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Wisdom Wise Msema
+265 994 806 520

I am an experienced software engineer with a passion for developing innovative programs that
expedite the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success. I’m well-versed in
technology and writing code to create systems that are reliable and user-friendly. I’m also a
confident communicator, strategic thinker, and innovative creator to develop software that is
customized to meet a company’s organizational needs, highlight their core competencies, and
further their success.

Programming Languages:
 JavaScript,
 PHP,
 Typescript,
 C++,
 C.
 Laravel,
 CodeIgniter,
 React.js,
 Next.js,
 Redux,
 Node.js,
 Express,
 React Native.
Other UI tools:
 HTML5,
 CSS,
 Tailwind CSS,
 Bootstrap.
 MySQL,
 Mongo db.
 Windows 7/8.1/10, UNIX
Version Control:
 Git
Others skills:
 Docker,
 Graphic designing.
 Strong knowledge of the software lifecycle.


Umodzi Tech Hub 02/2019 – 05/2021

Address: Remote
Position: Software Developer
Projects: Below are some of the projects that I worked on, while I was working at Umodzi Tech
Project #1

Project name: Ladies Shopping Mall

Project Description: This was an e-commerce system that was made for ladies, we can infact
just call it an online ladies shopping center. However the system wasn’t designed to support
many vendors selling their products on the platform but it was designed for a single business
person who can be selling different women-related products and offer women-related services
e.g. saloon and many more.
Project Duration: March, 2019 – August, 2019 (Front end and Back end)
Programming Duration: 5 Months
8 Hours coding/2 Hours testing/ 2 Hours maintenance per day
Responsibilities: My specific tasks in this system were:
 Fetching and displaying dynamic products which were recently uploaded by the owner of
the store to the customers. Customers were able to view all necessary details when
browsing through the store e.g. the product images, price, maker and many more.

 Displaying dynamic Categories that were added by the store owner. This was helping the
customers to find what they are looking for without wasting much time.

 Customer registration, login and forgot password interface.

 Most of the front end work was done by me

 Tools used

 React js, (Next js),

 Tailwind CSS,

 Git (Version Controlling).

Project #2
Project name: Customer relationship management System (CRM)
Project Description: This system was developed for managing all company’s relationships and
interactions with customers and potential customers.
Project Duration: December, 2019 – April, 2020
Programming Duration: 4 Months
8 Hours coding/2 Hours testing/ 2 Hours maintenance per day
Responsibilities: My specific tasks in this system were:

 Customer registration, login and forgot password interface and the functionalities behind
the interface. When the user is logging in for the first time he was able to set security
questions to help him recover password once forgotten.

 Displaying and managing different customers (CRUD Operation).

 Filtering and Searching.

 Validating all user input fields per each input requirements.

 Tools used
 PHP,

 Laravel,


 Tailwind CSS,

 JavaScript.

Others Projects Under Umodzi Tech Hub

 Yankho Private School Student Portal
 Real Estate Management Systems
 Employee Support systems
 Blogs

Wealthnet Finance (Techsoft Limited), 06/2021 - Present

Address: Private Bag B444, Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi
Position: Software Engineer
Projects: Below are some of the projects that I have worked on so far, under Wealthnet Finance.
Project #1
Project name: Kakupay Smart Money (Mobile money application)
Project Description: Kakupay Smart Money is a mobile money wallet which is currently
available in Malawi. The system is owned by Wealthnet Finance (which is the company I am
working at). Kakupay Smart Money offers a secure way of keeping funds. With Kakupay Smart
Money one can be able to deposit money, withdraw money, send money, receive money, and
buy airtime and to pay other bills, e.g. water and electricity bills.
Project Duration: January, 2021 – Present (We still add features even thou it is already on the
Programming Duration: 6 Months
8 Hours coding/2 Hours testing/ 2 Hours maintenance per day
Responsibilities: My specific tasks in this system were:
 Creating a web portal that is used by a customer to perform different transactions.
Through this web portal the customer is able to send money, withdraw money, pay
merchants, buy airtime for himself as well as for others, check balance and view all his
transactions by date filter. This was just a frontend role because I was communication
with an API that was built by my fellow system developer in the same Company.

Tools used

 React js (Create React App),

 Tailwind CSS,

 Git (Version Controlling).

 Since the system is owned by Wealthnet finance which is a bank I was also tasked to
build an API which can help the tellers to perform their daily tasks. Through the API
Customers are able to deposit and withdraw money from the system through bank tellers.
Tellers are also able to request money from the vault once the day has started as well as
push money back to vault upon the ending of the day. In the money movements between
the teller and the vault there initiate, approve, and accept before the money has finally
migrated from one account to another. Tellers are also able to view their transactions as
well as balance. This role made me to have a better understanding of how banking
systems works.

 I also performed Unit Tests on all the parts that I was working on.
Tools used
 PHP,
 Codeigniter,
 MySQL,
 Postman (For testing the API).
Project #2
Project name: Phindu E-commerce (Online store)
Project Description: Phindu store is another Project that I worked on under Wealthnet Finance
(Techsoft Limited). This is an online store where one can be able to buy and sell products online.
The system supports multiple vendors selling their different products through the system. The
payment method used in this system is Kakupay Smart Money system which I have briefly
explained in the first project under Wealthnet Finance.
Project Duration: Sept, 2019 – present (Features are still being added)
Programming Duration: 5 Months
8 Hours coding/2 Hours testing/ 2 Hours maintenance per day
Responsibilities: My specific tasks in this system were:

 Creating a vendor dashboard which is used by vendors to list their items, manage their
items and employees, and tracking orders and many more. This is a web portal that
allows a vendor to list his products for selling, before the products appears to the
customer the products have to be verified by the admin, so by using this dashboard a
vendor is be able to see if his products were approved or rejected. The vendor is also able
to edit or delete products, he is also able to create his own users to be managing his store,
and he can edit those users as well as delete them. In short this dashboard does provide an
easy way for the vendor to manage his online store.

 There are also small tasks that I supported in this system for example at the Admin
dashboard where products are verified before appearing to the customers and also at the
Courier dashboard where the courier is able to see the product delivery that were assigned
to him.

 I also performed Unit Tests on all the parts that I was working on.
Tools used

 PHP,

 Codeigniter,

 JavaScript,


 CSS,

 Bootstrap,

 MySQL.
Others Projects Under Wealthnet Finance (Techsoft Limited)
 Kakupay Employees Management System
 Kakupay Support System

Kakupay Smart Money is a big system as such I have gained a lot of experience in different
aspects over a short period that I have been there. We do a lot of system testing, presentations
with big parties, Integrations with the likes of nitel, click mobile, TNM and many more service
providers. Since kakupay smart money is a big system that is used every day by different people
I have mastered the art of working under pressure, delivering things on time and 24/7 customer

I am a very passionate software developer who is very fast when it comes to learning new things.
Employing me is the decision you will never regret doing.

 MSCE, Christian Private Secondary School, 01/2017.
 BS in Computer Engineering, University of Livingstonia, Laws Campus, 09/2017-
10/2021 with CREDIT.

 Learning React.js Certificate of Completion, LinkedIn Learning,
Mar 14, 2022
 React Hooks Certificate of Completion, LinkedIn Learning,
Mar 14, 2022
 React.js Essential Training Certificate of Completion, LinkedIn Learning,
Mar 17, 2022

 Mobile development,
 Cyber security,
 Amazon Web services,
 Lecturing.
 System development,
 Graphic designing,
 Reading and Learning,
 Interacting with people of different backgrounds,
 Watching Movies,
 Motivation speaking.

Mr Hastings Kondwani (Head of System Development @Techsoft Limited)

Private Bag B444,

Capital City,

Lilongwe 3, Malawi

+265 885 450 881


Mr Nelson Chirolo (Software Engineer @Techsoft Limited)

Private Bag B444,

Capital City,

Lilongwe 3, Malawi

+265 880 611 296


Mr Donald Phiri (Head of Department and Supervisor)

University of Livingstonia,
Laws Campus, P.O.Box 37,

Livingstonia, Rumphi

Cell: (+265) 992 31 53 19.


Mr Gondwe

University of Livingstonia,

Laws Campus, P.O.Box 37,

Livingstonia, Rumphi

Cell: (+265) 999 84 43 84.

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