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College of Engineering Education

2nd Floor, BE Building

Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)296-1084
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 133


In the bustling city streets where Magsaysay Avenue intersects with Quirino Avenue, a scene of chaos
unfolded as a Pajero Intercooler lost control and careened into the intersection. In a heart-wrenching
turn of events, the vehicle struck a bystander before continuing its tumultuous path, ultimately colliding
with one of the towering column supports of the skyway above. The aftermath of the collision left
investigators grappling with a multitude of questions, seeking to piece together the sequence of events
that led to such a tragic outcome. One crucial piece of information emerged from the examination of the
damage sustained by the front of the Pajero: an estimation that the vehicle was traveling at a modest
speed of 8 kilometers per hour (kph) at the moment of impact with the column support. However, this
revelation only scratched the surface of the investigation. Another key aspect under scrutiny was the
presence of skid marks stretching a significant 40 meters from the point of impact. These telltale signs
of vehicular distress provided valuable insight into the Pajero's attempt to halt its trajectory, shedding
light on the intensity of the incident. Adding to the complexity of the situation was the road itself, which
featured a -5% downgrade. This subtle yet significant gradient played a crucial role in shaping the
dynamics of the collision, influencing factors such as braking distance and vehicle control. To gain
further understanding, investigators turned to a controlled test scenario. A separate test involving a car
on the same section of road resulted in a skid of 14 meters when braking from a speed of 40 kph to a
complete halt. This comparative data served as a benchmark for analyzing the forces at play during
braking on this particular road surface. Armed with these pieces of evidence, investigators embarked
on a meticulous analysis, delving into the realms of physics and mathematics. Their goal was to
determine the probable speed of the Pajero at the moment the brakes were applied, unraveling the
mystery surrounding the incident at the intersection. Determine the probable speed of the car involved
in the accident when the brakes were applied in kph. Use 3 decimal places in your calculation. (20pts)

At the stroke of noon, chaos ensued on the northbound highway near the 50-kilometer mark in the bustling
province of Cebu. A massive truck, burdened with cargo, overturned, its cargo spilling onto the asphalt like a
river of metal and rubber. The once free-flowing artery of transportation was now completely blocked, leaving
a trail of halted vehicles stretching as far as the eye could see. However, amidst the chaos, a stroke of luck
emerged. The incident had occurred just beyond an overpass, sandwiched between an off-ramp and an on-
ramp. This seemingly mundane geographical detail proved to be a saving grace for the stranded motorists.
Most vehicles, upon approaching the scene of the accident, promptly spotted the blockade and opted to exit at
the off-ramp, steering clear of the impending gridlock and protracted delays. The fortuitous positioning of the
incident site transformed the detour for through traffic into a straightforward maneuver. Motorists merely
needed to utilize the existing infrastructure of the ramps to circumvent the bottleneck caused by the overturned
truck. With the off-ramp providing a convenient exit and the on-ramp offering a swift re-entry point, the detour
became more of a minor inconvenience than a major disruption. In the aftermath of the truck's unfortunate
mishap, the functionality of the ramps underwent a transformation. Governed by the directives of stop signals
strategically placed at the end of each ramp, the flow of traffic was meticulously regulated. Priority was
accorded to cross traffic, which navigated the intersections without the encumbrance of stop signs. Meanwhile,
detouring vehicles were ushered through the ramps at a controlled pace, ensuring a smooth and orderly
diversion around the incident site. The service rate of the ramps, tailored specifically to accommodate
detouring traffic, was measured at approximately 650 vehicles per hour (vph). This figure served as a critical
parameter in managing the flow of vehicles traversing the alternative route provided by the ramps. Through a
delicate balance of timing and coordination, the ramp capacities were meticulously calibrated to facilitate the
College of Engineering Education
2nd Floor, BE Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)296-1084
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 133

seamless passage of detouring vehicles, mitigating the impact of the highway blockade on overall traffic flow.
As the clock struck 1:00 PM, a sense of anticipation permeated the air. The highway, once paralyzed by the
obstruction caused by the overturned truck, was on the brink of a resurgence. At precisely this juncture, the
barricades blocking through traffic were lifted, heralding the reopening of the highway to the throngs of
vehicles eagerly awaiting passage. With the highway now accessible to through traffic once more, a new set
of parameters came into play. The capacity of the highway, measured at 3600 vehicles per hour (vph), served
as a benchmark for evaluating its ability to accommodate the influx of vehicles seeking passage. Concurrently,
the flow rate during this time of day stood at 1550 vph, providing insight into the rate at which vehicles were
entering and exiting the highway. In the wake of the highway's reopening, a palpable sense of relief washed
over the stranded motorists. The bottleneck that had threatened to engulf them in a quagmire of congestion
and delays had finally been alleviated. With the obstruction removed and the flow of traffic restored to its
former vigor, the journey resumed for the weary travelers, propelled forward by the inexorable march of time
and the resilient spirit of human perseverance.
1.) What was the longest vehicle queue? (10pts)
2.) At approximately, what time does the queue dissipated? (15pts)
3.) Compute the average delay per vehicle. (15pts)
Use 3 decimal places in your calculation.

Vehicles arrive at an entrance to a recreational park. There is a single gate at which all vehicles must
stop, where a park attendant distributes a free brochure. Park opens at 8:00AM., at which time
vehicles begin to arrive at a rate of 480 veh/hr. After 20minutes, the arrival flow rate declines to
120veh/hr. and it continues at that level for the remainder of the day. If the time required to
distribute the brochure is 15seconds. Determine the average queue length in vehicles. (20pts)
In the realm of freeway surveillance, where the direct measurement of traffic density at specific points
along a highway is often impractical, a metric known as lane occupancy has emerged as a valuable
alternative. Lane occupancy serves as a surrogate measure for assessing traffic density by providing
insights into the utilization of roadway lanes at discrete locations. This metric becomes particularly
useful when traditional methods of measuring traffic density, such as vehicle counts or occupancy
sensors, are not feasible due to logistical constraints or other limitations. To illustrate the concept of
lane occupancy, consider a hypothetical scenario where a three passenger cars, a cab, a jeep and a school
bus are positioned along a 300-meter stretch of highway. These vehicles vary in length, reflecting the
diverse range of vehicle sizes commonly encountered in real-world traffic scenarios. The lengths of
these vehicles are measured as follows:
Passenger Car 1 = 4.6m;
Passenger Car 2 = 5.4m;
Passenger Car 3 = 5.48m;
Cab = 6m;
Jeep = 6.7m;
School Bus = 13.7m.

Determine the density of traffic in vehicles/km. (20pts)

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