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Saint Von Colucci’s Manager to Press Criminal

Charges Against Raphael Rashid for Fake News and

Canadian-Portuguese Global star Saint Von Colucci, whose real name Erich Saint
Colucci Lima, has been admitted to a hospital after a failed suicide attempt caused by his
deteriorating mental health due to fake news, conspiracy theories, cyberbullying, and on-
line harassment in the last few months.

News about Colucci’s alleged death broke out and went viral in the entire world early last
year after hackers gained access to Colucci’s reps’s email servers and impersonated them
for journalists.

According to his new managers, the artist was already having a hard time with his mental
health while working in South Korea for the last three years.

The artist moved to South Korea and worked there for three years at a music company.
He has recently terminated his work contract with the company, citing extreme bullying
from his coworkers and discrimination.

According to his managers, the death rumors and conspiracy theories online surrounding
his existence were the tipping point for him.

“Freelancer journalists from India and Bangladesh, with the support of media outlets Va-
riety, AI Jazeera, IHeart Radio Canada, and The Indian Express, nearly killed him with
their falsehoods and lies about his existence. He was very close to ending his own life be-
cause of their crazy conspiracy theories, nearly turning the so-called “journalists” into
murderers. Legislation against fake news and the promotion of conspiracy theories in the
media shall be imposed around the world as soon as possible, before it’s too late. The fact
that they knew the conspiracy theories were nonsense and still refused to take down the
articles or correct them is just vile. There are evil people in the journalism industry too.
He does not want to live anymore. He takes two steps and starts crying. He is in a vegeta-
tive stage. The fact they became obsessed with Colucci’s modeling pictures on Instagram
and were quick to decide they were artificially generated due to his lack of presence on-
line was astonishing. They became obsessed with him, in a very sick way” say his man-

40-year-old South-Korea-based freelancer British Journalist and aspiring influencer

Raphael Rashid, who has been accused of multiple criminal felonies by online social me-
dia users in the past, dug the web to find unflattering modeling pictures of an insecure
and shy 16-year-old Colucci from a photoshoot done for the online magazine Vanity
Teen to share and humiliate him online while falsely accusing him of orchestrating the
whole publicity stunt and nearly cyberbullying him to death. The defamatory and petty
Twitter thread was shared by many members of the media, including staff from The
Rolling Stones India and others. The same journalist harassed the artist and his dying
grandmother with cancer for months afterwards.
“Raphael Rashid is a known attention seeking middle-aged unemployed journalist, which
does not have wife or children, and seeks to attract attention to himself at all costs by
putting South Korea on a bad light to the Western media. How will we sue someone, who
does not even make enough to pay for his own bills to the point of having to beg people
online to donate money to his Patreon account? That is a 40-years old man that we are
talking about, 40-year-old.”, says Alex Lee.

Besides Rashid, Canadian journalist John R Kennedy from Iheart Radio Canada and
Hyusui Kim from Reuters were also amongst those cyberbullying and falsely accusing
the star of wrongdoings online.

His manager, Alex Lee, blames the online trolls and those malicious members of the me-
dia for causing him trauma.

Lee accuses three specific freelancer journalists from Bangladesh, Canada, and India of
engaging in cybercriminal activities, such as doxxing, cyberbullying, defamation, and tar-
get harassment, and says those journalists were acting out of malice and personal grudges
against the artist.

“When you think of online trolls and cyberbullies, you usually think of teenagers or mid-
dle-school children with lots of time on their hands and social media accounts. Never in a
million years would you think of grown-ups, 30, 40-year-old self-titled "journalists," dig-
ging the web to find modeling pictures of a 16-year-old Colucci, photoshopping them to
make them as unflattering as possible, and posting them on their social media accounts
just to defame, humiliate, and bully him while falsely accusing him of things and using
slurs to dehumanize him. That’s just evil. Only low-life adults would do such a thing.
That’s some Perez Hilton journalism-style”, says Alex Lee.

His manager states that he is the most insecure and sensitive boy in the world, and the on-
line trolls and conspiracy theories just made things worse for him.

“He thinks of himself as the ugliest guy out there and has never been in a relationship be-
cause of it. His insecurities were at an all-time high while living in South Korea due to
their strict beauty standards; therefore, he found peace in using a little bit of Photoshop in
his pictures to make them more attractive and artsy, but when the journalists started say-
ing all his pictures were generated by artificial intelligence, that drove his insecurities up
through the roof. He will look at his past pictures and not recognize himself anymore.
Thanks to them, he is suffering from detachment now”, says Lee.

The artist has been in the darkest place of his life in the past few months, according to his
managers, but things took a darker turn when he tried and failed to take his own life on
Christmas Eve.
The family had found a note he had written and left in his bed saying that the news arti-
cles saying he does not exist and he is an artificial intelligence-generated character were
too much for him.

Calls and requests from Colucci’s PR agency, The Hype Company, for takedowns or cor-
rections to the defamatory and fake news articles about the artist from media outlets Vari-
ety, The Indian Express, AI Jazeera, TMZ, and to London-Based freelancer Journalist
Hannah Abraham were maliciously ignored and unanswered.

Colucci’s family vows to file lawsuits against those online trolls and malicious journalists
who started and spread the malicious conspiracy theories and accusations against him.

“The only reason we haven’t filed the lawsuits yet is due to his mental health. But we will
be filing lawsuits against those individuals and media outlet houses, and “public interest”
and “freedom of press and speech" will not protect those cyber criminals from liability
for nearly destroying and ending an innocent young man’s life. It might take a few more
months or three years, but we will be moving forward with lawsuits, and we will see
them at the court in the UK. He was a victim of malicious journalism”, say Colucci’s

Colucci is currently undergoing mental treatment at a hospital facility.

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