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-_—_—_ NC Part Programming and Computer Aided Part Programming 293 TABLE 1. 4.1 Some of the Preparatory Punctions Gol G02 G90, G91 G92 G98 G99 Linear interpolation Are clockwise circular interpolation (two-dimensional) Are counterclockwise circular interpolation (two-dimensional) Dwell Inch data input Metric data input Reference point return ‘Thread cutting Tool nose radi ‘Cancel ‘Tool nose radius compensation— left compensation, Tool nose radius compensation— right Metric programming Pattem repeating, Peck drilling in z-axis Grooving in x-axis Thread cutting cycle Absolute input Incremental input Absolute preset Feed per minute Feed mmv/rev 14.1.6 Miscellaneous Function ‘M’ Point-to-point positioning at rapid traverse rate ‘A mode of contouring control which uses the information ined in a block to produce a straight line in which the vectorial velocity is held constant An are generated by the coordinate motion of two axes in Which curvature of the path of the tool w.rt the work piece is clockwise An are generated by the coordinate motion of two axes in, which curvature of the path of the tool watt the work piece is counterclockwise A time delay of programmed or established duration Used by British system Used by Indian system (metric units) Used for a new operation Used for thread cutting (single pass) Used to deactivate the controller for tool nose radius ‘compensation Cutter on left side of work surface looking from cutter in the direction of relative cutter motion with displacement normal to the cutter path to adjust for the difference between actual and programmed cutter radii Cutter on right side of work surface looking from cutter in the direction relative cutter motion with displacement normal to the cutter path to adjust for the difference between actual and programmed cutter radii Mode for programming in metric units Used for example profiles Used for only peck drilling operation Used for only grooving operation Used for multiple thread cutting cycle A control mode in which the data input is in the form of absolute dimensions A control mode in which the data input is in the form of incremental dimensions mavmin mre Miscellaneous NC functions perform a variety of auxiliary commands, such as stopping the _ Program, starting or stopping the spindle or feed, tool changes, coolant flow, etc. which control _ the machine tool. They are generally multicharacter ON/OFF codes which select a function _ controlling the machine tool. iscellaneous functions are used at the beginning or end of a cycle and are identified by the letter address ‘M’ followed by a two-digit number. 294 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing In mos in the specific block in which they are programmed. I they must be programm repeated in succeeding blocks. Both preparatory modal, When modal miscellaneous functions such as functions stich as G81 ( ed, they blocks until they are replaced by ant for cancelled as soon as a new miscel Al non in the block programmed. If they are needed in suc 4 cases, miscellaneous codes such as M00, fed in each block, Most other v classified 3S ii ei ed Cw) and prepaatory nid miscellaneous functions are generahy (°°, pintyy in effect in succeeding {canned drill cycle) are programm Ther function code. The mod! | funetion oF code is changed modal motetion cove #8 Programmed, tate. are valid oF operational only " 06. modal functions such as M00, MOL, ae ae eke, they must De, Programmed py the EIA are listed in Table 142. aneous or preparatory again, Some miscellaneous functions that have been SUPP! TABLE 14.2 Some of the Miscellaneous Functions! FANUC Code Number Operation Definition MOO Program stop “A caiscetlancous fneton command cancels the Spindle and ae funetfons and terminate further program execuin her completion of other commands in the Block Mot Optional stop Ae ceellaneous function command similar {0 a program vrop except thatthe control ignores the command unless the operator has previously validated the command M02 ——_End of program ‘A miscellaneous function indicating completion of work piece stops spindle coolant and feed after completion of all commands in the block M03. Spindle forward (CW) Starts spindle rotation to advance a right-handed screw into the work piece MOs Spindle reverse (CCW) Starts spindle rotation to retract a rightchanded screw from the work piece MoS Spindle stop Stops spindle in normal most efficient manner M06 Tool change Stops spindle and coolant and retracts tool to full react, boson toute ened in last block of information in which a given tool is used M08 Coolant ON Tums coolant ON M09 Coolant OFF ‘Tums coolant OFF M10 Chuck open Mi ck close i (Chuck clo oma to machine slides work piece, fixtures M13 Spindle forward coolant si Mie Spniecene (CEN) andcom ON Sar sl raon sd neh ota ON aig We carseat Stas spindle otaon and tums the coolant oN Mais?“ syisihé creo Call fo spi tool which snot used frequently io ps ac spindle orientation M21 Spindle indexing M22 Spindle indexing| Spindle indexing Spindle indexing] oe 294 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing In most cases, miscellaneous codes such as M00, in the specific block in which they are programmed. If they must be programmed in each block. Most other repeated in succeeding blocks. i i ally cla i Die? Both preparatory and miscellancous functions are generally Cw) and. prepa modal, When ‘modal miscellaneous functions such as M03 (spi ratory is tay in effect in succeed pont functions such as G81 (canned drill cycle) are programmed, they 4 y in fied as either m« ion or code is ch, pe 7 ‘nodal function or ranged | ¥ blocks uni they are replaced by another function code, THE My code is programmed. | vi Pie or cancelled as soon as a new miscellaneous or preparatory valid of operational yh i ‘M02, M06, ete. are only ui gw All non-modal functions such as MOO, MO1, M02, M06 PX must be programmey | 4 asf in the Block programmed. If they are needed in suecessive BIOS TAY Tig natal | ut Swe again. Some miscellaneous functions that have been supplied by 2, Ms ee TABLE 14.2. Some of the Miscellaneous Functions: FANUC Code waves wane Number Operation Definition yg ‘M00 Program stop “A miscellaneous function command cancels the spindle and WS ype coolant functions and terminate further program execution | st Tie after completion of other commands in the block ws MO1 Optional stop ‘A miscellaneous function command similartoa pogan | ys) TE stop except that the control ignores the command unless | (70 the operator has previously validated the command go Mit M02 End of program ‘A miscellaneous function indicating completion of work | gs Subt piece stops spindle coolant and feed after completion of | yg9__ SUI all commands in the block —_* M03 Spindle forward (CW) Starts spindle rotation to advance a righthanded seew | W417 Spin into the work piece M04 Spindle reverse (CCW) Starts spindle rotation to retract a right-handed screw ln some of th : from the work piece ‘muchines hav. MOS Spindle stop ‘Stops spindle in normal most efficient manner ferticular spee M06 Tool change ‘Stops spindle and coolant and retracts tool to full retract Swed drive at position. Should be coded in last block of informatio ia ft which a given tool is used sand M08 Coolant ON Tums coolant ON lag M09 Coolant OFF ‘Tums coolant OFF Too Chuck open ALN MII Chuck elos Tact kcloss Can pertain to machine slides work piece, fixtures. a (AT spindle, etc. MI3__ Spindle forward (CW) and , Cuttin, MI6 Special oot ean Cia sPindle rotation and turns the coolant ON epg eA ae aca alls for a special tool which is not used frequently Pith iene vn Spindle orientation ee M21 Spindle indexing tty, M22 Spindle indexing Spindle indexin d " M23 ; * Rens Spindle indexing ‘au Ona ery wee ru * NC Part Programming and Computer Aided Part Programming 295 TABLE 14.2 Some of the Miscellaneous Functions: FANUC Code (Contd) Sunder _ Operation Definition M25 Quillextend Extends the quill (tailstock) M26 Quill retract Retracts the quill (tailstocks) M29: DNC mode M30 Program reset and rewind Stops the spindle, turns the coolant OFF terminates the CNC program and resets it M38 Door open Opens the door M39_—_—_Door close Closes the door M40 Parts catcher Extend MAL Parts catcher Retract M43 ‘Swarf conveyor Forward M44 Swarf conveyor Reverse M45 Swarf conveyor Stop M48_—_Lock feed Speed at 100% M49 Cancel M48 (default) M52 Threading pull Out angle(90) M53. Cancel M52 MS6 Internal chucking M57 External chucking M68 Turret indexing Only at home position M69 Turret indexing Anywhere M70 Mirror in x ON M80 Mirror in x OFF M98 Subprogram call M99 Subprogramexit 14.1.7 Spindle Speed Function ‘S’ In some of the NC machines, speeds are set manually and so are not programmed. Some machines have stepped drive which can be programmed as Sl, $2, S3,..., and refer to the Particular speeds available on the corresponding steps. Most NC machines have step less variable Speed drive and these are programmed as the symbol ‘S’ followed by the speed required, e.g. $4000 means spindle speed is 4000 rpm. 14.1.8 Tool Change Function ‘T’ All NC machines are generally equipped with turrets or tool magazines with automatic tool changers (ATC) which enable the positioning of the preset tools in a few seconds. Thus, the ratio of the cutting time to total machine time is increased. For programming this event, the instruction in the py block is given by the word ‘T’, followed by the tool number, e.g. T07. In the it would index bringing tool 7 into a ready position. If the ATC is present it would sting e . machine spindle and replace it by tool 7. ER ASS BD PRUU RAIMI ORO aR oe is are really two systems working together. The programming system sor. The APT language is a text-based processing system. Master cam, example of CAD/CAM processing systems, Pro/Engineer is an example ocessing system, The purpose of the programming system (programming The programmer's specified information and convert it into a file called a centre line data fe (CT fle). The CL file contains the cutter centre fine locations of the NC am along with commands indicating when to turn the spindle ON or OFF, turn the coolant ON or OFF, turn on cutter diameter compensation and so on. ‘The second system is called the post-processor. The job of the post-processor is to convert the CL files information into the tape commands that the NC control needs. Most NC shops have avanety of NC controls, While only one processor, for example, master cam, may be in use in a given shop, a separate post-processor is required for each machine control. Regardless of what type of programming system is used (computer aided, CAD/CAM or solid modelling), each system works in the same basic way that is shown in Fig. 14.20. First the NC programmer creates a source file. This file or collection files, contains the part geometry, the tool paths to be developed and any auxiliary statements (turning ON or OFF the spindle, coolant and so on). The NC programming system then processes this information into a CL file, \astly the post-processor converts the CL file into the final tape image file that will be loaded into the NC control processor) is CNC PROGRAM EXAMPLES Prepare CNC programs to machine the part given in Fi s. 14.21 to 14.25 using lathe. — OD 65 Fig. 14.21 314. Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. }+-——— 40 49 -————_ 33 -/-—————__ 8 Fig. 14.23 8 M12 x2P [fore 515 Fig. 14.24 Fig, 14.25 Setsion, NE Rien Compr Nt ropsig _ TGs @ The CNC Program ig eruner gre 3 follows: G21 coe 628 UO wo Mos T2 M03 51200 G00 x22 21 G01 x21 G01 2-25 Fas G00 x22 Goo z1 Go1 x20 Go1 2-25 Goo x22 Goo zi Go1 x19 G01 2-25 Goo x22 Goo z1 Gol x18 G01 Z-25 Goo x22 Goo z1 Goi x17 Go1 z-25 Goo x22 Gooza, Goi x16 G00 x22 Goo z1 Go1 x15 Go1 z~25 G00 x22 Goo z1 G28 vo Wo ‘Mos M30 The CNC program is as follows: Note that the rod with dia (BILLET x45 z85 NOl0 G21 G98 No20 G28 vo wo N030 Moe To2 N040 Mo3 $1200 NOSO Goo x45 21 NO60 G71 U1 RL No70 G71 Pao Q170 vO.1W0.1 F50 Nogo Go xe No90 Go1 zo meter 45 mm is used for machining. ~919 ‘Solution: (@ The CNC program is as follows: (BILLET x22 265 i) 21 G28 Mos Mo3 Goo cor gor Goo G00 cor co coo Goo Go1 Gor Goo Goo co cor Goo Goo Go1 cor oo a98 vo wo 12 51200 X22 2: x21 2-25 x22 zi x20 2-25 x22 ZL x19 2-25 x22 Zz. xis 2-25 x22 Zz. x17 2-25 x22 cooz1 cor Goo Goo co1 cor Goo Goo G2 Mos, M30 x16 x22 za xis 2-25 x22 Za vo wo NC Pare Programming and Computer Al 2 Fas ‘The CNC program is as follows: Note that the rod with diameter 45 mm is used for machining. (BILLET x45 285 Nolo No20 W030 No40 Gal G28 Mos Mo3 Noso Goo No6o G71 NO70 G71 Nogo Gor No90 Go1 G98 vo wo 702 g1200 x45 Z2. ul RI go Q170 U0.1W0.1 F50 x8 z0 uuter Aided Design and Manufacturing N100 Goa x12 2-2 N110 Go1 x12 2-14 120 Go1 x20 N130 Goa 2-32 N140 Go1 x24 2-52 NISO G03 X30 2-67 R12.5 N160 GO2 X36 Z-82 R12.5 N170 Go1 x45 N180 G70 P80 Q170 N190 G28 UO WoO N200 MOS, N210 M30 Gi) The CNC program is as follows: (BILLET x38 280 Nolo G22 NO20 G28 UO WO NO30 G50 $2000 No40 MO6 T2 NOSO G99 NO60 G96 S200 NO70 G00 x38 ZO NOB0 GO1 X-2 F.05 NO90 GOO x35 22 N100 G 71 U1 RI N110 G71 P120 Q210 00.1 WO.1 EO7 N120 GO1 x14 130 Go1 zo N140 GO1 X20 Z-1 FO.05 N150 GO1 2-22 N160 G01 X19 Z-25 N170 G02 X25 Z-40 R30 180 G01 Z-49 N190 GO1 X33 2-53 N200 GO1 2-62 N210 GOO GOO X38 Z2 N220 G42 230 G70 P120 Q210 N240 G40 N2S0 G 28 UO WO N260 Mos N270 M30 it a shining. (iv) The CNC program is as follows: Note that the rod diameter 22 mm is used for mae! (BILLET x22 265 NO10 G21 G98 NO20 G28 UO WO NO30 Moe ToO2 NO40 Mo3 $1200 NOSO Goo x23 22 NO60 G 71 U0.5 RI w) j080 G02 * 090 Go2 N100 Go1 N110 G02 N20 G02 N130 G70 Ni4o G28 Nis0 Mos N160 M03 N170 Goo N10 G75, N10 G28 N200 MOG N210 M03 N220 GOO N230 G76 N240 G76 N250 G28 N260 MOS N270 30 ‘The CNC program is as follows: [BILLET x20 265 Nolo G21 NO20 G28 NO30 Mos No4o Mo3 No50 Goo No60 G94 No70z-2 Nogoz-3 Nog0z~4 w100z-5 1102-6 1202-7 1302-8 1402-9 1502-10 N160z-11 170z-12 wigoz-13 wig0z-14 2002-15 210 G00 N220 G94 230 x20 N240 x19 N250 x18 1N260 X17 N270 x16 NC Pare Programming and Ce “Omputer Aided Pars Programmi ing. 317. x10 zo x12 2-1 2-30 X22 2-35 RS Pao Qi20 vo wo Tos 3800 X13 2-23 XB Z-25 PS00 Q500 F50 vo Wo T04 8500 x13 23 P031560 Q100 RO.15, X9.850 2-21 Q150 F1.75 UO Wo 98 Gao uo wo T02 51500 x21 21 x10 2-1 F50 x20 2-15 20 Z-15 R-15 F50 318 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing N280 XIS N290 x14 N300 X13 N310 x12 320 X11 N330 X10 N340 G28 UO WO N350 M06 TOS N360 M03 S800 N370 GOO X10 2-10 N380 G90 X9.5 2-13 F30 N390 x9 400 X8.5 N410 xB N415 Goo x21 21 420 GOO x21 2-50 N430 M98 PO204040 N440 G00 X20 N450 G28 U0 WO N460 MOS N470 M30 [PARTING OFF [CALLING SUB PROGRAM 4040 4040 GOI U-0.8 F30 Wei U-0.5 F30 WL M99 MILLING EXAMPLES Programming using Linear and Circular Interpolation EXAMPLE 14.1 Write a manual part program for contouring operation for the compost shown in Fig. 14.26. A(X = 22.5 Y-37.5) B(X-37.5 Y-22.5) C(X-375 Y-22.5) D(X-225 Y-375) E(X-22.5 Y-37.5) F(X-37.5 Y-22.5) G(K-375 ¥-22.5) W(X-22.5 Y-37.5) MX-15 YO) J(X1S-— YO) F426 7 INEAR INTERPOLATION (om) CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION CLocKWrsg co CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION ANT? -cLockyraR 100 ¥100 210 Te define wae OSH Stns tea sang the program zero posieien cowiired billet. fon to the mi This is usea ¢, soo.wEF TI D6 Defining tool, an 694 cnieara® 8PRCkEseD that program Le done in atric G94 gives the unit of pn 628 20 628-Go to home incremental node. xe x0 YO Go to hone position along x and Y axes. wos 72 Tool change to Tool No.1. wt3 $2000 Mo3 makes the spindle rotate in clockwise direction. $2000 setting the spindle speed at 2000 xpa. G00 x0 ¥-37.5 25 690 absolute node. G00 gives rapid position of the tool to a point XO ¥-37.5 25 which is just above the billet. This point is called tool entzy point. 2-1 ¥50 Giving the depth of cut along Z axis at a feed of 50 mm/min. offset trom dale of the ‘or simulation, feed in mm/min. Position along Z-axis in X-22.5 Y-37.5 X-37 ¥-22.5 RIS CCW interpolation. x-37.5 X-37.5 v2.5 X-22.5 Y37.5 RIS 322.5 ¥37.5 f 107.5 22.5 R15 cH interpolation. 307.5 y-22.5 322.5 Y-37.5 RIS x0 ¥-37.5 2s “15 Yo 2-1 F50 205 Yo Ris X18 yo Ris 3% ition. to home po! S28 20 Makes the tool to 9° x0 yo spindle rotation. stops the. rewind. Program stop and Goo Gol G02 G03 rapid positioning linear interpolation circular interpolation CW circular interpolation CCW Dwell G04 dwell Table 13.3 G codes Code G00 Gor Gos G06 Function Point-to-point positioning, rapid traverse Linear interpolation Circular interpolation, clockwise Circular interpolation, counter-clockwise Dwell Hold/delay Parabolic interpolation (Cont...) — Code G07 G08 G09 G10 Gu Gi2 G13-G16 Gi7 GIs G9 G20 G21 622-629 G30 G31 G32 G33 G34 G35 G36-G39 G40 Gal G42 G43 G44 G45-G52 G53 654.659 G60 G61 G62 G63 G64 G65-G69 G70 on Ler Table 13.3 G codes (Cont...) Function Unassigned Acceleration of feed rate Deceleration of feed rate Linear interpolation for Jong dimensions (10 inches—100 inches) Linear interpolation for short dimensions (up to 10 inches) Unassigned Axis designation XY plane designation ZX plane designation YZ plane designation Circular interpolation CW for long dimensions Circular interpolation CW for short dimensions Unassigned Circular interpolation CCW for long dimensions Circular interpolation CCW for short dimensions Unassigned Thread cutting, constant lead Thread cutting, linearly increasing lead Thread cutting, linearly decreasing lead Unassigned Cutter compensation, cancels to zero Cutter radius compensation, offset left Cutter radius compensation, offset right Cutter radius compensation, positive Cutter radius compensation, negative Unassigned Deletion of zero offset Datum point/zero shift Target value, positioning tolerance | Target value, positioning tolerance 2 or loop cycle Rapid traverse positioning Tapping cycle Change feed rate or speed Unassigned Dimensioning in inch units Dimensioning in metric units Unassigned

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