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W r i t i n g S k i l l  Reviewing Essay Writing

An essay is a short piece of writing that includes an introduction, a body, and a

conclusion. The introduction presents general information on the topic, and usually
includes a thesis statement. The thesis statement presents the main idea of the entire
essay. The body paragraphs support the thesis with facts, details, explanations, and other
information. Transitions between paragraphs help the reader follow the essay. The
conclusion restates the thesis and leaves the reader with a final thought on the topic.

You usually write an essay in response to an essay prompt. The prompt might be an
instruction (Describe/Explain . . .), or it might be a question (Why . . . ? To what extent . . . ?
How . . .?). When you respond to a prompt, think about your position on the topic
(which will become your thesis statement) and ways to support or explain your
position (which may become the topic sentences of your body paragraphs).

C r itic a l T h in k in g : D Read the following essay prompt. Circle the best thesis statement for it. Why is it the
Ev a l u atin g best? Discuss your answer with a partner.
What are some ways that people can help heal the planet through their food choices?
a. People can make much better food choices.
b. People can help heal the planet by making environmentally friendly food choices.
c. It’s important that we start caring about the future of the planet right now.

C r itic a l T h in k in g : E Think about ways to support or explain the thesis statement. Assume you are going
Ev a l u atin g to write three body paragraphs. Check (P) the three best supporting ideas from the
list below.
Make food choices that .
a. are cheap d. preserve endangered species
b. promote health e. use fewer resources such as water
c. don’t contribute to pollution

A P P LY I N G F Complete topic sentences for three body paragraphs based on the ideas you chose
in exercise E.
One way that our food choices can help heal the planet is

Another way is


Di s cu s s i o n G Discuss the following essay prompt. Think of a good thesis statement and at least
three possible ideas to support it. Share your ideas with a partner.
Describe new policies that would improve the quality of life at your college or school.

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