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Oral presentation


Topic: Describing my hometown


1. In this occasion you are going to record a video talking about your hometown
using adjectives to describe places, adverbs before adjectives,
conjunctions and also you are going to talk about interesting places for
tourist to visit in your hometown using the modal verbs can and should.

2. Upload the video to YouTube or Google drive and send the link to the teacher,
using the virtual class platform and attach a document in Word or PDF,
indicating name, last name, ID and your script.

3. Deadline: 17/01/2024.

Support material:

1. Mental maps
2. Pictures
3. PowerPoint presentations.

And whatever support material you want to use.

Video structure:

1. Greeting phrase
2. State your full name
3. Introduce your topic. Remember to use your support material along the
4. Goodbye phrase


1. Memorize what you are going to say, you cannot read during the
2. The duration of the video must be more than 1 minute but not less than
3. Procure to record the video in a place with enough light and without
outside noise.
4. You must use your uniform on the video.
5. The video is in English, not Spanish.
6. Be creative

The aspects to be evaluated are:

1. Pronunciation 4 points
2. Structure 3 points
3. Vocabulary 2 points
4. Fluency 4 points
5. Grammar 3 points
6. Interaction 4 points

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