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Through the charts, we observe information on generation of electricity measured in terms of billion

kilowatt-hours using renewable and non-renewable sources of energy in the years of 2009 and 2019
respectively in the United States. Non-renewable sources of energy are the most widely used resources
of energy both in 2009 and 2019. With renewables being one of the major gainers from 2009 to 2019,
we pay a closer insight into the data.

Among the different modes of electricity generation in the United States, coal was the most popular
choice in 2009 contributing to generation of 1756 billion kilowatt-hours. By the year 2019, we see a shift
in the preference with Natural Gas taking the first position ahead of Coal. Overall, between 2009 and
2019 we observe that Renewables and Natural Gas were the major gainers, with Nuclear energy being
mostly similar between the years. Petroleum and Coal were the quantities which saw a decline in
preference between 2009 and 2019.

Taking into consideration the source of Renewables, which saw a significant rise of almost 50% in the
year 2019, from its value in 2009. Hydroelectric energy was the most popular choice in 2009, but by
2019, Wind energy overtook Hydroelectric as the most popular choice. Overall, we observe an increase
in generation of electricity from Solar and Wind energies between 2009 and 2019. Electricity generated
from Geothermal, Plant/Animal matter and Hydroelectric remained consistent.

Thus, we pay a closer look into the generation of electricity in US via Renewable and Non-Renewable
sources of energy in 2009 and 2019, measured in terms of billion kilowatt-hours.

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