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 Hydrographic Survey is an instrumental
survey to measure and determine
characteristics of streams and other
bodies of water extent, and depth of
water in lakes or the ocean; the width,
depth, and course of streams; position
and elevation of high water marks;
location and depth of wells, etc.
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Importance of H/S

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Methods of H/S
 Hydrographic surveys use sonar to collect
highly accurate water depth and bottom
contour information. These echo sounding
systems are based on the principle that
when a sound signal is sent into the water
it will be reflected back when it strikes an
 ..\..\Videos\Hydrographic survey.MP4
Methods of Locating
Methods of Locating
Hydrographic Map
A hydrographic survey
map is a type of
topographic map, which is
used to reveal the slopes
and contours of land.
Hydrographic maps are
specially made to survey
underwater land terrain.
Such maps can be used to
help in investigations,
oceanography studies and
naval services.
Determination of volumes of
lakes or reservoir
Contour Method
End Area Method Figure
Contour Method
Figure Prismoidal Method
Related Exercises
The depth of a
reservoir measures 12
meters. At 2 meters
interval, the area of
water surface on its
contour are 4000,
8000, 14300, 18,000
and 20,400 from the
bottom. Determine
the volume of the
reservoir using (a) End
Area Method, (b)
Prismoidal Method?
Parallel Cross-Section
End Area Method Formula
Parallel Cross-Section
Prismoidal Method Formula
Sample Problem
Sample Problem
Related Problems
The Municipal Engineer
conducted a hydrographic
survey in order to determine
the capacity of the lake to
serve the water needs of their
municipality. Parallel ranges
were established along the
reservoir and measurement
was taken at certain
distances. Using End Area
and Prismoidal Method,
determine the capacity of
this reservoir. How long it can
serve a population of 10,000
persons with water
consumption rate of 150lpcd.
Related Problem
Distance from Depth Velocity
left water edge. (m) (m/s)
33 0.00 0.000
45 2.50 0.270
60 3.00 0.320
75 2.00 0.210
85 0 0.00

The following hydrologic survey data was taken

from one of the cross-section of Pasig river, the
main outlet of Laguna lake. Compute the
discharge and the mean velocity of water
passing along the channel. Note: Q = av, (Q) is
the discharge, (a) is the area of the section, and
(v) is the velocity at section.
1. Solve for the area of cross-sections.
2. Solve volume using EAM or Prismoidal.

312.0 m2
26580.0 m3
Areas of Irregular boundaries
Areas of Irregular boundaries

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