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How to run a session with a Weightloss Group

Weightloss is a key specialism for hypnosis. Marisa shows you
how to run a weightloss seminar for a group. Prepare to be

Marisa: This is what I understood about weight, which will help you.

Okay. So when you hypnotize someone to lose weight, here's the most
amazing thing. You only eat something if the picture is right. That is an
absolute fact. You eat something if the picture is right.

So I told you when I was in Egypt and I could have eaten my husband's arm, I
was so hungry. We sat down. He ordered this food. Then he came out and
went, "Oh, I've just been to the toilet. There's no sink, but they have got a
bowl full of lettuce and tomatoes that all of the cooks are washing their hands
in after they go to the loo."

Do you think I ate?

I was at a dinner party once. This guy, every time he talked, he sprayed saliva
straight across onto my salmon. Do you think I ate it?

Audience: No.

Marisa: Because the picture was wrong. If someone spat on your food, or
picked their nose and they made their sandwich, would you eat it?

I used to go and visit my friend who had a Great Dane, and it would always do
that. Saliva would fly across the room and land in my tea. She goes, "You
never drink your tea." I'm, like, "Oh, I don't really drink tea. I just drink a bottle
of water that I bring with me," because my tea now has got Great Dane saliva
in it, which kind of changed the picture.

-Marisa Peer Method-

So it's a very important thing to remember, when you say to your clients, we
eat something if the picture is right, which is why food companies call food
Sunny Delight, Angel Delight. They call chocolate Heroes, Celebration, Love.
Why do you think McDonalds call their food Happy Meals? It doesn't really
make the parents happy when your kids are full of additives. Why do you think
Cadbury calls their chocolate fun sized? Chocolate is now called stuff like

So we have dream, heaven, celebrations, heroes, love and on and on it goes.

I'm sure they will be calling chocolate ‘orgasms’ soon, because they are
always trying to find these great names. My daughter came home and brought
these biscuits, and the biscuits said on them, ‘sun drenched bars of

So I looked on the back to see what these sun drenched bars of goodness
were, and they appeared to be full of crap, But very clever. It's like if said, "Oh,
I've got some Afghanistan chocolate here." Who would go, "I'm dying to try

But Swiss chocolate?

But, actually, no cocoa beans grow in Switzerland. There's no such thing as

Swiss chocolate. They're saying the milk makes it Swiss, but then what about
the Swiss dark chocolate? How is that Swiss? If cocoa beans don't grow in
Switzerland, and Swiss dark chocolate has no milk in it, and sugar isn't grown
in Switzerland, where are they getting the ingredients in Swiss chocolate from
that makes it come from Switzerland? Well, they are not. It doesn't come from

We're all brainwashed all of the time to eat food.

So, because we eat food if the picture is right, then I understood that, if you
make the picture wrong, you don't eat the food.

One of my best friends is Jewish. She doesn't even eat raspberries, because
in the real orthodox Jews you can't eat some of the hole in it, because there
might be a worm in the hole. So she can't eat... They would never eat cheap

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ice cream, because one of the main ingredients in it is pig fat. So Jewish
people don't go, "Oh, lobster."

They go, "Do you know lobster has periods?" I'm, like, "Well, only half of them

Yeah, but they don't eat an animal that menstruates because they think it's
dirty. That isn't right or wrong. It's just very clever.

So when I began to understand the absolute premise of eating, we eat food if

the picture is right, and we don't eat it if the picture is wrong. I understood that,
if I could make the picture wrong for my clients with addictions, they wouldn't
eat it anymore. Do you know one of the reasons we love things like
MasterChef and all those cookery programmes is because we're drooling. We
cook less than ever before. We watch more cookery shows than ever before.

I think it's true to say, in this country, every fourth household doesn't have a
kitchen table, doesn't have any cooking, and a third of people never cook.
They heat food up, like tins of soup and baked beans,and they heat stuff up.
But they never, ever cook, which is extraordinary, that we're now farming out
what we eat to food companies.

Anyone seen that film called Food Inc.? How the food companies control
everything we eat, and they just want us to eat complete rubbish. So we've
given up what we eat to other people. So I started to do a seminar one
Saturday night called You Can Be Thin, in line with my book. It was very
lucrative. I mean, I charged £200 for the seminar. I was making £8000 pounds
for an afternoon. I loved doing it, and it's a really good thing to do as a
therapist. If you want to really work in the weight loss market, put on some
seminars once a month, once every three months. You want to charge £100
pounds. You might just want to charge £50 pounds.

But if you have 30 people paying £50 pounds, and all you've got to do is pay a
few hundred pounds for a hotel room or a hall, and it's a great source of
income. People come to the seminar. They go home and tell people, and then
more people come.

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Most of them, a lot of them would then want a session afterwards. They go,
"Well, I've come to the seminar, but I also wanted to have a session with you."

So I really invite you to do what I'm doing. When I have my group workshops,
I usually have a big screen up. I used to have a flip chart. But it would take me
five hours to probably go through this. I am going to send you footage of my
whole seminar, but I am going to break it down a little.

So my audience would come in, all sitting like you, and I would say to them,
"Okay. I'm going to show you today how to control your relationship with food,
how to get a handle on it, and I'm going to start with this premise. There are
others. You only eat something if the picture is right."

So everything in this box, I made this in January. I know when I made it,
because I was moving house. I had to take all of my stuff with me. So I made
this in January 1997. So this January, this is 19 years old, and the other great
thing, you don't have to buy any stock. It's so easy to buy anything. It never
goes off. So it's actually quite useful.

So some of it doesn't look like it's decomposing. See, the thing about food is,
if I filled up this box with tangerines and beef and opened it up after 19 years,
it would just be mulch, because it's real food. But when food is made in a
refinery, like petrol, it's not food.

So the worst food in the world, bar none, is this sweetners and margarine. So
this stuff will never, ever, ever go off. It kind of goes like that. That's 19 years
old. No flies will go on margarine. No mould will ever grow. I mean, none of
this stuff will ever get mouldy, because when it is dead, the only thing... It
smells so bad I'll put the lid back on it for a minute.

If you get this wet, it will change. But if you just put this in a box and it dries
out, it can't go mouldy. Who has ever seen in their life mouldy rice? You know,
rice in a canister that's mouldy?

Who has ever seen pasta in one of those canisters in the kitchen shelves
that's mouldy?

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Who has ever seen mouldy cornflakes? No, because it's dead. When
something is dead, no organism can live on it.

So there are lots of foods I hate, but these are the two I hate the most. So this
is one molecule away from plastic. Margarine is so close to plastic. You can
keep this in your garden and no rats will eat it. No foxes will eat it. No flies will
go near it. No mould will grow on it.

It's all really, really old. I mean, it is pretty... You can see at the top of it.

...Yeah, it smells horrible. I can hardly bear to touch this stuff, but I had to put
it away somewhere.

How do I open that? Yeah. This is the margarine that's also 19 years old.

Woman: Oh my God!

Marisa: Anyway. So what I'm going to do in a minute is... Dave, you're pretty
strong, aren't you?

Dave: Yes.

Marisa: We'll get Ian to come up as well, if you don't mind. Is that okay?

Ian: Yeah.

Marisa: Okay. So this is what I do with my clients.

In my office, often, when they go, "I love cheese. I can't give up chocolate."

Take a stand here. So I want you to make a fist for me.

As I push on you, I want you to resist me with all of your strength. I am using a
strong man for a reason. Now I want you... I'm just going to put a little bit of
that in your hand. I know it's disgusting.

Man: Yeah. Ugh.

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Marisa: Make a fist again, and the same thing. Just resist me with all your

You see what's happened to this strong guy? Resist me. See? He can't resist
me, and now I want you to smell it. Just smell it and resist me. Resist me.

But you see, what's happening to your arm as you smell that? What's
happening to you?

Man: It just gives in.

Marisa: It gives in, because he's losing all the power in his muscles. You see,
let me give you a napkin, a tissue... When you smell that food, what happens
to the body is the body immediately recognizes that as a poison.

Man: I wouldn't even have eaten that before you kept it for 19 years.

Marisa: No, I know.

The body recognizes it as a poison. If you have a nut allergy and you put nuts
into your hand, they go straight into your bloodstream and you react.

So when you hold a food that your body doesn't like, you lose all your strength
immediately. So you're going to all do this in a minute.

Ian, I want you to put your finger and thumb together, and I want you to resist
me with all your strength. As I pull, I want you to push harder and harder and
harder. So you see how strong he is? I am really trying hard, and I cannot pull
his finger and thumb apart.

There's no food worse than these.

Put your other hand out. That will do.

Put your finger and thumb together for me, and just the same thing. As I pull,
you push. Ready?

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See that it resists me with all your strength? See, he can't now resist me.
What's happening with your arm?

Ian: It's just weak.

Marisa: Yeah. Are you surprised that just holding sweeteners is making your
arm so weak?

Ian: Yeah.

Marisa: Now inhale for me. Just smell them.

Same thing. Resist me. You see how it has become even weaker?

Ian: Yeah.

Marisa: That's why your nose is over your mouth for a reason. You're
supposed to smell food before you eat it, and if you smell food... Thank you
very much, and you become weak... All animals, if you might notice, smell
food before they eat it.

Woman: I've got a friend who does that when we are out!

Marisa: Yeah. I think that's why your body put your mouth over your nose,
because it wants you to smell food. But we don't smell food anymore, and
even when we do, it's so altered.

So when you have clients who come in, who go, "I just love potato crisps, or I
can't eat..."

Go, "Okay." I do that with them in my room. It's the easiest thing to collect one
of these, and I show them how weak they are when they hold the wrong food,
and how strong they are. You can actually do the reverse testing with some
good food.

I show them, and I'm particularly using things like milk and bread and cheese
and chocolate, and sugar. It amazes them, and then after the session I

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sometimes do it again and go, "Wow, now you're even weaker when you hold
that sugar, because your body now sees sugar as poison."

So I want you to come up Ivana for just a minute. I'm just going to show you

So now I've just done this session with Ivana...Make a fist for me. I want you
to resist me with all your strength. So you are strong. Do not allow me to lower
your arm. Good.

Here's some pasta. It doesn't have to be cooked. Just hold that in your other
hand. They can even hold two pieces. It doesn't have to be a lot. Make a fist.
Exactly the same. Resist me with all your strength. You ready?

Ivana: Mm-hmm.

Marisa: Keep resisting me. Now inhale it for me, and resist me.

You see what happened when she inhaled it? What's happening with your

Ivana: It's just loose.

Marisa: What's happened to your strength?

Ivana: It's just not there.

Marisa: How do you feel? That holding pasta has taken all of your strength
away? Just holding it?

Ivana: Well, I guess it's bad for me.

Marisa: So if that happens when you hold it, what do you think happens when
you eat it?

If that happens to your muscles when you hold that food, what do you think
goes on when you eat it?

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Ivana: Yeah. It's just reacting.

Marisa: I mean, your body is saying that's a poison. I don't like it. I don't want
it. The minute you hold it... But when you smell it, because when you smell
food it goes straight into your system. When you smelled it, did you notice
how much weaker you felt, again? Your body was saying, "I don't want that."

So now we know that your body never goes, "Yay, pasta!"

Your mind might go, "Yay, pasta!" It makes me feel like when I was three and
my lovely granny made me pasta or macaroni and cheese, but your body is,
like, "This is poison."

It's never your body that will ask for any of this stuff. Your body hates it. The
mind can be a bit confused, but the great news is, it's your mind, and you can
change it at any time at all.

So thank you. Take a seat.

So what I want you to do is, I want you to get into twos and I want you to
come up, and I want you to do... You know this. The first thing you do is you
go, "Okay, [Samira. Make a fist, and always touch the same place. There's no
trickery. Resist me with all of your strength, okay?"

What in here would you have said would you have found the hardest, if it
wasn't obviously 19 years old? Is it the bread, the jelly?

Samira: It's the Cola bottles.

Marisa: Cola bottles. Okay.

Hold those in your hand. Make a fist, and the same thing. Resist me with all
your strength, and resist me with all your strength. Now inhale the Cola bottles
for me, and resist me.

So you're just getting some proof.

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Samira: Unbelievable.

Marisa: It is unbelievable. Now I want you to do that first, and then you
reverse it.

Other hand, because that hand has had all the stuff in it now. Put your finger
and thumb together for me.

Finger and thumb together. I want you... I'm just doing this. As I pull, I want
you to push as hard as you can. Do not allow me to move your finger in front
so you push, I pull. What else in there would be an issue?

Samira: Chocolate fingers.

Marisa: Fingers, okay.

Put that in your other hand. Finger and thumb together. As I pull, you push.

Try harder. Now inhale that and try to resist me.

You see? She has no grip whatsoever. It's amazing, isn't it?

It's a great thing to do, thank you so much, with your children. Especially with
little boys. Then you say, "Look..."

I was doing this with marines. They were going, "Are you kidding me? You
mean I lose all my strength when I hold coca cola," and that was it.

I was doing a bootcamp in Spain. When I went back the next month, all of the
marines swore they were never eating crisps or Pringles, fingers... They took
our strength, and it really upset them.

So I want you to get into twos and do this. I want you to do the fist, and then I
want you to do the finger and thumb, and then I want you to switch.

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You can do it with everything, but I really want you particularly to use
sweeteners and margarine. You can just hold the tub of margarine. You don't
have to actually smear it on yourself. Weirdly enough, if you put margarine on
your hand, do you know what happens? It never, ever melts. This never has
to go into a fridge, ever.

I mean, I keep this upstairs in my office. I don't keep it in a fridge, and that one
I keep in my garden with the lid off.

So I want you to first of all come up and do the testing with each other. Once
you've done it, you can, if you want to try... if you don't have a nut allergy... I
usually have lots of healthy food as well. But it doesn't matter. I usually have
all of that. Then I might have a table with avocado, olives.

Then you can try it with healthy food. But when you hold the healthy food, you
actually become stronger.

Woman: What's your opinion on things like Stevia and stuff like that?

Marisa: The only thing I use is Stevia and Xylitol. Stevia and Xylitol are
amazing. Xylitol actually remineralizes your teeth.

I'll borrow that one. Thank you. So Xylitol is amazing. I have some in my bag,
if anybody wants to try it, and Stevia, because they are natural.

Woman: What are they?

Marisa: They are sweeteners. See, this is made from wood alcohol and petrol
chemicals. Xylitol is made from the bark of a tree, and in Norway they give it
to children at school now. Every time they eat sweets, they give them Xylitol,
because it remineralizes your teeth. Stevia just comes from a plant.

In fact, when I was in Costa Rica, my friend was growing Stevia, and I was
actually eating it. It's like eating pure sugar it's so sweet, and it's very, very
good. So if you need a sweetener, it's okay. Stevia, Xylitol. The other good
thing is, if occasionally you really want something sweet, I put it in tea or
coffee, or I might put it on some strawberries, and it feels like a naughty treat.

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But, of course, it isn't.

Woman: I think with Stevia you've got to be a little bit careful, because
companies mix it with things like Truvia.

Marisa: Oh, yeah. I would have never... Truvia is terrible.

And it's best to get green leaf Stevia. Yeah. You are right.

Again, food companies will fuck up anything in the world if there's a profit in it.

No, Truvia is terrible.

You just want pure Stevia, and it must be the pure one, and pure Xylitol. But
anything that's good.

Woman: How do you spell Xylitol?

Marisa: X-Y-L-I-T-O-L.

I buy it in the supermarket in a little sachet. It's granulated like sugar. Then I
buy the little ones to carry around.

There's a great book... Talking about books, called Grain Brain. Anyone read
Grain Brain? Now they are beginning to prove that when you eat too many
grains, your brain starts to fall apart, and it's so linked to Alzheimer's and
dementia, and sweeteners... They banned margarine in Denmark and artificial
sweeteners because they have such a profound link to Alzheimer's and

Woman: Wheat Belly as well.

Marisa: Yeah. Wheat Belly is good.

Grain Brain is my favorite, but Wheat Belly... There's so many great ones.

Woman: I find that salt, sugar and fats are quite terrifying in our food.

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Marisa: Yeah.Did you see that Jamie Oliver show, when he was showing that
little can of cooking sauce that had 20 teaspoons of sugar? It was a tiny jar. It
was really alarming.

I mean, it just drives me crazy that you go out and buy some smoked salmon,
and it's got sugar in it, or you buy some ham or some chicken. It's got sugar in
it. Food companies put it in everything.

Then I have almond milk, but it used to be really hard to find almond milk
without sugar. People buy all this milk. They are full of sugar.

Yeah. I don't use soy, if I can possibly help it. I love almond milk, but there's
so many nice milks. There's hemp milk. There's that milk made from peas. I
don't know what it's called. But almond milk is the best. Nuts are so good,
because they contain every amino acid.

So I want you to get into twos. I want you to particularly touch the sweet... You
can put it on your hand. Don't hold the packet. Touch the margarine.

If you think you love this kind of stuff, just dip your finger in it. No one in the
world can stay strong once they've got Coke on their hands, or even just smell
it. Actually, just inhaling it just making me cough now. My body really does not
like it, and try some boiled up cow's feet. That's very important.

Boiled up pony, cow and pig trotters, and animals bones. That's what all these

Yeah. I mean, they are starting to fall apart because they're 19 years old, but
it doesn't matter. Touch everything, and it's quite good. You see, you don't
actually realize until you do that or that, to realize what happens to food that
isn't food. It just becomes a brick.

The other problem with eating this food is that, when you eat it... Well, two
things happen. First of all, it has no source of nutrition whatsoever. So you eat
it, and your body is, like, "Well, I seem to be having food. But where's the

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Which is why you can sit in a cinema and eat a bucket of popcorn. You can
never eat a bucket of lamb chops or a bucket of lentil stew like that. When you
eat real food, your body goes, "I'm done now. No more."

But when you eat rubbish, especially sugar, your body says, "Keep going,
keep going, keep going, because I'm looking for some nutrients here. So you
can eat a lot of this stuff."

The second thing is that, when it's in your body, it is so toxic that your body
starts to wrap it in fat. So having this low fat diet of this actually causes you to
have fat legs, a big bum, because your body doesn't like this. It cannot break
down. It if doesn't break down here, it's not really going to break down in your
body. Then you start to get pockets of fat that are storing this, because your
body wants to keep it away from your internal organs, wants it away from your
liver and your kidneys.

So it loves to wrap it in fat and put it on your bum and your legs. But then,
when you've got enough fat on your bum and legs, it will start to move it
around here and on your arms, and on your chin. It can't break this down.

So it doesn't really do you any good at all, but the third thing is the chemicals
in it are very, very addictive. So it doesn't satisfy hunger. It trains your body to
create and store more fat, and it's like eating crack cocaine. People, when
they take heroin for the first time throw up, and then they go back and have

Did you ever see Super Size Me, who was eating McDonalds, throwing up out
of his car the first time he ate it? He had to open the car door and throw it up
into a gutter. Within a month he was running to McDonalds quicker than Usain
Bolt because he was so addicted.

So you’ve got to start to see it as not food.

So I want you to come up and do all of this. Touch it. Handle it. Please don't
try it, because it is really, really old.

Then we shall continue. Lots of potato chips here. Lots of bread.

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Lots of more boiled up animals intestines, and there you go.

Oh, yes.

Woman: What about, is there anything with bread? Like Olivio?

Marisa: Yeah, Olivio is really good. Olivio is great and pure.


A lot of people have just said, "But how can I collect this amount of food that's
19 years old?"

It's not the age of the food that's making you react. I could have bought this
this morning. It would make no difference. So get all this stuff.

When people come to my house, I often will run down to my fridge. I mean, I
don't have milk or cheese, but I often have stuff in there that's fresh, and I will
use that with them. But, of course, when you're using milk you need to have
fresh milk. So after lunch maybe I'd get the restaurant to give me a little bit of
milk and cheese. But test it downstairs at lunch.

Just take a little knob of butter or cheese, and you'll find that fresh food has
exactly the same effect. It has nothing to do with the age. It's not the age. It's
the toxins, the poisons.

So, basically, if I look at this, what it's is made of is chemicals, colorants,

emulsifier, and lots and lots of toxins. So the ingredients for this is just

So if you look at this, I mean, really, does anyone know what this is made of?

Woman: Cows hooves.


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Woman: Isn't it cow hooves?

Marisa: Yes. Cow's hooves, cow's intestines, colourants and nothing worth

So this is what I do with my clients. I kind of educate them, but I make it more
real. You can give a lecture about it, but it's not as good as saying, "Oh my
God, I touched those jelly babies and I touched all of my strength, or I looked
at this margarine that was 17 years and thought, oh my God."

So when you go to somewhere like Poundland and they are selling cakes that
don't go off, it's because they're full of this. Chip shops now don't have to
change their fat anymore if they cook in this kind of stuff. They used to call it
margarine. Now they call it shortening. They used to call it trans-fats. The food
companies keep changing the name, as you were saying.

So you used to say trans-fats. You used to say margarine. Now they call it
modified oil, but what does modified oil actually mean? It means that they use
hydrogen and gas and fat to make it completely artificial.

So it's really fun to give your clients this education, not just in the seminar.
When I have clients in my house, I have this under my desk. I just pull it out
and I show them stuff, and I do the testing with them.

Sometimes before the session, sometimes after. They always remember it. I
say, you never forget. I said it before. You never forget, ever, that reaction you
had in Martha's when you held cheese or chocolate or cookies, and they
never do forget.

So that's the first thing. But the second thing is, again...

Woman: Why something like milk, because people will say, "Well, that's a
natural product." Is it? It's pasteurized. OR because we're not meant to eat it.

Marisa: It's natural if you're a calf. I mean, would you drink rat's milk or
monkey’s milk or dog's milk?

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Woman: We can't digest it, and that [crosstalk]

Marisa: No. It isn't a natural food. Somebody somewhere came up with the
idea that cows are the fastest growing animal on the planet. It takes a lion five
years to get a mane. It takes a whale eight years, and an elephant eight
years, to be fully grown. It takes the cow less than ten months to be the same
size as its parents.

So when my little girl was born she weighed seven pounds, and in a year she
probably tripled her weight to 20 pounds. A cow triples its weight in six weeks,
because dairy is a hormone that says to your body, "Grow like a cow, grow
like a cow, grow like a cow."

You don't actually want to grow like a cow. So if you look at countries that
have no dairy, they don't have man boobs. Man boobs, where men actually
literally have breast tissue under their nipple now, is because of all of the
hormones in milk.

So natural milk is full of cow's hormones. Milk is a hormone delivery system

that sends a message to your body that says, "Grow." Your mother's milk
said, "Grow to the size of your parents." But a cow's milk wants you to grow to
the size of a cow, which is why goat's milk and sheep's milk is better.

But the second thing about milk is that you used to milk a cow and get ten
pounds of milk a day. Now you milk a cow by machine and you will get 100
pounds of milk out of this poor cow who is milked three times. They are not
supposed to be milked like that, and they have mastitis because they are
clamped onto machines.

A small cup of cow's milk, probably half that amount, will have 50 million cow's
puss cells in it. I know in England and America... In America, milk can't cross
state lines if it has more than 750 million puss cells per pint. But if it's got 750
million puss or less, that's absolutely fine and perfectly good.

But you're drinking... There's more puss in milk than milk. I mean, I know a lot
of farmers who say that years ago... When I was a kid I used to milk the cow,
put my hand in it and lift out this lump of yellow pus that looks like a tin of rice

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pudding. Now there's so much pus they just blend it back and blend it back
and blend it back. So it's not a healthy food, because you had to get 100
pounds of milk out of a cow. You've got to give it a good insulin growth factor.

Insulin growth factor makes the cow grow more milk.

So I wrote this in my book, You Can Be Thin. But I can quote it word for word.
The dairy council in Britain has been forced to say that insulin growth factor is
a major contributor to breast cancer, prostate cancer, bowel cancer and
stomach cancer.

So the insulin growth factor, which makes your body grow, makes your cell
grow, and particularly makes hormone driven cancers like breast and ovarian
and prostrate and stomach, although stomach cancer isn't a hormone
cancer... But if you have any history of hormonal cancer and you drink milk,
that is a big problem.

So I don't know if any of you read this book called Your Life. Have you read
Your Life In Your Hands?

There's a great woman called Jane Plant. I have met her many times. She is
amazing. She had breast cancer four times, and eventually it was growing out
of her breast like a hardboiled egg. She started to get lumps in her neck.
She's a scientist. She was almost giving up. Then she went to China and
someone said, "You know, Chinese women don't get breast cancer. We call it
rich white woman's disease."

It is absolutely linked to your consumption of dairy. She stopped dairy.

I think, did she have stage four breast cancer at the end? I mean, there is no
stage five. She was absolutely fine. I've been to many functions with her, and
she says to everyone, "Do you drink milk? Do you eat milk?"

She's really evangelical, but I love her to bits.

If you have breast cancer, you should never have dairy again. Before I was
with my lovely husband, my previous partner had prostate cancer. His doctor

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said, "I can cure you of this, but you can never eat cheese again for the rest of
your life."

He said, "Why not?"

He said, "Well, milk is a cancer forming food. It takes 14 pounds of milk to

make one pound of cheese. It takes 12 pounds of milk to make one pound of
ice cream. So you're eating a concentrated hormone that is saying to your
cancer cells, grow and grow, and get bigger."

So that's very bad news. But quite aside from the cancer, if you want to be
thin or slim, and you eat milk, we know that... I was telling you earlier that it's
all about lowering your blood sugar, keeping your insulin levels down. Insulin
growth factor makes your insulin levels go up. So if you want to be slimmer, it
isn't that you can never, never, never have milk. But you should have less.

The thing you should never have, actually, is cheese, because it's so
concentrated, and ice cream. But there's so many great other cheese, like feta
or halloumi. There's so many great fake milks now, and there's so many great
alternatives to even butter, although butter is actually just the fat, and it
doesn't have lactose in it. So out of the four, milk, cream, butter, yogurt,
cheese... So that's five. Butter is probably the least bad, and cheese and ice
cream are absolutely the worst.

Woman: What about goat's cheese?

Marisa: Yeah, but see, goat's cheese says to your body, "Grow to the size of a
goat," and sheep's cheese says, "Grow to the size of a sheep."

And, secondly, no one is putting insulin growth factor in goats to try to make
them produce 100 pounds of milk. Goats are still milked by hand. You don't
get that much out. It doesn't have the synthetic hormones, as well as the real
hormones. When you have cow's milk, it' s a hormone anyway. But then you
have all the fake hormones they pump into poor cows to make them produce
90% more milk than they are made to produce.

But they don't do that with goats, and they don't do it with sheep.

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So goat's milk is better.

I use something called St Helens Farm goat's butter, and I love it. Even my
mother eats it and she goes, "I would never eat goat's butter."

I think she’s been eating it for the last ten years. But never mind. I just put it in
a little dish so she doesn't know!

The goat? No. It just tastes like butter. Has anyone else Helens Farm? You
can't actually tell the difference.

I love sheep's yogurt and goat's yogurt. With a bit of Xylitol in it, it's very
crunchy. It's really nice. But I don't have a lot of dairy.

So this is how you do work with your clients. First of all, you do all of this
because what you're doing is changing the picture. So normally when I'm
doing this talk, I have four glasses. When people come into the room I ask
them if anyone’s got a really dirty one pence piece? Or two pence piece?
Anything that's particularly a bit grubby?

That's good.

But usually I have four little glasses, and I line them up. But if a client comes
in and they are addicted to Coke... So that's very dirty. Okay. Keep the new

So that's dirty.

Woman: Really dirty.

Marisa: Okay. So I'm going to put all of these in here. There's no trickery
involved, and there they will stay. When you come back from lunch, these will
be shiny and perfect, because Coca Cola has something in it called
phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid eats whatever is in its pathway. So when
you drink phosphoric acid, it starts to eat your bones.

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It also has something in it called formaldehyde, which we know is embalming

fluid, which tends to stay in the retina of your eye. Your body can't get rid of it.

So usually I have four glasses lined up. In front of my class, I'll put money in
one. I might put a bone, if I've had a chicken wishbone in another. I might put
a little piece of ham or chicken in another, and then I'll usually put some
jewelry in it.

When my little girl was little, I learned... I put wishbone in one. I put her baby
tooth in one. I put money in one and I put a piece of meat in one. In a week,
the meat disappeared, the bone dissolved, the money was shiny and the tooth
was black, and to this day she has never, ever drank carbonated drinks even
though all of her friends do.

She just can't drink it, because I made the picture wrong. I said, "Of course,
you can drink this. But it rots your teeth."

I always call it formaldehyde in a bottle, or osteoporosis in a can. She doesn't

know what that is, but to this day she will not drink Coke or Diet Coke because
that picture I made in her head. Remember, you eat something if the picture is
right. You will not eat it if the picture is wrong.

So if someone said to you, "Do you want a ham sandwich," and it's actually
cat ham, who would eat it?

Any offers?

Or I put rat milk in the tea.

The picture is wrong. We can eat beef and pork and lamb, but we don't tend
to eat rats or cats, or dogs. Very luckily we don't. But it's just because the
picture is wrong.

I was flying to the states, and I said, "I don't have milk. I'll have tea with that."

She goes, "Don't you drink milk?"

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I said, "No."

She says, "It comes out of a cow."

I said, "I know, and gorilla milk comes out of a gorilla, and guess what? I don't
drink that, either. If I'm going to drink any milk, I would have the gorilla milk,
because it's more close to my DNA."

Then there was a woman in America who was breastfeeding a monkey. They
got up in arms about it. She had a monkey. They said, "Oh my God, that's

She went, "Really? Don't you drink milk that comes out of cow's breasts every
day? I mean, I'm feeding this little monkey because it has been abused."

She was breast feeding it, and they were just horrified. She said, "But I'm
giving a monkey my milk. You drink the milk of a cow."

No animal on the planet drinks another animal's milk, and no animal on the
planet anywhere in the world drinks milk when they grow up. Up until you're
about eight, you make something called lactalate, that breaks down lactose,
which is milk's sugar. After eight, you don't. You will find a lot of people who
say, "You know, I was really skinny. At 14 I got fat, I got spotty, and suddenly I
got these breasts," even when they are men. And it's because the body now
no longer can tolerate milk.

You don't have to do this with young children. Take it off it. But when they are
older, you do.

So I will take the four glasses, and I will put the stuff in. A couple of hours
later, I'll get the class to come up and take out the money and take out the
bone, and take out the jewelry, and explain. I'll often... One of my cousin's
husband is an amazing architect. He buys church headstones and puts them
into paving stones, and when they are all green and covered in moss... They
just cover them in Coca Cola, and it strips all the sludge, all the slime, all the
moss. It's the fastest way of cleaning stuff.

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If you have really filthy pans or taps, and you just put Coca Cola in it, the
phosphoric acid will eat bone, it will eat grime, and you probably all know that
thing about tipping Coca Cola down a toilet. It's amazing for cleaning jewelry,
but you should never put rings in, because it will eat the cement that holds the
stone in place too. You can only use it for bangles or chains.

So it does have uses, but not to eat. So that's one of the things I do with my
class, and then it depends. I mean, I can't do it because of the fire alarm, but
usually, if I can, I will take a little pan and make glue.

usually make some glue from this, and I usually set crisps on fire. I might do
this at home. I'm not sure of the smoke detectors. I might try it later.

But if you take a crisp and hold a teaspoon and set it on fire, you will get a
teaspoon of fat from on crisp. I know there's a lot of videos of me on YouTube
doing it, and I was doing it on Market Kitchen. I put four crisps in a bowl, lit it,
and the bowl blew in half. There was a massive hole in it, because the fat
coming out of eight crisps was extraordinary, and it's disgusting fat too.

But these are very good, if ever you have a power cut or you want to light a
fire at night when you can't get your fire started. If you throw some crisps in,
it's amazing. Really amazing.

Then, with flour, nobody here would eat Play-Doh. Anyone ever had Play-Doh
for their kids?

Woman: Yes.

Marisa: Have you noticed it never gets mouldy?

Play-Doh is made of flour and oil. There's no preservative in it.

You can make... Anyone made, what was that stuff you make with kids with
flour and water?

Woman: Papier-mache.

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Marisa: Yeah, papier-mache. That never goes mouldy, and you can make
amazing wallpaper paste from flour and water. So usually I do that too. So I
mix up the flour into a kind of glue. I burn the sweets into a kind of glue. I
make four different glasses of Coke with stuff in it.

I set fire to crisps, and I take these back to what they are, which is glue.

It's really interesting. You look at it and you think, "Wow, I can't believe I ate
that stuff."

So all the time you're changing the picture in people's head, and remember,
we eat something if the picture is right. When the picture is wrong, we don't
eat it anymore.

The second thing I do, because people do need to be educated in how to eat.
Often they find it very complicated. You can read a hundred books on
nutrition. They all contradict each other. You can do to ten dietitians. They will
all give you different advice. I am often asked to go on a news programme
talking about diet advice, and there will have some dietician going, "Oh, milk is
so good for you."

I'm, like, "No it isn't. Half the world doesn't even drink milk."

I mean, the countries with the least bone fractures in the world are the
countries that have no milk, and the countries with the highest rate of
osteoporosis are Holland, Scandinavia and Denmark. The countries with the
highest milk consumption have the highest rate of osteoporosis, and the
countries with no milk have none. Where do you think the cow gets..? They
eat grass. Cows have got healthy bones.

But then I explained to him, well, this is how you eat.

This is what I call four Rs. This is how you eat. Whenever you're going down
the aisle of your shop, you ask yourself the four Rs.

Does this food roam or grow on the planet?

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Can I eat it raw?

Does it rot?

Can I recognize what's in it?

So let's see this.

So here's some nuts. So my first question is, do these roam or grow? Yeah.
They grow on the planet.

This is a tin of fish. Does this roam or grow? Well, we know it roams. If I was
having an egg, holding up an egg here, an egg is a product of something that
roams. So that's absolutely fine.

Does this roam or grow on the planet? Absolutely.

So these things roam or grow. Do they rot? Well, yeah. If we just left it in my
handbag for three months, it would be green. If I opened this, it would grow
mould. Nuts become very, very rancid. You should always keep nuts in a
fridge. The oils, which are very good for you, become rancid.

So it roams. It rots. Can I eat this raw? Well, sure. You can eat raw fish. You
may not want to. You can eat eggs raw. You can eat meat raw. The fact that
you could eat it raw if you had to is the question. Can I eat it raw? Not would I
like it or enjoy it, but can I?

For instance, red kidney beans, you cannot eat them raw. They make ricin,
which is nerve gas, which is why you have to soak them so many times.

If your potato is raw, they can make you really, really ill. One of the reasons
you have to mill flour so many times is because it's so toxic in its outer state
that it has to be milled to get rid of the toxicity.

So does it rot? Can I eat it raw?

Can you eat nuts raw? Well, of course.

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And the last question. Can I recognize what's in here?

Well, who can recognize what's in that? Nuts. You can recognize what's in
that. You can recognize what's in that.

Okay. So now let's take some other food and say, "Does this roam or grow on
the planet?"

Well, maybe in Willy Wonka world. Anyone recognize what is in this?

Woman: No.

Marisa: Well, we pretty much know it's boiled up cow's feet.

Could you eat it raw? No one can eat cow's hooves raw, or pony's hooves

Does it rot? Not never, ever, ever.

So does this roam or grow on the planet? Can you eat this raw? I mean, you
don't even know what's in it. Can you recognize what's in it? Does it rot?
Never, and on and on we go.

This is 19 years old. Does this roam or grow on the planet?

Oh, it smells so bad.

Who knows what's in this?

We know it's made of hydrogenated gases, but what does that mean? So can
you recognize..?

Does anyone know what margarine is even made of? No one knows, because
it says stuff like shortening, modified oils, trans-fat. So this doesn't roam or
grow. As you can see by holding it, it doesn't rot. You cannot recognize what's
in it, and you could never eat this raw. You need a science lab just to make it.

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So we'll just do one more.

What shall we do?

A cracker. A Jacob's Cream Cracker, which people think, "Oh, they are good."

Does this roam or grow on the planet? No.

Who knows what the ingredients are for a Jacob's Cream Cracker?

It's got a lot of this in it, which is helping it to never rot. Could... Sorry.

Woman: Flour?

Marisa: Yeah, and can you eat flour raw? Anyone eaten raw flour? Anyone
ever wanted to eat raw flour?

So it doesn't rot, doesn't roam, can't recognize it and you can't eat it raw.

So they are the four Rs. As you walk around the aisles, you go, "Yeah. I can
buy peas or tuna fish, or pears. It doesn't have to even be fresh. They rot,
they grow and I can eat them raw."

So if you're looking at a packet of nuts, you can go, "Yeah, they're good."

But then when you look at these you think, "Well, do these roam or grow?"

Well, potatoes do grow. But they were imported here from Peru, and they are
not a great food. If you put them in the drawer, they start to sprout all those
eyes and become very toxic when they are green. They can make you really

So these will never rot. You can't eat them raw. You can't recognize what's in

You think, "Well, it's just potatoes and oil."

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But, actually, most potato chips are full of pig fat and sugar. Then, if you eat
things like Skips and Twiglets and Cheesy Wotsits, they have to make them to
be that certain size, and they have to put all kinds of chemicals in them.

The second thing that's a very good question to ask when you've done the
four Rs is, could I knock this up in my kitchen?

Not that you should. But, basically, could you make these in your kitchen?
Would anyone be able to go home and make some of these?

Is that possible? Well, first you'd have to buy some animals bones. You'd
have to boil them for hours and hours and hours. Then you'd have to add
masses of colorants, masses of chemicals and masses of fake flavoring,
which most of us don't have in our cupboard.

So it's an interesting question. Can I make this? Could I knock this up in my


Not really. Could I make this in my kitchen? Absolutely not. You need a
science lab to make that. You could not make them. Basically, you could take
some nuts and grind them to make peanut butter. You could take some beans
and make humous, or falafel. You couldn't make this in your kitchen. So if you
couldn't knock it up in your house, if you need a science lab to make it, that is
another clue.

So when you're shopping, just ask yourself the question. Can I recognize this?
Does it roam? Does it rot? Could I eat it raw? Could I make this in my kitchen
if I felt like it?

If the answer is no, then that's a clue. If the answer is yes, then you can have
as much of it as you'd like. It's got nothing to do with cutting calories.

I spent years of my life dieting, depriving myself of food, taking slimming pills,
doing all kinds of crazy stuff that I am quite ashamed of, and now I eat
everything. I eat loads of fat, but I don't eat starch much. I try not to eat too
much... I'll have a bit of chocolate, and I absolutely love it. But at one time I

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couldn't even keep it in my house. When you have cravings for sugar, the trick
is to eat fat.

So if you really crave sugar, have a massive spoon of almond butter or peanut
butter, or even a big spoon of coconut oil, or have an avocado. I mean, if I
ever want something sweet, I just slice apples and put cashew butter or
peanut butter, or almond butter. I put them on red peppers.

So you are going to reeducate your clients. If you want to help people lose
weight, you do need to understand a bit about nutrition. Not a lot. In my book,
You Can Be Thin, the new one with a blue cover, it has everything in it. I was
going to try to buy some and bring them in, but I just couldn't. But you can get
it on Amazon for £7. It's not expensive, and it shows you everything.

There's a chapter called How To Eat, and it shows you exactly what you
should be eating. It's even got recipes in it.

Have you got it? Oh, thank you.

I would be delighted to.

So I'm going to read this bit in the back about the dairy cow. I think I've got it
pretty much off by heart, but let me see where it is.

"Dairy scientists have admitted that the level of a very powerful hormone
contained in milk, insulin like growth factor, increases in the human body after
milk consumption. In the last two years," and I wrote this in 2007, "insulin
growth factor has been identified as the key factor in the growth of various
cancers, not limited to but including prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian
cancer. Experts believe that the insulin growth factor in milk and lactose,
which is a type of milk sugar, overstimulates hormones and encourages tumor

How nice is that?

"The highest level, the higher level of insulin growth factor, the higher your risk
of developing cancer. Researchers at Stanford University and in the National

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Health in England found high concentration of insulin growth factor stimulate

the growth of cancer cells."

So there you go. There's another bit that say, "Milk is a concentrated source
of chemical messengers, each one with a mission to influence the growth of a
cell," and there's many, many, many more.

There's another one here that says, "Elevated levels of insulin growth factor in
milk from cows injected with BGH is a risk factor for breast cancer in humans
who drink cow's milk," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There's lots more.

So milk is not a great food, and sugar is a terrible food. I know I told you in the
first weekend... I will [inaudible 01:04:35] in one minute... If you have a
secondary cancer... So one of my friends had cancer and they said, "This is a
secondary. We can't find the first cancer."

They didn't seem to know where it was. She had breast cancer. They knew
she had another cancer. When they injected her with sugar, it went straight to
her spine. She had cancer in her spinal column.

The sugar was able to trace the cancer in Germany, which is much more
advanced than the U.K. . They don't give people terrible chemotherapy. They
take them and they starve them for 12 hours, nothing at all. Then they inject
sugar, and the cancer cells light up, and then they blast them with an isolated
form of chemo. It's much more effective than here, where they just give you a
massive dose.

So sugar feeds cancer. Milk feeds cancer. So when you're drinking your lattes
and your chocolate milkshake, and your coffee, and eating your cookies and
milk and having stuff like cheese sandwiches with a milky drink, and bread is
full of sugar... Anyone got a bread maker? You'll see that one of the
ingredients to make bread is sugar.

So the two together become absolutely lethal. Milk is bad. Sugar is bad. If you
combine them, it's even worse. That's what we do.

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We are programmed to have things like pizza and pasta and cheese, and
breakfast cereal, which is based around milk and sugar. You have to have a
real rethink of your diet. I mean, I love CoYo, which is yogurt made of coconut
milk. I have got a Nutribullet, and I love now making drinks with chia seeds
and flax seeds. It's not that I'm one of those fanatical Gillian McKeith types,
carrying around my hemp seeds and being really virtuous.

It's really quite easy, and then other times I just have eggs and omelets with
peppers. It takes no longer to make that than to make cheese on toast, which
I used to eat all of the time.

So you were going to ask me a question?

Woman: What about lactose free milk.

Marisa: Yeah. Well, lactose free milk is free of sugar. So anything that ends in
'ose' means sugar. Lactose, fructose, sucrose, glucose. If it has 'ose' on the
label, O-S-E means sugar, or different kinds of sugar. So lactose free milk
doesn't have lactose, which is a good thing.

It's hot. Can someone open the window?

It's a good thing, because lactose is very, very hard to digest, and 25% of
people cannot digest lactose, and most people cannot digest casein, which is
the protein in milk. So that's good. It hasn't got the sugar. But guess what? It
still has all of the hormones.

You can't take the hormones out of milk, because milk is a hormone. So you
can have organic, lactose, grass fed milk where the cows are massaged
everyday by Tibetan monks, but it's still going to be full of hormones.

So my idea is, I would give it a bit of a wide berth. If you have to have it, have
a little bit, but don't have cheese and ice cream. Does that make sense?

Marisa: Well, I don't know if you knew that recently, Pringles never had to pay
tax because there was no potatoes in Pringles. All of the other chips got a bit

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upset. So they were pig fat, chicken fat and a lot of flavours and sugar. Then
all the Muslims got very upset, because Pringles are full of pig fat.

So they've now changed them. You might notice that, when you buy Haribos,
you can buy Halal Haribos, which are made with pony's feet and cows feet,
but not pig's feet.

Yeah. Marks and Spencer are the biggest buyers of pig carcasses in the U.K.
They buy more pig carcasses than any other company to what...and they
have now had to make Halal Percy pigs too.


Veggie purseys too, yeah.

I mean, it's just a terrible thing that food companies don't tell you what is in
their food. But they shouldn't have pig fat in cheap ice cream, because people
eat that.

I was actually doing a talk for Johnson & Johnson ages ago. I was the
therapist on the show. It was about cosmetic surgery, and why people have all
this cosmetic stuff. So I was a therapist, and they're going, "Why do women
have all this stuff?"

Well, a lot of men do too. A lot of politicians now have fillers and veneers
because we think people look better. We like them. So I can't remember what
this was about. I was talking something about cosmo. Cosmoderm is actually
baby's foreskin that people have put in their lips and in their lines. They were
going, "Well, what is cosmoderm?"

I said, "Well, that's actually made from discarded foreskin."

Woman: Oh my God!

Marisa: There was something else. What was it? This Jewish woman was
saying, "Well, I've had fillers in my mouth, but I didn't have cosmoderm. I had

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It was so ridiculous. I can't remember what it was. It was porcine. She said,
"What is that?"

I said, "Oh my God, are you going to tell her? I don't know how to tell her what
that is."

I said, "Well, it's pig's cartilage."

"Pig's cartilage? I'm Jewish! I've got pig's cartilage in my face?"

I'm, like, "Probably."

But, you know, when people have heart transplants they use pig fat. It's the
closest thing to humans. She was so upset. She said, "I didn't know that's
what porcine was."

Well, like bovine means cow and equine means horses.

Marisa: Equine means horse, and porcine actually means pork.

And she was really upset. They don't even tell the women when they starting
it in their face, what it's made of. So, yeah. A lot of products that shouldn't
have pig fat in do. They do.

So that's unfortunate.

Anyway. Your job is, if you want to make a fantastic living as a weight loss
therapist and change people's lives, do your sessions with clients. have some
tools. It's very cheap. I mean, it's the only business I know where you have
stock you never have to replace. You don't have to buy much stock, and do
some little workshops. People love it.

Once I was working for three different bootcamps going all over the country
doing my demo. They said, "You are the most popular thing. The marines love
it, the women love it," because I made it fun. I'd explain things to people.

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The other thing I would explain to clients is, you've got to learn to welcome the

When I was doing Fit Club in America, on would come these celebrates. I
think I was talking to, it might have been Luther Vandross, or something. He
said, "I don't want to live a life without restriction. Why should I?"

I'm, like, "Yeah, well. That's true."

He said, "Why should I restrict my diet?"

I'm like, "But don't you have a restricted life? Didn't you just tell me earlier that
you can't ever go to a football match because you can't get through the turn

He wouldn't go to the cinema, because once he had got up to go to the

bathroom and people had started shouting something like, "There's a whale
on the screen," as he tried to walk down the aisle, because he was a bit
heavier. he had gone to someone's house for a barbecue and sat on some
plastic furniture, and it broke. So if anyone ever rang up and said, "Do you
want to come to a barbecue?" The first question he asked was, what kind of
chairs have you got?

If those chairs had arms, he couldn't get in them. If they were like that, he
could. But he didn't like to sit on plastic furniture, and he'd also got stuck in a
car once. He was telling me all these different things, and I'm, like, "Look, this
is crazy. You are saying that your life is so restricted because you refuse to
restrict your diet, and it's just about changing the restrictions."

Some people say to me, "Oh my God, your life is so restrictive. You don't
drink milk."

I'm, like, "Well, it's not restrictive to me."

I either carry a little carton of almond milk with me. If I have to, I drink tea
black. I have usually my bag... Because I've been traveling on the road all of
the time, I have some little bits of Xylitol in my bag. I like tea, but if I can't have

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tea with... Because I haven't got any almond milk, I'll put one of these in,
which is pure Stevia. Always look for the word pure. Never go near anything
that Coca Cola makes. You don't want to go near that.

So this is Purvia, which means it's pure. I have these in my bag. It's not a
problem. Sometimes I forget. Usually I remember.

I have a little city bag and a big bag, and I keep in them all the time Stevia and
some dried almond milk, if I can get it. But it's not hard work.

My mum said, "Oh, your life is so complicated."

I'm, like, "Well, I don't find it complicated."

If I go to someone's house and they've made a pizza, I just go, "Oh, do you
have a tin of tuna fish?" Or I have some eggs.

I keep in my car a little bag with, maybe in it, a tin of salmon, some nuts and
seeds. So I have a little bag in my car, and I will have that and that in it, and
maybe some dried olives. When I leave the house, if I'm going away for the
whole day, I might grab an avocado. I might grab a pear. I was doing a talk at
a big barn out in the middle of nowhere one day, and the caterers didn't turn
up. They said, "Oh no, we're ordering pizza."

I'm, like, "God, that's like pus and mucus, my worst nightmare. And sugar."

So I just said, "Oh, actually, I've got some tuna fish in my car and I brought it

I said, "I'll just that have."

I had an avocado. It wasn't a big deal. But it's a little tiny, tiny effort. But it has
big a reward.

So you'll often find clients that say, "Well, what have I got to eat, then?"

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I go, "Well, this is what you have for breakfast. You can have soy yogurt or
goat's yogurt or sheep's yogurt, or you can have eggs, you can have cold

They go, "Oh, is it the same stuff everyday?"

Well, what do you usually have? “I have toast and marmalade every day.”

I'm, like, "Well, that's the same stuff every day."

Occasionally clients will come in and say, oh, I don't want to do that. What
else have you got?

I'm, like, "Nothing."

You've got to choose to welcome the restrictions, and to swap a restricted life.

So I was working with this girl recently. She was quite a young girl, maybe 22.
She was basically square. She must have been 24 stone. She just had on a
big t-shirt and sweatpants. She said, "Well, why should I change?"

Well, you don't have to. I said, "have you ever worn a dress?"

She said, "Never. Never worn a dress in my life."

I'm, like, "Wow, don't you think that's a big price to pay?"

She goes, "I never thought of it like that."

She had this really bizarre diet. She ate chocolate, ice cream, bread and
cheese. I said, "Have you ever been on a date?"

She goes, "I've gone on loads of dates."

I'm, like, "Oh, good. What about a second date?"

She went, "No. No one ever asked me out a second time."

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She goes, "Well, I can eat. When I go to a restaurant, I have chips and ice
cream. That's good."

I said, "Well, yeah. But maybe that's not good."

Anyways. So she began to realize that she had this fixed thinking. Why should
I, why should I, why should I?

I went, "Well, why shouldn't you, why shouldn't you, why shouldn't you?"

It's your choice. You can do whatever you want, but if you want to wear a
dress and have more than one date, maybe you need to stop living on ice
cream, chips and white bread rolls with cheese in them. Because look at
this, the bread is sun blessed. There's a word.

Does that look..?

No. Let's see if I've got some bread in here. Anyway, let's pretend that's a loaf.
Does that look like it has been blessed by the sun to you? If that was called
mother's pride, would you be proud of giving that to your kids?

You see, we're brainwashed every day. Mother's pride. Sun blessed. We don't
even understand how brainwashed we are, but because brainwashing works,
you brainwash people in a better way.

I had a chapter in my book. It's called Brainwashing For Your Benefit.

Let me give your book back in a minute.

So I really invite you to change your client's relationship. It is a relationship.

You need to change it. You need to get them to welcome the restrictions and
feel really good about the fact that they are choosing to eat just a little bit
differently because they are choosing to be thin, and I use the word choosing,
too, in everything.

So I say to my clients, "Okay. So now when you walk down the aisle and you
come to the Fox's Biscuits, you don't go, oh, I love them. They are my best

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friend. They are so yummy. You go, well, actually, they are just fat and sugar
and chemicals. I'm choosing not to have them because I'm choosing to be a
size 10 or 12, or 14."

You see, when you come up to something and go, "Oh my God.I love that. It's
better than sex."

Your mind is, like, "Well, the next time you're not having great sex, I should
remind you to eat lots of chocolate, then."

You have told your mind something, and your mind is a biofeedback. So every
time you go, "Oh, I'm so stressed, but these taco chips are like heaven. Or, oh
my God, this is the best thing ever. Or, this is yummy, it's delicious."

Your mind is listening to your words, and then when you feel less than happy
it goes, "Eat cakes. Eat biscuits. Eat chocolate. It makes you happy."

But it's only because you told it that that it told you back.

So you really have to just show your clients how to take control, and one of
the ways you take control is by dialoguing with yourself.

But a lot of times I'll say to clients, "Look. When you're in the shop and you
look at pizza, I need you to go, yeah. It looks lovely. But if I take you home, I
know I'll eat all of you. So I'm not going to take you home."

Alcoholics don't go, "Oh, wow, that bottle of wine looks good. I'll take that
home for someone else in case they like it. Or, wow, that gin looks really
good. I'm not drinking, but I'll take it home in case my grandchildren pop in
and would like a little glass of wine."

They know if they take it home, they might eat it. People who stop smoking
don't think, "I'll get some Marlboro lights for my neighbours in case they pop

They understand that, if you put it in the house, it's right in front of you. So I do
teach my clients to talk to food, to go, "If I take you home, I'm going to eat you,

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and right now I'm choosing to be a size 12. I'm choosing to be... So I'm going
to leave you in the shop."

I also told you about the brain and how it remembers where honey is. Do you
remember that talk on the first day, that when we were cave people, scarce
food, our brain went, "I remember where it is, and I'm going to keep going
back until it's gone."

So whenever tribes came across honey, or even sap from trees, they would
go back every day until the supply was exhausted. All these years later, our
mind goes, "There's chocolate in the fridge! I better go back to that until the
supply has exhausted," except the supply never is exhausted, because you're
getting it from the shop up the road, or, "There's cookies in the fridge, or ice
cream, or chocolate, or pizza!" Your mind will keep going back until it's

So you've got to stop having that food in your house until you've got really
good at saying to your mind, "Yep, those biscuits look nice. But they don't look
as nice as me looking great in my clothes."

So still, when I'm confronted with it, because I'm on the road all of the time
and staying in hotels. They do have a habit... I'm amazed at how many cakes
hotels give you.

They actually really do physically have cake for breakfast. Have you seen
that? It's amazing. I was staying in Sardinia, and they literally had proper
cakes, chocolate cake, lemon cake, for breakfast.

It's, like ,"Wow. People eat cake for breakfast?"

But then a croissant and a latte is just cake. So you start to condition yourself.
Yeah, I could have cake, but actually I'd rather have eggs and avocado, or
eggs and smoked salmon, or just eggs and mushrooms, because that's real
food that rots.

You start to train your brain, and of course, always and I would say this a lot...
It starts off being what you do, and then it becomes what you are. And there

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are a few other interesting facts to give your clients. All these facts are in the
book. I'm not trying to sell it to you, but it's £7 pounds, and it will give you
every bit of information you need to be a phenomenal weight loss therapist.

It has got a CD in the back too that's completely free.

I'm not making lots of money from that book, because you get it from Amazon.
But there's some interesting things too, and this is very interesting. You eat
50% more when you have too much variety.

So how many people have had a huge lunch at Christmas, go, "Oh my God, I
couldn't eat another thing," and someone says, "I have a bit of cheesecake.
Just have a little sliver." You have a sliver and you think, "Oh, actually, I need
another sliver," and suddenly you've eaten the whole thing.

So we have something called [sp] satia. Satia is obviously.. Insatiable. It

means when you've had enough, and the body is very clever. When you eat
the same foods, you get bored. If you had a whole box of the same biscuits,
it's unlikely you'd eat 40 of them, because you have three or four. Then you're

But if you have a box of Fox's... You think, "Oh, I just have custard cream, and
I'm going to have half the coconut. I'll have a bit of that white chocolate wine.
Then I'll have a tiny taste of the bourbon, whatever it is."

And every time you introduce a new taste and a new texture and a new flavor,
you re-stimulate your appetite, which is why, when they have eating contests
in America and you're eating 100 hotdogs or 100 hard boiled eggs, and you've
eaten 20 and think, "I cannot have another egg," you put your arm up and
they run over and they give you a peach or some raspberry. Anything that isn't
an egg. Then you re-stimulate your appetite, and you can continue to eat
another 20 hardboiled eggs or hot dogs.

So variety stimulates your appetite. A completely new taste, texture and

flavour will stimulate your appetite.

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Now, we all should have a varied diet. Absolutely. But if you have something
like Alpen, which I think is just garbage... Alpen has in it oats, rye, four
different grains. Then it has dried raisins, dried fruit, and it has nuts and
things. It has milk powder and then it has sugar. I've wheeled off 12
ingredients off the top of my head, and I haven't even finished yet.

So when you have all those ingredients to one thing, which you add to milk,
it's got so many flavours. It's not good. It keeps you wanting more. The reason
we can eat so much pizza is because it's got so many different things in it that
you keep going.

If someone gave you a bucket of chicken legs, you probably would eight three
or four, or maybe six. If someone brought home a box of apples, you might
eat four at a real press, or two or three. But no one would say, "I've eaten 20

I've eaten a whole bag of taco chips. Then I ate another bag.

They put flavour enhancers on all junk food to keep re-stimulating your
appetite. McDonalds, if you read the list of how many flavour enhancers they
have, it's not to enhance the flavour. It's to re-stimulate your appetite so that
you want more and more and more.

I think I told you about McDonalds. If you don't have a pickle on the bun, it's
actually classified as a cake because it's so incredibly sweet.

So you need to have variety, but not at every meal. So in the morning, by all
means, have an omelet with peppers or tomatoes, or mushrooms, or ham, or
prawns or salmon. But don't have all of that. Don't have this massive plate of
different foods.

Too much taste will stimulate your appetite. Have an amazing salad, but you
don't need to have olives, feta cheese, avocado, chicken, some almonds and
ten other ingredients as well. Even if you make a fruit salad with ten fruits, you
will eat more than if you just had watermelon and strawberries.

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So make your variety at each meal, but don't have a huge varied meal. You
eat too much.

Remember that, when you're full and you taste something new, it will re-
kickstart your appetite. A new taste, a new flavour, a new texture, will restart it
all over again.

So we eat 50% more than we eat more food. I was doing a show... I think it
was called White Men Can't Hunt. Something like that. Anyway. It was
working with tribes, and the tribes said they couldn't eat a western diet,
because there are usually three or four ingredients in a meal, and it was too
much food. They couldn't eat it. They said, "This is too much. All this variety!"

They just don't understand how we eat.

The second thing that will put your appetite up by a whopping 75% is having
food in your line of vision. We are wired that, when we see food, we eat it.
When we were tribespeople, if we came across food and we were wandering
around hunting, and we came across a field of raspberries. We couldn't really
carry those back, so we just ate them all, even if we were full. If you see food,
you eat it.

Nature has decided that, when you come across food and it's in your line of
vision, you will eat 75% more.

So places in Iksu and Wagamama, you really want to because that goes
round. You don't really want to. You say, "Oh, I'll have that. Oh, I'll have that
one too, and I'll have that."

That's why most restaurants love to wheel their dessert trolley by. You think,
"Well, I don't really want it, but actually I'm going to have that."

It's why people like to look at pictures of food.

So if you have an issue with your weight, the worst thing you can do is put all
of the containers of food on the table, the chicken, the vegetables, the
potatoes, the gravy. When you finish, you will have more... Leave it in the

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kitchen. If you have to buy food for your children for their lunch, or for your
partner, don't put it on the fridges so that when you open it the first thing you
see is a six pack of Bounty bars. That's not really going to help you.

Put it in a Tupperware that you can't see and shove it in the salad drawer. If
you don't see it, you're less likely to eat it.

And don't allow restaurants to bring the bread basket and put it on the table.
It's fine to take a piece of bread, but tomato bread, olive bread, you want all of

So you do have to take some responsibility. Not a huge amount. But clients
love these statistics. You love 75% more if you see food. You eat 50% more if
you have too much variety. You're giving them information that no one else is
giving them.

It's all in my book, but the big thing is getting them to welcome the restrictions,
because who here has a life with no restrictions whatsoever?

If I said to my husband, "I'm taking all the money from my seminar and I'm
going to go to Hawaii for six months, and I'll come back when it's run out," he
would go, "I don't think so."

If I said, "I can't be bothered to go to work. I think I'll just stay in bed, or I'm
going to turn up in my pajamas and slippers because I can't be arsed, frankly,
to get dressed."

Most people can't do that. When you have a job... Go on?

Woman: People think that as a vegan, it’s so difficult, blah, blah, blah. But I
would say, actually--

Marisa: It's really easy. Of course.

Woman: Because if I'm going into the supermarket, well, I know I can have
that tub of soy yogurt, or I have a whole aisle of vegan options.

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Marisa: It's other people's beliefs, yeah.

Woman: It makes things more simple.

Marisa: Other people have a problem, but you don't have a problem.

Everyone says to me, "You can't eat biscuits, can you?"

I'm, like, "Why do you keep saying you? I can eat biscuits but I can leave it."

You can't not eat food if someone makes it. You can't say no. But I'm, like,
"Well, I can."

But it's this disassociation, saying you can't. You have to say, "Why don't you
say, I don't think I can leave cake when I go to visit my mother in law, but
actually, I can."

The thing with leaving food, what really, really works, is to take it with you. I'm
sure I told you about Princess Diana... Did I?

Woman: Yeah.

Marisa: About the pears and the coffee.

So when you go to someone’s house and they offer you cake and go, "That's
looks so good. I'm going to take that home and really enjoy it, because I've
just had a big meal, or I had a headache earlier and I'm trying not to have
sugar for the next day. But I'd love to take that home," and take it home. Give
it to someone else. Put it in the freezer, or just put it in the bin.

So you can accept food without eating it, which I did all the time. In the same
way that I don't drink... Most people don't even know that I don’t drink. People
pour out wine. I just leave it, and they never notice. I don't make a big deal
about it.

So with your clients, you've got to empower them to be able to refuse food,
and to be able to ask for different food. That's the problem. They will say,

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"Well, I was doing really well. Then I went out and everyone had pizza, and I
had to eat the pizza."

Or, "I was doing so well. Then my husband came home with cake, and my
kids brought me cake or chocolate, and I had to eat it."

You don't have to eat it. If someone came to you and said, "Oh, I brought you
this lovely side of bacon," would you eat it? Of course not.

But you wouldn't be rude. You would just go, "No, I don't eat that." Or you
would just says, "I'm not hungry." So you just have to educate yourself to be
empowered, and it isn't just about diet. It's about health, too.

When you go to someone's house... I was filming just after Christmas. I turned
up at this film, and they had pink donuts.

That's all they had for everything. It's, like, "Oh my God. I wouldn't eat those."
Krispy Kreme, that's right. But my daughter wanted some Krispy Kreme
donuts. So I went to Harrods to get some. I was in the queue.

They started to give out samples. They gave me one. I said, "Do you want it?"

She went, "You can't leave a Krispy Kreme donut."

I'm, like, "Well, I actually can because I think they are horrible. I'm not buying
them for me."

She went, "I could never just have one. So she ate mine and she ate hers."

I got her all these donuts, and then none of them got eaten. She wanted them
for all of her flatmates, and then they just all left them, and they're not cheap,

So you're really educating people to take responsibility.

One of the number one reasons that diets fails I that we don't have portable
food. People go out to work. They don't eat breakfast, which is fine. You

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shouldn't eat breakfast if you're not hungry, I don't think, because you're
teaching your body to eat when you're not hungry, which is wrong.

However, if you say, "Look, I'm a doctor, or I'm a nurse, I run a ward, and I
don't eat breakfast, and at 11:00 o'clock I just mainline Kitkats out of a
vending machine," then you should eat breakfast.

Or you should just take something with you. I'm not that fussed about
breakfast, but at 11:00 o'clock I always have nuts there, or some fruit.

Sometimes I have breakfast. If I'm going to be on the road, I might have a

breakfast of eggs. But you've got to take responsibility. It's a portable food. So
I meet a lot of clients who don't have breakfast. Then they go to work, and
then lunchtime comes and they rush out, and they eat the first thing they
come across, usually in Starbucks. Or they plan to go and have a nice lunch,
and then they get called into a meeting or they get a client on the phone, or
something goes wrong, and so they eat out of the vending machine.

The people who I find do this worse are doctors and nurses. I worked with a
female doctor recently who said that... She's a surgeon. She's performing
surgery all day. They go to the mess, and she has white bread and margarine,
toast and butter, and ten cans of Diet Coke a day. That's a surgeon.

I said, "Look, you're a smart person. Make a frittata on a Sunday night, like a
big cake. Slice it into slices. Take it with you. How hard is it?"

I used to do it all the time. On a Sunday night, put a tray of chicken legs in the
oven and another tray of peppers and onions. I just stick vegetables on a tray,
cook the whole lot, and then I just take it with me every day. It's not difficult to
carry nuts or seeds, or fruits.

I was really shocked at this doctor. Then I worked with a golfer who said,
"Yeah, I get up. I go to teach golf. I leave the house at 4:00, and usually on
the journey I'll stop at 6:00 and I go to Starbucks, and I have a pound of

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You can take something with you. It's not hard. I mean, can you imagine a
farmer 100 years ago going out in the farm and thinking, "I'll just run across to
Starbucks," or a miner going down the mine, and then thinking, "Oh, what can
I eat?"

Actually, this is a billycan, which I love.

Oh, the bit is missing.

This is what miners used to take with them, and they had in it mints and
vegetables, and they had a little thing at the top that's somewhere, in which
they had everything. People think they used to eat a lot of pastry, but those
pasties... Does anyone know what they..? It was because of all the soot on
their hands. So they broke off the pastry and ate the filling, and the pastry was
to stop them eating all the soot.

Then they were doing a very hard manual job, so they are entitled to eat a lot
of pastry. But they couldn't. It made them too bloated, and then they couldn't
go down those mines.

So we now don't take any responsibility at all.

I meet people who take food for their dog.

"Oh, I've got some biscuits and water for the dog."

What have you got?

"Oh, I haven't got anything. I just run into a garage later."

Who here has had a baby? Who has a child?

Anyone ever go out when their child is a baby without any food for their baby?
I'll just pop into Esso and get them something later. Anyone ever did that? No,
because you take all of their stuff. But people won't take stuff for themselves.

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It's not about taking some banquet and carrying it. It's just about taking some
nuts, some seeds, some fruit, and when you make dinner, it's the easiest
thing in the world to make an extra portion and put it in a little box like this,
and just take it with you.

So you have to teach your patients to be responsible. Responsibility means

an ability to respond. They have to be responsible for their weight, because
no one else can do it for them. So you change their relationship with food.

You change how they think about food. You teach them the things about
appetite being stimulated by the sight of food, the smell of food, by variety,
and you teach them to welcome the restriction.

Who here has got a cat or a dog? Does that come with no restrictions
whatsoever? Do you have to walk them when you've got the flu or a
hangover? Do they occasionally pee on your carpet, or be sick?

No one says, "I'm having a pet. Thank you. But I don't want any restrictions in
my life. I'm going to have a job, but it's got to come with no restrictions."

Who here has children? Do they keep you up all night, throw up on your
carpet, cost you a lot of money? I mean, when you have a baby can you say,
"I think I'm going to stay up all night partying, and then just stay in bed
tomorrow and watch TV all day."

No. Who can do that with a baby?

So a job, a pet, a partner, a child, even a mortgage... When you get a

mortgage you can't say, "I'm going to spend all my money on me."

Everything you have, has a restriction. But people with weight issues often
don't understand that restrictions are part of life, and when you take
responsibility and go, "Yeah, I love my dog, even though I've got to get up at
6:00 in the morning and walk it. Yes, my baby keeps me up. I love my baby.
My partner drives me crazy, but I wouldn't be without them."

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When you can get the same attitude to your diet, it changes your whole life,
and it isn't just about weight. It's about also thinking, "Well, I'm going to eat
healthily. There are some restrictions," like with you. You couldn't probably
maybe take a train or getting on a plane without checking first, are they going
to serve you vegetarian food. So you make one call, or you buy some stuff

If you're going on a train, because the food is such complete and utter turd,
you take better stuff with you. It just becomes a way of life. It's just about
helping people be a little bit responsible.
People will say, "I ate a biscuit, so I ate the whole packet."

No one will go, "I've overdrawn at the bank, so I'm going to empty my whole
account now and become bankrupt, or I haven't had enough sleep, so I think
I'll stay up for seven more nights and kill myself with tiredness."

Yet people go, I ate a biscuit, so therefore I should eat 20 more biscuits.

So it's about getting back on track.

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