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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


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General Instructions: 1. DO NOT forget to shade your roll numbers. Your roll numbers will Score:
be given to you by your teacher.
2. Shade your answers using a pen or pencil. Shade the circles fully.
S.Y. 2023-2024
1. In this area, you will fill out your name
starting with your LAST NAME followed
INITIAL. All the other information has
been filled for you.

2. This portion is where you will put your

assigned ROLL NUMBER. Your teacher
will be the one to give you your roll

4. This is the part where you will shade the

letters or the choices of your answer.
Please be mindful of the Activity number
and Task number written here so you
would not be confused. PLEASE USE A
PENCIL (preferably Monggol No. 2
pencil) in shading your answers. Shade
the circles FULLY so that your answers
will be scanned correctly.

Just use an eraser in case you want to

change your answer.

3. This is how you must fill out this area. If,

for example, your roll number is 701, you
will write the numbers 7, 0, and 1 on the
boxes respectively. After that, you will
shade the circles corresponding to the roll
numbers you have written above it.


S.Y. 2022-2023
● Please read all the DIRECTIONS of every part of the test.

● You are about to take an examination, not a simple quiz. And just like in a relationship,
your focus is highly required. Cheating has always been unethical and hurtful. So, don’t
you dare. Trust me, there are cooler ways to be hurt.
● You shall only use a whole sheet of paper to write your ANSWERS ONLY.

● Should you have questions, directly approach the examiner. You will face the consequences
if otherwise.
● Write the letter of your choice. Be wary of the options, choose only the best. ONLY THE
BEST ONES. You will only get wronged and hurt if you choose the wrong ones. It is only
your conscious choice that will dictate your fate. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!


I. DIRECTIONS: Paying attention to details is a prerequisite to success so read and answer the
following questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices
provided for each item. Choose the meaning of the underlined word.

1. What are the three main parts of an essay?

A. Introduction, Hook, Body B. Claim, Counterclaim, Rebuttal
C. Introduction, Body, Conclusion D. The hook, the topic sentence, and conclusion
2. What is a thesis statement?
A. It is a summary of the main idea.
B. It is a general idea of what the essay is about.
C. It is a suggestion that you should read the essay.
D. It is a statement that explains the main idea of an essay.
3. Coherence applies to which part of an essay?
A. paragraphs B. sentences C. whole arguments D. all of the above
4. What is called the smooth logical flow of sentences within a paragraph?
A. paragraph unity B. paragraph deduction
C. paragraph coherence D. paragraph personality
5. What are the components of persuasive writing?
A. Arguments, Details, Thesis
B. Introduction, Body, Conclusion
C. Topic Sentence, Details, Concluding Sentence
D. Introduction, Thesis Statement, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion
6. From the choices below, identify what is being described in the statement:
“It provides information or explains steps in a process.”
A. Narrative B. Persuasive
C. Argumentative D. Informative
7. What type of writing technique takes a stance on an issue and uses evidence and facts to prove or
disprove a thesis?
A. Informative B. Persuasive C. Argumentative D. Narrative
8. Which of the following is NOT a good technique for ensuring coherence?
A. using topic sentences
B. repeating key terms
C. crafting transitions carefully
D. ensuring the thesis statement is persuasive
9. Which of the following order is necessary when attempting to persuade?
A. logical B. spatial C. chronological D. order of importance
10. It is important to know which type of essay to use to deliver your message to your readers. On
the statements below, which one best defines an Argumentative Essay?
A. It tells a story and often is the most personal type of essay.
B. It is an essay that provides a detailed description of the subject.
C. It is a type of exposition essay that describes how to do something or how something works.
D. It is a piece of writing that presents pieces of evidence for a claim to let the reader know why
it is more favorable.
11. What does a persuasive writing attempt to do?
A. tell a story B. teach you how to make or do something
C. influence you to do or believe something D. inform you about historical or current events
12. Safiya wants to convince her friend, Angel, to buy an ice cream from a new store near their
school. What technique should she use?
A. Argumentative B. Informative C. Narrative D. Persuasive
13. Teacher Rianna asks her pupils to write an essay consisting of three paragraphs. How long
should a paragraph be?
A. It is okay for paragraphs to vary in length.
B. Good paragraphs must be at least one - page long.
C. Every paragraph should be at least five sentences long.
D. Both a and b
14. Claim: People should be encouraged to travel by bicycle rather than by car.
Which statement DOES NOT support the claim?
A. Cars require expensive yearly registration.
B. The parts of a bicycle are much cheaper than the parts of a car.
C. The cars that worked with gasoline was invented by Nikolaus Otto in Germany.
D. Fixing a car may require the services of a mechanic who would charge an expensive amount
for labor. On the other hand, many bicycles can be fixed by the owners themselves.
15. It is an analysis of a particular piece of writing. What is it?
A. essay B. editorial C. critique D. summary
16. What academic writing requires you to analyze a book, identify its arguments, and
evaluates its strength and weaknesses?
A. book report B. book review C. article critique D. literature review
17. What academic writing requires you to analyze a book, identify its arguments, and
evaluates its strength and weaknesses?
A. book report B. book review C. article critique D. literature review
18. What academic writing requires you to gather a comprehensive body of knowledge that has
bearing on the research study?
A. book report B. book review C. article critique D. literature review
19. What is a critic?
A. Critique helps the writer make his work better.
B. Critiques benefit only the writer of the original text.
C. Critique writing involves critical thinking and analytical skills.
D. Good critiques state both the good points and the weaknesses of the text.
20. From the pool of choices below, select or identify the critic's main purpose?
A. to enrich the reader's understanding of the literary work
B. to entertain the reader's emotions to forget their difficulties
C. to impede reader's comprehension of the literary selection
D. to criticize reader's statements for better interpretation of texts
21. "The Necklace" is a short story written by Guy de Maupassant that contains Marxism, which of
the following is its main message?
A. The importance of beauty.
B. The importance of finding contentment in life.
C. The relevance of society's judgment in one's life.
D. None of the above.
22. In "The Necklace," Mathilde has lost her necklace and everything changed after that. How do you
think Mathilde's life change after she lost the necklace?
A. Mathilde lived a better life with her husband.
B. Mathilde was acknowledged as a woman of dignity.
C. Mathilde's life took a change for the worst after the loss of the necklace.
D. Mathilde did not accept that she is a poor woman and continued her extravagant life.
23. Ramil needs to write a critique of an essay, but he does not know how. Which of the following
should she do?
A. Read the essay. B. Rewrite the essay.
C. Analyze the essay. D. Write a continuation of the essay.
24. Nicole is writing a critique, but he is having trouble with how to start it. Which of the following
should he do?
A. Start with observations. B. Write down the good points.
C. Write down the bad points. D. Orient the readers about the work.
25. "How singular life is and how full of changes! How small a thing will ruin or save one!"
Analyze this statement concerning the short story "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant.
A. Life is short so always seize the day.
B. You always have to be careful about your decisions in life.
C. Having the necklace saved Mathilde and her husband.
D. None of the above.
26. Which of the following follows the correct steps in writing a critique?
A. State a conclusion as well as reasons for it.
B. Read and understand the text.
C. Review the ideas and their flow in the text.
D. Orient the reader regarding the text.
27. What are the two types of modifiers in the English language?
A. nouns and verbs B. nouns and adverbs C. adjectives and verbs D. adjectives and verbs
28. What does an adjective describe?
A. verbs B. nouns C. articles D. participles
29. What does an adverb modify?
A. verbs B. adjectives C. other adverbs D. all of the above
30. What do you call one word (or a unit) that modifies the meaning of another word, phrase or
A. Phrasal Modifiers B. Adjectival Clausal Modifiers
C. Single-Word Modifiers D. Adverbial Clausal Modifiers
31. Which of the following characteristics do not describe what a single-word modifier is?
A. It alters the meaning of another word.
B. It clarifies a particular word of a sentence.
C. They are also known as descriptive words.
D. It gives the same meaning regardless of the added word indicated.
32. Which of the following should be considered in using a phrasal modifier?
A. Adverbial phrase always modifies nouns.
B. If there is a modifier, there is nothing to be modified.
C. Verbs can be modified by adjectival phrases and participial phrases.
D. Place modifiers as close as you can get them to the words they modify.
33. When phrasal modifiers modify a noun, it functions as an adjective. Is this statement true or
A. False B. Maybe C. Never D. True
34. Luna went home early _________ he can play badminton with her neighbors. What should be
the appropriate word to complete the idea?
A. although B. if C. so that D. which
35. He slid off the rock and fell into the cold water. In the sentence above, what word does the word
cold modifies?
A. the preposition into B. the noun water C. the verb fell D. the noun rock
36. How do you determine if a phrase functions as a prepositional phrase in a sentence?
A. If it comprises one or two adverbs in a group
B. If it begins with a present and past participle
C. If it begins with a preposition and ends with a noun
D. if the adjective usually appears at the end of the phrase
37. What is referred to as an analysis of a literary material based on its form?
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
38. What school of literary theory that focuses on the reader (or “audience”) and their
experience of a literary work?
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
39. What type of literary critique judges the value of the literature based on its moral
lessons or ethical teachings?
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
40. What literary approach is referred to as a modern tradition of literary commentary and
polemic devoted to the defense of women's writing or of fictional female characters
against the condescensions of a predominantly male literary establishment.
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
41. The art of distinguishing the true from the false concerning facts of the past.What is it?
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
42. The Lion King shows the hopeful nature of the 1990s when the economy was booming. What
type of literary approach is utilized in this sentence?
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
43. What type of analysis is presented below?
While Shakespeare initially presents Capulet as a man of reason, asking Paris to “woo Juliet for
his will to her consent is but a part”, Capulet ultimately asserts his patriarchal power as head of
the household when Juliet disobeys.
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
44. Game of thrones challenges the differences between good and evil; and if there could be
something in between. What is the most appropriate literary approach to be used in this
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
45. Which type of analysis seeks to redefine the reader's relationship to the text, arguing that readers
are not just passive consumers of a text's meaning, rather, they create its meaning?
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
46. Read and understand the analysis below.
"The Things They Carried," by Tim O'Brien at first seemed to be just another war story. As I
started reading I thought I was not going to have any interest at all in the story; however after I got
into the story I found myself more interested than I thought I was going to be. This story is an
excellent depiction of war itself. It is very realistic and easy to relate to even without any personal
experience with war. The title itself paves the way for the entire story, it could not be any better for
the story then it is. The entire story is about "the things they carried," and the author does choose to
go into great detail about the things that they did carry. While I was reading the story one question
that kept running through my mind was in regard to the depth of information about the physical
weights of the soldiers' items. Why would O'Brien go into this much depth about how much every
individual item weighs?

Why is this literary critique considered as a reader-response-approach literary criticism?

A. Because it follows strict grammatical rules and format
B. The critic discusses the discrimination of women in society.
C. The critic analyzed the literary piece based on moral values
D. The critic responded or reacted to the text based on his experiences and personal fascination.
47. Jericho wants to analyze and understand the background of the composition of GMA Network’s
adaptation of Maria Clara at Ibara. What is the most appropriate approach that he must use?
A. Structuralist/Formalist Approach B. Feminist Approach
C. Moralist Approach D. Reader-response Approach
48. Which is not a benefit of feminist literary criticism?
A. development and discovery of the female tradition of writing
B. rediscovering structures of old texts
C. interpreting the symbolism of women's writing
D. resisting sexism
49. Which of the following is not an application of historical criticism?
A. study of literary texts, particularly ancient texts
B. study of the Bible
C. historical origins
D. diaspora
50. “Mathilde, as a woman, did not accept that she is poor and continued her extravagant life.”
Did the critic use a feminist approach in critiquing the literary piece “The Necklace”?
A. Yes C. No
B. Maybe D. I do not know the answer

Hiraya Manawari!
Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II HT-III, English Department Head


Teacher III

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