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Chapter 1: The Fixer.......................6 Local Example..............................30

Operator.....................................6 Chapter 4: Enterprises....................31

Playing a Fixer............................7 Clubhouses...................................31

Streetwise…...........................…..8 Small Clubhouse.........................32

Hustling…….............................…..9 Medium Clubhouse.....................33

Giri…………...............................….10 Large Clubhouse.........................34

Contacts…............................…...11 Clubhouse Upgrades...................35

Capability…............................….12 Business.......................................36

Complications............................12 Capital........................................37

Specialization............................13 Stealing Capital..........................38

Fixer Services.............................14 Taxes...........................................38

Your Profession..........................15 End of the Month........................38

Skills………….................................15 Fitting it In...................................39

Business Ventures......................16 Chapter 5: For Hire..........................41

Quick & Dirty…...........................17 Fixer: Smooth...............................42

Including Fixers.........................20 Fixer: La Reina.............................43

Chapter 2: The Tools.....................23 Fixer: Crowley.............................44

er 2: The Tools…….................…...23 Fixer: Charter Hill........................45

Staying COOL...........................23 Media: Joshua.............................46

Credchips.................................24 Rockerboy: Billy...........................47

Forging Credchips....................24 Netrunner: Newark.......................48

Cash or Credit..........................24 Thanks.................................................49

Sins of 2045?...........................25


Legal or Illegal?........................25


Old Tech...................................26

Other Currencies......................26

Hire Crew.................................26

Heatin’ Up.................................27

Exit Plan....................................27

Chapter 3: The Streets.................28

Local Expert..............................28


Night Markets.............................28

The idea of Fixin’ it Up came from one of my players (who will not be named, but you

know who you are) chose to be a Fixer. The problem was, they didn’t know what a Fixer

was. They didn’t know how to act like a Fixer. They didn’t know how to be a Fixer. The

thing is, Choom, if you’re not living and breathing the hustle, then you aren’t a Fixer.

I grew up in a comfortable middle-class suburb where the only people using slang

were High Schoolers thinking that if they peddled a pack of gum before the first-period

bell, they were the truest hustlers to hustle. Despite that, my first character in any

Cyberpunk game was a Fixer, but why? Did I fantasize about being on the streets or

something? No, but I chose it because I like non-violent solutions to problems. As a

player or GM, I will always seek a non-violent means to any situation in any tabletop.

What I learned - as my Fixer was gutted in his pajamas by a pissed-off Solo I

unknowingly double-crossed - was that being a Fixer took a certain dedication that the

other Roles didn’t have. It was more than just having a nice uncle smile and flashing

your eddies; it was about living and breathing your role as a Fixer.

So I bought Wildside, a Fixer supplement for 2020. While I absolutely still

recommend Wildside for Cyberpunk: Red players, I found that in 2045, the game

changed. I’m not talking about rules and combat; I’m talking about the street game. The

who’s who. The how you get things. A long thought that came to me time and time

again was, could Wildside be brought to Cyberpunk: Red and made into a new,

updated, and engaging guide for any aspiring Fixer or GM to use in their toolbox? So

here’s Fixing it Up.


A Fixer treats everyone they meet with courtesy. They can never know who their

next client will be.

A Fixer makes notes on every NPC and PC they meet in the campaign. They don't

know when they can use that information to assist later down the line or use it as

dirt against someone.

A Fixer makes things happen. They don't try to get into fights. They don't try to start

wars. They put people together and you make good things happen.

A Fixer makes things less dangerous.

A Fixer is always hustling. You're not wasting your days on Braindances or hitting

the club with your Chooms every night. No, you're on the streets making deals,

working on your portfolio, checking in on contacts.

A Fixer is patient. Good things come with time.

A Fixer asks themselves what the value of this deal is. How can they make the most

out of the situation?

A Fixer is a Fixer because of money. Nothing is personal, the biz is the biz.

A Fixer never betrays their people or their clients if they ever want to breathe again.

In the Time of the Red, people need

things, and you’re the person who knows OPERATOR
how to get those things. You’re a real
hustler, but none of that nickel-and-dime
The Operator has replaced Streetdeal
stuff. You’re trading real things, making
from 2020 and Wildside. The ability
connections, slipping a few smooth
combines the different aspects of a Fixer,
eddies into the doorman’s pocket, so he
such as Contact, Reach, Haggling, and
looks the other way. Perhaps you know a
Grease, in an all-in-one ability. Operator
guy who drives trucks filled with
reflects your position on the streets through
expensive alcohol into the Executive
reputation rather than your skill of knowing
Zone. So you figure, you’ll forge the
the streets (because that’s Streetwise). As
manifest, knick a few bottles out the
your Fixer increases their Operator rank, so
trailer, and send the driver on his way
does the number of connections and clients
and those suit-wearing Execs are none
they have access to. This special ability
the wiser.
makes Fixers seemingly the most important

addition to a Party. Still, a great resource

A Fixer is a person who will stop at
for GMs to move the story along or
nothing to get what they want and will do
introduce new plot threads.
whatever it takes to earn some scratch.

When a Fixer looks in the mirror, they should

A great alternative to saving up IP points
try and dissect how they can be better.
for advancing level, and a practice I use in
Fixers show up, they put in the hours, and
my own campaigns, is by leveling Operator
they live their lifestyle to the fullest. As a
through Milestone advancements. This
Fixer, you have to always pursue progress
means the Fixer is actively improving and
and getting things done. Yeah, the Solo is
growing its network of contacts, clients,
going to be the one kicking doors in and
and informants. Maybe this is paying off a
flatlining some Booster who couldn’t pay off
Cab driver to tell them who’s on the streets,
his loan, but you’re the guy who got the
the truck driver coming in and out of the
contract to zero his ass. The only ways to
Exec Zone, a dock worker, a Joytoy, etc.
get those contracts are by promoting
The longer the list of connections is, the
yourself and making connections, but we’ll
higher the level they advance - of course,
come back to those later.
by the GM’s discretion.

However, sometimes there are

PLAYING A FIXER exceptions. Information are the bullets for a

Fixer's gun. My first character in Cyberpunk:

Red was a Fixer and in session two I walked

Breaking into the meta-conversation for a
him into the lion's den. We had been
second. When going through roles or even
framed for a murder and tied up and
this guide, a Fixer may seem overwhelming
threatened by one gang. I made a deal
and super involved. When you choose the
that I could find the killers (who belonged
Fixer, you have elected to be the face of
to a rival) and bring them back. We walked
the party. You will have to be charismatic,
right into the lair of the Kingz where I could
even if you don't think that you're
hear the blood pounding in my ears.
charismatic. Stepping out and putting the

fate of the entire crew in your hands is a

Long story short, I knew what my cards
tremendous amount of pressure for anyone
were. In the span of two sessions, I knew
to take no matter what game system they're
about a gang war, the petty King, and a
murder. So I told the Kingz everything. I had

nothing of value to offer the Kingz. I didn't

As a Fixer, there's no way around it. Just
have a secret stash or synthcoke labs. My
because you're the face of the party
Crew and I were just a bunch of punks in a
doesn't mean you have to speak for it. This
Megatower. The information I gave the
is discussed as a "go-between" or a
Kingz was power, letting them know about
messenger from one party (the GM) to
a rot in their organization, how much their
another (the crew).
rival feared them, and the rich corpo who

pulled all the strings.

If you're a new player or you want to

switch things up with your next role choice

In hindsight, it was probably a terrible
and want to be a Fixer but you aren't sure
move. But I didn't just spill the beans. I saw
how to play the character, remember this:
the Kingz bluff and I called it. His people
your job is to GATHER information and give
were out of control and I pointed out how I
nothing away, and if you do have
was a solution to that problem, not just
something to give, have a price in mind.
another problem. I made sure to drink some

Smash with him, butter him up, and let him

If you're not confident with speaking on
know we're just good Chooms ironing out
behalf of the party -- don't. Use your ears
some wrinkles in the neighborhood.
but don't flap your lips. Gather all the

information you can, bring it back to the

The key to being a Fixer is playing it cool.
party, and discuss what you learned. You'd
So when you're about to enter the lion's
be surprised with what multiple heads put
den, take a deep breath, make notes, and
together on a gig offer can do.
prepare to own the situation.
Let's say you're about to pull a gig on a

STREETWISE warehouse in Upper Marina. As your solo is

pulling an assault rifle out of the Nomad's

trunk, you wonder if the noise you're about

Streetwise is a great way of saying
to cause is going to upset the local gangs
"common sense". In Night City there's
(spoiler: it is). Thing is, as the boss you know
danger around every turn. Unlike 2020
you are, other people causing trouble on
where things were a tad-bit more civilized
your turf is a no-no. If your crew attacks this
(even that's a stretch), the Time of the Red
warehouse, you can attract the wrong
is more dangerous. Streetwise is glancing
attention from the wrong gang.
over your shoulder, walking a bit faster,

paying attention to who's around you and

So you ask your GM if you can talk a walk
what gear they're packing. Low Streetwise
around the neighborhood to check out the
is walking with your headphones on surfing
locals. Maybe you can even spot a place to
the datapool on your Agent, unaware that
source some weapons and armor at.
you stepped into gang territory and are

about to be jumped by five boosters.

Your GM has one of two ways to handling

it. They can look at your Base total and use

A big part of Streetwise is blending in
the benchmarks mentioned earlier in this
and being aware. A neat thing in
section, and narrate the world-building
Cyberpunk: Red is that you might not have
they've done prior to the session's start.
to roll for everything. Let’s look at
Vacant storefronts, empty roads, quiet
Streetwise on Page 139. At a base of 10, alleys heaped with trash. But your Fixer
your Fixer will already know where they can
notices gang signs of Maelstrom painted on
get certain items or street drugs or who the
the sides of shops and data terms.
best Fixer is in the area, no need to roll

that. At base 14, you’ll know how to get into

I always say roll for the Streetwise check
contact with. This makes Streetwise not
regardless just to see if the player Crits, but
only necessary but critical for a good fixer
this form of narration and information
to know what they can get and how they
giving helps incentivize the player to spend
can get it.
IP and become a better hustler.

When walking through a new

As a reminder, Streetwise isn't exclusive
neighborhood, you can ask your GM to roll
to Fixers and can be used by any role. As I
streetwise as a way to gain information
said, it's a great way of saying common
about the area you're about to operate in.
It may seem annoying to ask for this roll, but

using your Streetwise will save your life.

Streetwise isn't a Fixer's only way of A good Fixer knows that people will pay

gathering information. Fixers can browse top dollar to have a good gun, real food, or

messaging apps on the Datapool or online even a set of clean clothes. Depending on

marketplaces looking for deals or clues on the table you're playing at, the Fixer is

their next lead. This doesn't fall under going to be spending a lot of time buying

Library Search but actually a roll on the and selling. Maybe you've experienced it

Operator Rank. already, but it's a dangerous life. At any

moment someone could put a gun to your

Alternatively, you can use Streetwise to head and you have to then pray you can

find the hot spots in the neighborhood and talk your way out of it.

your Operator Rank to make connections

and find the right people to talk to while Make a note on your character sheet or in

staying out of trouble. your journal if you have one to loot any

bodies you leave behind. If it isn't bolted

Knowing what to roll and knowing when down, grab it and sell it later. Using your

to roll it (or just roleplay it if you're Trade will allow you to mark up the price

experienced) can save a Fixer's life. Take and make a successful sale. But that's small

stock of rumors and treat each one like it's stuff.

worth its weight in gold. Someone tells you

the 6th Street intends to move in on Bozo Making real scratch requires hard work

territory, you bet your ass you're going to and dedication. As the Fixer, you need to

steer clear of that shitstorm. drill it into your Crew's head that without

you, they don't get paid. You are the money

Streetwise is also another handy tool in and the eyes and ears of the party.

the GM's arsenal. It's a great way to

sprinkle hints, create an atmosphere, and Never be afraid to sell things to the rest

get your players involved and feeling like of your crew. You're not running a charity.

they're a part of this world that you've You found a preem sniper rifle that your

created. Rocker wants? Don't give it away, have

them buy it.

You can also share or spread rumors for

your players to use on their own personal

A good way to make some scratch and
ventures. Whatever makes you Eddies is fair
make the most out of your Fixer is to
HAGGLE. In Wildside, this is talked about as

Black Marketeering. In Cyberpunk: Red,

things are hard to get and production is at

a standstill. 9
but they're still someone, and someone to

GIRI be taken seriously and professionally. Now,

there's a lot of scum out there that sees

everyone as disposable and a bodybag, no

There's a Japanese term borrowed by many

way around that. But, if your Fixer provides

on the streets called Giri. While not having

worth to that person and has a web of

a direct equivalent to English, the general

connections, that choom isn't going to

definition translates to duty or obligation.

backstab the Fixer without a plan.

Wildside calls it "honor among thieves".

Whether you're playing a Fixer or you're a

Some might disagree with these points

GM, NPCs and Players alike should honor

thinking that the FIxer is untouchable. They

Giri. It's said a lot in the core book not to

aren't, but there needs to be probable

trust people and sure there are many

cause. Sure, this isn't 2020 and Giri isn't

Edgerunners who float around the same

the common word on the streets. People

sentiment, but if you stab someone in the

are a little more wild and desperate. But

back over kibble or an assault rifle, you

that just means Giri holds harder because

better expect someone to find out and take

that makes Fixers even more valuable.

revenge. No one, and I mean no one, will do

business with a Fixer who betrays their

This is exactly why Fixers are the toughest

clients. The same goes for Edgerunners who

Role to play. As a Player, you need to know

betray Fixers. This doesn't mean your Fixer

the Fixer and the streets like the back of

is untouchable. If your Fixer does bad

your hand. As a GM, Fixers can seem like

business, lying and cheating clients, the

wild beasts if you don't work hard to tame

party being screwed over has every right to

them. That isn't the case, once a Fixer hits

do something about it. Vice versa, as a GM,

level 10 they can't just call up President Kess

the player's Fixer isn't untouchable, but

and order a military strike but nor can

don't treat them like your typical

anyone just decide to off the Fixer because

they didn't like the way they were looked at.

A Solo's means of defense is the pistol in

But as you climb the later, remember Giri.

his holster, but a Fixer has their contacts.

If you forget that your job is all smiles and

Dealers such as gang lords should see a

handshakes and you start letting your ego

Fixer as a nobody unless they're below level

take over, you'll snap. Take this quote from

4. This is important and I've touched upon

Neuromancer: "Stop hustling and you sank

this before, a Level 4 Fixer is an established

without a trace, but move a little too swiftly

and skilled Fixer. It's in their Role

and you’d break the fragile surface tension

description. Level 4 Fixers have pushed

of the black market; either way, you were

past the corner peddling nobody. Sure,

gone, with nothing left of you but some

they're not the biggest kid on the block

vague memory in the mind".
However, when using Contact Points, the

CONTACTS contact isn't free. More often or not, the

contact will ask for something in return; a

favor, a bribe, a git. Contact Points grow at

Contacts are the lifeblood of being a
the start of every session by applying your
Fixer. Sometimes it’s who you know, not
Operator Rank level to a pool of CP.
what you know. In Contacts is a great way

to get players to work with the GM to

Let's say you're a level 4 Fixer, and you
fleshing out their game's world. If you are
spent 3 points last session to gain a low-
the GM, reserve some time in a session 0 or
level contact, ending the session with 1
before the party comes together to write
Contact Point. At the start of the new
some contacts the Fixer may know either
session, you add 4 (your rank level) to the 1,
relevant or not relevant to the current
making 5 total Contact Points at the start.
You can spend those five points however

you wish when you meet a new contact.

My best frame of reference is to follow

the Operator Rank guide. Let’s say Rob is

Why Use Contact Points? There are a lot
joining the Campaign ten sessions in as a
of people out there in the world and not all
Fixer. His Rank is 4, so he has access to a
of them want to be your friend. To help
city gang honcho, a minor politician, Corp
manage that, Contact Points are another
Exec, and a well-known person in their
form of currency to help understand the
neighborhood of choice. So Rob gets to
value of their contact. These contacts can
create, with the help and guidance of the
be anyone, Dock Workers, Smugglers, Truck
GM, those four connections. This also works
Drivers, Joytoys, Arms Dealers, Document
amazing for Milestone rank advancement
Forgers, Execs, other Edgerunners. By using
as a Fixer who wants to move to level five
the Contact Points, it's a way to measure
will have to make a connection with a
the influence your Fixer has on that person
Major City player, City politico, and
and puts them on good terms with you
neighborhood celebrity.
(however, depending on their reliability,

they can betray you).

Wildside offered an incredible look into a

contact system that I want to reintroduce

Again, this is a pick-and-choose style
and revamp with Cyberpunk: Red’s
homebrew, so if you don't like CP, just skip
gameplay system.
it and pick up the other things. Contact

Points are also used as a currency to get

The first introduction are Contact Points
contacts to help. Calling on a contact will
(CP) that a Fixer is allowed to spend in
require the same cost as recruiting them,
order to "gain" contacts.
plus rolling to see if they're around to help.

Super-Reliable: This contact has you
CAPABILITY on speed dial and will do anything for

you. If they aren't available at the

moment, they can definitely help in 1d6

Your contacts can be broken down into five
Cost: 10 + 1d10

Snitch: This contact is almost

worthless, but they may have something

for you in terms of rumor and hearsay. If

this contact fails their capability roll,

they will try to sell you out to the

highest bidder they know.

Cost: 1 + 1d10 points.

Unreliable: Contacts who aren't very

good at what they do and would sell

you out in a heartbeat, but they have

No matter how you spend your Contact
their uses. If this contact fails their
Points or whom you get acquainted with,
capability roll, they will try to deceive
your Contacts will want something in return.
As mentioned above, all contacts will want
Cost: 2 + 1d10
some kind of Favor. Sometimes it's a small
gift, payment, tickets to an NC Slammers
Reliable: A contact who won't sell you
game, what have you. For Very-Reliable
out and will provide some useful
and Super-Reliable contacts, they'll need
information with the right amount of
Maintenance. Some of these contacts will
grease applied. If the capability roll is
want monthly payments, constant favors,
failed, this contact simply cannot help
and will be great hooks for any campaign.

Cost: 4 + 1d10

Very Reliable: This contact will have
your name and number recognized and

will always pick up their Agent when Contacts are people too. They'll have their

you call. If the capability roll is failed, own strengths and weaknesses while

this contact will suggest you try them existing in the same world as the players.

again in 1d6 days. This makes them vunerable.

Cost: 6 + 1d10

Contacts can easily sell the players out This is what makes a Fixer so powerful

for a higher bidder or be kidnapped and and important to the party. In a way, you

tortured/blackmailed/coerced into giving can hire the players and treat them like

the players up. Just because you spent employees. Neat, huh? But what do I mean?

Contact Points doesn't mean that contact Well, let's say you run a service in Black

will always be there for you. It's Cyberpunk, Marketing. You hire your crew of

trust no one. Edgerunners (with your 12% cut) to break

into a warehouse filled with Cyberarms.

Keep in mind who you recruit into your You then bring those Cyberarms to a Night

web of connections. Other Fixers can easily Market and sell them for 10 or 20% more

get jealous when a new Fixer moves on than they're worth.

their turf and starts plucking their contacts.

This can spell immediate danger for the Here's another thing, as a Fixer, don't be

party if the Fixer isn't careful whom they afraid to charge the players for their

talk to or make deals with. Also, understand services. This is something I recommend

that not every contact is perfect at many of my players do no matter what role

everything. Todd down at the Fish Market they are. As a Fixer, you can help a

won't be able to get you good deals in Medtech set up a clinic and drive

Cyberware or show you where to get customers their way. You can charge the

Expensive items unless he specializes in Rockerboy 200eb to set up their next gig.

that kind of service. You can charge the solo a 100eb fee for

finding a Night Market for them. Is that

SPECIALIZATION unfair? Of course not, you're trying to make

rent just like everyone except you're a self-

made business person who has to make a

After you finished your lifepath, you might
profit. Good-will doesn't put a roof over
be asking yourself, "what does my fixer
your head.
do"? Fixers need specialization and that

specialization should be something your

For a list of Fixer specializations, I
Fixer enjoys doing.
recommend you buy Wildside and check the

list out on page 19 and pick one of those. In

Most Fixers in Cyberpunk: Red are go-
a campaign I ran, I had a Fixer who pimped
betweens and negotiators. Most GMs will
out Joytoys and rented them out for 50eb
use their Fixers as a means to assign jobs to
per hour. In another campaign, I had a Fixer
the players who are their employees. But,
who owned a small storefront where they
what does the party do when they're not
forged documents for whoever had the
crawling through the Hot Zone for lost
eddies. Here's a list of a Fixer's services:
relics? As a Fixer, you have the power to

decide that. 13
Alternate Identity Gigs (through a middleman)

Animal Smuggling Identity Theft

Antiquities Smuggling Cab operations

Art Procurement Information Trading

Assassination Insider Trading

Bartering Insurance Fraud

Bid Rigging Intercultural Connections

Blackmail Information International Connections

Body Parts Kidnapping

Bookmaking Loans

Braindance/VR (copyright or illegal) Money Laundering

Bribery Negotiation Expertise

Car Parks Netrunner Software

Career Management New Identity

Computer System Maps Odds

Contract Arbitration Organized Crime

Corporate Contacts Pawnbroking

Counterfeiting Money Point Shaving

Cyberware Price Fixing

Drugs Procurement Services

Economic Espionage Prostitution

Electoral Fraud Pump and Dump Schemes

Electronics Racketeering

Embezzlement Scalped Items

Establishment Management SIN-Surgery

Every Day Goods Smuggling

Explosives Underground Wares

False IDs Untraceable Wares

Fencing Weapons

Gambling Zeroing

Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

Those skill are important for whatever

YOUR PROFESSION profession or style of Fixer you want to be.

A lot of understanding the role of a Fixer

must come from you, the player. Here are

If you look at successful Fixers like Fireman,

Garven Haakensen, Hornet, or Mister

two skills you must KNOW like the back of
your hand:
Kernaghan, you will notice they all have a

business. To break it down quickly:

Fireman: Weapons
Garven Hakkensen: Contacts
Both of these skills will determine how well
Hornet: Cyberware, Food, and Dugs
you know your area and where you can get
Mr Kernaghan: Midnight Markets
things. Local Expert is where things get

interesting and where the GM can bring a

As a growing Fixer, you'll need to figure out
player in for a shared imagination.
what that thing is and how to make the

most money off of it. We'll talk more detail

To read the exact definition of Local
about it inChapter 2: Tools along with Expert, go to page 135 in the Cyberpunk:
where to source things in Chapter 3: The
Red Core Rulebook. This idea should be

Streets. Let's talk about SKILLS and how applied for the other players as well, but for

a Fixer, they should be allowed to create

to use them.
the area the area they know with the GM's

approval and guidance. This will not only

help immersion but make the players feel

like they're a part of the game they're

I remember being told by a player on playing.

Discord that "there's no point in putting any The local area they're selecting can't be

points into LUCK or the other useless skills". all of Night City or the NUSA. It can be the

I said, always have said, and always will street they live on, the Megabuilding Block,

say: that is WRONG. In a game with 60+ or the neighborhood of a zone, such as

skills your player can have and use, there Little Europe or South Night City instead of

isn't a thing called useless. Education "Urban Zones" or "Combat Zone".

Skills will be massive for your Fixer when So sit down with your player and make a

operating your business or trying to achieve map or write out locations like they're

your objective. All you have to do is ask mapping out their own local area. What's

your GM, "can I roll x skill" and wait for their their favorite place to get coffee or dinner,

yes or no. what's the local hangouts, who's the

Choomba to see about weapons or drugs?

If you need help mapping out or coming and reasons for starting their own business.

up with locations in the Local Expert, go to

Chapter 3. So how do you fit in the other, Some players have goals for their

useless, skills? Choosing what service you characters. More often or not, I've played

provide and what kind of Fixer you want to with and Referred with a lot of players who

be. I know it's a pain, but we'll get into that have the goal of starting a business. Since

as you continue to read this unofficial there's no gameplay for that, more often or

guide. not that goal is skirted around until the

player either forget or they're dead. Heh,

not me, I love Homebrew for this exact


Owning a business has more uses than

I've seen this topic asked about enough to generating money with no effort on the

finally do something about it (and trust me, Player's behalf. Not only does it set an

it's asked more than you think). Once you've actual attainable goal they want to

rolled your Lifepath, you'll have determined achieve as the reason for why they take

what kind of Fixer you are, if you've got dangerous Edgerunner jobs, but also

partners, what your office is like, and who provides a fountain of story hooks, side

your side clients are. Now, in my quests, gigs, worldbuilding, and general

experience, much of this is glossed over by creativity.

the GM.

You may knock on the Taverns of

Businesses will be broken up into two Dungeons and Dragons but you can't deny

Quick and Dirty method

chapters, the easy that a lot of the game (and the

next, and Chapter 4: Enterprises. The shenanigans) takes place there. However,

reason I did this is that I came up with two the business system I came up with is

methods, one that was fast, another that massive and has a learning curve to it and

was super in-depth that it's a side game in something I see as useful if you run West

itself. Without confusing you by the layout March-style campaigns. If you want a quick

of this homebrew guide, I'd rather separate and easy method of doing it, look no further

the two methods and give the big section to Quick and Dirty next.
its own chapter.

Businesses can be made useful to any

other player regardless of Role, but Fixers

will have unique opportunities, bonuses,


So you want to run a business without it hijacking the campaign. Look no further. To buy

a business, you must have a location to set it up. If it's a mobile business, ignore that. If

it's a physical location, the GM can determine the price. Again, see Chapter 5:
Enterprises for the full list of example locations and costs.

After buying the location or starting up the business, at the end of the month you must

roll a 1d6 to determine if it was aGood (Evens) or Bad (Odds) month. After the result of
that table, you then roll on the Profit table to determine if you made a profit this

month. It's a hands-off approach with bonuses based on skill and Operator rank.

Overhead, which are things like your rent, expenses, labor, are already taken into
account when you do the profit roll so no need to worry about those factors.

But first, let's talk about what those special skills do for bonuses:

Business (INT): Base 10, +1% profit. Base 14, +2% profit. Base 18, +4% profit.

Operator Rank: Each Operator rank provides a +1% bonus to your business's
profitability. So a Fixer of Rank 4 has a +4% to profitability.

Workload: For every 10 hours you spend working in your business, you gain a +1%

bonus to profitability.

If you're wondering if Executives gain bonuses for their Roll Ability, they do not. If you

purchase a business as an Executive, you're purchasing a small business that isn't

attached to a Corporation, or else they would seize ownership and profits. Executives

do start with high Business skills compared to the rest of the Roles, thus making them

excellent at bookkeeping and providing the Business (INT) bonus.

Bad Events (Odds) Good Events (Evens)

Profit Table

Now you may have noticed with the Bad Events that they can put your business in debt.

That isn't a mistake, it's completely intentional. When you open a business in Night City,

you are becoming a part of the community and that comes with the good or bad. Just

as you're breaking into businesses on jobs, so are other Edgerunners or just a Booster

looking to make a quick Eddie.

When you don't pay back your debt within a month, you run the risk of losing your

business and never getting permission to run another business unless you can prove to a

bank or Landlord that you can make your payments. This is why you run jobs in

Cyberpunk: Red. Your dangerous missions are the patrons for your lifestyle and your

business if you choose to have one.

Remember that life isn't fair in the Time of the Red. You can of course buy upgrades

that can reduce the penalties of bad events but those are left to the GM's discretion.

Things like hiring security, fireproofing the building, creating saferooms or adding a Net

Architecture with Defenses.

You can't hustle if you're dead. If you get

INCLUDING FIXERS the sudden overwhelming urge to help your

comrades out during a fight but hosing the

room down with bullets, you aren't doing

Fixers are a GM's best friends for a
your job as a Fixer. There's a reason why
campaign. While this guide does make it
Solos get hired to take the heat and deal it
seem like a Fixer could take over the
back. So what do you do? Try to find exits,
campaign and be a sub-GM, they can act
try to cover the party's escape with smoke
as vessels to move the plot along or add
interesting dynamics.

Once you have yourself in a secure spot,

Fixers are a GM's go-between, the guy
you should call in some favors. Get a friend
who gets paid half-up front and half when
to help out. Have your Facemen call up
it's finished to take out a target or
some backup.
blackmail some Choom. Even if your party

doesn't have a Fixer it doesn't mean all this

information is useless. Fixer NPCs are a

great source of mission-givers, interesting

characters, and people your PCs have to

go to if they want just about anything If hearing that you're the most important

above 100eb. member of the party gave your min-maxing

Fixer a power trip, stop right there. You're

As the crew gain renown and reputation important but remember your table

for being effective, it's not unlikely they'd manners. Just because the Fixer can flex a

be gathered into a team or "union". This is certain amount of power and control over

a more official, renting out an office or HQ the rest of the party doesn't mean you

that the party can work out of. This can should. The crew of Edgerunners are your

actually be seen in the Cyberpunk 2077 partners in crime. While the word on the

side mission called "Union Strikes Back". streets is don't trust anyone, you need to

trust your crew. Without your crew, you're a

But what if I get railroaded into nobody with no Biz to run. Without your

Combat? crew, no one's doing the work. Without your

crew, you're all alone.

Sometimes, combat is inevitable. A party

member said or did someone wrong. The While a Fixer can become a mob boss

techie was eyeing up someone's input. Or and run the show, they play off the other

the GM decides to railroad it. Whatever it roles with great synergy. Fixers can set

is, bullets will start flying and it sucks for Rockerboys up with equipment, loans, and
you as a Fixer.
and venues. This is where being a Talent the world that have access to vehicles be it

Scout comes into play. As a Fixer, you can boats, cars, or planes. Nomad packs can

be the Rockerboy's manager or just help intercept shipments on lead, sea, and air.

them out in a pinch. A Rockerboy can help This is where the interdependent

out a Fixer by drawing fans in as Clients. relationship comes into play. A Nomad

group can receive tips from Fixers about an

See? Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. incoming shipment for the pack to raid. The

Solos are fantastic. As Wildside says on Nomads take control of the shipment, the

page 46, "Solos and Fixers go together like Fixer comes and evaluates the cargo

bullets and guns". Solo's can be paid as promising either a flat payment or cut of

your armed bodyguards, or a Fixer can set the profits, and then the Nomads take the

Solos up with work. goods to market with the Fixer.

Netrunners and Fixers can run Data Executives often need someone to get
Broker agencies, which is the easiest form things done if they want to climb the social

of business to run. While the NET is down, ladder. They're waking up before the sun,

stealing extra files off air-gapped hitting the gym, wearing the latest trends,

architectures makes stolen data go for all the while making measly pay and

twice the eddies on the Black market. pretending to care about their coworkers.

Netrunners can also write and sell programs Executives all need something done without

and viruses through a Fixer selling to other their fingerprints on it. More often or not,

Netrunners. Executives will be the patrons of many of

your jobs as they have the financial

Medias always need Fixers. In journalism, accounts to pay Edgerunners to do

Fixers are more often or not hired by wetwork for them. If an Executive wants to

foreign correspondents and media move to another employer, they could hire

companies to help arrange a story. Fixers a Fixer as a negotiator.

can act as translators, guides, and help

arrange interviews the Media wouldn't If there is a Tech and a Fixer in the
normally have access to. Medias who don't campaign, there's a strong chance they'll

listen to a Fixer are going to walk into gang become business partners. Techs stand as

territory or step on a landmine. the only role capable of being their own

Supplier. If you've gotten this far, you know

Nomads and Fixers have a strange those are dollar signs in the Fixer's eyes. A

relationship where both rely on each other Tech will need Fixers to source materials

but also wouldn't hesitate to turn for a 500eb and up and when they create

rival's help if the other party isn't something or invent something, the Fixer

cooperating. Nomads are the few in the can bring that item to market and upsell it.

In a way, Fixers aren't too far off from
clients in the right way of a Medtech. Fixers
Lawmen. The only difference is, Lawmen
can also provide Medtechs with security
might work through legal means to obtain
and protection. Often or not, some booster
their support. Fixers serve as good
would try and raid a shop for some
informants, trading information for money
painkillers but if he knows the local head
or just passing along the good word. If the
honcho has the Medtech paying for
Lawman is a Private Investigator, let's say
protection, no one would dare harm that
looking into a Missing Person's case, a Fixer
clinic. Alternatively, Fixers can bring
is the first person they're going to see.
sourced Cyberware or sell any Cyberware
Fixers can get Lawmen hardware,
you liberate off of corpses.
cyberware, and support most departments

can't or won't afford.

Finally, the Medtech. Local Fixers can

bring a Medtech clients or buy Medtechs

supplies. This again works as a business

arrangement because people will always

need fixing and a Medtech is the only

person with the skills to do so. All Fixers

have to do is get their finders fee and point

Being a Fixer in 2045 is all about the starting on page 138. Make notes on your
connections you make and how to get character sheet or journal reminding you

the most out of them. that Social Skills exist and they're pretty

handy. Make an extra note of those base

10s, 14s, and 18s we talked about earlier.

Skills like Personal Grooming,

If you want to go shoot people and start
Conversation, and Wardrobe & Style are
fights, go be a Solo or something. A Fixer
excellent complementary skills that should
needs to be chill and navigate the biz like a
add benefits to your Fixer but you have to
professional. COOL is your best friend.
remind your GM about them. But don't try

to cheat the system or meta-game it. Treat

Never count out Social Skills because
these skills as rewards for treating your
they may not be popular or your party
character good. If your Fixer wears only
moves too fast for it. Go back to the
High Fashion, NPCs should react to you
Getting it Done chapter of Cyberpunk: Red walking in with the latest JGNC product

line, you bet heads will turn. At base 18 on to join that bank. If you don't pay back that

most social skills, you're a trend-setter and Credit amount, a few well-paid Solos might

people should be coming to you for advice break your bones and take everything you

and knowledge. Utilize that. own.


Surprisingly, forging Credchips (IRL and in-
The sidebar on page 381 of the Core
game) aren't all that hard. Without the NET,
rulebook says that payments are handled
Credchips became more basic. The
digitally and with Credchips. Vendits
necessary equipment to do so can cost as
actually only accept Credchip payments.
much as 500eb to 1000eb.
So that means Credchips are still around

and working just fine and with the lack of

Making the forgery isn't the hard part. It's
paper money in circulation, Credchips and
finding the necessary information to make
digital bank transfers via Datapool might
the forgery work. Netrunners and Techs can
just be the preferred payment method.
peddle stolen Credchip numbers with
Credchips are also way safer than carrying
varying values. A Fixer can pay a decent
around stacks of Eddies. If a Booster mugs
amount of scratch for those stolen
you and takes your wallet, you can simply
numbers. The prices of that information and
call up your Bank and cancel the card.
account value vary.

Credchips in 2045 will be more secure

A Fixer shouldn't use a forged Credchip
than 2020 with the advancement of
for security reasons. One, it's just common
technology. Accounts will have Personal
sense. Two, if you're caught using a fake,
Identification Numbers and thumbprint
the issue could involve Corporate Security
authorization but payments can be made
or a Solo's bullet to the Chrome Dome. If
in-app or online, contactless, chip, or
you do find yourself using a fake Credchip,
magnetic stripe.
you'll have to make a LUCK roll and it's a

one-time use.
In 2020 there were rules and bits about

credit and credit limits. That can be

factored into your end-of-the-month

lifestyle expenses. If you like the idea of

building out your world, having banks

charge interest while allowing a "buy now, Fixers deal primarily in cash because it's

pay later" program incentivizes the players harder to track. However, depending on the

location or the time period your game is
The gear you have on you is another

set, money laundering could come up.

powerful form of currency. Make use of

Banks are supposed to report large

NPCs needing items more than needing

deposits so unless you're keeping 100,000eb

eddies because those NPCs, even if they're

tucked under your bed, you have to keep

vendors, can't get reasonable access to

that money safe somewhere.

Night Markets or special supplies over

In Red, the IRS won't come for you when 500eb. That means an NPC would rather

they find out you're growing a massive take an Assault Rifle for some gear than

account without cutting them in on some of taking 500eb.

it because you didn't do your taxes. As

there's no official information, I like to

believe that banks would LEGAL OR ILLEGAL?

SINS of 2045? Night City is the wild west. It's Casablanca.

The world is so broken that doing illegal

With no mention of State Identification things will be perfectly legal depending on

Numbers in Cyberpunk: Red, it's up to where you are. The only zone that will take

interpretation. With the Net down, IDs vary action against idiots walking around

from Drivers Licenses to Passports. Basic showing their guns is the Corporate Zone.

stuff. The Rebuilding Zone will keep an eye on

you but won't be motivated to act unless

However, it's reasonable to assume that you give them a reason to.

people from 2020 still have SIN-IDs carried

over in lost databases from the old NET.

Other countries around the world could ECONOMY

make use of SIN alternatives but Night City

isn't as organized as it once was to really

As Game Designer James Hutt says, "it's a
make use of them.
seller's market". What this means is that

sellers have control over the buyers. What

BARTERING that means is if the Rocker asks a Fixer for

a standard quality shotgun, the Fixer can

charge them 600eb for it because what are

In 2045, we're back to the basics. If you you going to do about it?

don't have cash on you, bartering is your

next step. This is the reason Price The gist of the economy in Red is that

Categories exist in Cyberpunk: Red. since production is still getting on its feet,

things are moving to shelves but everything

is going faster than it can be replaced. HIRE CREW?

Therefore, sellers and merchants have the

right to charge more if they wanted to.

Ever walked into a gig going "man, if only

we had a ____?"
Most enemies you encounter, unless they

have corporate funding, won't have

With a web of contacts that can run as
anything higher than poor-quality items. As
high as the Mayor's office, a Fixer should be
a Fixer, you are the only person in Night
able to find other Edgerunners around their
City that has the means of getting people
location looking for work. Of course, these
what they want.
Edgerunners aren't cheap, sometimes

taking a 10% to even 20% cut depending on

OLD TECH how high of a rank they are.

For GMs, my preference on skilled NPCs

Old tech is still valuable. If you raid the hot Rank is usually half that of the Fixer

zone for ancient tech from 2020, ask your highering them. Having a party at Level 4

GM to estimate how much it's worth on the hire out a Solo at level 10 is a no-no. If your

Economy table. party is plotting a heist but needs a

getaway vehicle? Ask your GM if you can

hire a nomad for a 5 or 10% cut (probably

OTHER CURRENCIES higher since Nomads are in high demand).

As a GM, don't refuse the ask right out of

the gate. Hiring anyone is going to cost the

As Game Designer James Hutt says, "a
players and if the players decide to flatline
Eurodollar is both a Euro and Dollar". The
that crew member, no one would ever work
context of this statement is that the
with them again.
Eurodollar is the most stable form of

currency in the world. While the other

For a list of pre-made NPC cards for
currencies around the world exist, like the
hirelings and adversaries, see Chapter 5:
New Yen and Rubbles, the Eurodollar is still
Edgerunners for Hire.
the leader. This is actually a gameplay

reason to avoid exchange rates. James

Hutt's solution is if you do find yourself in a

position of exchanging currencies, just look

up the real USD to whatever currency

you're exchanging with,


With the loss of the NET, SIN-IDs are a thing I know you wanna hustle till you end up with

of the past. Some folks might keep them, a bullet between your eyes or you want to

Corporates who need easy identification have a penthouse in the tallest building in

and relaxed travel restrictions. The Old Night City, but face it Choom, it's easier to

Timer who can't adapt to the new world. In take the bullet. But if you're human, and

the time of the Red, zeroing yourself can be you're smart, you'll value your life.

pretty easy. Fake your death, get the rumor

mill churning and hide out on an island There's nothing wrong with pre-planning

resort for the rest of your life. safehouses stocked with kibble and MREs,

weapons, and ammo in case things get

So if things get to hot you've got two SUPER hot and you need to vanish for a

options: few weeks, even months.

1) Hide and wait for it to blow over Pack a water-proof bag or a carryall

2) Zero yourself. durable enough to be hidden for years and

remember where you stashed it. Make sure

Let's say you pissed off the wrong people it's in a good spot like a place no one

and you just want to lay low. If you know a would dare check or disturb like a locked

Fixer friend, they could probably hook you train station locker, a safety deposit box, a

up (with a fee of course). This could be at a tree trunk. In that bag, you need the

cheap motel, a friend's apartment, even a essentials, weapons, ammo, cash, and

furnished shipping container. Make sure to some first aid kits. I know money is tight and

pay them a good tip unless you want them you probably would roll your eyes thinking

to tell someone about your vacation. about burying some of it but when the time

comes and you don't have it because you

When hiding, stay locked up and don't use can't use a Credchip, you'll be wishing you

your credit for anything. Make sure you did.

pack food and arrange for someone to

bring you groceries when you need it. Make sure you get new IDs and maybe put

some of those fake IDs ahead of time in

Haven't made an exit strategy? You that bag. When the time comes, you collect

should. those items and live on while the heat dies


In this chapter we're going to be character, think about where you live and

discussing the Local Expert skill, what's on your block. You've got your

Grease, Creating a Neighborhood neighbor across the hallway, Nicole, who

(generators), Night Markets, and what can hook you up with Blue Glass. Down the

are they. Where to Source Things, and street is a Cool Beans Coffee Shop. You

Raid Generators: Generators for know Ahmed who owns the joint. You ask

creating "dungeons". Ahmed for Ethiopian coffee beans, dark

roast until burnt. Ahmed waves you on and

leads you into the back where he just got

LOCAL EXPERT three cases of Rippers and Scratchers.

Across the street from Cool Beans is Mama

Rosa's fresh Italian Pizza.

One thing that seems to be glossed over a

lot in the creation process is the Local

You know Bill the postman, Jessica who
Expert: Your Home. Local Expert, Your
runs the nail salon but also asks you where
Home is a great way to get players
she can get Blue Glass, which you of course
incorporated into the game no matter who
can get her for a fee.
or what they are. When you're creating your

My recommendation is that you sit down

with a pen and paper and draft up your NIGHT MARKETS

neighborhood. Can be residential,

downtown commerce, the middle of

This is going to be a lengthy section
nowhere, you name it. Write down some
because Night Markets and the Time of the
interesting places, some interesting people
Red are going to be difficult to understand.
that you know or see. Work with your GM on
Night City is a City-State with hardly any
this and build your neighborhood with them.
factories producing enough to call the city

a major Exporter of anything. That means

Ask yourself, whom do I know and why do
Night City has to import everything. Thing is,
I know them. Ask yourself if there are any
importing everything for a dense city of 5
gangs around. What's their turf, what do
million creates scarcity and seller markets.
they do, who do they deal with. Lastly, if

there are any other Fixers (if the player isn't

Low-level Fixers, pushers, grifters, and
a Fixer) who are they, and what do they
street-corner hustlers scalp goods right off
the trucks and resell them to those in need.

Drug dealers take drugs from labs and put

them in the hands of people who are sick of

GREASE breathing in ash, working bone-crushing

jobs, and living in Night City. For small stuff

like rice, diapers, condoms, food, and

Grease is an ability tied to the Operator
medicine, you connect with those small-fry
Rank and Fixer exclusive. Remember when I
Fixers through the datapool or mutual
said that Operator Ranks represent your
reputation and your time on the streets?

Keep that in mind when talking about

For anything 500eb and up, you need a
Grease. While Grease isn't explained as a
Fixer who knows an in on a local Night
mechanic, it shows your Fixer's
Market. Night Markets are spontaneous and
development in mingling with society. The
can happen just about anywhere at any
higher the rank, the better you are at
time but only for a short amount of time.
knowing the right palms to grease and how.
For other things, 500eb and below, regular

shops, bodegas, and open-air markets can

Think of grease as you walk into a Fixer's
sell them but don't expect decent quality
den, do the signature handshake and knock
items or a large supply of those items.
it back with some Smash while chatting

casually about last night's Soccar game.

While corner stores and grocery markets

do get the occasional supply, often you'll

find long lines waiting outside waiting for their turn to get inside and shop. Waiting on

these lines come with their own dangers. It's not uncommon to see Boosters pull up to a

line, drag out some Choom, beat him, and take his agent and wallet

1. 707 Ventura St. Tower -

Studio Apartment

18 16 7
11 2 3 4 9
2. Common Grounds - Coffee


3. Golden Wall - Chinese

17 12 1 5 6 8

4. The Aurora Club

15 13
5. Office Building-Medium
6. Restaurant - Thai

7. 2nd Amendment -


8. 25/7 Kiosk

Local Expert: Your Home 9. 17-11 Convenience Store

1. 707 Ventura St. Tower - Studio 10. Tomorrow's Diner

Apartment 11. Bobrov's Taphouse

2. Common Grounds - Coffee Shop 12. Karen's Super Salon

3. Golden Wall - Chinese Restaurant 13. Six Chamber Coffee

4. The Aurora Club 14. Vista Co-Op

5. Office Building-Medium 15. Attack-a-Taco

6. Restaurant - Thai 16. Auto Parking

7. 2nd Amendment - Weapons/Armor 17. Lucky's VR Arcade

8. 25/7 Kiosk 18. 0982 Mirror Park Garage

9. 17-11 Convenience Store

In this chapter, we're diving into base of rooms such as the Planning Room that

operations and creating criminal provide in-game bonuses. Of course, this is

enterprises. all Homebrew and will be tweaked (by

myself or you) as time goes on. The prices,

CLUBHOUSES locations, and what's in the Clubhouses can

change from table to table.

Whether you're running a Fixer campaign or

Of course, GMs can offer Clubhouses
not, maybe your players have amassed a
and clubhouse upgrades as rewards for
large amount of money and want to create
player actions. This is also a really good
a base of operations. Clubhouses are it.
way to incorporate NPCs and Character
Clubhouses are hubs for players to own and
motivations as they will become entrenched
occupy. Think of a guildhall in games like
with these locations.
Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder. The

Clubhouses themselves come in all shapes

The following pages will give three tiers
and sizes from small off the Open Road to
of Clubhouses players will be able to
two-story structures in the bustle of
purchase in Night City.
Downtown Night City. These Clubhouses

will come with garages, bedrooms, even

Real Estate Resources Listings Foreclosures Map

634 Senate Boulevard, Night City

The Glen
Unit in a 95x90 4 story building on a 95x200 lot zoned C6-2. Built in 2033. Year last
altered: 2035. Currently 196920 square feet. 251 total units. 29,738,700eb assessed

Auction 7/28/2045 Judgement n/a

Auction Time 11:15 AM Index no. n/a

Date Added 7/13/2045 Foreclosure Accidental Death

Lien 200,000eb Auction notes n/a


The small clubhouse options

are a one-story building that

opens into a small dive bar.

It comes with 1 bathroom, 1

kitchen, 1 storage room, 1

office, 1 small exterior


The amenities when buying

a small club house are poor

and will drive away most passing customers. The benefit of a small clubhouse is that it

can operate as a storefront dive bar which can be upgraded.

Starting Price: Rooms:

70,000eb 1 Bar

1 Bathroom

Setup time: 1 Kitchen

1d6 Weeks 1 Storage Room

1 Office

Employees 1 Exterior Garage Unit

Minimum: 2

Maximum: 4

Listings Foreclosures Map


The medium clubhouse range

from one to two-story

buildings with ample amount

of space for Edgerunner

activities and plenty of

storage space for whatever

you happen to bring along

and need to secure.

The Medium Clubhouse has a decent-sized indoor garage capable of fitting multiple

bikes and a single car or large-sized vehicle.

One entrance leads from the garage, the second entrance leads from the street. On

the first floor are the private rooms; an armory, 2 bedrooms, and 1 empty workshop


Going up the stairs to the second floor leads you to the large bar space complete with

booths, tables, and a stage. Behind the bar are 1 stockroom with 100 storage space, 1

meeting room, and 1 office. All furnishings and amenities start at poor quality.

Starting Price: Featured Rooms:

100,000eb 4 bedrooms

1 indoor garage

Setup time: 1 Arsenal

1d6 Weeks 1 Empty Workshop

2 empty rooms

Minimum: 5

Maximum: 10

Listings Foreclosures Map

Second Floor
LARGE CLUBHOUSE The Second Floor boasts a gym, a large

bedroom and bath, an office, one small

bedroom, and a security room.

The Large Clubhouse is divided into three

floors. The starting amenities of a Large

Clubhouse are in good condition. The Large
The basement contains a second stock
Clubhouse also has a large plot of land
room, a large planning room, an armor, 2
outside for shooting ranges or parking lots.
workshop spaces, a vault, and an

underground escape tunnel.

First Floor
The first floor opens to a full bar with plenty
Starting Price: Featured Rooms:
of chairs, tables, and high-backed booths Bar
for private discussions. Even comes with a 2 Bathrooms

pool table, jukebox, a stage, and vid

Setup time: 1 Kitchen

screens. There is 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 1 Stock Room

1 month
stock room, and a large garage capable of 2 Bedrooms

holding several vehicles. Two staircases

Employees: 1 Bunkroom

lead up and down, while a third staircase in 1 Gig Prep Room

Minimum: 10
the garage leads to a catwalk over the 1 Garage
Maximum: 20
garage and into the Second Floor.
Clubhouse Upgrades

The only requirement of starting a
BUSINESS business is based on its location. You

cannot start your first business in an area

Not every campaign might last long for
you aren't a Local Expert in. This is
players to have use of a Clubhouse or
because you won't know the area, the
maybe players want to generate some
area won't know you, and the local
income on the side. An alternative to
contacts like Fixers won't do business with
having a massive clubhouse to create a
you, and the local scum looking to make a
base for your organization, opting for a
quick eurobuck won't resist kicking down
smaller business might be more appealing
your door.
for some. Businesses will follow the same

price plan as Clubhouses with an addition

If you gain enough money to open a
to make the business mobile. The mobile
second business, you'll have to work with
cost is the cost of a car and its trunk and
a Fixer to find a location and own it.
can be scaled up to whatever vehicle you
Fixers will often act like unofficial
choose to move your business around
Landlords so get their permission first,
even if you're a new fixer moving into

town. Now, for the equation that

determines your Business's income:

Gross Income = (Capital - Labor Factor -

Extra Employees) * (Monthly Profit Factor

+ Business (INT) + Operator Rank)

Businesses can benefit from the same

upgrades as Clubhouses but will have Net Profit = Income - (Taxes + Capital
their own upgrade chart. Earned Cost)

We'll break this

equation down piece

by piece.

Certain projects may cost you Capital

CAPITAL Points to build or purchase. For example,

if you are building a new Office Space in

a clubhouse, your GM can rule that it

Capital is an arbitrary number that takes
costs 5 Capital (labor). You can opt to
into account goods produced and sold
spend (5x40eb) 200eb to hire contractors
within the month. There are three
to build the room or spend 100eb worth of
methods of earning capital: production,
materials and 1d10 days of your time
buying, and stealing.
building the room.

Capital is a broad term for Goods,

Labor, or Influence. All three have their

Capital Earned Cost is the factor for
purchasing materials needed to produce
importance for running businesses. To
Capital. This is buying nails for
produce capital through labor, you must
construction, paint, chemicals, and other
do a monthly skill check:
smaller things to get the work done. When

you roll for Capital Produced, you incur

1d10 + Business + Intelligence vs Capital
the price from the Capital Earned Cost.

What about workers? Here's the caveat,

the number of employees you have is

multiplied by your Capital Produced.

Confused? Let's run an example:

Let's say Maverick owns a Blue Glass lab

producing Blue Glass (Goods). This

month, Maverick rolled a 10, only earning

Producing capital requires someone to
him 10 Capital (Goods). Maverick has 4
physically be present in making it. That
employees that work in the lab, so he gets
means you, unless you hire employees.
a total of 40 Capital Produced (4x10),
However, producing capital still has a
however, his Capital Earned Cost is
cost attached to it.
400eb (40x10eb).

Capital Purchased Cost is the amount

of money you spend for the Capital

Produced. So to produce 10 Capital, you

pay 20eb.

I'm sensing you're a smart business person So now it's the end of the month and it's

so the question of "what if I steal Capital" time to check how your business did. This

has probably crossed your mind already. isn't something you need to do in-game

If this table has somehow made its way to really and can just pass along to the GM

your table already, the GM can either on a piece of paper. Let's run you through

assign Capital as a reward for doing Gigs a full example so you can understand how

or create side missions that involve the hell this works:

stealing Capital from Rivals. We'll get

more into that later. Business: Common Grounds Coffee

After hustling on the streets since he was

TAXES a boy, a Fixer named Smooth has opened

his own coffee shop. It's a small business,

costing him 80,000eb just to open in the

Even though a nuke went off in the Glen. Smooth has a Business (INT) of 18,

middle of Night City, taxes are still a thing an Accounting (INT) of 8, and is an

depending on what zone you're in. For the Operator Rank 6.

Executive Zones, taxes fund public

education, transportation, security, and This month, Smooth rolled a 9 on his

road maintenance. For the Rebuilding Capital Roll, earning him a 27 total. This

and Overpacked, taxes go into the NCPD, means Smooth earned 40 capital. His

roads, and public education. For employees did the same, increasing the

everywhere else, no one is coming to Capital Output to 80 and costing him

collect taxes. 800eb in supplies. Now it's time to see

how he did at the end of the month!

Gross Income = (80 - 2) * (3 + 18 + 6)

Net Profit = 2106 - (200 + 800)

Smooth's end-of-the-month profit is a

whopping 1,106eb! Of course, Bad Events

could hinder the profit or Good Events

can add to it!


Now I've hit you with Clubhouses and

Business and if you're wondering why or

how you can fit these things in, the

answer is actually quite simple. If you're

on a West March Server, this Enterprise Chapter can give you content for months. For

regular campaigns, this provides fun side missions and motivations for players to

achieve something. Side gigs can go from raiding your Rivals and taking over their

business. Hijacking shipments filled with Capital. One of my favorite methods of

incorporating this onto the table is through creating Criminal Enterprises, a Fixer's


And at the end of the day, it's just house rules. Just because you and your table play

your game this way doesn't mean anyone else won't have the need for these rules.

Without diving into the rules too much for my own sanity (unless people want these

rules, then give me a holler), Organizations can be treated like Characters. I'm lifting

these rules from Green Ronin's Modern Age and giving them a Cyberpunk twist. Gangs

have 4 STATS: Might, Wealth, Influence, and Intrigue. All these stats are leveled by 1

point each with the actual rolling being done as 1d10 + Gang Stat vs 1d10 + Gang Stat.

So if your gang wants to assassinate a CEO of a Corp, it would be 1d10 + Might vs 1d10

+ Might. More of this will be fleshed out in Wolf of Night City where we discuss the

formation of your own Corporation but this guide is long enough. Every upgrade,

Clubhouse, Business, and Person the players recruit (if you choose this system) should

give a benefit to one of the four STATs. By the end of the month, the players can roll a

growth check of 1d6 and whatever they roll is the amount of points they can put into

any STAT they wish.*

*Rules are subject to change due to play testing, demand,

and the Wolf of Night City guide.
You can't operate your organization all on your own, so why not hire some help?
This chapter will be divided into two parts, building teams and hiring NPC roles.
Each role-specific NPC will come with its own biography.

The price for team members varies from table to table depending on their skills and

capabilities. Of course, those are up to the GM to decide. A longer list is being worked

on with individual teams such as Solos, Techs, Nomads, and many more but it's going to

take time.

As for recruiting the average Choom, that's up to you to decide. Those are coming later

once they are balanced properly. When creating employees, make them NPCs the

players already have good relationships with and give those NPCs unique bonuses as a

reason for recruitment. Such as a good fixer will give a +5 to Capital gains whereas

some dead-end clerk will give nothing but an employment bonus.

8 5 5 5 5


8 0 5 5 5

Hit Points Seriously Wounded Death Save

Weapons Armor: Light Armorjack

Heavy Pistol 3d6 Head

Knife 3d6 Body 11 SP

Skill Bases Athletics , Basic Tech , Brawling , Business , Concentration , Conversation , Deduction ,
REAL NAME: SIMON CAMPBELL Drive Land Vehicle , Education , Electronics/Security Tech , Endurance , Evasion , First Aid ,
Handgun , Human Perception , Language , Local Expert , Persuasion , Pick Lock , Resist
Torture/Drugs , Stealth ,

AGE: 34

Simon learned real quick as a kid that and his crew to run the Blue Glass

information was a currency. He learned trade out of the building.

the art of grifting at the age of 10

Operating Style
when his mother conned his father out
Simon got his handle "Smooth" for how
of his life fortune before running away
he handles the biz. Calm and patient,
to New York with a Choomba named
Simon will always seek out a less-than-
Pete. Simon grew up on the streets
violent solution to messy problems. He'll
learning the con game from small fish
smile and laugh, even share a can of
Fixers like Party Time or Galveston.
Smash with you. If you bring trouble to
When Simon was 16, he was running
his door, he'll turn you the other way.
Joytoys on street corners for fast
Not only does Simon oversee the Blue
eddies. He got his fair share of
Glass and Joytoy trade in his building,
beatings from angry parents or rival
but he'll fence anything you bring him
Fixers but he survived every scrap with
(for a price of course).
a new lesson learned.

By the age of 30, he had lured two

gangs into slaughtering each other

over a fish in the Maple Grove

Megatower in Heywood, allowing him

Operating Style
Isabella isn't afraid to get her hands

dirty. She's no stranger to violence,

heck, she even pulled the trigger a few

times. Don't let that smile deceive you,

Choom. Isabella is the best at the

smuggling business but will do anything

to be the Queen of Night City.



Amplified Hearing





AGE: 32

Isabella is no stranger to misery and

hardship. She grew up in the Combat

Zone of New York City. Her father

worked as a producer of synth-coke

and it wasn't long he had Isabella

selling on the streets. Isabella doesn't

shrink from violence when it needs to

be done and often partakes in

intimidation tactics. People are just

products to be bought and sold to the

highest bidders. Now Isabella is in

Night City after her second husband

was murdered by a Solo contracted by

a Colombian Cartel.
Operating Style
Crowley is a no nonsense kind of guy. If

you say the wrong thing or do the

wrong thing, you'll be flatlined before

you can open your mouth. He's not

vicious, nor does he kill for pleasure.

Crowley just hates rats. But you're not

a rat, right?

He's smart, cunning, and knows the

Street Biz like the back of his hand.

While he doesn't organize or frequent

Night Markets, Crowley prefers to stay

mostly anonymous and let his network

of contacts do the talking for him.


There are some rumors that Crowley

was ex-Malestrom and that is why he's

ROLE: FIXER gone ghost in the Zones. To this day

Malestrom takes an active interest in

AGE: UNKNOWN Crowley's affairs but won't reveal why.

Crowley is one of those guys that appear out Cyber eyes and arms.

of nowhere but has something everyone Subdermal Armor

wants. Crowley works the Combat Zones Hidden Holster

providing information, safe passage, and hot Big Knucks

tips on all the good stuff. If you need a place

to stay, Crowley can hook you up. Thing is,

Crowley hates meeting his clients. Send him a

message on the Datapool or talk to someone

who knows Crowley.

Operating Style
Robert is calm and cool but can't resist

a good high (that's gotten him into

trouble more than once). Addicted to

Synthcoke and always reaching for a

can of Smash, Robert is personable

and great to talk to, but horrible if you

try to screw him over.




AGE: 36

Background Cyberware
Hidden Holster
Robert is a blue-eyed con man, a hustler in
the urban jungle that is Night City. Robert
Popup Melee Weapon
learned from street hustlers from an early age
Subdermal Armor
after his mother went into an insane asylum

and his father was shot and killed by NCPD.

Robert learned that he only had one two

options: hustle and survive, or die.

Fixers say that if they didn't know any

better, Robert could pass for an Exec, hence

his nickname "Charter Hill". Robert makes a

fortune on back-door casinos and tricking

Execs into letting his crew rob them.

of N54 (some rumors say he's killed and

exploited workers to get there) is a

mystery, but what isn't is the line of

work he deals in. Joshua's work covers

topics like corruption, Police murders,

and accidental deaths. To some, these

seem like trivial topics, but they're what

drives Joshua.

Operating Style

Joshua remains to operate with crews

only during the dead of night when no

one is looking. While he doesn't try to

really hide who he is, he is still sensitive

about prying eyes and context.

REAL NAME: JOSHUA WHITAKER Network 54 has an interest in Joshua

not because of the content he

ROLE: MEDIA produces, but his ability to tell stores

that get viewers hooked whether the

AGE: 41 reports are real or fabricated.

Joshua is a media for N54 news but never None

hesitates to hire crews out for some work.

Joshua can be considered one of the last few

"good guys" because he still believes in things

like good or evil. That doesn't mean he's not

afraid to break a rule or two to get things


His family was killed in a driveby between to

gangs that no longer exist. He got luckier

when the manager of his local news network

attended the funeral and took on Joshua to

be his assistant. How Joshua rose to the top

Operating Style

Billy makes it his mission to let everyone

know that he's in the room. If he's not

composing new music, he's

'networking'. He's a man out of his time

but that doesn't stop him from cutting

loose and having some good old-

fashioned fun...

Cyber leg


Contraceptive Implant

Mr. Studd




AGE: 65

Billy is one of those fossil Rock n' Roll legends

from the 2020s that made a whole

generation rise up and start a riot. Well, those

days are long past and now Billy Mack

struggles to find himself relevant.

Occasionally he does bits for the holidays, but

his luck is running out.

However, Billy's music seems to always be

fresh and inspirational. If given the chance at

redemption, Billy's music could get crowds

back on their feet and making change


her family and sell the data.

Operating Style

Fatima perfers to pick her jobs and her

crew carefully. Her analytical mindset

could come off as blunt or rude, but

Fatima's already thinking about next

year when you're thinking about


Internal Agent





AGE: 21

Fatima's family are Iranian immigrants who

came to Newark, New Jersey. Her parents

were both low-level Exec wage-slaves

working for a system that didn't respect them.

Fatima wanted to break that mold. Fatima

started Netrunning to take power away from

the Corps and give it back to the people.

However, the taste of power is a lot. Her

hacktivist days turned to information brokering

and Edgerunning. Fatima's reason for leaving

Newark was stealing from a Corp she used to

work for and fleeing to Night City to protect

Thank you for reading this homebrew document.

If you enjoyed Fixin' It Up, please let me know.

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What's Next?

Wolf Of Night City an Exec guide with a

system for creating Corporations, side

missions, and an Adventure

Into the Zone, a series of adventures into the

Combat and Hot Zones for a mysterious Fixer.

New York 2045, a sourcebook for New York

City 2045 with locations, characters, maps,

and more.

Sky High, an adventure for a mysterious Fixer

stealing a BD chip from an Exec miles high in

the sky.

Plus more adventures, Campaigns, and fake-

DLCs. Stay tuned for more info.

7/30/21 - version 1 is finished.

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