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corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

Paying jobs,
tall tales &
Wild, crazy
a random generator for story hooks,
paid work and street level chatter
from the dark future

Devised by Mark Lindsey for

©2021 Mark Lindsey

Cover photo by Andrew Haimerl – RIP on Unsplash


corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

Greetings cyberpunkS …

The only way to survive and flourish in this dark and dangerous future is to keep your eyes and ears
open so you never miss a good opportunity to turn a profit or hook up with a new ally. But for GMs it
can be exhausting coming up with such street level chatter on the spot, which is where FRANKENSTEIN
generator features three tables of features to add depth and detail to your cyberpunk setting. By rolling a
few dice you can determine a set of story hooks to spin off into a new adventure, figure out the details
of paying contracts that might be of interest to your crew, or jump into the rumour mill and pick up some
juicy gossip that could lead to some exciting outcomes.
It’s designed to be used with any RPG in a cyberpunk setting (Cyberpunk Red, Cyberpunk 2020, Shadowrun,
Altered Carbon, etc.) and is intended to help GMs access their own imaginative processes with the
minimum of effort. Thanks for taking a chance on it and check out DRIVETHRURPG.COM for other GM
tools and adventures from …

frankenstein bee


corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

one: story hooks
“A fixer invites you to a bar, says they’ve got a job for you and …” blah, blah, blah. So we’ve all started adventures in
such ways and there’s nothing wrong with that, but sometimes it’s nice to mix it up and have your PCs fall into a story in a
different way. While there is a list of jobs later in this document, what follows in this chart are a number of alternative
ways to set things in motion which should help to give your story openings more variety. Some could be spun off into a
whole new adventure, whereas others might just provide an absorbing start before you jump into the meat of an existing
story. Pick up that D100 and let the good times roll (I know … I’m sorry).


The PCs are kidnapped by a dangerous mob boss who believes they’re responsible for something that went
wrong for him and he tasks them with sorting things out … or else.
A former lover of one of the PCs turns up out of the blue indicating they want to rekindle the relationship,
but first there’s a problem they need help with.
A PC is contacted by a lawyer who has an inheritance for them from an estranged relative. In the items they
receive is a document that suggests the location of an item of great value.
A mysterious package arrives. It contains a video recording that puts one of the PCs in a compromising
position, a phone number and a digital readout counting down from twelve hours.
A PC is mistaken for someone else, and unfortunately that person has a number of enemies who want to talk
to them urgently … or perhaps it’s not just a chat they’re after.
The PCs win a competition run by a powerful corp. The prize is too good to turn down, but the thing is, none
of them actually entered.
An enemy with a grudge returns from the dead, seeking revenge on one of the PCs and anyone who
associates with them.
After several odd occurrences, the PCs realise that the building in which they’re working is infected with a
rogue AI and it doesn’t seem to want to let them go before they’ve played a game of wits with it.
A friend asks a PC to mentor their child, but the kid is either an idiot or a reckless maniac and naturally
enough something the kid does puts the PCs in some very hot water.
A disaster (natural or man-made) throws the PCs into an unexpected survival situation, but they’re still
expected to complete a job they’ve been commissioned to do.
The PCs, or maybe just a few of them, are accidentally poisoned. There is an antidote, but unfortunately it’s
in the hands of an enemy.
A video recording of the PCs goes viral, making them celebrities on the NET, but they’re engaged on a job
requiring them to be undercover which becomes increasingly impossible.
A data chip, containing information that could be very bad for an enemy of the PCs, is handed to them by
an anonymous figure who leaves on a motorcycle without speaking.
The PCs wake in a darkened, steel-walled room, with no clear memory of what happened to them. The
sound of machinery can be heard and it feels as though the room may be swaying.
Someone has put a contract out on the PCs. They must get out of the city to (relative) safety, while also using
their wits to discover who wants them dead.
While witnessing a murder in the street, the PCs are mistaken as the perpetrators and must evade capture
from the cops while clearing their name.
The PCs have just completed a job, but when they approach the client for payment, the client claims to know
nothing about it and it looks like they’re being honest.
On the way to meet a fixer who has work for them, they stumble upon the fixer dying in the street. Before
dying the fixer hands them a partially corrupted data chip and utters a single word … “Sargasso.”
The PCs are inside the headquarters of a corporation when a hostage situation breaks out. Do they
negotiate, go on on the offensive or escape and leave the rest of the hostages to their fate?
A street cleaning drone has gone haywire, causing chaos for the PCs. If they manage to stop it, they’re
blamed for the problem and are arrested and billed by the city.
A terrorist attack results in the city being placed under martial law, but the PCs have a time-sensitive job that
they must complete within the next six hours no matter what.
There’s a spate of burglaries and the PCs are some of the victims. The police are doing nothing, but the
nearby residents cobble together a modest sum and ask the PCs if they’ll take care of it.
A tall, excessively hairy man turns up at the PCs hangout, speaking a language they don’t understand, but he
keeps repeating their names. He has a note on him which reads, “This is Bear. Please take care of him.”
Someone is committing murder-robberies, killing victims for their cybernetic parts. The stash of stolen gear is
found in a property owned by a PC.
Eight GM pigs have been freed from a corpo lab by animal rights activists. The corp is paying generously
for each one returned, but the pigs are super-intelligent, bullet proof, agile and destructive as hell.
A PC’s eye augmentation keeps malfunctioning and showing them an image of a mysterious location which
51-52 they see from the POV of someone who appears to be being tortured. While dropping a package to a
client, they realise this is the location they saw and the client was the torturer.


corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

In a bar, a rival challenges the PCs to a competition. Both teams have 24 hours to steal a particular item,
owned by a dislikable corporate exec. The winners get the glory, but are the PCs being set up?
A large package is delivered to a PC. It turns out to be a coffin, containing the body of a relative and a
55-56 note instructing them to “Run APEX.” Given there’s no data chip in their slot, it seems the file might be
installed in their cyberware.
A corp has put out a challenge: anyone who can defeat the new AI security system they have started to
57-58 market will get a small fortune. Obviously they don’t think it’s possible, but someone mysterious has supplied
the PCs with a data chip containing the system’s schematics. But why?
While they’re chilling in one of their apartments, a flying drone taps on the window. When the PCs open it
gives them a message: “Get out. NOW!”
A cop who has previously been very antagonistic towards the PCs reluctantly admits that they need the PCs’
The AI running a busy mall malfunctions, trapping everyone inside. When someone tries to escape it activates
63-64 all the drones (floor sweepers, armed security drones, customer service robots, cleaner bots, auto doors and
elevators) who go on a murder spree.
At a gig by a famous musician, someone hijacks the vid screens and attempts mass hypnosis of the crowd.
The hypnotised start to attack both the musician and anyone who hasn’t fallen under hypnosis, including PCs.
A terrible accident at a corp headquarters has left several hundred dead. But something has taken control
of the cyberware implanted in the dead and starts to use their bodies to attack gawkers and passersby.
The PCs are caught in the conflict when the container town at the city’s edge is unexpectedly attacked by a
violent biker gang from out of the badlands.
Daargh! Pirates attack the city’s docks apparently targeting some important cargo that has recently been
unloaded. The PCs (unlucky aren’t they?) happen to be caught up in the trouble.
There’s been an assassination of an important public figure and the PCs are suspects. They know they’re
73-74 innocent, but then police investigations uncover an anonymous five figure payment in the PCs’ bank accounts
and they have no idea where it came from.
On a night out drinking, a PC accepted a bet with another edgerunner that their crew could perform some
75-76 amazing and dangerous feat. As they face losing everything, they realise when sober they’d better figure
out how to persuade to other PCs to help them win the bet.
Although they sneered at the time, a fortune teller’s prediction to one of the PCs that they’re cursed appears
77-78 to be coming true. Things keep malfunctioning, their data becomes corrupted and they’re suddenly being
stopped by police every third street. The fortune teller offers to lift the curse, for a fee, but is this a stitch up?
A street kid who is being chased seeks refuge with the PCs. They claim to be orphaned and escaping a
violent gang, but are they everything they appear to be?
A rumour is going round about a transcendental VR prog that shows the user powerful secrets and can even
81-82 lead to enlightenment. Several factions are after it, but the thing is the data chip has been sent anonymously
to the PCs. Who sent it, and why?
A self-replicating nanobot that reduces the inhibitions of its host has been developed by a military corp, but
83-84 it’s gotten free of the lab. As martial law is declared, the PCs are trapped inside a residential tower block
whose inhabitants are infested with the bots.
The PCs realise a bounty has been put out on a friend. They must locate them and save them before any
assassins track them down.
Somehow, the PCs find themselves turning down a familiar street only to become trapped in a labyrinthine
series of back alleys they’ve never seen before and where the laws of reality don’t seem to apply.
For some reason fixers, friends and acquaintances of the PCs are refusing to take calls and avoiding them in
the street. Then, the crew see a media article … written about them … and it really isn’t good news.
A PC can’t sleep because of an unceasing alarm in the next apartment. When they investigate what they
find causes them to call in the rest of the team.
Years ago, when they were young and naive, someone they should have steered clear of did the PCs a big
favour. The repayment suddenly comes due.
A PC’s car is totalled by a falling body. Nobody cares, but if the PC wants their car fixed they need to find
who the body is, and whom it was that dropped them. A distinctive tattoo with a QR code provides a clue.
A message is sent to the PCs’ phones. Someone has important information for the PCs, but they’ll only meet
inside the virtual world of an online game.
A grenade smashes through the window of the room in which the PCs are gathered. In a moment, there’s a
hiss and smoke billows from the device, then the music starts, and a holographic projection inviting them to a
party aboard the yacht of an old acquaintance who, despite years of hustling for chump change, has
suddenly become very, very rich.


corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

Coming up with new jobs for your players week-after-week can be wearing. Here’s a selection of jobs that lean into the
more unusual possibilities from the dystopian future, some serious, some humorous so that you can give your crew a more
unique experience. Time to get paid!

Roll D100 and read along or roll a number of times to mix it up.
1 An ageing fashion designer … wants to assassinate … a rival’s pedigree pug.
2 A barber … wants to find … a missing friend.
3 A doctor … wants to deliver … a vaccine.
4 An honest politician … wants to punish … a corrupt mayor.
5 A former cop … wants to recover … a hidden stash.
6 An AI … wants to kidnap … a computer programmer.
7 A gangster … wants to reward … a good citizen.
8 The manager of a bodega … wants to protect … a business.
9 A cabal of bankers … wants to investigate … a rival corp.
10 A terminally ill hacker … wants to hijack … a cargo ship.
11 A PC’s relative … wants to reconcile with … a lost love.
12 A cab driver … wants to bury … a cursed item.
13 A performance artist … wants to get rid of … an annoying fan.
14 A failing musician … wants to store … a rare piece of memorabilia.
15 A published poet … wants to relocate … an old mentor who’s in trouble.
16 A janitor … wants to teach a lesson to … a disrespectful resident.
17 A mid-level exec … wants to dig up dirt on … a direct superior.
18 The PA to a powerful tycoon … wants to blow the whistle on … their employer.
19 An army major … wants to go into hiding from … a corporate assassin.
20 The spouse of a prominent exec … wants to escape from … their spouse.
21 A washed-up actor … wants to break a contract with … a movie-loving mobster.
22 A librarian … wants to give a parcel to … a missing friend.
23 An illegal bookie … wants to deliver an encrypted data chip to … a gambling addict.
24 A master sword-maker … wants to get materials from … a fortified lock-up.
25 An anonymous client … wants to send a message to ... a politician.
26 A corpo archivist … needs to deliver a gift to … a missing scientist.
27 A concerned mother … wants to rescue a child from … a ruthless cult leader.
28 A religious leader … wants to rough up … a blackmailer.
29 A shady businessman … needs to find … a former business partner.
30 A talented student … has an important discovery to share with … an imprisoned professor.
31 A gun runner … wants to steal a shipment from … a huge container ship.
32 A reformed criminal … needs to break into … a high tech prison.
33 A VR programmer … needs to test … a virtual reality combat trainer.
34 A robot refurbisher … needs to recapture … a malfunctioning recon bot.
35 A synthetic human AI … wants transporting … to a remote island.
36 A construction corp exec … wants gangs clearing from … a wrecked housing block.
37 A collector of retro computers … wants to plant incriminating data … on a police detective..
38 A police detective … wants an off the books investigation into … a colleague.
39 A troubled street gang member … wants protection from … a gang they once joined.
40 A bioengineering corp … wants to protect … valuable GM crops.
41 A news reporter … needs protection on … an undercover job.
42 A commune … wants help getting rid of … a protection racket.
43 A sacked exec … wants help clearing their name to … a disappointed CEO.
44 A grandfather … wants to extract their grandchild who is … a drug addict.
45 A private detective … needs help investigating … a corporate conspiracy.
46 An alternative art collective … needs protection for … a controversial exhibition.
47 A business leader … puts out a bounty on … a fugitive corpo saboteur.
48 An underground anarchist group … wants a parcel delivering to … a compound in the badlands.
49 A fashionable rocker … wants to transport … an expensive rare guitar.
50 Beleaguered residents … need to teach a lesson to … a slum landlord.
51 A security exec … wants secret recon on … a private research facility.
52 A low level mobster … wants to steal a supercar for … a secret client.
53 APEX, a shadowy cabal … want to deliver a data chip to … an isolated billionaire.
54 A consortium of businesspeople … want to retrieve the dead body of … an adventurous explorer.
55 A scientific research team … need support reaching … a remote research outpost.


corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

56 A fixer … wants help retrieving … the survivors of a plane crash.
57 A jeweller … needs to protect … an expensive package.
58 The child of an exec … wants smuggling out of the city to meet … their unsuitable beloved.
59 A famous person with a double … needs transporting in secret to avoid … an assassination attempt.
60 Four vials marked ‘Sargasso’ … need to be urgently delivered … to a plague ship off coast.
61 Disrespected teachers … want revenge on … a ruthless university dean.
62 A cyberware doc … needs parts from a trafficker disguised as … a native shaman.
63 A pilot … needs ground support during a pickup at … an abandoned military outpost.
64 A trauma team … needs extra hands during an emergency at … a collapsed building.
65 Through their will, a dead client … wants to ruin the life and business of … an alleged con artist.
66 A fearful father … needs to track down their child in … a city slum.
67 A married couple of smugglers … want to disrupt a contraband delivery in … the docks.
68 An ambitious street gang … wants an introduction to … a powerful crime lord.
69 A GM/cybernetic dolphin … wants a message delivered to … a secretive environmental group.
70 Homeless tunnel dwellers … want help destroying… an unknown murderous creature.
71 A yakuza boss … wants a rare antiquity stealing from … a fortified penthouse.
72 A corrupt exec … needs to crash land … a corporate airship.
73 A frightened smuggler … needs a reason to break a contract with … a psychotic biker.
74 An innocent patsy … needs breaking out of incarceration in … a corpo jail.
75 Plans for a dirty bomb … need recovering in secret from … an apocalyptic terrorist group.
76 A valuable corporate defector … needs secretly moving from their hotel to … a secure bunker.
77 A luxury yacht … needs security for … a high class party.
78 Hunt saboteurs … want to incapacitate … an arrogant trophy hunter.
79 A furious neighbour … wants to catch … a hyper-intelligent cyber cat.
80 An anti-war group … wants to scupper … an experimental submarine.
81 The spouse of a kidnap victim … needs money delivering to … a kidnapper.
82 Angry victims of a corp … want help getting evidence on … a corporate cover-up.
83 A malfunctioning sentient robot … wants help getting sanctuary from … city authorities.
84 A dying billionaire … wants a cure stealing from … a cynical corpo medlab.
85 A whistleblower … needs rescuing from … a badlands military camp.
86 A scavenger community … needs protection from … a brutal biker gang.
87 A cult group … wants an allegedly psychic dog from … a research facility.
88 Social justice workers … need protection from … vicious street gangs.
89 Freedom fighters … want to break into a bunker owned by … a security corporation.
90 Bitter divorcees … wanting revenge, both unwittingly hire … the PCs.
91 Fans of a sports team … want protection from … other sports fans.
92 Scientists … want help stopping … a swarm of cyber bees.
93 Environmentalists … want help destroying … dangerous GM trees.
94 A witness to mob crime … needs secretly transporting to … a hidden hideout.
95 An anti-corp lawyer … needs bodyguards to protect from … secret corpo agents.
96 City government … puts a bounty on … street dwellers in the culverts.
97 Pilots … want to clear snipers from … rubbish dump shanty towns.
98 A morgue … needs protection from … body snatchers.
99 An eccentric actor … needs security to get them to … a private island.
100An undersea research facility … needs to see off … pirates.


corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

So what are people saying out there on the street? Who’s involved in shady sh*t in the back alleys or the board rooms?
Who’s up and who’s down? And is any of it true anyway? Whatever you decide, these rumours can add colour to your
games and may even give a few ideas for some side quests.

Roll D100
Fixer Copper Spykes has fallen in love with Lairy Nox, but he doesn’t realise she’s actually working for his
nemesis Fat Ricky who is gradually siphoning off his clients.
3-4 A neo-Nazi street gang is being funded by a secretly fascist exec at a military tech corporation.
There’s a new breed of GM rat on the street that has been released by animal rights campaigners who raided
a bioengineering corporation. The problem is, they have thumbs. Imagine that: rats … with thumbs!
The husband of a high-up member of the Russian mafia is cheating on the mobster with a hack actor from a
daytime soap opera. Apparently the mobster likes to watch.
There’s a secret gang of police who are acting as a hit mob, targeting mobsters and high level gang members
for murder. The mayor knows, but is turning a blind eye.
Recently deceased smuggler Happy Ranks has left a truck containing several hundred million’s worth of boosted
weapons somewhere on the city streets. Several crews are actively searching for it.
There’s a bunker underneath city hall which, as well as being equipped for survival, contains a massive reserve
of gold. It’s claimed there’s a secret entrance somewhere in a nearby subway station.
A cult is operating in the city and several human sacrifices have been found in basements and other isolated
15-16 spots, said to be pressure points that can cause tectonic shifts. They’re trying to bring about the earthquake that
will drop the city into the sea.
A brand of popular lollipop has been tampered with in order to get its consumer hooked on synthetic
A legendary rocker who died in a gangfight is not really dead. They’re living in secret in a luxury penthouse
overlooking the bay and will soon announce a massive comeback concert.
The government is using robot street cleaners and other AI tools to spy on people because they’re going to
suspend the constitution and institute the New World Order.
Prominent actors, politicians, musicians and execs are members of a vampire cult that kidnaps people off the
street and drinks their blood.
25-26 An exec at a petrochem firm is offering rewards for information about environmental protestors.
A prominent film-maker is looking for guides into the city’s underworld as part of their research for a gangster
The child of one of the city’s most powerful businessmen has been on a massive bender and is believed to be
frequenting the dive bars near to the city’s no-go zones, hanging out with a bunch of fashionable minor criminals.
Someone has been stencilling flying pink ducks around the city. There’s a rumour that the ducks are marking
31-32 people and businesses for some reason – theories include connections to the mob, sex deviancy, hacking targets,
involvement in a conspiracy of some manner, etc.
Reclusive business leader Den Daggy Boats, who has allegedly not left their penthouse in the last twenty years,
has been on the streets disguised as a homeless person, giving out small fortunes to those who do good deeds.
35-36 Moxon Gore, a TV newsman, has been targeted for a hit by all four of his ex-spouses.
A gang of black-eyed children is picking off lone drunks and drug addicts on the street. The only clue on each
of the scenes of abduction is the same brand of Evil Eye cigarettes found on or near to the bodies.
It’s said that Jackie ‘Caligula’ Rockstep, who runs a mercenary bar near to the docks, got his nickname because
he has an unusual attitude towards horses.
41-42 The private eye Mitchum Gart has dirt on somebody big, but he won’t let on who it is.
43-44 Wholesome family entertainer Mildred Hi-Tower has been paying hush money to an unknown blackmailer.
A priceless stone tablet, engraved with two horned rattlesnakes from the Native American Mississippian culture,
45-46 is being moved from the museum to the university for research purposes. A venture capitalist who collects such
things would pay handsomely if it got ‘lost’ on the way.
Cats have been going missing. They’re fitted with bugs and when they return, one of a number of named
47-48 corporations which differs depending on the teller uses them to spy on their owners. None of the rumour mongers
can quite decide why.
49-50 Pornographer, businessman and rap artist Itchy Dexxx is planning to run for city mayor next election.
Somewhere in the city there is a red room which is used to film murders that are then broadcast to sick
individuals who revel in cruelty.
In the culverts and sewers under the city, there’s a growing band of the poor and disaffected that are planning
to overrun society and take revenge on the rich.
Execs at Bathory Kumel, a bioengineering and medical corp that are developing anti-aging treatments, bathe in
the blood of kidnapped children at secret soirees in the exclusive restaurant Mircalla.
57-58 Crime lord Ignus Tythe of the Lost Hearts syndicate is planning to murder his brother, Hash.


corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

A dead body that was found in the square next to City Hall is in fact that of the mayor, but in order that panic
doesn’t spread, the authorities have replaced them with a lookalike.
A former sports commentator has gone crazy and claims to be the son of God, also suggesting that the
inhabitants of the city are under some kind of alien mind control.
A secret society called Fulcrum has a meeting place somewhere in the city’s financial district. If one can gain
entry, one could gain riches and advantages undreamed of.
There’s a war brewing between the Russian mob and the Yakuza after several people from each side have been
injured and killed. Some suggest that it’s the Triads that are behind the whole thing.
67-68 A super drug which is currently flooding the streets is made by a security corp as a form of mind control.
69-70 The city’s water has been poisoned by a madman, but the authorities are hushing it up.
71-72 The new fashion in body modification is to have one’s face remodelled into that of a pug.
A mob that runs the docks is sitting on a shipment of food in order to create a false crisis that they can then
profit off.
75-76 The Nines, a street gang, have been behind a recent spate of random killings with ice picks.
A feud between the entertainers Chanterelle Lollo and Indira Psyke has gotten out of hand. It’s alleged that
77-78 Chanterelle is now under investigation as an envelope of anthrax was sent to Psyke, while a fire at Psyke’s home
is believed to be arson.
79-80 A well-known CEO is really a remote-controlled android.
Inside an isolated server of a prominent corp, it’s alleged that there’s a hugely valuable program that can be
used to open up or kill any web into which it’s put, enabling its user to access and control anything they like.
It’s rumoured that a morally questionable doctor is performing operations to turn disturbed patients into
formless, boneless blobs of quivering, living meat without sight or hearing.
The logo and menus for a well-known coffee chain contain secret messages. What the messages are, or who they
are for is unclear.
Fixer Uri Dank is missing. Some say he’s being held captive by a mobster, others that he’s hiding out after a job
went south, while still others claim he’s had plastic surgery and is posing as the new owner of Sparks Bar.
A popular fast food chain has launched a new supposedly synthetic burger, but there are some who claim its
meatiness is related to a spate of disappearances which the police have failed to investigate.
Someone is drugging and kidnapping people to secretly install bombs in their cyberware. Devotees of this
theory claim that there have been a number of explosions, but others claim it’s an urban myth.
Exec Loma Dack was ready to blow the whistle on wrongdoing in the medical corporation she worked for, but
93-94 she has been silenced under the excuse that she is suffering from a long term illness, when she’s really being kept
under house arrest.
A fuel used by flying personnel vehicles is being used to spread a new virus through the atmosphere over the
97-98 The latest art created by eccentric19:HRV contains real human parts donated by his fans.
Within the next ninety days a doomsday cult will detonate a huge nuclear bomb to wipe the city from the face
of the earth.


Happy gaming!

Frankenstein bee


corey Johnson (Order #32452214)

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