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Chapter 1 to 4 (part 2)
Now that you read the first four chapters, you should in good shape to fill in this plot summary.

PLOT: Fill in the blanks to complete a plot summary.

Poor Harry Potter. He has to spend his ____________ with the Dursleys, the only
____________ he has, and the Dursleys don’t like him at all. Harry’s problems start when his
best friend, Ron Weasley, ____________ him. Harry’s uncle Vernon answers and he is not
amused to find himself talking to a ____________ .

On the occasion of Harry’s thirteenth birthday, he receives three parcels, each of which is
delivered by an ____________ . He receives cards and gifts from his best friends at Hogwarts
School, ____________, ____________, and ____________.

Not a bad birthday, Harry thinks, especially as his aunt, uncle and cousin never do anything nice
for him. Unfortunately for Harry someone who hates him, ____________, is coming for a visit.
She is ____________’s sister, and she knows nothing of Harry’s real situation, as Vernon and
Petunia are ashamed of Harry being a ____________. Harry manages to tolerate Aunt Marge’s
insults until she compares his mother to a ____________. At that point Marge’s wine glass
____________ in her hand, and Vernon and Petunia know that ____________ is responsible.
Harry tries to be calm, but when Marge insults Harry’s ____________, she begins to swell
enormously and to float away, an episode no doubt caused by ____________’s anger. Harry is
out of control now, and he runs upstairs and packs his trunk and points his ____________ at
uncle Vernon as Harry escapes the house.

Harry now thinks that he is alone, but he is wrong. As he walks the dark streets of his
neighbourhood, he senses and sees something large watching him. At the same moment he is
nearly run over by the ____________, a special transport service for wizards. Harry lies and
calls himself ____________, a friend from School. He takes a wild ride around Britain and while
on it, Harry reads about ____________’s escape from ____________ Prison. He is a criminal
wizard who once killed ____________ people with a single curse.

Finally the bus lets Harry off in front of ____________, where Harry is met by ____________
the Minister for ____________. The Minister assures ____________ that he will not be in
trouble for having used ____________ outside of school, which Harry finds very strange. Fudge
then shows Harry to his room, where Harry falls right to sleep without even taking off his

Harry loves his newfound ____________ during his two weeks in Diagon Alley. He dreams
every day of the ____________, the fastest racing broom in the world. However the price of
the super broom is listed as “____________”, so Harry knows that he won’t be able to afford
one. Finally Harry runs into Ron and Hermione. Ron has a new ____________ made of
____________, and Ron mocks Hermione for taking a Muggle Studies class because she is

Harry meets the entire ____________ family and learns that Mr. Weasley is involved in the
hunt for ____________ and that Percy has been named ____________ of Hogwarts. At the
end of chapter four, Harry listens in on Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s conversation and learns that
Sirius Black probably has plans to penetrate ____________ and kill Harry. And you thought life
at Durocher was stressful!

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