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Laboratories CERTIFICATE

This is to certify that

Ziółkowski Bartosz
Date of birth 19-07-1982
was tested for SARS-CoV-2 on 16-11-2021
using Roche® LightCycler 480 II
Passport / National ID number (if required) CBJ120904
Infection status at the time of RT-PCR testing SARS-CoV-2:

positive1: negative2:

inconclusive3: non-diagnostic4:

1 positive: SARS-CoV-2 has been detected - the presence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the test
sample has been confirmed.
2 negative: SARS-CoV-2 has not been detected - the presence of SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus has not
been confirmed in the test sample. It is still recommended that You take appropriate precautions and
practice good hygiene as usual.
3 inconclusive: The result is at the threshold of the analytical sensitivity of the test. Another sample
needs to be collected for testing within 24-48 hours after the original sample was collected.
4 non-diagnostic: The sample was unsuitable for testing. Another sample should be collected and
submitted for testing as soon as possible.

Gdańsk, on 16-11-2021 12:40

mgr inż.Ewa Kruklis - 15378

Dokument opatrzony podpisem elektronicznym weryfikowanym certyfikatem kwalifikowanym CERTUM.

The document is authorized with an electronic signature verified by a qualified CERTUM certificate.
MLD Invicta Sp. z o.o. is listed in the official Registry of COVID Laboratories maintained by the Polish Ministry of Health.
Medyczne Laboratoria Diagnostyczne INVICTA Sp. z o.o. ul. Polna 64, 81-730 Sopot, 00000019891101001
Genetic Laboratory INVICTA ul. Trzy Lipy 3, 80-172 Gdansk, Poland

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