2 instances.
 Designed and configured different services (Load-Balancer, Cluster-IP, Node-Port) in Kubernetes for application.
 Extensively worked on different types of deployments (Stateful set, deployments, Kapp’s).
 Worked in creating Kubernetes objects like deployment, service, ingress, service accounts, configmaps and etc.
 Worked Extensively on Kubernetes PODS, Deployments and Rolling Updates.
 Worked on Ansible playbooks for automating application deployment onto Kubernetes cluster.
 Cleaned up unused snapshots and AMIs in AWS backup vault to save AWS billing cost.
 Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure successful
deployment of Web applications and database templates.
 Granted permissions to team members to access K8’s clusters by creating cluster roles, role bindings.
 Interacting with developers to sort out issues related to Build Automation.
 Package management using RPM, YUM in Redhat Linux
 Utilized JIRA as a ticketing tool to monitor tasks and the work we accomplished on a daily basis.
 Scheduled CRON jobs and AT JOBS as per the requirement.
 Worked on deployment of war files in Tomcat application servers.
 Implemented automation scripts and programming language using bash, Java, Python and Shell Scripts.
 Created dashboards alerts to monitor production environments using Prometheus and Grafana.

ENVIRONMENT: GitHub, Maven, tomcat, Jenkins, SonarQube, nexus, ansible, docker, Kubernetes (EKS), AWS Services (EC2,
ASG, S3, R53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, RDS), Helm, Prometheus, Grafana, datadog and terraform.

Dimensions Infotech, India (Apr 2019– June 2022)

Role: Senior Software Engineer/DevOps Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Responsible for day-to-day management of all DEV, QA, UAT and Production for various Java based enterprise
 Worked on deploying the code to application servers like Apache Tomcat.
 Installed and configured Jenkins for Automating Deployments and providing an automation solution
 Integrated GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process used Jenkins for automating Builds and
Automating Deployments.
 Developed build and deployment scripts using MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to
other environments.
 I did Setup various Jenkins jobs for build and test automation.
 Used Jenkins and Ansible for Continuous Integration and continuous deployment in Multiple environments.
 Worked on various Docker components like Docker Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose and Docker Registry
 Managed AWS EC2 instances by utilizing Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing.
 Worked on Jenkins by creating jobs and build and deployment using the same.
 Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous inspection of code quality and analysis with SonarQube scanner
for Maven.
 K8’s was used to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.
 Experience in setup and build AWS infrastructure various resources, EC2, VPC, S3, IAM and Auto scaling.
 Building instances and managing storage on cloud using AWS EC2 and AWS S3.
 Worked on Monitoring tools like Nagios.
 Created various MAVEN scripts to create multiple deployment profiles and deploy the applications to Apache
 Managed the source codes repository of multiple development applications using GIT version control tools.
 Created branches and managed the source code for various applications in GIT.
 Merged release branches to the master after the production release and resolved the conflicts if any during the
merge in GIT.

ENVIRONMENT: GitHub, Maven, tomcat, Jenkins, SonarQube, nexus, ansible, docker, Kubernetes, AWS Services (EC2, VPC,
S3, IAM, ASG), Nagios.
Capgemini Pvt Ltd, India (Sep 2016 - Mar 2019)
Role: Senior Software Engineer/DevOps Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Worked on Payments and transactions management (PTM) Application.
 Worked on deployments by using the automated tool called Bamboo & Urban Code deployment tool (UCD) (DevOps
Tools) & did Manual deployments through putty & made a release note for all NPP, Global & EP codes.
 Deployment activities using IBM Web sphere.
 Have knowledge in UNIX Scripting.
 Branching, Merging, and Tagging concepts in Version Control tools like Subversion, Bitbucket.
 Professional knowledge in CICD Process with tools like Jenkins, Maven and Git.
 Preparation of SCM & Environment Management plan.
 Responsible in DEV, QA, UAT Releases.
 Provided knowledge for the review and signoff of all PTM Program related architecture and infrastructure related
 Analyze, troubleshoot, and fix the defects reported by Testers.
 Managed plugin upgrades in Bamboo.
 Wrote scripts to deploy applications into tomcat servers.
 Provided support in the resolution of all environment build related defects.
 Managed deployment versions & Communicate with the test & Release teams.
 Maintenance/tracking issue resolutions environment configuration and on time delivery of the environment.
 Support to the test execution team for all the issues related to deployment/environment.
 Resolved update, merge and password authentication issues in Gitlab and Jira.
 Provided Daily Environment Health checks & Communicate outages on time.

ENVIRONMENT: Subversion, Urban Code Deployment (UCD), Bamboo, Centos, Tomcat Application server.

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