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1. How many countries are there in the world?

2. There are basically three factors which
determinate whether a country is rich or poor.
What are they? Institutions, culture and
3. With taxes, countries can invest in four very
important services, what are they? Policy
education, transport and health.
4. Is corruption higher in developed or
underdeveloped countries? Undeveloped.
5. Is religion important for rich countries or not?
Any exceptions? Yes, United States.
6. The relationship between religion and
materialism, in what country does it happen?
In the poorest countries.
7. In the tropical countries there are some
problems that affect people. Tell me how many
problems you remember. Agriculture, climate
and flies.
8. Is transport better in rich or poor countries? In
rich countries.
9. Which country is one of the most mineral rich
in Africa, which produces coltan? Coltan,
Dominican republic.
10. Does this mineral help or corrupt its
economic growth? Oil and precious mineral.
11. Which are the other factors that help a
country to be rich? Do you agree? Modesty
and Simpathy. I am not sure, because Israel
is richer than Spain, and the country isn’t
modest or simpatic, it is in a war after a long
period of invading Palestina.

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