Second Quarterly Exam Grade 10

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Grade & Section:
Name of Teacher:
General Instructions: 1. DO NOT forget to shade your roll numbers. Your roll numbers will Score:
be given to you by your teacher.
2. Shade your answers using a pen or pencil. Shade the circles fully.
S.Y. 2022-2023


1. In this area, you will fill out your name
starting with your LAST NAME followed
INITIAL. All the other information has
been filled for you.

2. This portion is where you will put your

assigned ROLL NUMBER. Your teacher
will be the one to give you your roll

4. This is the part where you will shade the

letters or the choices of your answer.
Please be mindful of the Activity number
and Task number written here so you
would not be confused. PLEASE USE A
PENCIL (preferably Monggol No. 2
pencil) in shading your answers. Shade
the circles FULLY so that your answers
will be scanned correctly.

Just use an eraser in case you want to

change your answer.

3. This is how you must fill out this area. If,

for example, your roll number is 701, you
will write the numbers 7, 0, and 1 on the
boxes respectively. After that, you will
shade the circles corresponding to the roll
numbers you have written above it.
S.Y. 2022-2023

 Please read all the DIRECTIONS of every part of the test.
 You are about to take an examination, not a simple quiz. And just like in a relationship,
your focus is highly required. Cheating has always been unethical and hurtful. So, don’t
you dare. Trust me, there are cooler ways to be hurt.
 You shall only use a whole sheet of paper to write your ANSWERS ONLY.
 Should you have questions, directly approach the examiner. You will face the consequences
if otherwise.
 Write the letter of your choice. Be wary of the options, choose only the best. ONLY THE
BEST ONES. You will only get wronged and hurt if you choose the wrong ones. It is only
your conscious choice that will dictate your fate. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!


I. DIRECTIONS: Paying attention to details is a prerequisite to success so read and answer the
following questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices
provided for each item. Choose the meaning of the underlined word.

1. It is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our understanding
of the information of the phenomenon which are of concern or interest. What is it?
A. Research B. Variables C. Theory D. Concept
2. It is a term used in research that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an
idea. What is it?
A. Research B. variables C. theory D. concept
3. It is an organized body of concepts and principles intended to explain a particular phenomenon.
A. Research B. variables C. theory D. concept
4. It is a term in research called any quality of person, group subject, event, condition, or emotion that
varies or takes on different values.
A. Variable B. Sampling C. Hypothesis D. theory
5. What is the basic purpose of the research paper?
A. Describe B. inform C. Narrate D. Persuade
6. A good research topic is one that is __________.
A. General or vague C. of interest to the researcher
B. Easy, uncomplicated D. limited or focused
7. The most common way to conclude a research paper is to _____________ .
A. restate the main idea
B. restate the principal arguments supporting the main idea
C. supply necessary background information
D. all of the above
8. This research term provides a tentative explanation or answer for a phenomenon under
investigation. What is it?
A. Reliability B. hypothesis C. sampling D. validity
9. What is the first step in writing a research paper?
A. Narrow your subject to refine your topic
B. Choose a subject
C. Develop a research question
D. Find sources
10. This is a part of research that consists of assumptions, hypotheses, definitions, or a synthesis of a
set of theories serving as the theoretical backbone of the investigation.
A. Statement of the Problem C. Scope and Limitation of the Study
B. Theoretical Framework D. Background of the Study
11. This part of the research paper tells the purpose and importance of the research.
A. Gap of the problem C. Significance of the study
B. Introduction D. Abstract
12. It is the glue that holds words, phrases, and clauses (both dependent and independent) together.
A. Coordination C. Conjunction
B. Conservation D. Connection
13. Conjunctions improve the paper as a whole by giving the writing coherence or flow.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. I do not know
14. Both James and Andrew were playing with their gadgets while the teacher is talking.
A. And B. both C. Nor D. or
15. What is the appropriate conjunction to complete the sentence below?
She was tired when she arrived in class, ________ she had studied all night.
A. For B. Since C. yet D. However
16. It is a statement that is commonly believed to be true even without proof or evidence. What is it?
A. Fact B. Opinion C. Commonplace Assertion D. Bias or Prejudice
17. It is a statement that is verifiable or can be proven true or false based on evidence or proof.
A. Fact B. Opinion C. Commonplace Assertion D. Bias or Prejudice
18. Which of the following best defines an opinion?
A. It is a declarative statement that is generally accepted as true.
B. It is a personal view, judgment or appraisal about a particular matter.
C. It can be proven true or false based on whatever evidence is available.
D. It is a statement that is true not only to the speaker but to everyone else.
19. What is the similarity between an opinion and a commonplace assertion?
A. They can be opposed.
B. They are subjective and personal.
C. They are based on evidence or proof.
D. They are generally accepted to be true.
20. Under what category of opinion statement does the following statement belong to? Online selling
has become a very viable source of income nowadays.
A. Statement of Truth C. Statement of Policy
B. Statement of value D. Statement of Preference
21. It claims that something should or should not be done. What is it?
A. Statement of Truth C. Statement of Policy
B. Statement of value D. Statement of Preference
22. Which of these statements is neither an opinion nor a commonplace assertion?
A. Women are careful drivers.
B. All industrial nations are first world countries.
C. There are more men than women who became president of the country.
D. The number of males in the Senate and Congress suggests that males are better lawmakers.
23. A commonplace assertion is commonly referred to as stereotypes. Which of these statements is an
example of stereotype?
A. All boys are more open-minded than girls.
B. Most religions allow only the males to be the leaders.
C. Schools across the country advocate gender equality.
D. Women deserve the same opportunities that are given to men.
24. What makes the following statement an example of commonplace assertion?
Milk is good for your body.
A. It asserts that milk is the best source of calcium which makes bones and teeth stronger.
B. It makes people believe that milk contains all the vitamins and minerals that the body
C. It disregards the fact that some people are lactose intolerant, and milk may cause stomach
D. All of the above.
25. Which of the following sentences is a fact?
A. There is not a single district in Baguio City with zero record of Covid-19 cases.
B. The liquor ban is one of the best policies of the local government in keeping the
coronavirus disease under control.
C. The only tourists allowed to come to Baguio are those from Region 1 and nearby provinces
with minimal Covid-19 cases.
D. The surge in the number of Covid-19 cases in Baguio can be attributed to expanded testing
efforts and heightened contact tracing.
26. Which of the following is a well-constructed opinion statement?
A. Baguio is the safest city to live in during this pandemic.
B. I think the local government of Baguio deserves recognition for its efforts.
C. LGU leaders in the city always make sound and calculated decisions.
D. Mayor Benjamin Magalong exemplary handled the pandemic in his jurisdiction.
27. It is the main topic of an argument where the speaker tries to assert on his or her beliefs, ideas, or
actions for a reader and for a writer, it is the central statement of a text where the writer tries to
prove in the text by providing details, explanations, and other types of evidence. What is it?
A. Climax B. Climate C. Claim D. Clarification
28. It is a claim whether something is true or untrue but there must always be potential for controversy,
conflict and change.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. Claim of Argument
29. It is a claim that urges that an action be taken or discontinued in specific policies.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. Claim of Argument
30. It is a claim that gives judgment about morality, beauty, merit or wisdom.
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. Claim of Argument
For items number 31-34. Identify what type of claim are they (Fact, Policy, and Value).
A. Fact B. Policy C. Value D. I don’t know

31. Covid-19 is deadly.

32. Tawa-tawa is a cure for covid-19.
33. Flu and covid-19 spread in similar way.
34. Baguio City had more than 100 cases of covid-19.
35. It is “totally unethical” for Russia to not share the covid-19 vaccine to other countries given that its
technology from which it was based “has been proven safe.”
36. Cell phones pull students away from learning.

37. Read the following claim.

What is being conveyed above?

A. The claim determined that students from low-income bracket cannot cope with the
requirements of the New Normal Blended Learning.
B. The claim determined that students are from mlow-income and they can acquire the
requirements with no hassle.
C. Scientists say genome sequencing shows that the virus came from animals and was not man-
D. I have no idea.

38. It is a type of essay that presents arguments about both sides of an issue. What is it?
A. Debate B. argumentative C. persuasive D. expository
39. This part of an argumentative text outlines the topic, provides background information necessary to
understand your argument and presents the thesis statement. What is it?
A. Introduction B. body C. conclusion D. thesis
40. This part of an argumentative text usually comprises three or more paragraphs that explain the
reasons why you support your thesis. This is where the writer backs up his claims with examples,
research, statistics, studies, and text citations. What is this?
A. Introduction B. body C. conclusion D. thesis
41. This part of an argumentative text restates the writer’s thesis and summarizes all of the arguments
made in body paragraphs.
A. Introduction B. body C. conclusion D. thesis
42. ___________ are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They have special functions
and they give additional emphasis on the main verb. What is this?
A. Model Verbs B. Modal Verbs C. Main Verbs D. Median
For numbers 43-47, identify the function of the modal used.
A. Possibility B. Certainty C. Advice D. Ability
43. Lito can speak 5 dialects fluently, but he can’t speak English fluently.
44. It might be raining outside, you should take an umbrella with you.
45. She speaks 5 dialects, so she must be clever.
46. I may come and visit you after work.
47. You should buy some new shoes.
48. What is the appropriate modal to be used in the sentence below?
She told me that she was unwell so she ___________ not go to the office.
A. Will B. Can C. Must D. Would
49. An argumentative essay can be started by asking a question. Is this statement true or false?
A. False B. True C. Both D. it depends
50. This part of an argumentative text restates the writer’s thesis and summarizes all of the arguments
made in body paragraphs. What is it?
A. Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Thesis


“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

- Winston Churchil
Good luck and God bless! 

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

Teacher I HT-III, English Department Head School Head
Teacher III

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