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(Case scenarios)
10/10 ‫إجمالي النقاط‬

Please answer the following questions

1/1* A 7 year old girl has developed

an intensely itchy rash on her
trunk. New spots keep
appearing, evolving from a
macule to papules, which then
develop a central vesicle
containing fluid. A rash
noticed all over the body.
Vaccination history up to date.
Based on this history and exam,
what is the most likely

Roseola infantum .1

Measles .2
Hand foot mouth disease .3

Rubella .4

Chicken pox .5

Erythema infectiosum .6

Infectious mononucleosis .7

Mumps .8

Kawasaki disease .9

Scarlet fever .10

Meningococcal septicemia .11

1/1* year old boy presented with 7

sudden onset of sore throat
since 24 hrs and fever of 39 C,
abdominal pain, and one
episode of vomiting. No
conjunctivitis, no rhinitis, no
cough. Attends primary school
and no recent travel. He is
vaccinated. A rash noticed all
over the body looks like sunburn
and feels like sandpaper. After
one week the child came to the
clinic with exfoliating skin in his
hands. what is the most
?probable diagnosis
Roseola infantum .1

Measles .2

Hand foot mouth disease .3

Rubella .4

Chicken pox .5

Erythema infectiosum .6

Infectious mononucleosis .7

Mumps .8

Kawasaki disease .9

Scarlet fever .10

Meningococcal septicemia .11

1/1* Ashna is a 4-year-old
femaleHPI: Previously healthy
girl presents with a 1 week
history of cough, runny nose,
fever, sore throat and red eyes.
She went to her pediatrician 2
days ago and was prescribed
Augmentin (amoxicillin and
clavulanate) for presumed
pharyngitis. Yesterday, Ashna
developed a red rash which
started on her face and has
spread to her trunk. Her mother
would like to know if the rash is
from her new medication.PMH:
Ashna has never received
vaccinations due to her mother’s
fear of autism.Meds: The
augmentin was started 24 hours
before the onset of her
rash.FHx: You also discover that
a close family member recently
developed a similar
rash.Physical Exam: Ashna is
an ill-appearing child who
presents with a morbilliform rash
with erythematous macules and
papules. Lesions have
coalesced on the face and
neck.Rash has spread to her
trunk and extremities (not
shown)Inspection of Ashna’s
mouth reveals, bluish-white dots
on the mucosal surface. Based
on the history and exam, what is
?the most likely diagnosis
Roseola infantum .1

Measles .2

Hand foot mouth disease .3

Rubella .4

Chicken pox .5

Erythema infectiosum .6

Infectious mononucleosis .7

Mumps .8

Kawasaki disease .9

Scarlet fever .10

Meningococcal septicemia .11

1/1* Ari, 9-month-old maleHPI: Ari
presents for evaluation of fever
and rash. His mother noted a
fever of 40˚C two days ago. He
appeared well and was eating
and playing normally, so his
mother was not alarmed. After
the fever resolved, Ari
developed a red rash on his
trunk that progressed rapidly
over the past 24 hours.PMH: Ari
is up-to-date with vaccinations.
Based on Ari’s history and
exam, what is the most likely

Roseola infantum .1

Measles .2

Hand foot mouth disease .3

Rubella .4
Chicken pox .5

Erythema infectiosum .6

Infectious mononucleosis .7

Mumps .8

Kawasaki disease .9

Scarlet fever .10

Meningococcal septicemia .11

3/3* A 7 month old boy presented

with a 12 hour history of lethargy
and spreading purpuric rash. In
the hospital, he required
immediate resuscitation and
transfer to pediatric intensive
care for multi-organ failure unit.
The gross edema is from the
leak of capillary fluid into the
tissues. He required colloid,
inotropic support and peritoneal
dialysis for renal failure
Roseola infantum .1

Measles .2

Hand foot mouth disease .3

Rubella .4

Chicken pox .5

Erythema infectiosum .6

Infectious mononucleosis .7

Mumps .8

Kawasaki disease .9

Scarlet fever .10

Meningococcal septicemia .11

1/1* Samir, 6-year-old maleHPI:
Mother is concerned because he
developed low-grade fevers,
painful ulcers in the mouth, and
rashes on his hands and
feet.Meds: No medications,
multi-vitamin daily.PMH: Samir
is up-to-date with his
vaccinations.SH: He attends
primary schoolFHx: No family
members with a rash. what is
?the most probable diagnosis

Roseola infantum .1

Measles .2

Hand foot mouth disease .3

Rubella .4

Chicken pox .5

Erythema infectiosum .6

Infectious mononucleosis .7

Mumps .8

Kawasaki disease .9

Scarlet fever .10

Meningococcal septicemia .11

1/1* Ahmed an 8-year-old male. HPI:
Ahmed was brought to the
pediatrician by his mother
because he developed low
grade fevers several days ago,
and now has red cheeks and a
new rash on his body. Meds:
No medications PMH:
Ahmed is a healthy child, up to
date with his vaccinations. what
?is the most probable diagnosis

Roseola infantum .1

Measles .2

Hand foot mouth disease .3

Rubella .4

Chicken pox .5

Erythema infectiosum .6

Infectious mononucleosis .7

Mumps .8

Kawasaki disease .9

Scarlet fever .10

Meningococcal septicemia .11

1/1* Ameena is a 3-year-old
femaleHPI: Previously healthy
girl her mother noticed a rash
covering her face yesterday
when she waked up in the
morning today she noticed that
the rash start to appear in her
trunk and start to fade in the
face. Her mother would like to
know what is the cause of her
rash and whether it is
contagious as she is pregnant in
her 2nd trimesterPMH: Ameena
has never received vaccinations
due to her mother’s fear
regarding autism.FHx: no history
of similar rash in family Physical
Exam: Ameena who presents
with a morbilliform rash with
erythematous macules and
papules. Lesions less in the face
and neck. Rash has spread to
her trunk and extremities. During
the general examination, you
noticed a large lymph node in
the right postauricular region
Based on the history and
exam, what is the most likely
Roseola infantum .1

Measles .2

Hand foot mouth disease .3

Rubella .4

Chicken pox .5

Erythema infectiosum .6

Infectious mononucleosis .7

Mumps .8

Kawasaki disease .9

Scarlet fever .10

Meningococcal septicemia .11

.Hawler Medical University ‫تم إنشاء هذا النموذج داخل‬


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