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Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

- Before you can Successfully integrate ICTs in your language instruction, there is need to have a good
grasp of what information and Communication Technology (ICT) is all about Specifically, there is a need
also to determine the ICTs that are available for language education.

1. Mousund (2005)

- ICT includes all the full range of computer hardware, computer software, and telecommunication
facilities. thus it includes computer devices ranging from handheld calculators to multimillion worth
super computers

2. Tinio (2009)

- ICT is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create,
disseminate,store, and manage information.

3. UNESCO (2020)

- It (ICT) is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share or
exchange information.

4. Ratheeswari (2018)

information communication technologies (ICT) influence every aspect of human life. they play salient
roles in workplaces, in business, Education, and entertainment.

Using ICT integration frameworks in Language Education Learning Plans

- there are a lot of concepts provide by experts relevant to integrating technology in instruction apart
from the above citations.

A. Conversational Framework of Laurillard (2002)

- The teaching - Learning process poses very complex tasks to allow learners to understand their lessons
and master the skills they are expected to demonstrate.

Accommodation for Differentiated instruction

Students with special Learning Needs:

- Provide notes from class discussions for review or remediation.

- Offer supplementary examples/ explanations and other reading materials or sources.

- Offer short after- class instruction for specific concepts or lessons that the students do not fully
- Prepare alternative activities that are developmentally appropriate for students.

Students with visual Impairment:

- Prepare speakers whenever videos are to be played. Make sure the contents of videos are
understandable even with audio ONLY.

- Convert the given videos to an audio format.

- Prepare braille plates for every handout/ printed ( as preffered by the students).

- Prepare soft copies for quizzes and handouts ( as preffered by the students).

- Search for a SPED instructor or someone who has knowledge in braille to assist you in reading braille

Students with Hearing Impairments:

- Add subtitles to the videos used in class.

- Prepare printed transcriptions for audio - related media

- learning basic sign language.

- Search for a SPED instructor or someone who knows sign language to assist you in communicating
with the students.

Students who are Gifted

- Provide additional materials or resources ( Printed and online for further reading).

- Prepare an alternative or additional activity that is developmentally appropriate for the gifted student.

- Accommodate question to the best of your ability.

- Refer the student to a knowledgeable person or a reliable book/ website for questions you cannot

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