Index - Baldwin - The Story of The Mind

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A. Chumming,” 93.
Iold sensations, 124.
.4bnormal psychology, 4. :olour blindness, 63.
Aboulia, 119. ]olour sensations, 62, 64.
Action, 16, 22. See Conduct. ,omparative psychology, 2, 24.
Esthetic feeling, 46, 133. :oncept, the, 42.
Algebra, study of, 187. 188. :,,nduct, 9, 16. See Action.
Amnesia, 118. :ontrariness in children, 86, 1.57.
An.resthesia, 158. :ontrary suggestion, 157.
Animal psychology, 2, 24, 55. ‘mtrast, law of visual, 136.
Animals, instinct of, 25: mtelli- control sug,gestmn, 156.
gence of, 36; mind in, I , 24; ,orpora stmta, IO,.
play of, 43. ‘ortex of brain, 105, 108.
Ants, instinct of, 26. jriminals, 205.
Aphasia, 114, 132, 190; auditory, :ures, mental, I?O.
116, 13-z; m o t o r , 114, 132; sent
say, 1151 visual, 116, 132.
Apperceptmn, 12, 15. ‘7, 42, vi? D.
Lx-win, Charles, 229.
Assimilation, 14~ 41, 133. Degeneracy, 104, 1~2,226.
Association of Ideas, II , 13. 15
&xtrality, 53, 69.
18, 39. 4% 76. Diseases of mind! 4, 101, 114.
Attention, 74 IX, 182, 191. Distance, perceptIon of, 64, 66.
Auto-suggestmn, 151, 163.
Dog, instinct o!, 26, 39.
B. Doubting insanity, 119.
Dual personality, 118.
Bashfulness, 87 note.
Bees, instinct of, 26.
Birds, instinct of, 26. E.
Body, relation of mind to, IOT. Eccentricity, 176.
Brain, IOZ. Educational psychology, 5, 166.
C. Eject+ self, 90.
Cat, instinct of, 25. Electric stimulus, 103.
Catalepsy, 158. Emotional expressions, 22.
Cerebellum, 107. Environment, 24.
C h a n c e , vii.. Equivalents, kinasthetic, 20, 28,
C h i l d , d e v e l o p m e n t o f the, ZI 38, 112.
37, 50, 76, 167. Ethical sense, the, 90.
Child psychology, 2, 2.5, 37. 51. Evolution, theory of, vi, 24, 31,
Children, play games of, 95. 33. 54,,zoz, 229.
Christian Science, IZO. Exaltatmn, sense, 153.

Exaltation of the faculties in J.

hypnosis, 160. Judgment, 133, ,008, zzo.
Exatement, 21.
Experimental psychology, 4. 101, K.
Experimenting with children, 6, I<irg$&ic equivalents, 20, 28,
57, 61.
Expressions of emotions, az. Kindergarten, value of, 175.
Extirpation method, IDZ. Knowledge, g, 13. 22.
F. L.
Feeling, 10, 21. Laboratories, psychological, 132.
Fluid attention, 182. Languagq, study of, 185, 197.
L a p s e d mtelligence t h e o r y o f
G. instinct, 31.
Left-handedness, 53, 69.
Galvanometer experiment, 103. Levels, of brain functinns, f05.
Games, of animals, 43; a chil- Lif;,lysory and motor permds
dren, 95; value of, 50. , f
Generalization, 41. 181. Localization of brain functions,
Genetic psychology, 2.
Genius, 300, 2x1.
Geometry, study of, 187, 188.
Grammar, study of, 187, 158, ‘97. “ Make,believe,” in animals
Guessing, 189, 198. and children, 45.
Mathematics, study of, 187, ~7.
H. Medulla, 105.
Memory, II , 12, 18, a, 76, 138,
Habit, 77, 80, 168, qrz. 159; defects of, 118.
Hallucination, 12. Mental pathology, 4, IOI.
Hearing, IO. Mind cure, IZO.
Heat and cold sensations, IO, Mind, of animals, I, 24; relation
of body to, IOI.
Heredity, 32, 5% 75, 95, 163, 177, Monkeys, instinct of, 26, 39.
Motives, 18.
Heredity, social, zoo. Motor centres of brain, III.
Hypnotic cures, 164. Motor period, 167.
Hypnotism, 17, IX, 145, ~$3. Motor suggestion, 17,67, 80.
Muscle sensations, IO.
.1. Musical expression, 76.
Idiocy, 205. N.
Illusion, 12; optical. 132.
Imagination, 12, 17, 22, zr4. Natural selection, 202.
Imitation, 28, 38,, 47, 53. 7% 80,
88, 91, ZII; pawstent, 30. 0.
Individual psychology, 5.
Inhibitory suggestion, 155, 170. Optic thalami, 107.
Insanity., 205. Optical illusion, 132.
Inspiration, 227. Organic selection, principle of,
I n s t i n c t , 17. 25; l a p s e d intelli- 34. $0.
theory, reflex Organic sensations, 10.
t”h”,“,“,“,, 30 34’ the;:; o f , ~6.
Intelligence: 36,’ 214; animal, 36. P.
Intoxication, 102, 104. Pain. 21, 156.
Introspection, 3. 8. Pain-movement-pleasure, 83.
Invention, ZII. Pathology, mental, 4, IOI.

Pedagogical psychology, 5. ! knsation. IO, 21, 2% 1 0 7 , 109,

Perception, 12, 17, 22. 146, 17% ’
Personality, dual, x18. cknses, the, 10, IOI, 107, 109.
Personality suggestion, 80. ::knse exaltation, 153.
Phrenology, unreliableness of,! iensory period, 167.
ckntiment, 23.
Pl$iological psychology, 4, IO,, :jexes. difference in mental dis-
122. position, 176.
Play of animals, 43; of children, ‘,-
qight, IO; experiments on, 132
Pl%sure, 21 156. ‘5xial h e r e d i t y , xx; social psy
Post-hypnotk suggestion, 160. chology, 6, zoo.
Projection fibres, 109. jocial sense? the, 90.
Psychology, I , 55; ,abnormal, 4; jomnambuhsm, 153, 159.
animal, 2, 24; child, 2, 25, 37, <jpeech, 75, 79; defects of, 114.
51; c o m p a r a t i v e , 2, 24; e d u - jpeecb zone, 56, xog, IIZ.
cational, 5, 166; experimenta!, jpinal cord, ICC,.
4, 101, IZZ; g e n e t i c , 2; indl- ipiritual hea l&g, 120.
vidual, 5 ; introspecive, 3 , 8 ; jtatistical nnethod o f investiga-
pedagogical, 5; physiological, tion, 143.
4, IOI, ra,; race, 6; social, 6, Stimulation, artificial, 103.
200; variational, 5. jubconscious suggestion, 149.
Punishment, effect of, 172. Suggestion, 17, 21, 67, 80, IZO,
145, 148, 169, 172.
R. Suggestion, motor, 80.
Race psychology, 6. T.
Rapport, 161.
Reaction-time experiments, 126. Taste, IO.
Reason in animals, 31. Temperature sense, IO, 124.
Reasoning, II , 13, 17. rhougllt, g, II, 12, PI, 22.
Recept, the, 41. l‘hought-transference, IZO.
Reception, IO. Touch, IO.
Re-evolution, rzz. Toxic method,, 104.
Reflex actions, 57, 105, 53. rune suggestions, 149.
Reflex theory of instinct, 30, 34,
Right-handedness, 53, 69. V.
Rolandic region, IIZ.
Variation, 202; theory of, 30, 21%
S. Variational psychologY, 5.
Vision, 133.
Schools, public, advantages of Visual type of mind, 12% 193.
95; dangers of, 61.
S e l e c t i o n , n a t u r a l , 31, 202; Or w.
ganic, 34, 50.
Self-consciousness, 43, 54, 80, 86 Will, 19, 78; defects of, 119.
Self-suggestion, 151. Writing, 14, 79.


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